Chapter 14

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Arman came to dining room for having breakfast.Its 8 on the clock ,the time,Saurabh used to have breakfast. Maid served him coffee and Sandwiches as he ordered.Its half past eight and there is no sign of either Saurabh or Surbhi.

"When your master will come downstairs for breakfast?"he asked to maid standing besides him.

"Sir prefer to have breakfast in his room"she replied politely.

"In his room?"Arman mumbled.Confusion is written on his face.His brother prefer to eat on dining table .He leave the thought,ate his breakfast and went to check on his brother.The scene he witness there is hard to believe. His brother is combing her hairs so lovingly.He doesn't have doubt on love but this is new.

His eyes roam in the room. There is small desk on bed ,food were placed on it.They approached it and sat across to each other.Saurabh is enjoying the breakfast other party isn't

"You have to finish this today."Authority is present in his voice and Surbhi scowled her face.She ate like an obedient child.Saurabh is checking something on his phone and Surbhi is trying to put her salad in his plate.

"Don't cheat"he hold her hand."You are doing this more often."

"Husband?"she pouted and anyone can melt at that look.

"You are fooling me with that look but that's enough sweetheart.Finish your meal."he said and she start eating quietly.

She finished her meal and despise it.Her mouth is watering for glass of orange juice on his side.She doesn't like her beetroot juice.S he eyeing on it.

"Don't think about that."he noticed her intention.

"Husband"she pleaded

"No, you will eat according to your diet plan.You will eat healthy from now on,forget about garbage you loves to eat."

She ate quietly when he didn't budge from his place.He wiped left over from corner of her lips.He removed the desk separating them and she crawl towards him.Arman feel it's breach of their privacy and left the place. She put her hand on his shoulders and lean towards him.

"Husband,sweets"she whispered in his ear,bringging many memories of past.

Those were days of initial phase of their marriage.The days when he wanted to earn lots of money and spend on her.He wanted to spoil her.

"Saurabh,Ma is asking me to stay with her for few days" Surbhi said while folding clothes.

"Say ,No " he said without thinking twice.

"But I want to go."she put her hand on his shoulders.

"And I don't want you to go."he closed the distance between them.



" Saurabh you spend whole day in office. I have nothing to do in here. I feel lonely and bored ."

"Fine,Ill drop you there in morning and pick up you in evening."

"Isn't it will be hectic for you?"


Surbhi is staying whole day in her parents place and having dinner with them became part of deal,he didn't signed.On first day they politely asked him to come in and then requested to have dinner,rest is history.It was day 14 and he can't take it anymore.She doesn't give him attention,he deserve,when she is with her family.He didn't like it.His eyes scanned her features.She is quietly eating Basundi(Gujrati dessert).

"Surbhi mujhe meetha chahiye(Surbhi I want to eat sweet)"he said and food chocked in her throat. She coughed and Harshil forwarded glass of water to her.Her mother caressed her back.Sweet is synonym of kiss in their dictionary.She felt very shy whenever he mentioned kiss so he replaced it with her favourite thing.She has a sweet tooth and he attached it with thing he loved the most.Earlier she was apprehensive but at the she gave up. He looked towards her, she is glaring him.He winked at her and she is pissed off.

"Bro,have it"Harshil handed him bowl of sweet.He took it but eyes is fixate on Surbhi.

"You guys continue,I have an assignment to complete today at anyhow."Harshil retired from table. Her mother father joined the team soon as some guest came. Surbhi kicked his leg and he winced in pain.He looked at her and she showed him tongue.

"Ma,Surbhi isn't giving me sweets" he shouted and she ran towards him to shut him.

"Surbhi ,stop your childish game."her mother ordered her.

"Ma,you were in living room.."Surbhi tried to connect dots.

"Stop deviating me.Give him what he want.Cant you see how much trouble he is having because of you.

"I told him to let me live here"

"Surbhi" her mother's voice pitched and Surbhi stomped towards kitchen and he followed her.

