the assaut

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jason met kyo and his team

jason:soo you gather you team


kyo:team japan back to action olso

???:hey there

jason:shngo!? you gonnad join too?


kyo:he beg to many times until i say yes

jason:i see*look shingo*can you hande this

shingo:yeah i be face nest before i know the deal

kyo:soo you gonnad join our team

jason:no i have my own team

kyo:who are you members


benimaru:eh!? kyo are they

kyo:no they not i was suprise too but turns out they clones of then

fyra:don't worry we leave then thanks to jason

goro:i see

kyo:soo jason what is the plan

jason:i know the base is an my army are ready

shingo:you have an army!?

jason:yeah i teleport to my base*snap his fingers and teleport to his base*

when they arrive team japan was suprise


shingo:is like out an fantasy and sci fy movie

jason:yeah i know

benimaru:how long take you to make this?

jason:5 days

team japan:what!?

he was about to say something

ag soldier:sis we ready for the assault

jason:good tell everybody to be ready to take off

ag soldier:yes sir*leave*

jason:come on let's go

they go to an helicopter

shingo:wow sooo cool


they get inside as jason  active his loud speake

jason:all right guys this is it we gonnad assault the nest's base find where they create the clones and destroid it as well the infomation we take care of they leader are you crear

soldiers:yes sir!!!!

jason:good let's go!!

they soldier leave the base in they vehicles


an couple kilometers of nest's base

jason:all right guys pain attention to this

show the images

jason nest are using this base we know because scans show activitie inside

shingo:look easy to enter

jason:no is not


jason:asside for that they have his soldier good arme along with some defenses

kyo:okay after we take down that where we goin?

jason:well there secret entraces witch lead to this


jason:yeah from there expect very heavin defense along with me and kyo's clones

goro:wait an minutes they make clones of you? how?

jason:i don't know they are strong so becareful

kyo:yeah thoses are hard to deal

jason:and here

jason:is where they make the clones

kyo:wait an minute how you get this?

jason:i have contacts inside as well they ready to deactive the outside systems

kyo:soo what is our part

jason:you team and our team goes to the main room where we presume the leader is 

shingo:and what about the rest

jason:they take care to destroid the clones machine don't worry some of the member are powerful heros and other team of kof along with then

kyo:really like who

jason:k team,ikari warriors and more

kyo:you kidding

k:is not kyo

kyo look aroud

k:i am another helicoter 


jason:we have this

ag:sir base is in sight


kyo:soo how we land

jason:first the suprise


jason:give the signal

az:copy here air one time to give the cake orbit 1

orbit:copy that cake delivier an 3.. 2...1

an that moments lazer from the sky hit the base

shingo:holy god

kyo:wow you were't kidding when you show what happen when they make you angry


fyra:that was overkill

goeniko:but our job is more easy

they helicoters land as everyone got out

jason:come on start to show then they should mess with us



jason and kyo's team was running in the hall to the main room

jason:gonnad say they gave good fight

kyo:yeah but we beat then an this assault goes much better than i expect

goeniko:there is the door

they enter to the main room

???:i see you arrive that attack was unexpect

there was an shadow figure

jason:is over dude you base is gonnad be destroide

???:mmhp you think you have this you are wrong*step follow to reveal*

jason and kyo: no way


igniz:is be an while

benimaru:i trough he was dead

igniz:you fool i can't be killed

jason:we beat you once and we beat you again

igniz:you think that no more along with my pathner



kyo:wait an minute

another figure appear



shingo:wait that is element look like yagami

jason:he is an clone base of him an powerful one

element:correct now you have no chance to beat us

jason:that is what you think we more than you two

element snap his finger as another three figures appear behim then

jason:oh crap

benimaru:we take cared thoses

goeniko:you and kyo take thoses two

they nod an got to igniz and element

element:any last worlds before you die

kyo:yeah i gonnad kick you ass!!!


kyo vs element

element:i can't be!!!

kyo:is that all you got?

element:i not done!!*charge to him*

with jason and igniz

jason:looks like you pathner have an bad time

igniz:no for long as for you you fate would be death

jason:the only one who gonnad have that is you igniz prepare youseft!!!


jason:you looks like plans fell apart


kyo just pierce element chest with his fist kill him

kyo:this is for yuniko you bastard!!

jason look back to the other who just ender destroid the other clones

jason:is over igniz

igniz:maybe you destroid my plans but i can kill all you

jason:how you gonnad do that

???:warning, warning auto destrotion set active time to explode 1 minute


igniz:you can't escape before this explode

jason:we can*open his palm and an enegy ball appear*but no you*lauch to him destroide him*

kyo:how we gonnad escape

jason:*active his comunications*everybody active his teleports to the landing pad

shingo:wait soo thoses thing out there works for that?

jason:yeah but we have an difirent method goeniko

goeniko:right hang on everybody

cover everyone an a tornado and the next moment they are outside an the lading pad as the soldier and the teams teleport outside

jason:everyone let's get out here this place is gonnad explode

everyone goes to the vehicles an leave the base

kyo:are we an safe distance?

ag pilot:yeah sir

jason:is the clone machine destroide

ag soldier:yes sir destroi without trace

jason:that is

an that moment the base explode like atomic explosion

shingo:holy god!!!

daimon:we lucky to be out of range

jason:well mission complete that means

pilot:party time

jason:yeah an a big one everyone is in


kyo:can i

jason:yeah you can invite you harem

shingo:what!!?? kyo you have an harem


benimaru:wow i imprese you reach every man's dream

kyo:i well i

daimon:how you manage?

shingo:teach me please

kyo:oh god*sight*


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