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Are you still a fugitive if you were kidnapped from prison?

Does being set free against your will hold up in any court of justice? Would I even be able to prove that I was not an accomplice? Because right now I sure as hell look guilty as the person I'm handcuffed to.

How would I even begin to explain that I was smuggled across the galaxy?

More importantly, how would I even get back?

My ride? Let's just say I was lucky to have survived the landing, unfortunately, I was not the only one to have escaped the crash. "No don't mind me at all, I'll just hang-" A loud grunt was heard followed by sharp yanks on my handcuff before an annoyed sigh "On, I'll just hang on."

I ignored her, stretching my legs out a bit before sitting up. "Yeah, you do that," I replied, patting the dust off my legs. It was orange, or perhaps a very annoying shade of red, either way it wasn't getting out of my thin grey pants any time soon.

Glancing at our surroundings I frowned at the wasteland of a planet, which seemed to be nothing but the red dust for miles- except for the large canyon the person attached to me was currently dangling above of course.

"If you don't pull me up, I'm going to consider dragging us both down," She warned. I leaned over the edge of the deep cliff with a raised eyebrow, calling her bluff. Her legs kicked beneath her, searching for hard ground as she hung above darkness, she had one arm fisted to the chest whilst the one attached to me kept her upright and prevented her from plummeting to her death.

"And here I thought you were hanging in there," I watched her squirm in the air. She shot me a fierce glare, which didn't exactly increase the levels of sympathy I was feeling for her at the moment. "You shouldn't have dragged me here."

"You got handcuffed to me!" She pointed out, her face was still swollen with anger. "I had no choice!"

"You're not exactly a delight to be attached to either," I sneered, "You do realize what you've done? You've made me your accomplice."

"I've set you free!" She argued, her chubby legs now resting as her chest heaved, "You should be thanking me!"


"For what?!"

I shuffled further towards the edge making her begin to kick again, panic flooding her face. "Wait wait!" She screeched. "I'm sorry," Her bottom lip wobbled, "I should've have hit you with the extinguisher!"

"Oh, that's why you think I'm upset?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Try again."

Stubbornness deepened her brows to glare at me and I once again called her bluff by shaking my arm, making her immediately soften her gaze. "Our destination! I should've asked for your in-input too! Very rude of me."

"I will kill us both." I warned.

She sighed and looked down, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken advantage of you offering to lead me around-

"And?" I encouraged her.

She winced, her voice getting quieter, "I should not have handcuffed you to me, to force you to come too."

My eyes pressed together at the innocence of her response, her pleading coming to my mind. She'd only been in the facility for a couple of hours when she asked me to show her around, I refused, and she pleaded with me until I got annoyed and just decided to cave. And now I was in another galaxy.

She was cute, I doubted she'd have survived a week locked up but then again, I still had no idea what she'd done to get there.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed her arm. Her shirt had been ripped up a bit, singed in some areas likely due to the crash landing but other than that she looked fine. My eyes fell to her left hand that she had pressed to her chest in a fist. Not really helpful for someone who I was trying to help up.

"Using both might speed up the process you know?"

Her arm remained pinned to her chest as she curled her lips into her mouth "I think," She avoided my gaze "I think it's hurt."

This made me stare at it, seeing now that the area around her top had darkened to a shimmery silver color. When she was back on solid land, she was quick to snatch her arm out of my hands and cradle her other one. I assessed her cautiously "What do you mean, you think? Try um...I don't know? Straightening it out?"

She shook her head abruptly like I'd suggested she should dive headfirst into the canyon "No I-" She trembled slightly as her eyes darted around "What if it's bleeding? I-I can't stand blood."

I blinked at her "Even if it's your own?"

Seeing how seriously terrified she appeared I let out a slight groan as I weighed my options. "Well, if it is bleeding, I can't have you dying on me, else' I'll have to drag your body through this," I threw my arms in the air "Wherever we are," I threw another glance at her slightly swollen right arm before muttering "And I can't have you passing out on me either, can I?" I took a step towards her, and she quickly flinched away.

"What are you doing?" she asked alarmed, tilting her damaged arm away from me.

"I'm taking a look at it."

She looked me up and down "You don't look like a doctor to me."

I raised my hands up "Oh my fault, did you not just say you're hurt but too much of a little bitch to see what's wrong?" I questioned.

Her jaw dropped "I said no such-No I meant let's go look for help!"

I nodded slowly "Do you mean up here or at the bottom of this cliff because all I see up here is you, me and dust for the next couple miles," I looked in shock behind her "Wait is that a person!" She turned around quickly "Nope, just another dead volcano probably filled with more dust, but do tell me when you find this healthcare in the middle of nowhere."

