Chapter 2: In the Clouds

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Thank you for reading Chapter 1 :) Thank you to God for His blessings and all of you readers who have decided to read this story :)

If you like Chapter 2, then please do upvote and/or give feedback as I am not sure if I should continue writing this story :)


Anika's Point of View

Three Weeks Ago

The airplane rumbled as it attempted to cruise in the high skies. My eyes following out towards the clouds that spread themselves like a blanket of snow.

I felt my chest tremble as I laid my head in my seat. Gulping nervously, I looked out of the window and then closed my eyes shut as I began praying that a safe landing would occur.

Planes are my worst nightmare. They have always induced a pure utter fear in my mind and no matter how hard I try the fear just cannot vanish out of my mind. I sighed as I pushed my head deeper into the seat and bit my lip nervously.

Hearing a loud laugh behind me, I looked back towards my right. A sight that slowly broke me.

I noticed her hand slowly wrapped around his arm as she giggled as he whispered something in her ear. Arti smiled softly as she looked at Ayaan as she snuggled lightly into his arms. They appeared as the perfect couple free of any sins despite how many they committed.

Tears filling up in my eyes as I looked at them. Control yourself Anika. She is your sister, be happy for her. Then why can I not be happy for her? Why is my heart aching so much when I see her like this with Ayaan? No, Anika you have to let go of these feelings. These horrible feelings that are not justified no matter what.

I quickly looked away as I closed my eyes shut as I tried to relax. How can I stop such feelings? Ever since I met Ayaan, I knew this was it. He was the one and we were going to end up together. It might sound awfully cheesy, but I always thought that he was the one ever since we were teens. He was my best friend and that friendship bloomed into love. At least that is what I thought it was.

He did say that he loved me and we did get engaged, but somehow everything fell apart. He fell in love with Arti and Arti fell in love with him. And then my heart broke. I know you must be thinking how emotionless I am...well once a heart is broken, all emotions become numb.

Tears appear without any reason and smiles barely make its way.

I turned my head away towards the cloudy sky wishing to immerse in it. I wiped a tear away as I looked outside. Be strong Anika. Be responsible. You have to fulfill your duty as an older sister. You have to fight this battle within you.

Closing my eye, I tried to sleep and roll out the thoughts out of my mind. But, no matter how much I tried I couldn't as I sighed and crossed my arms I frustration.

How long will this flight will take? I hate flying international...actually scratch that. I hate flying in general. If I had the option to not fly by plane I would pick that instantly. But, unfortunately, in this case I do not have an option.

This is my sister's wedding and I have to fulfill my duty as a sister and attend the wedding. Arti is my only sister and this is such a significant event that will be happening in her life. I cannot just abandon her and weep my tragedies.

My thoughts quickly broke as I heard the pilot announcing that landing will occur in fifteen minutes. I quickly placed on my seat belt as I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes shut and took deep breaths. I heard the wheels lightly rumble and touch the ground as I attempted to gather my ground as well.

Following everyone in a daze, I made my way out on to the terminal at Heathrow airport. I have always been the awkward and shy kid in the family, so it's very easy for me to get lost in the large crowd of family members. We made our ways to the waiting area in the airport.

"Babe, how long will this layaway be?" Arti complained as she hugged Ayaan and made a baby face.

I sighed as I fixed my scarf as I sat down on the sofa next to Ma and Papa and I stared out the starry night that blanketed London. We had been waiting for the last two hours at the airport for our layaway to Delhi and clearly the wait was least for me.

Papa was busy watching videos on his phone while Ma was busy gossiping with other relatives. The lobby was indeed crowded with family members all happy and prepared for a destination wedding.

I felt anxiety slowly building up inside of me as I looked at Arti and Ayaan hand in hand all happy and deeply in love as they looked at each other. I gulped as I looked at the large crowd of relatives as I fixed my scarf again tugging on it. Large groups make me anxious combined with the fact of how I may just be the joker in this family knowing what everyone must be thinking of me right....Look at Anika, we knew she was never going to get married. Something is off about it was expected that her wedding would be called off.

"Anika beta, my God, you have grown up so much. You look so beautiful," Pooja Massi spoke as she hugged me and sat between Ma and me.

"Of course, after all she is my daughter," Ma noted with pride as I smiled weakly and looked at Pooja Massi.

"Waise, what are you doing nowdays?" Massi asked as my smile dropped. A failure in pre med. I thought as I shook the thought out of my head.

"I heard you applied to medical school three times and still no luck? You should have become an accountant like Arti. I mean look at her. She is settled career wise and now getting married. She's two years younger than you!" Massi's words lightly piercing my heart, a habit she was an expert in performing.

Well, I tried. I tried my best to get into medical school, but how is it my fault that some how I am getting rejected. But, then it is expected. I attended a university with grade deflation. I tried my best, but somehow never got the best grades which meant a bleak future for getting into medical school. Sighing, I weakly smiled and tried to collect my fallen emotions.

