Season 1 - Episode 10

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Season 1 - Episode 10: What Only Clasped Hands Can Create


It was a clear day in the woods, birds chirping, soaring through the morning breeze. The sound of marching came from deep in the forest, charging towards something. There was a mansion in a clearing, resting peacefully as the camera zoomed in. The soldiers marching on stopped, revealing themselves to be Trilobite Magia, and waited among the bushes, waiting for an order. Inside, Ryoko was busy working on her computer, the same computer Finè had used before. The door to the room was already busted down. If that was by her doing or not was unknown, but quickly, the Trilobites charged in, swarming the entrance as well as jumping through the windows.

"Fire!" A voice shouted, swarming the place with bullets. The computer was busted, spewing sparks from the monitors as it shut off. Ryoko attempted to get away, but fell to the ground, gasping as blood escaped from her lips. Her side was clipped, bleeding out onto the floor under her. Her vision was hazy, not just from her glasses falling off, but also from her blood loss. Someone in black and red armor began to approach her, bending down to grab her by her hair, lifting her up so they could look her in the eye. All she could see was his helmeted face, staring into the red eyes. He looked similar to Vulcan, only his helmet was more angular and armored on the right side, Ryoko's left. "Did you really expect we'd let you continue what you were doing? My, you've really become too self-centered," The armored person spoke in a male British accent, seeming to snicker behind his helmet, "Don't worry. All your data has already been uploaded, so you don't have to worry about it being gone." "I thought... we had a deal... for what I wanted, for your end goal..." Ryoko weakly spoke, trying to glare daggers at the male, but failing in her weakened state.

"Let me make it clear for you," He said, switching to japanese, "You've outlived your usefulness to the Ark... and it's good practice to remove minor inconveniences." He whispered the last part into her ear before dropping her, kicking her face hard enough to make her turn, her nose broken. He turned to leave, walking past the Trilobites as he issued an order, "Make sure she doesn't get back up. Terminate yourselves if you fail your mission." Ryoko grew angry at that, gathering energy in her hand over her wound. She grunted and gasped in pain as her veins turned purple, forcing herself to heal as the sound of a chopper came to life outside. "You cannot hope to stop us, no matter how hard you try... Your Black Art doesn't compare to our darkened existence," The male spoke, looking through the shattered windows from where he hung onto the copper.

Ryoko simply glared as the Magia mowed her down with whatever bullets they still had, splattering the screen with blood.

(Play Synchrogazer Tv-Size by Nana Mizuki)

Synths rolled across the screen as music began to play. As the beat hit, Synths rose up, displaying various characters. First was Tsubasa, Kanade, and Takuya, the next was Miku, Ryouko, and Takiyama, and then Seth, Chris, and Hibiki. It then quickly showed Ryouko raising the volume before revealing Hibiki atop a rock formation at night. As Hibiki sang, wings sprouted from her back and she took flight into the air.

Listen To My Song...

In the night sky, a shooting star flew across the sky, it gave a bright silhouette of Hibiki with wings before another silhouette appeared alongside Hibiki's, this one being Zero-One. It showed Hibiki's face with orange electricity sparking in her eye before revealing the title.

Senki Zesshou Symphogear X Kamen Rider Zero-One

Meteoroid-Falling, Burning, and Disappearing, then...

Boku no koe wa kioete imasu ka? Please tell me...

(Are you hearing my voice? Please tell me...)

It showed Miku in the middle of the field, gazing up at the stars before she reached her hand out, grasping at nothing.

Kotae no nai kyokō no sora mezashi fly far away

(Devoid of answers, I am for the fictional sky and fly far away)

It showed Tsubasa picking up a mic with a picture of her and Kanade. She held it close, closing her eyes for a moment before leaving the room to perform.

