Part 5 - You & I

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Hello everyone!  😊 remember this story or forgotten already?  😉

After what feels like ages I'm back with this story which so close to my heart... Thanks for waiting and supporting throughout... Means a lot ❤

Okay so without much a do let's see what our AvNeil are upto this time?  😊

Part 5 - You & I

He listened to whatever I spoke... I kept on talking non stop like a radio. We were 4 pegs down when we finished our food and dozed off on the very same couch.

We bonded over work, food and drinks... This marked the start of an enduring friendship...!


It was around 6 in the morning when I opened my eyes in thin slits...not ready to wake up though!

I realised there was something dark opaque thing that was poking my nose  just a centimeter away...upon opening my eyes fully I noticed that it was Neil's trimmed beard...!

And next thing I realised was my head cushioned by his broad right shoulder and my hand rightfully placed on his heart as if it belonged there... I quickly withdrew my hand.

I was really not in a state of mind to remember how we ended up dozing off in this position last night... Damn Avni... I mentally face palmed myself and tried to sneak out of the tiny space I got without disturbing my Mr Boss cum my new found friend's deep slumber.

With some soft oohs and aahs I managed to get out of the couch... I wondered if he was really sleeping...but waived off the thought seeing his peaceful face.

I primped my dress and my hair which were dishelved...and I had this urgency to pee so I rushed to the attached  washroom in Neil's cabin.

By the time I freshened up and came out... I saw Neil wide awake... Talking to someone on call while I walked up to him...

"Okay... Fine then. We shall be ready in 30 minutes and reach the airport soon. Take care of the things here bro..." Neil requested someone on the call and turned towards me.

"Good morning Avni..." He greeted with his ever charming smile.

"Good morning Neil... When did you wake up?" I quizzed with curiosity.

"Ah, just now when my phone buzzed with DD's call.." He replied honestly.

Uff that brought some rest to my running thoughts of embarrassment regarding sharing the couch with him the whole night.

 "Avni... What's up?  What are you thinking?" He asked me while sipping some water seeing me lost in my thoughts.

"Eh ah nothing... So, I'll go home Neil... See you in the noon..." I said casually and was about to leave when I felt his palm on my wrist from behind. I was stunned for that moment... Actually too stunned to even turn back to him so I remained rooted to the place I stood.

"What?  We have a flight to Jaipur madam...In an hour to be precise. Still high with last night's Scotch whiskey..?". He chuckled and teased at my forgetfulness.

" Oh damn..! How can I forget?! And he just spoke the same on call... Shit..." I cursed under my breath and turned to face Neil. Oh wait!  Did he tease me?  Oh yes Avni... He just did! 

"God..! I'm so sorry Neil... And no! Firstly I wasn't high with just 4 pegs...secondly I don't have hangover too..." I'd justified.

"It….it…just slipped out of my mind…sorry” embarrassment was clearly written on my face as I looked everywhere else but Neil.

Hey…it’s fine Avni. You don’t have say sorry so many times…Chill” he left my wrist and comforted with a pat on my shoulder and my eyes rolled accordingly.

I pressed my lips together and gave a faint smile and said “okay then I’ll go home get ready asap and reach the airport”

Avni, do you mind if I pick you up from your house? We can go together to the airport…” Neil requested me like a true gentleman but I have no idea why I was still not able to look at him.

Sensing my uneasiness, he came forward and clarified… “Actually, we can save time and you will come to airport by cab and I go by car on the same route… so doesn’t make sense if we commute by different vehicles…only if it’s okay with you…

Absolutely Neil, you don’t have to explain so much… we are friends no? Remember? we even raised a toast to our new found friendship last night!” I had tried to lighten up the convo.

haha ofcourse! Cool then, see you in an hour?” asked Neil with his ever charming smile.

Sure, cya!” I bid him adieu with a smile and left taking my laptop bag.

I was wearing my shoes when my phone rang in the hall... “Aa rahi hu….!” I screamed from my room while adjusting the straps as if the person calling could hear me! 💁

When I was done, I took long strides to the hall and received the call “I’m ready ready, just give me two minutes I’ll be down, the thing is dad is not at home so I have to lock the house and give the keys to Kalyani taai in the next apartment. Also, I need to take some munchies to eat in the flight.. I get really hungry later… do you also want some? No problem I’ll pack for you too… anyways I know that you wouldn’t have got any…Neil? Why aren’t you talking? Hello…you there?

hahaha you are like this always kya ?” Neil chuckled and this made me realise I didn’t even say a Hi to him and upon that I was talking nonstop without giving a gap for him to speak.

