Thirty: Before she gets worse

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Barakah Muhammad

When I get back from school, Aliyah treats me like her friend, she even asks me what we did in school. I want to ask her about her strange behavior in the morning. But her smile and energy made me forget.

The next day, she resumes school with me. We even hold hands after getting out of the car. Seeing Aliyah happy makes me happy too.

After assembly, Aliyah follows me to my class, still holding my hand. When I reach my seat, she asks, “Barakah?”

“Na’am?” I sit and turn to her.

“Don't go out for break. Wait for me.”


“Why?” A female voice asks.

I see Brianna standing behind Aliyah. “Why should she wait for you? Are you her mother?”

I want to say something, but Aliyah beats me, “None of your business.” She says and leaves the class.

Brianna watches her, then she sits beside me. “She doesn’t have any right to tell you what to do.”

I shrug, “maybe she wants us to buy lunch together.”

“Bullshit.” She says, hitting her textbook on the table.

I move back, surprised. Brianna sighs. “Sorry. I’m not really in a good mood. My mom annoyed me.”

I nod, “moms can be like that.”

Brianna faces the board. "I hate it.”

I remember hating mommy’s behavior before. But not anymore. I know she’s human, so she’s not perfect. “It’s part of her love for you.” I say, nodding again.

Brianna looks at me, then sighs. “My anger is also part of my love for her.” She smiles.

I shake her shoulders and we laugh. The bell rings for the first period.

Later, the bell rings for the last time. “Don't forget. Friday is the last day for your payment. After that, latecomers will pay extra.”

“Yes sir.” We reply.

Brianna glares at the back of Mr Bayo’s head as he leaves the class. She hisses, “nye nye nye, see his head. All he knows is how to extort money from students.”

I laugh. “How do you know?”

“Mimi told me. He also taught them Intro Tech in Jss 3. She said that he refused to allow them buy the materials themselves. Only for them to find out that the prices he gave them were two times more than the original one.” She hisses again.

I frown. “Shouldn't we report?”

“To who?” She stands. “Please wait for me. Let me use the restroom.”

I nod and put my books inside my bag. Then I grab her bag and do the same.”

“Barakah?” I hear Aliyah’s voice. She’s standing at Brianna’s side of the seat, frowning.

“Hey,” I smile.

“School has closed. Let's go.”

“I’m waiting for Brianna.” I say, patting her bag.

“Why? Does she live in the same area with us?”

“No, but we always leave the school together.”

Aliyah hisses and folds her arms. “That’s because I was not around. But now I’m back. So, let's go.”

I shake my head. “You know Brianna is my friend too, right?”

Aliyah’s eyes widen, “and I’m your enemy?” She points at her chest.

“I’m back.” Brianna announces. “Excuse.” She tells Aliyah. Aliyah looks at her, then me before leaving.”

“Hey, where are you going? Wait na.” I shout.

Brianna laughs. “What's wrong with her?”

I shake my head, feeling the same confusion as yesterday.

We grab our bags and leave. Outside the gate, I say goodbye to Brianna and cross the road. I notice Aliyah standing under a tree behind the car park. She’s hiding her face in her hands. I go to her. “Hey.” I touch her shoulder. She doesn’t move. “Aliyah?” I move closer. She removes her hand. Her eyes are red. Has she been crying?

She hisses and starts walking toward the road home. I watch her, then shake my head and follow.

As we cross the road, I notice an okada parked at the opposite side. The rider is wearing his helmet. I stop, watching him. Then I turn to Aliyah. She’s still walking. The Okada man is still looking.

Is that ugly uncle?

I look around. There’re no adults on the road, only students like us. I begin to walk toward Aliyah. Should I tell her? I stop, then turn to the Okada man. He’s still looking. Will he follow her? He stands and brings out a phone.

Are they coming to kidnap her?!

I start running, even though I hate it. But Aliyah likes it, and even though she’s angry, I know she won’t resist.