Indeed, fate has truly been so good to me...not only did it wreck havoc in my personal life, but also my professional life as well.

"I know didi, but fate has something else in store for Anika. I am thinking after Arti gets married, we will get Anika engaged and marry her off as well." Ma's words surprsing me as my eyes widened as I looked at Ma in shock.

What? Marriage?! How can Ma and Papa even think about getting me married? I am just coming out of a broken's been just a year and they are already considering to get me engaged. How is this even possible?

"Of course, you should. I mean this was supposed to be Anika's destination wedding, but fate somehow decided a different path."

"Well, Pooja didi what can I say? Kids these days never listen. Who knew Ayaan was never meant for Anika, but Arti."

My eyes widening as I looked back at Ma. Ma's words stinging the already burned and battered wound inside of me. It feels odd how she just says the statement so nonchalantly without a care of how must be feeling at the moment. It's as if she thinks I am made of stone who doesn't have any emotions.

However, I cannot blame Ma. I mean Arti is also her daughter and it is tough to sacrifice one child's happiness and give it to another, but she had too. Ayaan's mom, Neha aunty, is her best friend since childhood and she worked so hard to convince her, so she had to say yes to Arti and Ayaan's wedding.

My eyes falling back at Pooja massi noticing her looking at me up and down trying to figure what flaw I must have had that Ayaan rejected me and chose my younger sister. I felt a sense of awkwardness as I placed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Um...I'll be back Ma," I mumbled as I quickly walked away feeling tears rolling down my cheeks without any intentions of stopping.

The tears had no intention to stop as I placed the scarf lightly against my cheeks. When will this stop? All of this? The misery...the pain that had no intention to weaken or be replaced. This awful misery that just hugs on to me and has no willingness to leave me.

Suddenly, I felt a large force slam into me with my feet slipping as I began to fall backwards with my arms flying up in the air. My eyes widening as I felt a tight grasp encircle itself around my arm.

Balancing myself, I held my arm out as I stumbled once more. My vision full of tears slowly clearing up while I noticed a tall figure towering over me as it held my arm tightly.

Slowly moving the waves of brown hair out of my face, I looked up at the mysterious face in front of me. Tears still flushing down my eyes while I attempted to clear my blurry vision only to encounter a pair of blue eyes lit with fire.

A sense of anger mixed with mystery reflected in his eyes. His broad jaw clenching tightly as he appeared to be angry without any reason or means. Goosebumps inching up to me feeling a sense of fear from him.

"Can you not see where you are walking?!" The voice thundering loudly as I suddenly felt myself shake.

The lobby suddenly falling down in silence as I felt eyes turning swiftly towards us. His hand still on my arm while he continued to look towards me as if he was ready to eat me.

"I-I a-am sorry....Truly I didn't mean to walk into you-"

"Oh shut up! Do you even know who I am?!" He exclaimed as I trembled trying to snatch my arm from his grip, but failing to do. Taking a step back, I twisted my scarf around my hand nervously knowing I had definitely screwed up big time.

"Oh....Oberoi sir, please calm down," I turned around and saw Ayaan walking up to the man in front of me as he held my arm tightly without any intentions of letting it go.

"Oberoi sir, please forgive Anika. She truly didn't mean it," Papa began as he looked at Shivaay in front of me. Sir? Why is Papa calling him sir?

"Shivaay beta, what is wrong? What happened?" I heard finding a small elderly lady walking towards us as she looked at both of curiously.

"Daadi, I am teaching a lesson to this girl who clearly should learn about looking while walking. I mean look at my shirt. Look at this coffee stain!" Shivaay exclaimed as he looked at Daadi and then back at me while he continued to grumble. The coffee stain upon his shirt liking a product of our encounter.

"Look at this poor young girl. It must be an honest mistake. Right beta?" Daadi said politely as she looked at me making me shake my head immediately.

"Oh Dilkirat you're here!" I looked back and saw Nani happily walking with a walker towards Daadi.

"Of course I would be here Billu," Daadi exclaimed as she hugged Nani tightly.

"Wouldn't I attend my best friend's granddaughter's wedding?" Daadi spoke.

I felt Shivaay's grip loosen on my arm as he let it go and threw a glare at me while I looked away and attempted to avoid eye contact.

"Sir, we are sorry. Anika truly didn't mean it," Papa noted softly while looking towards Shivaay.

"No problem. Just let your daughter know to be careful next time," Shivaay ordered as he looked at me and then looked away.

Feeling a hand grasping tightly onto my elbow, I encountered Ma who began to drag me away.

"Ma what happened?" I asked as she sighed and threw her head up in the air.

"Anika, what was that? Do you know who he is?" Ma questioned as I looked at her curiously.

"How will I know who he is?" I spoke nonchalanty as Ma rolled her eyes.

"Your papa's boss and Ayaan's boss," Ma declared as I raised my eyebrow and looked back at him and then back at her.

"What's he doing here?" Ma sighed and looked at me with frustration.

