a friend's favor

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jason was lainding in the couch watching tv with giggles who was sleeping over his body

jason:....there is nothing interesting to watch*look giggles*jeje she is cute when she sleeps*pet her*

then his phone ring he aswer




???:when the sun comes down

jason:i be there*finish the call*i wonder what he need*look victoria and remove her from his body without wake her up*well i better go*pet giggles and leave the house*i better make be more safe*call his body guards*


jason:call you team i need to you cover my back

alfa:copy that sir


jason was in the meeting place

jason:...i wonder where he is

???:right here

jason:is been an while*turn aroud to face him*



jason:i goin by jason now i leave the ica remeber

47:i know after travis you leave

jason:yeah sooo what you call me after all this months

47:i need favor for you

jason:what is it

47:is about victoria

jason:what!? what happen to her!!?

47:don't worry she is fine but

jason:but what

???:some agencys know about victoria

he turn to the voice


diana:hey apha

jason:what are you doing here? i think you hiding

diana:don't worry we take all cautions besides you"body guards"have all things cover

jason:how you?

diana:that does't matter the theme is some agencys know about victoria and they try to taker her to either sell her o experiment her like back in the agency

jason:god dammit soo let me guess you want to help to take down the targets



diana:we know you capabilities of all kinds of operations but that is not what we ask you

jason:soo what is

diana move away to show another person




diana:i want to take care her and protect her

jason:but why me 

diana:we know you have resource both normal and secret ones

jason:what how

diana:i keep eye of you

47:olso we know you are the leader and founder of the azure guardians

jason have is eyes widen

apha speak trough telapathy

apha:{should i take then out they know too much}


diana:soo i ask you that protect her

jason:only if she is okay with that

victoria:i okay with you after all you and 47 help me and rescue me 


47:i trust you in this

jason:don't worry i will protect her

diana:good i contact you for updates

jason:yeah..olso even trough i can't join you missions i can give support with the azure guardians

diana:you sure?

jason:yeah they ready for anything

diana:all right i talk with you about that we have to go

jason:take care guys

diana:don't worry*look victoria*victoria please listen to jason he will protect you

victoria:*nod*i will

they leave

jason:ready victoria

she nod and they heading to his car

jason:{keep eye for anything suspicious}

alfa:{copy that}

they enter in the car and jason start to drive back to home

victoria:hey jason


victoria:how you met 47?

jason:i was an link of the ica to another agency alter couple of missions the ica chose me to be one his agents i accept and they put me missions of either goin alone o with 47 and  there will became good pathness

victoria:soo how you guys met after "that"

jason:....i was just finish another mission when travis call to go with team call the saints to capture 47 i can't believe an first but still accept just to know why...an then moment we arrive the location i see the agency's dark side

victoria:what happen

jason:...47 was an a motel when we arrive the leader of the saints use the rpg an shoot the room 47 was that women does't care about collatera damage and worst the orders was to kill witneses inocent people who have nothing to do with that but still they do it

victoria:*gasp*oh my god

jason:yeah after that i just into positon an a high point where i have an view of the corn field i see 47 but i din't shoot i want aswers when he finish kill the saints i cofront him about why he betray the agency he respond by give the letter of diana witch explaind everything even about you


jason:yeah after i goin along with 47 an saved you and kill travis...and that is my storie after that i leave the agency

victoria:i see

later in night

jason was in the bed talking by phone

diana:soo how is she

jason:she is goin good

diana:even the weird stuff happen like the spider robot

jason:......yeah that olso how is goin with guardias

diana:thank with you help we have resourse no even the ica have i was suprise you have tech out scifi movies

jason:yeah i have my ways if you need everything else ask the members o me

diana:don't worry about i think we have more than enough but i keep mind i call you later

jason:see ya*finish the call**sight*


he look an victoria who was in the door with her pijama

jason:hey you need something?

victoria:can i sleep i can't feel safe sleeping alone 


victoria laid to the other side of the bed

victoria:you have an interesting life style

jason:yeah i know


jason:what is wrong?

victoria:i just i trough this was over i free with no fear but is like start over it

jason:victoria*grab*remeber this i gonnad make sure you are safe and have the greatess life you ever wish


jason:yeah and i always make my promises

victoria:thank you

jason:no problem

they fell sleep while holding hands

victoria:{i glad be with you}

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