As I reach her, I push her shoulder. “Last to reach will eat spoilt fish!” I run further a little before stopping, then I turn. She has stopped, still looking angry.

“Loser!” I shout and stick my tongue out. She opens her mouth in surprise, then starts running. I run too, past the bungalow houses. My target is the junction where they’re adults waiting for the bus.

 Once I reach the junction shade, I feel a slap on my back. “First you!” Aliyah shouts. I stop. She stops too and turns to me, breathing hard.

I bend down to catch my breath. This is why I hate running.

“Better stand up. We’ll race to the house.” Aliyah says.

“No, I give up. Let’s take a shortcut.” I stand.

“Ojoro.” She says.

I shake my head. “I’ve already surrendered.”

She watches me, trying to make sure I’m telling the truth. “I haven't forgiven you.”

I laugh, then turn toward the road. But I don’t see the okada man. Where did he go?

“Oya na. Let's go. Or do you want to wait for your friend again?”

Later in the evening, I join mom in the kitchen where she’s preparing for Iftar.

“What’s the name of this fasting again?” I ask her as I’m washing some apples and oranges in the sink.

“White days fasting, mainly 13th, 14th, and 15th of every month. It’s Sunnah but recommended and very rewarding.”

I nod. I’ve always enjoyed fasting. “Will you be fasting tomorrow too?”

“Yep, it’s the last day.”

I place the fruits on a tray and grab a knife. Mommy turns away from her pot of boiling kunun gyada (groundnut gruel) and smiles at me, stretching out her hand.

“Please na.”

“No, thank you.”

“I’ll peel the oranges small small.”

Still smiling, she shakes her head. “Peel only the ones you and the girls will take.”

The girls? No longer you and Hoor. I smile. Then I remember the man on the bike. “Has aunty Rose left already?”

“Yes, since yesterday. She’s currently at her uncle’s house in Abeokuta.”

I nod. I should tell her about the okada man. But then, what if he was not chasing Aliyah? What if it was just my imagination, especially as I didn’t see him again. There’s no way he disappeared into thin air, right?

The call for prayer begins on mommy’s phone on the plate rack.

As I move to the dining room, she calls out, “Peel only your own o.”

Once I’m done, I put the fruits in the fridge and head to our room to call Aliyah and Hoor for prayer. As I open the door, the first thing I hear is Hoor screaming, “Noooooo!”

I roll my eyes and enter. Now she’s giggling as Aliyah tickles her on the bed. “Stop!” She shouts.

“Ke, don’t block our ears. Time for prayer.” Hoor sits up, eyes watery. “Have mommy finished cooking our Iftar?”

I eye her, “Which your Iftar? Did you fast?”

Aliyah removes the bed sheet covering her head. “Which fasting?”

“13th, 14th, and 15th of the month.” I sit on my bed. “I’m going to join tomorrow, in sha Allah.”

Aliyah frowns, “Why? Are you not too young?”

“Yes, but I hear it’s very rewarding, and I want some rewards for myself.”

“Me too!” Hoor shouts, jumping on the bed.

“Madam, go and perform ablution.”

“Yaya Barakah, wake me.” She says as the door closes.

“Grow up first.” I tell her, smiling. When I turn to Aliyah, she’s lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

“Better stand up.” I say.

She hisses and turns away.  I move to her side and grab her hand. She opens her eyes and yells, “Stop!”

I release her immediately, eyes wide. “Are you okay?”

She looks down, squeezing the bed sheet. She shakes her head. I sit beside her. “What’s wrong?”

She shakes her head again.

As Hoor comes out of the bathroom, Aliyah quickly pushes her and runs inside, banging the door closed.

“What happened?” Hoor asks me, rubbing her arm. I hug her. “Is Sisi Aliyah okay?” I shake my head. I have never seen her like this before. Now I’m really worried. I need to tell mommy before she gets worse.

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Zah Storyteller HQ

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