"His daadi is your nani's, meaning my mom's, best friend. I mean that's how your Papa got a job as an accountant at his company or else your papa is good for nothing as you know. Well, Shivaay's dad hired him in the company and after he died, Shivaay took over, hence, your papa's boss," Ma exclaimed as I removed a strand of hair away from my face and looked back at him.

"Anyways, Anika seriously, can you now please stop screwing everything over huh? For once learn how to handle relationships. Sometimes I think there must have been a problem in my upbringing that you turned out this way."

My eyes widening as her hurtful words pinched a sensitive nerve. Biting my lip, I tried to swallow my tears as I felt my voice weaken. I do not know how to handle relationships? How can Ma say this? I mean I sacrificed by fiancé, my love, for my sister and she thinks I don't know how to handle relationships?

"I don't know how to handle relationships?" I asked questioning her decision.

"Yes, because if you did then this would have been your wedding and that man standing over there with your younger sister would have been your fiancé, but what has happened is a thing of the past and there is no use in talking about it....Look beta, I know all of this is difficult for you. If it was up to me I wouldn't have let this wedding happen, but Neha is my best friend. She is like my sister and she never asked anything from me ever and when she did she asked for Arti's hand in marriage for Ayaan. I had to say yes to her. You know that right?" Ma's voice holding presence of insensitivity as I lowered my eyes trying to fight tears.

"Anika I just want to say that this wedding is going to be like a battle for you and this wedding will test your strength. The only way you will be able to make it through is by keeping one thing in your mind which is that family is your priority and it is your duty as the eldest daughter to make sure your sister gets married and your duty to be a face of our family. Ok?" Closing her words, Ma walked away leaving me in silence.

I took a deep breath as I shook my head. I don't know when I will stop facing these battles....When will life somehow change for me and bring a new light in my life? Ma is right this wedding will be like a battle for me and the only way to face it is to focus on the idea that I have to fufill my duty as a sister and as a daughter.

"Anika di, are you ok?" Arti asked as she walked up to me. I smiled and shook my head.

"Of course I am okay," I said as I smiled and placed my hand on her arm.

"Di, you know Mr. Oberoi is Ayaan's boss. You know is it ok if you go and apologize to him again? I mean he's our guest and we have to keep him happy since he is Papa and Ayaan's boss right?" Arti requested innocently.

My eyes following back towards the beast who he held his head with pride and appeared to display a prominent ego while he held a small baby girl in his arms who continued to cry loudly. He rolled his eyes in plain annoyance as Daadi continued chatting with nani.

Arti's right. I should go and try to apologize again to set everything right. I should clear the air and take responsibility for my mistake. I weakly smiled at Arti and walked towards Shivaay as he held the crying baby girl.

"Shhh...Your Papa is here ok? You'll be fine ok?" Shivaay whispered to her as he tried to calm her down. Taking a deep breath to shake out my nerves, I began took a step closer towards him.

"Suniye," I politely spoke as I tapped his shoulder lightly. My eyes falling towards the Ie small little angel that held on to him while she continued to cry. Pure innocence glistening on her face as she held a charm in her eyes. Smiling weakly, I looked at her as her eyes latched on to mines.

"What?" Shivaay replied in anger as he turned and looked at me. I noticed the small baby turn her face and look at me as she began sucking her thumb.

"I-I am genuinely sorry. I take full responsibility for my actions and I truly did not mean to spill your coffee on you. Please, forgive me," I began as he sighed and pursed his lips together.

"Whatever. Just stay away from me. I mean look at you...a typical middle-class girl. Trying to be innocent and sweet, but I know how girls like you are," He spoke with an air of pride.

My mouth widening in shock. Wow, just wow. I guess my first impression about him was correct. He indeed is a descendent of the family of demons. Ego and anger is what defines Shivaay Singh Oberoi. I bit my lip from saying anything as I did not want to make the situation any more worse, however, the way he has questioned my character and my intentions is definitely something I do not take lightly...You will get a small lesson from Anika...I thought as I looked at him.

Feeling, a small tug on my scarf I looked up and saw the little angel tilting out of Shivaay's arm. Grabbing hold of the small end of my scarf, she began to tug on it before she placing it in her mouth. A small smile appearing on her face as she looked at me with pure innocence. A similar smile appearing on my lips as I looked at her while she tilted her head and looked at me appearing mesmerized.

"Ira, stop it," Shivaay whispered to the little one as she kept smiling and began babbling at me. She pulled the scarf again as I came closer to her with my smile continuing to widen.

"Awww...aren't you sweet?" I smiled as she grinned looking back towards me. Shivaay slowly turning his face towards me as he looked at me.

"She doesn't like strangers," Shivaay muttered as he looked at me and threw me a glare while I looked away and side eyed him.

"Well, I think she likes my scarf. Right, Iru?" I said as I looked back at her as she began giggling.

"Don't call her that. She doesn't like being called Iru..." Shivaay began.

