Chapter Two: The Spring

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Sage - broadway_crackers
Grace - me

The next day Grace has dragged Sage out to woods. It was around midday but Sage still hadn't slept well but followed her friend anyways despite being tired.

"Why am I doing this?"she groaned.

"Because you're my friend and you love me now come on!"Grace replies. "Besides it's not my fault you didn't sleep well!" She then abruptly stops and covers Sage's glasses before walking a few more feet.

"What's this for? You could just take my glasses off you know,"Sage questions.

"Zip it. Now the grand revealing!"Grace says and uncovers Sage's eyes. "I present to you this lovely little area of the Foster's woods along with this lovely tree! Brought to you by your dear friend Grace MacKay in August 1806!"

Sage looks at the tree blankly. It was nice and all easy to climb high up and had a nice little spring nearby they could drink from if they ever got first whilst they were out here with a small open area they could messy around in. "Couldn't you have done this some other time?"Sage asks defeatedly. "It's nice and all but just- still. I'm tired."

Grace lets out a frustrated groan and rolls her eyes. She looks at Sage blankly for a few seconds then sighs. "Fine. Wanna drink though?"

"Yes. I'm thirsty because I'd woken up only an hour before you dragged me out here!"

"Fine fine. Let me see if it's alright first,"Grace replies and rolls her eyes at how dramatic she was being. She kneels down and cups her hands to take a sip. "Sorry, mate, being your older and irresponsible best friend I can't let you drink that."

Sage groans in frustration and then turns around. "This is a nice place and all and we can come back another time."

"Fine let's go,"Grace sighs and starts to walk back.

~~~~ time skip brought to you by the author who doesn't know what to put in*jazz hands*~~~~


That got Sage's attention. Something hitting her window. She looks up from her book and turns to the window. She turns around to see Grace stood by the window on the ground. She stands up and opens her window as Grace climbs in.

"We kinda got an issue,"she says and flops onto her friend's recently made bed. Sage mildly glares at her in annoyance and rolls her eyes then sits beside her friend.


Grace sits up and lets her hair down from her bandana. The blood stains in her friend's hair immediately catch her eyes. "What the hell did you do?"

"Okay so funny story. I was walking along through the Forrest to go back home and I tripped over a branch-,"

Sage cuts her off. "You tripped over your own two feet didn't you?"

"What I tripped over is unimportant. Either way I tripped over and hit my head on a rock. Then I woke up and I thought I was dead so I tried slapping myself across the face and didn't feel a thing,"Grace says and sits up slightly. "I then started walking home then I remembered I gotta pick something up from the park so I started walking there and a lady asked me if I was alright because blood was dripping down the back of my head. I said I was fine and it was just Ketchup that my younger brother had spilt."

"You don't have a younger brother you're a lonely child."

"The lady didn't know that and I'm not lonely! I'm one of five!"

"Also how can you spill Ketchup?"

"She asked and I ran off back home."

"Back to your little cabin in the woods?"

"Yes that! You don't need to rub in the fact I've got no proper home! Either way I started thinking about what I'd done differently and I realised it was the spring. So I went back found a toad poured some on the toad then dropped a small pebble on the toad's head and it was still alive! I'm frigging immortal!"

"That's kinda cool,"Sage comments after letting it sink in slightly.

"No it is not!! I cannot die. I want to live my life like a normal being and be able to die at the end of it,"Grace replies and flops back onto the bed. She lets out a frustrated groan and places her hands over her face. "Why can't I go die in a hole?"

"Because you're immortal,"her friend replies sarcastically. "Now let me figure out how to unimortalise you."

"That's not a word."

"Shush. Let me try to think of a way for you to become mortal again,"Sage replies and starts to think. Grace taps her foot against the floor and sits up. "You done thinking?"

"No!"Sage replies and flops onto her back. Grace lies down next to her.

"Well if I'm immortal and you're mortal we might as well have fun whilst we can because I'm gonna have to leave or else people will ask questions,"Grace replies and props herself up on her elbows. "I heard the fair is in town again."

"No. No way!"

"Hear me out. We leave a polite note for your grandma explaining where we've gone and say that you'll be back by sundown tomorrow or the day after,"Grace offers. Sage props herself up on her elbows and mutters a few inaudible things under her breath.

"Fine but without the note,"she sighs.

"Why without the note?"Grace asks slightly confused. "Shouldn't your grandma deserve to know where you are?"

"She worries about me too much and she's going to have to learn that she's not always going to know where I am,"Sage replies and stands up. She starts put on her shoes and open the window. "Let's get going before she wakes up from her nap."

Grace stares at her slightly in disbelief before chuckling slightly and following her to the window. "You're crazy and I'm a horrible influence on you,"she sighs and starts to climb down the wall.

"Yeah but you and I are stuck together for the rest of my life time,"Sage comments.

"Yeah. I'll visit every ten years don't worry about it,"Grace replies as they start to walk through the woods.

"Why ten?"

"Because that's how long it takes to forget a face."

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