Back From Vacation

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Jenny was at school with her best friend Brad, his girlfriend Melody and her twin sister Astronema.

Jenny: Hey Brad, do you know what happened to Sheldon?

Brad: He told me that he was going to see some old friends of his

Jenny: *Shocked* he has friends?!

Melody: Yeah, we were surprised too

Brad: He told me after he made you angry after a misunderstanding, his sister came to visit him and his dad and she decided to take him with her to their old hometown and saw his old friends

Jenny: Misunderstanding? What are you talking about?

Brad: *Sigh* remember that time when one of your pigtails was loose

Jenny: Yeah

Brad: The day when you went to his house to tell him that you would give him a chance as your boyfriend, Sheldon was explaining that what he was doing was selfish and didn't being your boyfriend

Jenny: What did he do?

Brad: Promise you won't kill him

Jenny: I won't

Brad: He paid Pteresa to date him but it backfired

Jenny: Woah

Brad: And after that failed, he knew that was selfish and that's why his sister took him to three month vacation on his old home town

Jenny: I think I can give him another chance

Melody: Are you sure?

Jenny: Yeah I'm sure

Suddenly the cafeteria doors opened and the students saw the loser of the school as a new person.

It was Sheldon and returned with his friends.

Sheldon: Hey guys, long time no see

Brad: Hey Sheldon

Melody: Glad to see that you're back

Sheldon: Glad to be home and these are my friends Johnny A. Cade and his girlfriend Jane The Killer

Johnny: Hey nice to meet you

Jane: It's a pleasure to meet you

Astronema: You're Jane The Killer?! That's awesome

Sheldon: Emmett Bogart and his girlfriend Lucy Morgan

Emmett: Hi guys

Lucy: Nice to meet you

Sheldon: Toby Jackson and Trini Castillo

Toby: What's up everybody

Trini: Hello

Sheldon: And finally Jefferey Crothers and Darla Goldman

Jefferey: Hi

Darla: Hello

Jenny: It's a pleasure to meet you guys

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