"How do you know that? She looks barely seven months," I said as I looked back at him.

"I know because she hates it when I say it."

"Well, that can be a completely different story," I remarked before reflecting a smirk.

"Excuse me, what?" His voice hitting a tinge of anger. My teeth immediately biting my tongue. Why can't you just control yourself from letting your thoughts rolling out of your tongue? I nervously looked away from him a little fearful that he might just release his built up frustration at me once again.

"Wow, Ira stopped crying," Daadi noted as she walked up to both of us as she smiled and looked at Ira. Ira laying her head against Shivaay's shoulder as she began to play with my scarf in her small little chubby hand.

"Maybe the credit goes to your scarf beta," Daadi said as she looked at me as I smiled back at her.

"Waise, you are Baljeet's granddaughter...Anika right?" Dadi patted her hand on my cheek.

"Wow, you grew up so much. I remember that last time we might have met was during Rudra's wedding right? younger grandson? I remember you were just 13!" Daadi said exclaiming as I tried to jog my memory until I did remember attending a wedding with nani when I was in middle school.

Oh wait, I do remember seeing Daadi and I do remember seeing Shivaay?! Oh wow, this is clearly awkward. Wow...wait Shivaay is that old? I thought in my mind as I remembered him dancing wildly at his brother's wedding since he apparently climbed on stage and got too drunk then went on to strip off most of his clothes and dance. Oh and he was in his mid twenties...Oh wow, he must be very old....I thought in my mind as I looked at him and then back at dadi.

"Waise, our Ira doesn't like meeting new people, but I think you are the first one she liked instantly." Daadi holding a delicate smile as she looked at Ira.

"That means this is a first for both Ira and me Daadi. See, babies generally cry when they see me, but Ira is a first one that didn't," I spoke as Daadi began laughing while Shivaay rolled his eyes at me.

And another thing was true, I don't really like kids, but Ira is a first one that somehow I like.

Actually, it's a mechanism of manipulating my mind as a way to block out certain emotions...particularly sadness as I can't have least my gynecologist put it in a way that a path to pregnancy would be very difficult for me....a key deal breaker for Ayaan.

I remember the look on his face when I was crying and telling him about my problem. Not an inch of sympathy. I remember him questioning the diagnosis and then of course questioning how his family would expand....sometimes I wonder if that was the reason why he strayed and felt pulled towards Arti's aura...but to be honest he strayed way before he found out about my infertility.

Ever since I found out I probably would never get pregnant, I decided to stay away from kids and not be too attached to them because then everything would be a whole lot worse emotionally when I would realize that I probably want kids and can't have them.

Indeed, the realization of this disease has become so engrained in my mind that now I just see it as a diagnosis and not a sign of weakness or something to be upset over.

"Waise, you like this scarf?" I noted looking at Ira as she giggled and babbled a response in an unknown language. A giggle escaping from my lips as I unwrapped the scarf from my neck and gave it to her making her shriek in excitement as she placed the scarf in her arms.

"That wasn't needed..." Shivaay spoke as he looked at me.

"I think giving her the scarf is a better option than letting her cry. Maybe the scarf is just comforting for her." My eyes finding themselves charmed towards her as she smiled at me. Shivaay looking back towards Ira as he studied her smile.

"I'll give it back to you when she diverts her attention away from it."

"And you! Where were you?!" Shivaay exclaimed as he looked a small middle aged women who walked up sleeply as Shivaay handed Ira over to her.

"Sorry sir, I went to call my family to let them know that we are in the layaway," She began as Shivaay cut her off.

"Be quiet Athiya. We all know you have a habit of sleeping and probably took a nap in the lobby. Now, do your job and handle Ira. I am paying you for this!"Shivaay exclaimed as Athiya shook her head as she yawned.

Slowly walking away from the situation, I took my seat next to Papa and waited patiently for the next flight. Sighing, I looked at Ayaan lightly brushing Arti's hair away from her face as she giggled.

The crowd, the laughter, and the happiness suffocating me and further making me realize the loneliness, aloofness, and sheer awkwardness I held that would never allow me to assimilate into this crowd. I threw my head up in the air as I stared at the ceiling. This is going to be one long trip.

As time slowly passed, I stared at the ceiling or at the crowd of family finding their happiness with one another that I didn't. I dreaded the hours and as I heard the call for my flight, I rushed my way to the waiting line and checked in.

"Anika, keep calm," I muttered as I placed my handbag up in the closet above me while I grabbed a seat next to the airplane window.

"One more plane ride. That's it. You are brave Anika. You are brave," I whispered as I laid my head against the seat.

"Come on Anika di. Don't be so scared, you'll be fine!" Arti whispered to me as she sat behind me next to Ayaan.

This is going to be one awkward plane ride. I specifically mentioned to the travel agent to not seat me next to Arti and Ayaan, but obviously the travel agent didn't give a care in the world and decided to make my plane journey even more miserable. Now, for the next eight hours I have to listen to giggles, flirting and "I love yous' ". I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I heard the plane's engine rumble.