Kotoba ja tarinai kara boku no subete uketomete

Because words aren't enough, accept everything about me)

Seigyo dekinai... shitakunai yo

(I can't control myself... and I don't want to)

Hajimete shiru kankaku

(It's the first time I've felt this way)

It then briefly showed the inside of Section Two, revealing Sakuya and Aoi before showing Ryouko, Shinji, Genjuurou, Inei, and Kasai. It then showed Chris as she covered her body and ears, falling into a pit of dismay before she reached out into the light, crying. It then showed Hibiki and Takiyama walking in separate paths to Seth and Miku. Miku then called out to Hibiki, reaching out to her before the four of them were in the Flower with Seth behind the counter. It then showed Hibiki donned in her Symphogear with Takiyama as Zero-One - Rising Hopper behind her. It then flashed between various scenes. The first of which was Durendal, then Finé, Chris as a child before a fire, the silver armor of Nehushtan, the gleaming silver visor of Slipstream, Takuya and Shizuru in the main room of the A.I.M.S base, and then Chris armored in the Nehushtan.

Kimi ni utau yo eien no hajimari wo

(I sing to you about the beginning of eternity)

"Dakara waratte..."

("So, smile...")

It then showed Tsubasa battling out on the battlefield before cutting to her on stage, revealing that she was singing this song.

Dare yori mo atsuku dare yori mo tsuyoko dakishimeru yo

(I'll embrace you with more strength and more passion than anyone else)

Furueru kokoro yusabureba ī nanika ga ugokidasu

(It's fine if your trembling heart is shaken; something has begun to move)

It showed Hibiki, Tsubasa, Zero-One, Vulcan, and Valkyrie beginning their attack on a horde of Noise. First was Hibiki and Zero-One as Hibiki began with kicks and punches to the Noise. She then pulled back on the gauntlet on her armor as Zero-One jumped ahead, holding out the Attache Calibur. Hibiki's gauntlet snapped closed, producing a force of wind that pushed Zero-One forward, allowing him to slice through the Noise. Next was Tsubasa as she effortlessly cleaved through Noise and Valkyrie, who rushed past various Noise, firing bullets off at their bodies. Vulcan then held up the Attache Shotgun and fired, sending a powerful bullet through the Noise and up into one of the larger ones.

Bokura kitto, umareta hi kara deaeru hi wo zutto sagashitetanda

(Surely, we were searching all along for our meeting since the day we were born)

Kaze no naku yoru wa omoidashite

(On nights when the wind cries, remember)

Tomo ni kanadeta kiseki ten ni mau yo

(The heavens we dance in are the path we performed together)

It showed Hibiki, Takiyama, Tsubasa, and Kanade along together, singing as the sky behind them showed their Symphogears and Rider forms. Then it revealed Tsubasa with her enlarged armed gear and the riders activating their finishers before all five jumped into the air. Hibiki dove through with a kick with Zero-One as Tsubasa cleaved straight through. Both Valkyrie and Vulcan aimed their shotrisers before firing charged blasts straight through. After they all landed, it snapped to an image of Miku, Hibiki, Seth, and Takiyama with their hands clasped together.

(Op End)

Miku and Hibiki stepped out of their classroom, bowing as they closed the door, "Excuse us." They then walked down the hallway, Hibiki smiling as she looked out of the window. For a moment, Hibiki stopped and closed her eyes, humming the school song to herself. Miku then stopped as well as she heard her, glancing out the window. "What's wrong? Got the school's song stuck in your head?" She asked. "Just hearing the school song here at Lydian makes me feel safe," Hibiki admitted, "It really puts my mind at ease. It's like, I can relax by just knowing that everyone's here with me. I really feel at home here, even though we only enrolled two months ago." "So much has happened over those two months, though," Miku said, turning to her friend. "Hmm, yeah, that's true," Hibiki nodded, agreeing.

At the mansion we had visited before, Chris arrived, seeing the desecrated bodies of the Trilobite Magias. Behind her Takuya walked in, becoming silently shocked at the scene despite his serious look. He walked over to one of the once humagears and lifted up its remains, which was half of a torso, an arm, and its head. Looking it over, he scoffed before tossing it down. "What could have happened here?" Chris muttered, walking along the robotic bodies. "I don't know, but obviously it wasn't good. Whoever stole those Humagears a while back seemed to finally put them to use. That doesn't even mention turning them into Magias," Takuya scoffed, looking over the other bodies. Hearing a noise, the two looked over to see Genjurrou at the door. The serious look on his face put Chris on edge, the girl immediately trying to deny any participation in what happened, but she was cut off by two things. The first were agents and AIMS soldiers rushing into the room, investigating the surroundings.

