Chapter 19

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I didn't knew much about wedding rituals. I'll try my best to keep it authentic .

Saurabh opened the cupboard and brought out their wedding album.He dusted the dirt from it. It beautifully captured the most previous event of his life. The memories he  cherished dearly, his partner has no idea.

Love is most difficult thing in the world and in India it goes one step up.   Its hard to find that connection with another person and even though you did somehow, barriers of cast and religion are there to block your path. Although billionaires doesn't face such things as they can pick whom they want to marry. There is queue of girls wishes to marry a billionaire. Despite of having qualities of an ideal match ,it was a task for him to gain a yes from Surbhi. He did what she didn't expected in her dreams.

"Hello sir,my name is Saurabh Rathod."

"Hello,please have a seat young man." Jignesh asked to him to sit across him.

"Sir,I am CEO of Rathod enterprises ,we provide cyber security to.....

"I think you misunderstood young man.we are in the business of Gems and jewellery."confusion is present on his face.

"No Sir, I am not here for business purpose.Actually ,I really like your daughter." He was confident when he came to this place but now he feel nervous. Its not easy to ask for a girl from her father.Its easy to runaway with a girl but hard to convince her family for alliance.Its hard to prove your worth .

"And she shares the same feelings?"the ease of his face is gone and seriousness makes appearance.

"I want to explore that. I want to court her."

"You should have ask her for date not ...."

"I'll not go on any date."she screamed from the doorstep

"Surbhi" they said in unison.

"Why you came at my father's workplace? I always treated you with respect and consider you an ally. You are betraying me behind my back."

"I am not betraying you Surbhi,you are overreacting. Initially I decided to ask your hand for marriage from your father but I changed my plans otherwise. "

"I consider you as an friend."

"You are more than a friend for me. I always consider you as a potential partner.Trust me,we shall make a great couple."

"I'll not go on a date and that's final."

He left after her decision.He felt someone broke his heart in million pieces.In 7 billion people he fell for her who is not ready to give a chance.She rejected him in worse possible way.He didn't understand what is wrong in dating someone. He is not pressurising her to marry him. If she refused after dating him ,he is not going to force himself on her. Its not his way. People are ready to marry a stranger but refused to explore a possible match. He can feel the sexual tension between them. She has feelings for him,he sense it.She agreed to attend fresher's night on his insistence.They became Mr and Miss Fresher.She openly gave credit to him for that. Her continuous praise of him in front of everyone. Their dance in close proximity at annual fest. All this can't be friendly gesture.

After that day he hadn't approach her in any way. They have holidays in college so chances of another meeting is nil. He carved to listen her voice but he hadn't called. He wished to saw her but he hadn't stalked her.He gave her the choice. Holidays were over and he had little motivation to attend college but.. College means glimpse of her.If it's one sided and unrequited love what's harm in appreciating her  from a far. He will keep his feelings to himself. He won't turn bitter towards her. He keep himself guarded  with her but he stopped following her everywhere.He stopped hours long late night talks and chats.

One months passed just like that , he was going towards his car and she hold his elbow ,turn him towards her.He never saw her this angry before.She dragged him towards a empty corner of building.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"I am doing nothing Surbhi infact I am treating you with same respect I used to do before that incident."

"You are not doing a favour on me Saurabh, infact you should apologised for that indecent act of yours and bring things at their place .How can you devlop such kind of feelings for your friend." She was frustrated. He can sense restlessness in her just like him. She also carve his company like he do.

"I'll not apologize for my feelings Surbhi not today nor tomorrow. I have feelings for you and it not going to change,deal with it. Even after your rejection,I am civil with you. Maintain the decorum of our relationship."

"I'll not do that just because of your feelings,my friend is lost.My close companion,a person who listen to me,a person who accompanied me in art galleries is gone.I feel lost. Why can't you date someone else and give me my friend back."

"I am still your friend and you can confined anything with me but things you are asking from me ,was done for person I love. Those things are reserve for my woman.Be my woman and I'll start doing everything again."

"First made me addicted and now compelling me to dance on your tunes. You are cruel."

"First ignite desire to know you,second showing affection like a family member,third giving me laughter rides,fourth showing  calmness, fifth showing compassion ,sixth demanding to give self love to myself, seventh force me to enjoy little things, eighth always have a right on me and at the end when I carved to have you for life , denied it.Its not joke Surbhi."

" I never treat it like a prank. That's not in my nature."she sighed in disappointment. "Why sudden fascination towards dating me?" She sat on floor.

"Why to let  go an amazing girl like you?"

"Why not trying with Tanya kapoor,the college fashionista."

"Why to date a girl whom your heart doesn't want?"

"I'll go anywhere but  won't go on date"
After a long silence,things came to the starting point.

"Why so much apprehensive towards dating?"

" If it wouldn't work ,our friendship will be deteriorate. "

"It will work."

"Husband" Surbhi's voice brought him back to present.The bed dip a little as he sat down near her.First picture has her father applying vermilion on his forehead. This was ceremony of Chandlo Matli where her father fixed their alliance.

"Papa "she fondly said and touch his face on the picture.He felt ,he created a distance between father and daughter.He can't go just like this,a solution is need of the hour.

"Your father agreed for our alliance after lots of persuasion from my side."he said to grab her attention. She looks towards him.

"Because I am seven  years older than you"he said half truth .She count it on her  fingers apart from that she doesn't understand anything.

"And this is picture of Gol dhana (engagement) where after fixing date of marriage jaggery and Coriander seeds were distributed.What a demanding bride you were?"

"Demanding?"she asked.

"'I'll be a savyasachi bride or won't marry you'.you threatened me on our engagement.What a demanding girl you were in past."

Surbhi looks it like an impossible thing "Girl , demand?"

"Ofcourse, girls can demand from their husbands"he said

"But he said...

"He doesn't matter"Saurabh closed the book and switch on the TV to distract her but couldn't distract himself from pleasant memory.

He knocked on her window

"What are you doing here at midnight?"

"I came to deliver your savyasachi lahanga"

"You seriously brought it ,I can't believe it"she jumped with joy.

"Even, I can't"he drank water from jug and lay on her bed.

"Saurabh, don't you think of that."she ran towards him.He closed his eyes to annoy her. "Please leave ,Ma,papa will come.What will they think about me? Saurabh"she nudged him.

"Shower some love on me,than I'll consider about your request"he said without opening his eyes. Touching Surbhi is pleasurable experience but when she does the act it's heaven.The shy girl who is mentally cursing him took some bold step is pleasure in its kind.Her soft hands touching his face and her  rosy lips touched his ,is one in kind experience. Now all this is part of past .The shy woman and naughty man both lost somewhere.

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