Hearing a small squeal, I looked up and saw Ira smiling brightly as Athiya held her while she continued to look at me. Athiya smiling at me as she sat in front of me. Ira's head peaking through the seat as she giggled. Well, on the bright side I have cute little Ira to look at and play with during the flight.

Looking at the empty seat next to me, I realized that I would be traveling without a partner. That means more room for me as I smiled and fastened by seat belt while the pilot went on the microphone. My eyes catching a glimpse of Shivaay who grabbed his laptop bag and took a seat a few rows ahead of us next to Daadi.

The plane's engine slowly rumbled as I closed my eyes and tightened my grip around the handles of the seat and tried to control my breathing as the plane climbed altitude. The plane slowly made it up to proper altitude and began lightly cruising as I took a sigh of relief. Looking back at baby Ira, I found her holding my scarf in her hand as she placed it in her mouth and looked back at me while I threw her a smile.

It's nice traveling first class. This is my first time traveling first class and to be honest it has been a good, but expensive experience. I wonder how Ma and Papa are able to afford all of this. All I know is that they are claiming they have savings, but somehow I am not convinced. No matter how much I try to question them and find out where the money is coming from they never give a proper answer and instead get angry at me for questioning them. Oh well, what can I do and honestly what Ma and Papa are doing is to satisfy Arti's in-laws since they suggested the idea of a destination wedding in Jaipur since their only son is getting married.

The lights of the plane dimming as I grabbed a magazine and began to read it trying to distract myself from the slight amount of turbulence that was happening.

"Ahhh!" I heard a voice call towards me as I looked up and saw Ira grinning while she began to call out to me.

"Hi," I said sweetly as she smiled and began babbling.

"She must really like you," Athiya noted I continued to look at Ira captured by her babbles and cuteness.

"Generally, Ira is always crying in plane as she's scared of seeing strange faces, but this is the first time she is not crying. I think the credit goes to you," Athiya spoke.

"She's really cute. Like a little angel," My voice hitting a higher tone finding her too adorable as she peaked through the seat and looked at me.

"Waise...I was are her parents? Why is she traveling alone? Maybe she was crying since she was missing them,"I questioned with curiosity.

"Um...actually her mom died while giving birth to her and her father had sir's younger brother Rudra was her dad. He found out he had cancer when his wife was pregnant with Ira...." Athiya said.

My heart breaking into pieces as I looked at Ira. How could fate be so cruel to this little one? She's so little and at such a young age both of her parents are no longer alive.

"Rudra sir insisted Shivaay sir should adopt her before he passes away and, so now she is Shivaay sir's daughter." My eyes falling towards Ira as she gave a toothy grin to me unaware of the griefs she faced at such a naive age.

"I'm so sorry to hear all of this," I spoke feeling upset as I looked at the innocent soul

Quietly laying back in my seat, my eyes kept still upon Ira who began to drink her milk from her bottle. Life can be so cruel at times. I wonder why fate can be so awful...why does it give so much pain without no reason at all? Sighing, I looked out the plane window as time passed slowly.

I felt my eyes close slowly until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

" are dadi's relative right? Is it ok you could hold Ira?" Athiya requested as I suddenly shook my head up and looked at her confused before catching Ira crying.

"What happened?" I asked curiously as Athiya quickly handed me Ira.

"I feel like I am going to throw up! I'll be back ok? Just keep an eye on Ira ok?!" Atiya rushing towards the back of the plane to the restrooms.

What just happened? I thought as Ira began crying loudly as I immediately held her up and put her on my shoulder. How do you even hold a baby? I mean I never really held one before.

Lifting Ira slightly up, I placed my hand on her waist as I lightly patted her back.

"It's ok happened? No, please calm down....Huh you are my little angel," I cooed at her as I wiped her tears away while she lowered her lip and looked at me.

"Di, what are you doing?" Arti's curiosity sparking itself.

"Even I don't know....Ira's nanny, Athiya, just handed her off to me," I spoke as I lightly tapped Ira's back.

"What?! You shouldn't have just taken her like that! Do you know she is Mr. Oberoi's niece?" Arti exclaiming as I sighed and turned my head around.

"I know Arti...but what can I do nah? Athiya just took off. " Looking back, I attempted to shake Ira back and forth as she began to calm down.

"What the hell is going on?!"

My head quickly going up as I gulped and saw Shivaay standing in front me. He appeared a tad bit angry...well actually not tad bit, but really, dramatically angry seen in his eyes.

Ira screaming as I continued to calm her down.

"What are you doing with Ira?" Shivaay asked as I rocked Ira.

"W-w-woh Athiya gave her to me...Athiya was feeling nauseous, so she had to go to the restroom..."

"What?! What the hell? Am I paying Atiya for no reason at all? I hired her to take care of Ira and this is what she is doing," Shivaay exclaimed as he sat down next to me.