"You are happy now,Ma scolded me because of you"

"No"he put fuel in fire." I didn't get my sweet "he chuckled.

"You won't get it."

"Seriously"he said and start tickling her.She was laughing so hard that tears start flowing from her eyes.

"Fine." She huffed and he stopped.

"Initiate."he said and looks on her face was notable.She wanted to kill him.He gestured her to come closer.She did start the kiss .He felt she is sweetest kisser in the world.Her touch is tender and soft just like her personality. People misunderstood him, to be the one,who is carving for passionate love,reality is different.He had enough adventures in life now is time for sweetness.

"Husband?"Surbhi jerked him and he came back to reality.

"I'll buy you sweet,okay."

"No" she said and he is clueless what she is expecting.


"But sweetheart,our expert in desserts is on leave ."

"Husband,sweets."she hold his hand.H e looked towards her and something clicks in his mind.

"I'll give you sweets but you have to leave this room and come with me.There will be other person in kitchen ."he bet his options. For his surprise she stand up on her place.Saurabh took the lead and take her to kitchen.Few maid were present in kitchen who were busy in chopping vegetables and gossiping.They adjusted their attire ,noticing his presence.There eyes fixed on figure behind him. A female companion of their master is definitely a surprise for them.He doesn't entertain outsiders in his house infact he prefer to stay aloof from society.He dismissed them after arranging basic ingredients.He made her sit on the counter stool and start cooking.He prepared Suji Halwa( sweet) which he learnt from her.She ate it and rare smile appeared on her face.


"Surbhi"he called her.

"Husband"she said looking towards him.

"Come"he asked her to sit besides him and she obeyed without asking anything.

"We need to go to hospital for your check up."he softly said.

"No.."she holds his hand tightly,tears start brimming in her eyes. She hides her face in crook of his neck."

"Sweetheart,its necessary and if you will agree, I'll buy you lots of gifts."he tried to negotiate with her.


"Yes, I'll buy you lots of gifts. I'll show you lots of good things. I'll bring that snacks you liked last night."


"Yes, I'll bring kothimbir vadi (Maharashtrian snacks) if you agree."


Journey towards hospital is not easy for both of them. Saurabh don't know what is waiting for him and Surbhi is afraid of going outside. Saurabh hold her hand tightly to comfort her as well as him. Psychology department is much more calmer than other departments which has rush of patients and their relatives. Saurabh can feel her nervousness. He knocked on the door, having name plate of Dr. Arjun Kirloskar.

"Come in."

Saurabh opened the door and came inside holding her hand. A man in his mid fourties sitting on the chair,who most probably is Dr.Arjun. He wore a blue lining shirts, besides him there is another table where a man in mid twenties sitting comfortably. His table has pile of files ,he is assistant of Dr Arjun.

"Mr. Saurabh Rathod "the young man asked and he nodded."you must be Surbhi Patel, young lady."he smiled towards her and she hides behind Saurabh. He lead them to doctors table.

Saurabh and Surbhi sat across the Doctor.There is a Rubic cube, pencil, papers, pictures were present on his table. Saurabh find it strange but Surbhi's eyes stuck on the items.Ten minutes passed just like that and Saurabh felt uncomfortable, sitting idle. He can listen flipping of pages by the assistant, sitting nearby.

"Hello,I am Arjun Kirloskar" finally the silence broke and Saurabh replied his greetings. He handed the items to Surbhi and she took it after some initial rejection.

"How are you young lady?"Arjun asked her. Surbhi leaned towards Saurabh and clutched his hand tightly. Saurabh felt sweat on his hand. She is trembling and he tried to assure her..

"No" Arjun's firm voice stop him. "How are you pretty lady?"he repeated again and something triggered. She closed her ears with her hands. She moved her head with a rigour.She starts kicking things.

"No,I am not pretty."She shouted with top of her voice.Tears falls from her eyes and she threw things from the desk. She is boiling with anger.

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