For the second time on the same day I was embarrassed with my boss cum friend. I bit my tongue and face palmed myself before saying “uh eh… sorry…

hehe… Avni… you say we are friends and also say sorry once in an hour! No need of sorry’ s between us… and being yourself is not something wrong, girl..You're cute!”  Neil was generous enough to say so but I was still kind of embarrassed so didn’t reply and stunned at his sudden compliment.

But, Neil being Neil… broke the awkwardness and said “Avni… I’ll wait. You pack your munchies, give keys to kalyani taai and come…hehe ok?

hmm okay…I’ll be there in two minutes..” I blushed.

The drive to the airport was quiet pleasant. We both sat in the passenger seat since his driver was dropping us.

He asked the driver to play the music politely… I was impressed. His song collection was mostly Hindi romantic songs which I also enjoyed calmly.

We spoke casually about the work in Jaipur and other random stuff initially…later on I kept humming the songs softly…

*Mumbai Airport*

Av…Avni…” I heard a husky voice… The next thing I felt was I was comfortably leaning onto something… I realised my eyes were shut… I tried to open my eyes in thin slits and I saw Neil’s face dangerously close to mine…and I was leaning on his shoulder and dozed off for the entire travel !!

oooowww…!” I squeaked and move away from him…clearly embarrassed 3rd time in the same day with the same Man..!

Ne..Nei…Neil…I’m ssoo…..” I tried to blabber whatever came to my mouth but in vain as he shut my lips with his palm…

I said NO sorry’s Avni… We reached the airport… so I had to wake you up… otherwise I wouldn’t have…” Neil said as if nothing had happened. He seemed all cool and normal as if I’m his girlfriend and it didn't make any big deal that few seconds go I was comfortably cozying up to him.

But, I was in no condition to reply and by then the driver halted the car in front of the VIP Business class Departure entrance.

Neil politely asked me to get down the car as he also moved out… I followed him…

He surely looked dapper in those formal business suit and sun glasses...

I stared at him for few moments before I noticed the entrance board and got confused.

Neil, I think my boarding entrance is on the other side… I’ll see you at the Jaipur airport” saying so I was about to leave when Neil stopped me by holding my wrist from behind.

Avni stop… you are coming with me…” he said more like an order. *Am I his property? My mind asked me and I had no answer*

Waving off that thought I managed to say
Eh uh… No Neil…already you do so much for me… it’s fine… I’ll… I’ll go…” I wasn’t sure why I was stammering while I spoke to him… may be because of my stupidity in the car or because he was insisting I join him on the flight.

Ah Avni… enough of these formalities ya..!” Neil seemed a bit annoyed but before I could reply we could hear some photo flashes sounds and a manly voice that called out Neil’s name.

Hey Neil…

The voice sounded familiar though… we turned to see who it was… and before I could believe what I saw… Neil walked forward to greet the person.

woah! Salman bhai… So good to see after so long!” Neil hugged him and spoke while I stood rooted to the place with an “OMG” expression on my face.

It was THE SALMAN KHAN… superstar of Bollywood and my heartthrob who was talking to my apparently friend cum boss Neil Khanna like they know each other since ages.

The spoke, laughed and hugged before parting ways as the paparazzi clicked numerous pictures and shot videos of them together and I was standing like a dumb chic witnessing all this in awe as I was too happy, stunned and spellbound to see my favourite superstar right in front of my eyes standing a few feet away…

Neil walked towards me after his small talk with the superstar ended and said “Shall we go?”

All I could reply was “eeeeeehhhhhhh I saw Salman Khan…!!!” I held his biceps and said with glee, excited like a little child.


Thank you for reading guys ! ☺

I know I ended on a vague note but promise that the next update will be soonish provided you all give me ur valuable feedback in terms of likes and comments.

As a writer, its disheartening to just see “Nice” and demanding an “update soon” on the chapters after putting in so  much effort and time into writing a good story.

I will not demand recognition or rewards from you…just few words of support will work wonders.

*Silent readers - ☺ expressing sometimes is good


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