"Here, give her to me," Shivaay said as he tried to take Ira from my arms, but she didn't want to let go of me as she held on to my shirt.

"What the-?" Shivaay began as I cut him off.

"Shhh....let her calm down please. Look at her. Maybe, she's scared...." I began to rock her back and forth.

"Well, I am her dad. I can handle this." Shivaay trying to grab her, but she wasn't letting go of me.

"Look...let her calm down then you can take her. Just let her calm down a little bit...I think she's just scared....Maybe, hungry? Where are her belongings?" I asked as Shivaay looked at the seat in front of us before grabbing a large diaper bag and began to fiddle through it to find a bottle of milk.

"Maybe she is hungry," Shivaay noted as he shook her milk bottle and turned towards me as I tilted Ira towards him. He tried to give her the milk bottle as she twisted her head around and latched on to the bottle.

A smile touching my lips finding her tears begging to dry on her cheeks as she began drinking from the bottle.

"Are you married or something?"

I looked up at him with a confused look as I held Ira tightly in my arms while he held the bottle. Who asks a question like that out of the blue? This man is awfully weird...I know I am weird and I can spot another weird person, but this man is more peculiar than me.

"Why would you think that?!" I exclaimed as he shrugged his shoulder and looked back at me. The look on his face was full on shady...his eyes playful and full of deceit as if he had intentions that were not so good...

"Well...the way you are handling Ira. You probably are married and have kids," Shivaay spoke as my mouth gaped open in shock. Oh wow, do I look that old to him? I mean I am of marriageable age, sort of, but not definitely one who has two or three kids.

"Look...I am 23 and clearly not the mom age....I mean if I was married I wouldn't be sitting here alone amongst all the couples on this flight. Right? Common sense would say that," I snapped back at him as he raised his eyebrow clearly taken aback my bluntness.

"I was just asking...don't get other ideas," He replied.

"Ideas? What do you mean by ideas?" I questioned as I titled Ira in my arms and grabbed the bottle of milk from him and held it in my hand.

"I I am interested in you," He began. My eyes widened as I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment of the situation. How can he even think I would think like that? Oh God...this is so awkward.

" I wouldn't feel that way since I don't know we have such a huge age difference," I remarked finding him feeling taken aback as he looked at me and began to glare at me.

"Shut you even know who I am and how you should be talking to me?" Shivaay replied.

"No and frankly I don't care. Well, you should know to never ask a women such awkward questions..." I began as he crossed his arms and looked at me.

"Whatever," He mumbled as he placed his head against the seat and looked away.

"Awww....such a cute family," I looked up at an old lady smiling as she was walking towards the bathroom.

"Um...we are not-"

"Awww....such an adorable baby you both have....She is so cute. Bless you all," She said as she walked away as I shook my head in confusion.

"See...I'm not that old," Shivaay said smirking as he looked at me.

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning, people think we're a couple. If I was too old then people would think I am your....." He began as I raised my eyebrow.

"My what?" I teased as he turned his head away. He tightened his lips together crossing his arms as he appeared to tense up. A sense of ego apparent in his look.

"Respect me Ms. Anika...I am your father's boss, so respect me. Most importantly, I'm your guest. You have to give respect," He commanded as I sighed and looked away.

Suddenly, feeling a jolt in the plane, I exclaimed and placed my hand on the handle. Feeling something hard under my hand, I quickly looked down realizing it was his hand. My hand griping tightly on to his as I felt it tremble in fear. Suddenly, another jolt as I exclaimed and squeezed his hand. The warmth of his hand simmering down the coolness of mine.

"What are you doing?!" Shivaay furrowing his eyebrows before looking at me angrily. I sighed and I shook my head in nervousness and looked back at him.

"Turbulence! Do you know how scary it is?" My voice trembling as I squeezed my eyes shut trying to keep calm.

"Grow up," He replied as he snatched his hand away from me while he looked at Ira.

"Here, give her to me." Shivaay grabbing Ira and getting up as I sighed and looked away.

"Oh my God! Iru....what is this?" I quickly turned my head around and regretted it immediately as I suddenly began laughing finding the small amount of puke on his sweater.

"Why are you laughing?!" Shivaay exclaimed as I shook my head and looked at Ira who clearly appeared nauseous.

"Wait....Look at Ira, I think....she's feeling nauseous." Concern hitting me as I took off my cardigan and placed it in front of her while she began puking.

"Oh God. Do you have any anti-nausea medicine for her?" I asked Shivaay as I quickly took hold of her while he began to panickly look through the bag.

"Here, let me take her to the restroom." Shivaay getting up as I quickly walked towards the bathroom and opened the door. Hearing footsteps behind me, I looked back as Shivaay closed the door shut.

"What are you doing?" I questioned feeling a little awkward as I turned on the sink while Ira began puking into it.

"Well, I cannot just leave Ira alone! I am her parent!" Shivaay exclaimed as he began looking through the diaper bag.