The second was Takuya, who moved to stand between her and Genjurrou. "Whoever did this is connected to the Humagear incident back then. On top of that, their memory banks looked charred, meaning that they were also primed to destroy anything traceable if anything happened to them," Takuya informed. "I see," Genjurrou commented, nodding as he listened before looking at Chris. At first, he wanted to pat her on the head, but with Takuya there, it seemed just a little awkward. "We know you're not behind this, not by any means. Obviously, part of this was done by someone who's been on both of our sides from the very beginning," Genjurrou addressed. "Commander Kazanari, Sergeant Fuwa," On one of the bodies there was a letter written in the Trilobite's/Humagear's blue blood. 'I love you Sayonara'. The AIMS soldier took the letter off without another thought, making Takuya jump to action.

"You idiot!" Takuya shouted as explosions went off. He quickly took out his Shotriser and a key, forcing it open with a single fling, before plugging it in and transforming. "Henshin!"

Territory! Authorize!

Kamen Rider! Kamen Rider! Shotrise! Trapping Spider! No One Can Escape Its Web.

Purple armor quickly attached itself to Takuya, eight arms coming out of his back and wrapping around his body. Quickly, he flicked his arms out, webs flying out of the top of his wrists and grabbing onto nearby agents and soldiers. Grunting, he flung those caught in the webs out the remaining and open windows, saving them. As the last few went off and the ceiling began to crumble, Vulcan stepped back, standing next to Genjurrou and Chris as he used webs to pull already fallen debris in around them, shutting themselves off from the explosions. Once they subsided, both Genjurrou and Vulcan pushed the debris out of the way, revealing the now destroyed room of the mansion. "Heh, a trap in a situation like this is exactly what we should've expected," Vulcan scoffed, rolling his shoulder. "Why... Why go through the trouble?" Chris questioned.

"Eh?" Vulcan sneered, looking back at the white haired female who forced her way out of Genjurrou's protective hold. "You don't even have a gear and it doesn't matter if you're a Kamen Rider or whatever! Why do you both try to protect me?" "What we can do and not do, don't have anything to do with it at all," Genjurrou said, pushing a chunk of the ceiling out of the way, "we're doing it because we have a responsibility to protect everyone, the strong or the weak." "Responsibility!? Who gave you the right for that!? Those idealistic cowards! Saving Refugees? Saving the world with song? Why would anyone have the right to call that their responsibility!" "But that's the thing," Takuya injected, disengaging his transformation, "If we don't... Then who else? Who else is willing to do it?" Chris was silent as she nearly flitched at the seriousness in Takuya's voice, the stern cold tone that she had yet to hear until now.

"When you take the responsibility to do things that others won't, you become that one that stops things from happening to those who can't, those who can't protect themselves and others," Takuya walked past Chris and stood next to Genjurrou, looking over his shoulder. "You become the hope that people need. So they can start realizing their dreams without worry." Later, outside, everyone was getting ready to leave, Genjurrou getting into a car while Takuya got his helmet on and kicked up the kickstand, sitting on his bike and starting the engine. Chris just silently got onto the back of Takuya's bike, gazing down at the helmet in her hands.

Takuya glanced back at the girl before looking forward again. "I took the responsibility of taking you on, so try not to look so sad. You'll make me feel bad," He told her. "You really think as former enemies, we can just get along just like that?" She questioned upon hearing his voice. "Heh, if I didn't, do you really think I wouldn't have just locked you up?" That earned a small smile from her, albeit missed as it came and went as soon as they blinked. As Takuya revved the engine and Genjurrou started the car, Chris spoke up, causing them to spare another few seconds. "Kadingir!" "Huh?" "Finè mentioned it. Something called Kadingir. I don't know what it is, but she said it was complete," Chris shared. "Well then. Now we just gotta get a step ahead of her," Takuya said with a newfound smirk. Chris slid her helmet on before the cars and bike took off, splitting off later on.

