Chapter 13: Rooftop Den

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Stage: broadway_crackers
Cards: meeeeeeeeeeeee

Just a nice little chapter before it goes down hill- you heard nothing here.

Their friendship bracelets are above in the picture. The one on the left is Stage's and thy e one on the right is Cards'.


Cards drags Stage up to the top of the building. "Come on, Stage!"she calls from the top of the fire escape.

"But what if we fall and hurt ourselves?"Stage calls up and follows her friend up.

"We can't die."

"Oh yeah,"Stage mumbles and gets to the top. She looks around and grins at the candles around her surrounded by poles, sticks and snacks.

"And here is our childhood fantasy coming true,"Cards replies and points to the messy stack with jazz hands.

"Yay!!"Stage grins and hugs Cards excitedly. "Thank you so so much for this, Cards!"

This had been the girl's child hood fantasy long before they were immortal.

~~~~~~~ flashy back time ~~~~~~~

"And what do we do when we get to New York?"Grace asks, slightly confused on the point of going to New York.

"We explore and travel,"Sage replies exasperatedly. "We see the world,"the ten year old grins and starts to balance on a high up branch.

"Hey careful kid,"Grace warns nervously. "I'm not responsible for any broken bones."

"Can we go to New York one day?"ten-year-old Sage asks. "Please, Grace, please,"she begs.

"Fine. When we go we'll stay on somebody's roof and we'll make a den out of sticks and blankets,"Grace fantasies.

"And have candles lit all around and food and snacks! And we'll stay up all night,"Sage adds. Sage starts to describe some more to Grace and the older girls pulls out a spare piece of paper and a pencil. She starts to messily sketch out what Sage describes and shows it to the younger girl.

Sage squeals in excitement. "It's perfect!"

"And then one day we'll do it and that's a promise."

~~~~~~~ flashy back over ~~~~~~~

"Grace you're the best!"Sage grins and jump hugs the older girl. Grace stumbles around a bit and then hugs Sage back.

"I know I am,"Grace smirks cockily. "Now let's get inside."

The two girls crawl into the den and lie down on the blankets that were set out. They flop down, their backs and head landing on spare pillows from the Lodge. They make brief eye contact and then burst out laughing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"No. Way."

"Yes way! Race is crushing on Spot end of story,"Sage replies and places a sweet into her mouth.

"We've got to get them together!"Grace says.

"Well duh. What kind of friends would we be if we didn't,"Sage replies sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Is the king of Brooklyn even into guys?"

"Details we can sort out later,"Grace replies, waving her off as she tries to braid her messy pieces of thread together.

"You're doing that horribly,"Sage comments and neatly ties braids hers.

"No need to be so rude about it,"Grace mumbles.

"Look here,"Sage says and takes Grace's friendship bracelet, neatly tying up neatly. "Just tie this neatly and pull this slightly tighter,"she says quietly and determined to fix it.

After a few minutes she hands it to Grace. It was neatly tied together. The colours were light blue and grey. Grace looks at Sage's. It was neatly tied with blue and yellow.

"Should I even ask how?"

"No because I'm a magician."

"Sure you are. You can't even remember where your glasses are."

"Wait where are my glasses?"Stage asks and looks around. Grace points to the top of the younger girl's head.

Sage pulls them back down over her eyes. "Thank you my dear friend,"she says with a mocking posh tone.

"And you're also very welcome,"Grace replies in the same tone. She then thinks a bit and slips her friendship bracelet over her wrist. "Wait a sec. Why did you call Spot "the king of Brooklyn" instead of Spot?"she asks, slightly confused.

Stage shrugs. "Why do you call him Spot?"

"That's not the point,"Cards replies blankly. "Go back to the question."

"Fine. I'm just a little bit,"Stage pauses trying to find the word to describe it. "Iffy? Around him."

"You're scared of him aren't you?"

"Am not!"

"You so are!"Cards laughs. "What are you scared he's going to drop out of the sky and stalk you for the rest of his life?"

"He can do that?"Stage asks nervously and looks around.

"No but I can,"a voice calls. Stage let's put a squeal and Cards shines the light towards the entrance of den/blanket fort.

"Oh go away, Jesse!"

"Yeah it's girls time!"

"Then why aren't Annie, Hannah and Smalls up here?"

"It's too far for Smalls!"Stage replies and then tries to find another reason for Annie and Hannah not being there.

"Immortal girls only!"

"I don't see a sign."

Stage and Cards share a mischievous look and then look to Jesse cheekily. Crutchie's eyes widen as the girls start to hit him with pillows.

"No! No! Okay! Okay!"he says and balls up to protect himself. "I'll quit it! I'll leave. Just please stop!"

"Promise?"Cards asks.

"Yeah! Promise or we start to tickle you!"

"We should've started with that!"

"No! No! Please! I surrender!"Crutchie calls and starts to run/hop away from the girls. They wait to hear that he's gone down the fire escape and start to laugh.

"That was so much fun!"

"I know! We really should do that to the others more often."

"Is that you saying we should do that tomorrow?"


"Grace Rose Cards MacKay!"

"Cards isn't one of my middle names,"Grace replies slightly confused. Stage shrugs it off.

"It sounded better in my head."

A few seconds of silence pass before the two make eye contact and start to laugh again.

"Wait a sec. Who's roof is this?"Stage asks. Cards shrugs.

"I think the top apartment belongs to some girl that I sold a paper to,"she replies. "She goes to a school."

"Like girl."

"You got educated."

"That was like 90 years ago."

"I didn't get educated,"Cards points out.

"I tried to educate you,"Stage replies and puts her hands up in defence.

"Why did you think I'd actually pay attention?"

"You have a good point,"Sage mumbles. "Like you should've listened to me in 1805 after it had rained and you thought it was a good idea to climb a tree straight after it had rained."

"That was one time!"Grace mumbles.

"You broke your arm!"

"Not the point!"

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