She scoffed "So you suddenly know medicine?"

"I'm certainly more qualified than that dead volcano."

Her jaw ticked as she closed her eyes in annoyance, she tapped her foot quickly on the sand before turning back around to face me. She bit her lip as she took a step closer to me, her eyes filled with caution "And you're not going to hurt me?"

"Can't exactly break it twice can I?" I argued.

She looked away mumbling "It's not broken." I grabbed her arm gently, running my finger up and down it in gingerly touches.

"Tell me if it hurts."

I rubbed different parts of the flesh, glancing at her face between intervals to catch a reaction but all I saw was her stubborn scowl as she refused to watch what I was doing. I ran my fingertips over her tight fist before slowly pulling apart her fingers from their tight grip on her shirt.

She hissed as I finally broke it away, making me stop for a second. "No no continue," She encouraged taking in sharp breaths "It just, hurts," She whimpered.

"Don't think about it then, try thinking about how you're going to get us off this planet," I suggested.

Her dark blue eyes narrowed "Me? You're the one that punched a hole in the controls!"

"You want to stand here and talk about a ship that's probably in pieces at the bottom of this canyon?" I rubbed my thumb into her flesh "Let's talk about something more productive, like where we are."

She put her head in her palm and closed her eyes "The monitor thingy said something about Milky Way Galaxy...something something fourth planet from the sun."

"Great just great," I breathed "Of course we're in the Milky Way."

"Is that... bad?"

I shrugged "You tell me if being four galaxies over from home with no way to go back and no idea of where you are is bad."

She shot me a glare "You're pressing too hard."

I nodded in understanding but continued to pull open her arm until it was slightly stretched out. That's when I saw...it.

I felt every molecule of food I'd eaten in the last few hours rush up my throat but considering the situation I was quick to swallow it. This alarmed her "What was that?" She asked quietly.

I blinked profusely to get rid of the slight light headedness I was feeling as I stared at the wound, oh that's a clean break. "W-what was what?" My voice trembled as I gagged again.

"That! You did it again," She tried to turn her head, but my lower right hand was quick to shoot out and smack her across the face to hold her jaw away from view of her arm. "Is there blood? Is that why you won't let me see?" She swallowed "W-why are you gagging?"

My mouth opened but I struggled to find the worlds to say something. I rotated her arm slightly to assess the damage more which only made my jaw drop further. "Remove your jacket?" I stated dryly, trying to make sure my voice didn't crack.

"What?" She asked, still trying to twist her head to see.

"The jacket you're wearing. Take. It. Off."

She began to quickly try to slide her jacket off the arm that was handcuffed to me which is when we met our problem. "I can't," She swallowed, "I can't take it off, maybe try ripping it or something I don't know exactly what you need...Is it bleeding too much? Do you need the jacket to assess the damage mor-

I cut her off by ripping the lower part of her jacket, the flimsy material tearing easily between my fists. I used my upper arms to prepare the makeshift bandages whilst my lower right arm held her face away from the scene and my left held her damaged arm upright.

"Is there any way I can help?" She asked sounding more like she wanted to cry "You're sort of scaring me with your silence...is....is it that bad?"

I didn't reply her but instead took the collar of her jacket and stuffed it into her mouth. "Bite down hard and scream into that," I told her, ignoring the way her eyes widened. Before she had a chance to protest, I placed my fingertips over the jagged bone that was sticking out of her flesh and pushed it back into place.

A shriek similar cut threw her throat, but it was swallowed by the material stuck in her mouth. She began to thrash in my hold, but I held her still as I wrapped the bandage tightly around the wound to keep it in place, only stopping when I had wrapped it around her neck in a sloppy looking sling.

I let out a breath and took a step back, my gaze immediately falling on the sticky silver blood that now coated my fingertips, She spat out the torn jacket in her mouth and panted her accusing gaze falling on me. "You said you wouldn't hurt me."

"I also said I couldn't hurt you further," I pointed out.

"How does it look?" She asked hesitantly.

"Well, it kind of looks like," I thought for a second before bringing my hands up "Have you ever snaped a branch in half over your leg?"

It took a second for her to answer and I almost wondered if she'd heard me until I saw where her eyes were focused. Her gaze was centered on my now glittery fingers and I swear I could almost see her getting paler.

"Don't you da-

I lunged for her as she went completely limp in my arms. I held up her dead weight for maybe a minute until ultimately dropping her onto the ground, "Well isn't that just great."

*+:。.。  。.。:+*

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