Once back at Section 2, Genjurrou got the others on comms, checking in on everyone. "Hai, Tsubasa speaking. Inei here's with me." "Hibiki here." "Takiyama and Seth here." Their video readings popped up on the screen. Hibiki and Tsubasa were still in their school uniforms, most likely still at school, at least in Hibiki's case. Inei was just barely in frame, standing just behind the girl. Seth and Takiyama were in a storage room from the looks of it, probably the back room of The Flower restaurant. "We have a lead," Genjurrou informed, "What about Ryoko?" "She hasn't reported in," Aoi answered, glancing at the director, "We haven't been able to contact her since this morning." "It's not like Sakurai-San to not be available," Takiyama muttered. "Ms.Ryoko will be alright! If something happens, she'll just go all 'Bang! Boom' like she did before!" Hibiki spoke, recalling the fight that had happened before when they were moving Durandal. "Sakurai-San has no combat experience or training from what I can recall. I doubt she would possess the ability to do anything remotely close to that," Inei interjected from Tsubasa's comm.

"But don't both the Commander and Ms. Sakurai have like crazy superhuman abilities?" Seth questioned. Before anyone could continue the conversation, a new line opened up, this time being sound only. It was Ryoko's voice. "I finally got through! Sorry, I overslept, then my communicator started messing up!" Hearing this, Genjurrou's eyes narrowed, but he didn't feel the need to act indifferent, "Are you alright? No problems on your side, Ryoko?" "I overslept and I missed the garbage collection, but- Did something happen?" She sounded curious, almost disillusioned on what could've happened. "That's good to hear." Hibiki let out a sigh of relief. "Then that's okay, but there is something I want to ask you about," Genjurrou brought up. "My, aren't we in a hurry? What is it?" "Kadingir."

Ryoko was seated, leaning against a door on a fair escape while she held her still bleeding side. She looked weak, whether it was from blood loss or something else. "What does it mean?" Genjurrou's voice came out of her communicator. "It's an ancient Sumerian word that refers to a divine existence," she answered, "In a sense, it means a tower reaching for the heavens." Around the corner, someone in a black and orange hoodie leaned against a wall, silently listening. They began to slowly step away, sinking in an alley right by them. "If someone had built such a tower, wouldn't we have noticed it?" Genjurrou questioned, staring at the screen as he had listened to Ryoko's answer. "Well, when you put it that way..." "Regardless, we now have the enemy right where we want them. If we can simply gather more intelligence, our victory is assured. We will strike at the smallest gap in the enemy's defense with all that we have. We shall not miss our chance to land the finishing blow!" "I'll help gather everything we can with Satellite to narrow this down." Takiyama stated before they all signed off, leaving just Ryoko. "I've got a few things to take care of here, then I'll head right over," Ryoko said before she signed off. The commander simply stared at the blank screen before turning around, looking at Kasai who stood straight, ready to report.

"Kadingir... A secret tower that nobody knows about..." Hibiki muttered, having been on a walk with Miku prior to the call. "I tried searching for it on the Internet, but all I got were game walkthroughs," Miku said, poking at her Risephone's screen, scrolling through various search results. Outside the Flower, Takiyama was standing in an alley next to it with Seth, having the Zero-One driver strapped on so he was connected to Satellite. "Seemingly like something of importance and yet the results are so narrow and almost vague," Takiyama muttered, searching through tons of articles, videos, blogs, etc. in milliseconds for even a scrap of info. "There's got to be something we can find," Seth said, crossing his arms and tapping his elbow while waiting, almost impatient. Something of this scale, it was almost nerve racking. A gasp from Takiyama caught his attention though. "What is it?" "Update from Section Two's radars! Four massive flying Noise are in the city!" Everyone was quickly briefed on the situation, the Symphogears and riders departing to the scene. A.I.M.S. had surrounded all the shelters, guarding the entrances for people to make in easier.