Great, so everyone in this plane can think we both were doing something wrong in this bathroom...Of course he is a genius. My hands holding on to Ira who finished puking as I began to water on her face.

"I know's ok.....Hmmm....just calm down ok?" I whispered to the little one as I held her close to my heart and rubbed her back trying to calm her.

"That Athiya must have fed her something wrong....this is not normal. She rarely pukes!" Shivaay exclaimed as he looked at baby Ira.

"It's common....maybe rare for you, but it's common for babies to sometimes face indigestion and puke. She'll be fine. Likely it's traveling that's making her feel nauseous," I replied as Ira rested her head against me in silence.

The plane rumbling as the floor began shaking. I held the wall of the bathroom trying to balance myself as suddenly it jolted. A force suddenly pressing on to me as my head swiftly went up only to face myself eye to eye to Shivaay. He pressed his hand against the wall as his body pressed lightly against mine. His and full of fire waiting to intoxicate anyone that would run its path. I held Ira tightly as my eyes began to lower and I found myself inhaling his strong cologne that attempted to allure and seduce. His lips standing close to mines as his breath lightly touched my face. The warmth of his body standing close to my cool skin.

Butterflies beginning to emerge as I felt my heart beating fast as it was a long time since I stood close to a man...Stop Anika...don't think utter nonsense.

Ira lightly grasping on to my hair as she pulled it trying to bring attention to her. I slightly smiled as I looked back at Ira as the turbulence stopped while Shivaay slowly moved away from me lifting his body away from mines'.

A hint of awkwardness emerging between us as I felt my cheeks flush red realizing how close we were. It felt weird...a sense of excitement and sparks felt in the moment between two strangers...I don't even know why I am thinking this nonsense, but this moment feels weird...feels like déjà vu.

"What can I say? Turbulence?" Shivaay awkwardly said as he placed his hand on his hair and looked back at Ira.

"Here, let me take her." Shivaay taking Ira as he opened the bathroom door leading me out.

Curious glances of the wedding guests touching upon us as we made our way down the aisle. Great, just as I thought something could not get any more worse.

"What were you two doing in the bathroom?" Pooja Massi asked as she looked up at us raising her eyebrow.

"Ira was throwing up...I was helping," I replied as Massi shook her head still not convinced.

" these days are impossible," Massi replied as I threw her a side eye and made my way to my seat while Shivaay walked away towards his seat.

Anika you were right....this is going to be a long trip.

"What was that?" Arti whispered as she tapped my shoulder and looked at me. I looked back at her and rolled my eyes.

"What?" I asked curiously as I grabbed a hair clip and tied my hair back.

"You and Oberoi sir....were you two flirting? I mean the way he was sitting close to you....And the you both went to the bathroom together alone."

"Oh be quiet Arti...It was nothing like that whatsoever. A baby was puking and we were together to help that baby to stop puking. Any other information you want?"

"Well....I mean....he never talks. At least that's what Ayaan tells me. He's the silent type and wow he was talking with you....Isn't he bit a too old for you? 12 or 13 years right?"

"Arti...can we just please focus on your wedding?" My words attempting to divert her attention as Arti sighed and laid back in her seat.

Nonsense....pure utter nonsense...I don't know where Arti get's these ideas from...Me and Shivaay?....Yuck, the thought makes me shiver. He's a beast and has so much if we would ever end up together....

We are worlds apart seen in how he holds his head high while I hold my head low. The way he is cold and aloof while I am sheer...awkward. He is a decade older than me while I am just 23. I consider myself a millennial while he is at the cornerstone of being a millennial...I laughed at the thought as I shook my head placing my head against the seat.

Slowly sleeping away, time began to fly as we reached India with minor bumps in turbulence. The plane soon landed and we made our way out on to Delhi airport.

Putting on my sunglasses, I tried to bear the Delhi heat as I dragged my suitcase outside of the airport terminal. Shaking my head, I took off my cardigan and fixed my half-sleeve kurta. I shouldn't have worn red. I mean what was I thinking of wearing a bright red kurta and black leggings when I knew Delhi was going to be humid? Looking at my watch impatiently, anting to leave already and go to the haveli, I sat down on my suitcase and waited as Papa and Ma helped the relatives settle into the large pair of rented cars and SUVs to travel to Jaipur.

"How long will this take Mom?" Ayaan exclaimed as he questioned Neha aunty while she shrugged her shoulders before scruntching her nose up.

"I don't what kind of arrangements these are. What is taking so long?" Neha aunty showing her typical annoying attitude as she fanned herself. High class mentality. The way she stood and waved her face showed the utter ego and self-centerness she had.

Well, sorry aunty what can we do? You were the one who came up with the genius idea of a destination wedding...a wedding that was supposed to be mine, but Arti took it.

"Sorry, Neha. Everyone's almost settled. Here, come let's put your luggage in that car. Ok?" Papa said as he dragged Neha and Ayaan's luggage to an SUV.

I watched as Papa and Ma began putting their luggage in the car as Arti did too. They began opening the passenger doors and taking as seat as I got up from my suitcase and looked at them curiously as I began walking towards them.

"Hello! Where am I supposed to go?!" I yelled back while waving my arms at them and quickly walking up to Papa as he was about to take a seat in the front passenger seat.

"Oh ha! Sorry we forgot about you Anika!" Papa exclaimed as my eyes widened quite appalled by his comment.

"What? Papa do you even know this is my first time here in India since ten years ago? I mean... I mean I don't know anything about this country. I am from the U.S. and clearly a misfit here. How can you just forget?" A loud yell touching my vocal cords. Ok, well the heat was getting to me. I mean I never tend to blabber so much. I'm the quiet one in the family, but somehow when the heat turns up I just go a tiny bit crazy.

"Sorry Anika beta. Here, let me try to figure out where to put you," Papa spoke as he got out of the SUV.

"Just in this SUV right Papa?"

"Sorry, this car is full. Here, let me see where we can adjust you." Papa going through the line of cars as I sighed and dragged my suitcase along with me.

"What happened beta?"

I looked back and saw Daadi waving at us as she sat in a nice Range Rover as she looked at us. Clearly, this is not one of the cars Papa rented out.

"Nothing aunty. Actually, we are trying to figure out where to place Anika. Most of the cars are full."

"Oh really? We can take Anika with us."

Us? As in who us? As in Shivaay us? Oh my God. No, no, no. Stay away from him. He is so rude and so mean and to share a three hour car ride with him? Absolutely not.

"Oh thank you so much Dadi." Papa relieving his burden as he dragged me towards their SUV.

"Nahi....Daadi, I'll adjust somewhere else," I spoke loudly in an attempt to stop myself from going there.

"Of course not. We will get late beta. Come sit," Dadi ordered as I weakly smiled.

"Thank you dadi," I muttered as I walked towards the passenger door and opened it to only reveal Shivaay sitting there as he lowered his sunglasses and looked at me while I rolled my eyes at him knowing I was going to hate this car ride.

"Uncle guard will put it in the back....The bag looks quite heavy. Looks like your daughter did some heavy duty packing," Shivaay smirked as he looked at me. I glared at him through my sunglasses knowing he couldn't see me, thus, giving me free will to glare at him without any consequences.

"Anika beta, take care ok? I am sure you will be fine since Shivaay beta and aunty are here. We'll be in the car in front of you alright?" Papa said as I shook my head while he walked away towards the other car.

Taking a deep breath, I fixed my kurta and stepped into the SUV as Shivaay moved back while I squeezed my way in as the security guard closed the door shut. Feeling his arm pressing on to mine, I elbowed back and tried to squeeze myself in as Shivaay sighed feeling suffocated as he placed himself in the middle of me and dadi.

"Sorry," I muttered as I looked back at him who chewed on his lip with displeasure.

Suddenly, the SUV jolting as I yelped feeling something hard against shoulder as I quickly looked up to find a pair of blue hues. His face close too close as I felt his breath lightly touching my face as strands of my hair moved slowly away. I felt weird. A weird feeling as I looked at him...a connection not yet explored or known. Looking down, I noticed my hand on his leg as I quickly took it off finding his eyes still gazing intently upon me. Eyes that were burning on to me as I felt them not moving away.

"S-s-sorry," I stuttered before putting on my glasses and grabbing my seat belt.

"It's fine," Shivaay mumbled as he looked away.

"Ahhh!" I heard someone scream as I looked back and saw Ira grinning as she sat in her car seat while Athiya handed her a small bottle filled with water.

"Awww....little princess is here too," I cooed as she smiled and shook her arms in the air. I smiled as I looked away towards the front while the SUV slowly drove off of the terminal.

"Waise...Anika you just finished college right?" Dadi asked smiling as she looked at me.

" last year," I noted as I looked at her.

"That's nice. Very good. are very nice Anika. I heard how you took care of Ira in the plane....Athiya told me," Dadi said as I looked back at her.

"It was nothing dadi...really."

"Of course it is....Thank you for doing that...Did your parents fix your engagement anywhere?" Dadi asked curiously. I noticed Shivaay turning his head around as he looked at me appearing to anticipate an answer.

" Not yet."

"Oh...acha...." Dadi began as she looked like as if she was thinking something.

I smiled as I looked outside at the busy Delhi roads as we stopped at a stop light.

"Ever been to India before?"

Looking back, I saw Shivaay peering over my shoulder and looking outside as I felt his arm pressing on to mines. He was close....too close.

" was here about 10 years ago...."

"Oh....well I am often here for business trips...You can always ask me if you need any traveling advice," He began.

"No thank you. I have my own travel guide and decided on places to visit," I blantly responded as he sighed and looked away.

I heard Daadi giggle as she looked at Shivaay and me. Shivaay rolling his eyes as he looked away.

This is going to be one long wedding.

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