Everyone gathered back into the call along the way, Tsubasa and Inei and Takiyama and Seth were driving their way there, the duos paired up on one bike each, and Hibiki was running into the city. "This is the most recent information we have. THe one that originally appeared in Area 41 is now passing through Area 33, headinging into Area 28. Similarly, the Noise in Areas 18 and 17 are passing into Area 24," Genjurrou informed. "Their paths intersect on the Sky Tower!" Takiyama said, putting two and two together faster than the base's servers. "Tokyo Sky Tower?" "If Kadingir is a tower, then could it be the Sky Tower itself?" Sakuya questioned. "The tower is the central point for both radio and video transmissions, if that's it then..." Takiyama pointed out. "Hurry to Tokyo Sky Tower!" "The Sky Tower? But it's so far away..." Hibiki spoke quietly. Her attention was then caught by the motorcycle stopping not far away. On it was Takiyama and Seth, the latter taking off his helmet and tossing it to Hibiki who barely caught it while taking out his Progrise Key. "Overcoming even simple difficulties is an easy job for us!" Takiyama said. The trio took off with Slipstream flying above Takiyama and Hibiki.

Around Tokyo Sky Tower, the four large, jet-like Noise began to circle, hatches in their stomach beginning to open, lesser Noise spilling out of them and into the street below while lesser air-based Noise took to the sky. Takiyama was closing in from the ground, Hibiki standing up on the back end of the Risehopper. She tossed her helmet off before jumping, Slipstream grabbing her hand and spiraling, building up momentum before throwing Hibiki into the sky.

"Balwisyall Nesrell Gungnir Tron"

Hibiki was launched right at a large Noise, pulling back on her gauntlet before she made impact, punching straight through it before it began to explode from the inside. The girl covered her face as she fell through the smoke before being caught by Slipstream. On the ground, Tsubasa caught up next to Takiyama, driving next to him. The two looked at each other and nodded with Inei readying himself on the back on Tsubasa's bike. The two leaped off the bikes, letting them crash into the Noise as they transformed.

Shining Hopper! Axe Rise!

Sting Scorpion! Break Down.

Zero-One dashed through the Noise, leaving a strike of yellow while Tsubasa enlarged her blade, flinging out a Azure Slash as Horobi coated his katana with the poison from his stinger, flinging out a similar slash.

Blue Flash Stinger

This cut through the aerial Noise, only taking out a portion of the air support the Noise had. The riders and Symphogears regrouped, Slipstream letting Hibiki hit the ground before he landed. "We can hardly get through them with how many there are!" Slipstream stated. "Even if we were to get Kasai-San here and swapped, we'd be limited on our fliers and range," Zero-One pointed out. "Look Out!" Horobi called out, grabbing Tsubasa's wrist and jumping back. The others dodged as well, some of the aerial Noise dive bombing towards them in an attempt to take them out. However, even as they proceeded to cut and punch through them, the larger class Noise simply began to release more in an attempt to overrun them even more. "There's way too many of them, both ground and air based!" Slipstream called out, seeing the large barrage of Noise that was heading towards them.

Gatling! Blast!

Millions of rounds entered the sky, crossing paths with the Noise and cutting them off, leaving carbon dust in the air. Looking over at the shooters, the riders and Symphogears were both unphased and surprised on who it was. "I'm only here cause I would've been dragged her otherwise! Don't take this the wrong way! It's not like I wanted to help or anything!" Chris shouted, looking off to the side to avoid attention. Vulcan scoffed, leaning his Shotriser on his shoulder as he was in his Gatling Hedgehog form. "We're late, but we're here to help!" Vulcan said, making Chris look at him with a light blush of embarrassment. "Chris-Chan!" Hibiki hugged the short-tempered girl with a smile, being immediately met with her trying to break free. "I'm so glad you came to join us!" "A-Are you mental or something!? Were you not listening!?" Chris questioned.

"We should be focusing on the Noise right now. But thank you for coming," Zero-One stepped up, thanking Chris. The silver haired girl broke free from Hibiki's hug, rubbing her neck. "I-" "We'll handle them. Focus on the ground. Kanade is already helping with evacuations elsewhere, but even she can't get to everyone," Vulcan interjected, stepping next to Chris. "J-Just stay out of our way!" Chris shouted. "Then take this!" Zero-One said, swiping a key from Slipstream and tossing it to Vulcan. "Hey!" Vulcan caught it and nodded. "Got it!" Vulcan removed his key before activating it and attempting to flip it open.


However, being a key unfamiliar with Vulcan, it didn't open easily. His eye twitched under his helmet before he began to force it. "Come on! We! Don't! Have! Time for this!" He broke the latch on the key, opening it. "Hey," Slipstream said, slightly downcasted at seeing one of his keys forced open like that. Vulcan slipped it into his driver before firing without a second to waste. A larger bullet came out, cutting through the air with no issue before turning around, heading straight for his head. It exploded before it could hit however, disintegrating the green armor on his base suit, replacing it with sandy colored armor with silver highlights. Panels on the side of his helmet shifted over his right eye, forming a targeting lens, latching on immediately to the nearest target.

Shotrise! Sharp... Shooting Cobra! Venom Projectiles Fire With Precise Accuracy!

As Chris summoned her crossbows from the armor on her forearms, the energy arrows fired off into the sky at the Noise. Vulcan held up his Shotriser firing before changing targets and firing against, a silent whistle crossing the breeze as his bullets cut through the air. "Let's go then! Before the ground overflows!" Horobi said, the others nodding before turning towards the streets. The ground based Noise wasn't an issue for the heroes, cleaving through them with ease under the protection from the others. However, the two gun-based riders bumped into each other as they had turned to other targets. "Hey! Watch it!" Chris snapped, glaring at Vulcan. "We're post to be fighting together here baka-yaro! You watch it!" Vulcan snapped back. "Together!? Fighting alone is much better! Just because you've h-hel-assisted me doesn't mean anything! Just because we don't have a reason to fight, doesn't mean we don't have a reason not to fight!" The two glared at each other before Hibiki grasped Chris' tightened fist. "Fighting amongst ourselves won't solve the issue at hand," Zero-One said, standing next to Hibiki. "We have the ability to settle our differences with anyone," Hibiki said with a proud smile before the orange and yellow heroes clasped hands. Slipstream placed a hand on Zero-One's shoulder before fist bumping Tsubasa, who returned it slightly awkwardly. "All this time, I've been wondering why I didn't have an Armed Gear," Hibiki stated, "I thought it sucked to be just half a fighter all the time. But not any more. It's because I'm not holding any weapons that I can hold hands with everyone like this instead. We can all be friends like this!" "Tachibana..." Tsubasa muttered.

The warrior then stuck her blade in the ground, holding her hand out to Chris. The silver haired girl looked at it, nervous, her hand twitching. Seeing this, Vulcan let out a sigh, taking her hand in his. Fighting a moment like this was useless when it involved these guys. Feeling his hand, Chris' face blossomed into a crimson color as she looked at the wolf, currently Cobra-themed, rider. Horobi did the same, taking Tsubasa's hand before both Vulcan and Horobi held hands, though neither of the male riders looked at each other when they did this. "I-Is her idiocy contagious or s-something!?" Chris questioned, looking at them while trying to escape Vulcan's hold. His grip was truly something else. "You've yet to learn!" Slipstream said with a laugh.

They were then brought on track as the shadow of a large Noise loomed over them. "Until we take out the large Noise, there'll be no end to them," Tsubasa stated. "I have an idea," Chris admitted, "Something only I can do. Ichaival's specialty is long-range, wide-area artillery. I'll blow them to pieces!" "You're not going to sing your swan song, are you?" Hibiki questioned, worried. "Don't be stupid! I wouldn't throw away my life that lightly," Chris retorted. "Not that I would allow her anyway." Vulcan earned an embarrassed glare for that comment. "I'll keep raising the energy output of the Gera, but suppress the actual release. After overloading it with energy until it goes critical, I'll release it all at once," Chris explained. "But you'll be totally defenseless while you charge. It's too dangerous against this many opponents," Tsubasa pointed out.

"That's what we're for. We'll all work together to protect Chris-San!" Zero-One said, heaving the Authorise Buster on his shoulder. "I'm helping you though," Vulcan stated, putting a hand on Chris' shoulder. "But this isn't-" "I'm stubborn. I'll make it work even if it doesn't want to," Vulcan retorted before Chris could finish. Even through the helmet, she could see the serious look in his eyes, the same she saw earlier that day. "If you're going too, then use this." Zero-One tossed the Authorize buster to Vulcan before getting the Attache Calibur. Vulcan caught it and immediately swapped it to gun form, nodding. The others then broke off, heading back into the streets with Slipstream taking the skies as the duo got ready.

(Play Re:Create of The Re:D by Crowd of Rebellion)

'I never asked for this...' Chris' gaze drifted from Vulcan, who was pulling out keys from his side and getting down on a knee. 'But I can't back out now!' A small smile formed on her face.

Yume o kanaeta daisho wa

(The price of fulfilling your dreams)
Bokyaku rin'ne no kane

(Oblivion ring bell)

Vulcan inserted the Gatling Hedgehog key into the slot before holding Punching Kong over the side, lights lighting up as the energy began to charge.

Progrise Key Confirmed, Ready For Buster! Buster Authorize!

Arishi Ni~Tsu no kimi ushinatte, deau aratana kizu

(A new wound to meet and meet you on the day)
Tsui chi no tsubaki kairo ni somari mai midareru

(Dyed in the camellia corridor of the final blood and disturbed)

Vulcan then activated his driver, having slotted in back in the front. At the same time, energy began to build up around Chris as she closed her eyes.



Kasumu genso o – Tsunagi – Tokiwokoete saita kessho

(Magical illusion – Connection – Crystals that bloom over time)


(I can't go back anymore)

The backskirt of Chris' armor rose up, expanding and attaching to her shoulders. It deployed stabilizers as rockets, both large and micro, built up, her gatling guns appearing in her hands.

Daregatame ni omoi atte

(Who thinks each other)

Daregatame ni ubaiatta

(Who competed for)

Energy built up into a sphere the spiraled around the tip of the Authorize Buster, multiple reticles appearing in Vulcan's vision as he aimed, waiting for the precise moment.

-te o hanashita, kaerenu hana (Haru)

(Returned, inseparable flower (Haru))
Yuki wa namida de hodoketa

(The snow was solved with tears)
Kasu of blood

(Curse of Blood)

Mega Deth Quartet!

Sharp Shooting! Blast! Fever! Progrise Buster Dust!


Both opened fire, filling the sky with missiles, bullets, and an exploding barrage of millions of energy rounds.

Hiiro no me ni

(In the scarlet eyes)

Kasu of blood

(Curse of Blood)

The sky filled with smoke and lights as the explosions radiated across the bright sky, masquerading the azure color. They didn't let up however, taking out as many as they could with Slipstream dropping back down to the ground to narrowly avoid the barrage.

Somaru unmei

(Dyed fate)

Kizamu Pledger


Vulcan fired off three highly concentrated beams of energy, crossing paths with the large rockets Chris fired, covering more of the blue glow and white clouds with large explosions from the large Noise. On the ground, the riders and Symphogears were finishing up with what remained, which was few to none now that there were no more reinforcements. "They did it," Tsubasa muttered, looking at the carbon dust that now decorated the breeze. "Of course we did! Don't ever doubt us for a second!" Vulcan barked, confident. They regrouped once more, Hibiki tackling Chris in a hug once again. "We did it! We did it!" "Lay off, dumbass! What do you think you're doing?" Chris questioned, getting the hyperactive user off easier this time. "We're celebrating a victory! Isn't that obvious!" Zero-One cheered, bumping fits with Slipstream who also cheered. The Symphogears were dismissed, leaving the girls in their casual outfits as the riders manually dismissed their transformations, returning borrowed keys.

"It's all thanks to you and Fuwa-San that we won, Chris-Chan!" Hibiki cheered, finally getting a proper hug on Chris before she could fight it. "Cut it out already!" Chris demanded, pushing Hibiki back. "Listen! I'm not your comrade or anything! I just want to settle things with Finè and make my dreams come true," Chris stated. "You say that and yet you arrived here with Lupus-San!" Seth pointed out, grinning. "T-That's something completely different!" Chris barked, her face as red as her gear while Takuya simply looked away. "Dreams?" Hibiki muttered, her mind on something else, "You have dreams, Chris-Chan? What are they? Tell me!" Hibiki latched on once more, sparking a joint laugh between Seth and Takiyama. "Shut the hell up, moron!" Chris said, pushing her off once more, "You're hopeless!" A silence then came as Hibiki's Risephone rang. "Hello?"

"Hibiki! It's the school! Lydian is under attack by the Noi-"

Season 1 - Episode 10 - End

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