Chapter 11

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Anabia's POV.
I was roaming restless in the room. I check the time,it was 9 of the night. I was again and again calling him but he was not receiving my call.

"Shahyan pick up." I mumble while calling him again.

Since the time Zayan Bhai returned home after dropping him ,I start calling him but he was not receiving my call.

I went out of the room. As I entered the hall I saw Zayan Bhai was watching TV.

"Zayan Bhai." I called him as I went near him.

"Bhabhi." He stands up as he saw me.

"What happened bhabhi?? You look worried!" He asked looking at me.

"Bhai Shahyan is not receiving my call. Since noon I'm calling him but he's not answering it. He never do that. Can you please call him. I'm so worried." I said worriedly and Bhai nodded.

"Don't worry bhabhi I'm calling him." Zayan Bhai said and took his mobile out.

He start dialing his number and I was waiting for his answer. He shook his head when Shahyan didn't received his call. He called again and again but not he was not answering.

"Why he is not answering the call??" Zayan Bhai talked to himself worriedly.

My eyes start getting wet. I was feeling scared. What happened to him???

"He..hello." Zayan Bhai said when maybe he received the call.

"Hi Zainab. Where is Shahyan?? Why you received his call??" Zayan Bhai asked and I was waiting for the reply.

"Okay. I'm just coming." With that Zayan Bhai cut the call and look at me.

"Bhabhi you don't worry.I'll take care of him." Zayan bhai said and a tear slipped from my eyes.

"What happened?? he okay??" I asked.

"He's having a high fever and because of the fever he's not in his conscious since noon. But bhabhi you don't worry. I'm going there. He'll be fine." Zayan Bhai said and my tears start rolling down.

"But Bhai.." I tried to say but I lost my words.

"Bhabhi you know you can't go there. Trust me I'm going there. He'll be okay. I promise and I will tell you time to time his condition." Zayan Bhai said and I nodded.

He left and I turned and saw Aunty standing. She hugged me and my tears find their way out of my eyes. Aunty was caressing my hair and back.

"Don't cry. He'll be fine. Just pray for him." She said and I nodded.

I went in my room and did my ablution. I start praying and making dua for his health. I was praying to Allah for his life and health. Tears were falling on my face while my lips were just praying for his health and long life.

Today I got to know what he means to me. He was the big shelter of me. without him I'm nothing. I'm no one. He's everything I have in my life. I prayed all the night for him. I just want to see him as the same smiling as he was always. I just want to see him in front of me but I know I can't go to see him.

Shahyan please get well soon.

Please Allah g protect him and give him good health and give long life.

I was crying and praying all the night for him.

Maham's POV.
I was seated in the tent. All the brides were smiling while I was in shock.

What happened in just few minutes?

I'm married now!!!

With him! With Ashar!!

I was shocked remembering the time when I accept him as my husband and when he said I do to accept me. I hold my head in my hand.

What we did Ashar??

"Brides come out." I look up and saw an older woman with beena were standing there calling us all out.

I really don't want to go but as all the brides stands up smilingly, I also leave my place and start taking little steps to go out. With the thought of being in front of him again start making my heart run fast. I don't know why I was feeling nervous. I still remember his eyes,looking at me at the Nikah Ceremony and then at the stage. As we reached out,we saw all the grooms were seated there.

"Take your seats with your grooms." That Lady said and all brides start taking seats with their grooms.

While I was standing there. When all the brides Settle down with their grooms on chair,I look up to find him. He was standing a few step away from me. His eyes were deeply fixed on me. My heart skip its beat and I slowly walked toward him. He took a seat and I sat next to him.

"Grooms start the ring ceremony." A man said and I saw all the grooms were taking out rings from their pickets.

But he didn't have any ring!!

Now what???

I was in my thought when suddenly he placed his hand in front of me. I look at him and then his hand. I slowly put my left hand on his hand and he slowly hold my hand. My eyes were fixed on our hands. And then I saw him sliding a ring in my engagement finger. My eyes widened as I saw the ring.

This ring!!!!

I look up at him and then at the ring. The ring which he bought yesterday with me in mall for his girlfriend was shining in my hand. The same ring. He gave me that ring.!!

He look at me and we both just keep looking at each other. I don't know why but I was liking it. His eyes on me was making my heart flutter. We were totally lost in each other. The voice of clapping bring us out from our gazing. I lower my eyes. As the ring ceremony completed,once again we all brides were taken to our tent. All the brides start talking and showing their rings to each other while I was seated there in a corner. Suddenly my mobile start ringing. I check the collar Id and my heart start running fast. "Ashar calling." These words were fluttering my heart.

"He..hello." I said as I received the call with shivering hands.

"Maham." He called me and I felt my heart jumped.

What is happening??

I thought and shake my head to fade all the feelings and thinking.

"Maham are you listening??" His voice snapped me out from my thinking.

"Yes I'm..I'm listening." I said and waited for him to say something.

"We have to go now. Hurry up. I'm waiting for you." He said and my heart again start jumping.

"Com...coming." I said and cut the call.

I took deep breaths to control my heart. This was all new. What I'm feeling?? All of sudden I was getting nervous from facing him.

Come on Maham he's the same Ashar you use to fight. Nothing has changed.



I didn't answer myself and went in the changing section. I took all the jewellery off except bangles. I changed into my clothes and came out. I saw Beena waiting for me. She look at me and smiled.

"Why you changed??" She asked and came closer to me.

"I have to go now." I said and gave her the dress and jewellery.

I was about to take off the bangles when she grabbed my hand and I look at him.

"Don't. Don't take them out. Keep wearing them. These bangles are of your husband's name." She said and my heart start beating differently thinking Ashar as my husband.

"And one more thing." She said and picked the dupatta of my dress and place it on my head.

I look at her confused and she smiled..

"You are newly bride now. How can you go with him like that??" She said and my eyes lower down.

"And here is my address. Whenever you want to meet me you can come. I'll be waiting for you." She said and hugged me.

I hugged her back and she took my hand and we both slowly came out of the tent. I saw him outside the tent waiting for me.

He look at me and my eyes automatically lower down. Nervousness was overwhelming me. I was amazed on my own condition.

"Shall we??" He asked and I nodded.

I hold the dupatta and took a step forward with him. The same man came to us who pushed us in all this.

"So going you two??" He said and Ashar nodded.

"Those men are still there outside." He said and we look up at him.

What that goons are still out there!!!

"Don't worry. Come." And we followed him.

"This is the backside. You can go from here." He said and Ashar turned to him.

"Thank you so much. You helped a lot." Ashar said and hugged him.

"Bless you both. Stay happy with each other." He give us blessings and I felt myself shivering with the thought of living with him.

He look at me and we both stepped out. We were walking on the road and silence was around us. I want him to say something. But he was just walking beside me.

"Ashar." I called him and he turned to me.

"What..what we have done??" I asked and waited for his answer.

But he was all quite. He was walking like I don't exist around him. He was just looking straight on the road.

"Ashar I'm talking to you." I asked but he again was all silent.

I grabbed his arm and stop him. He look at me.

"What you think you are doing?? I'm talking to you and you are behaving like you are not listening to me." I yelled at him.

We were standing on the middle of the road. It was 10 of the night. He was taking all this a joke. I was now very fed up.

"Now you are yelling. Where were your voice when all this happened??" He yelled back and I just kept looking at him.

"God where we stuck." He hold his hair in his fists.

"It all happened only because of you." He yelled again and mu rage hit my head.

"Really?? Because of me. !! How dare you to say that." I shouted at him and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Don't shout on me. You always creates problem in my life and now you enter in my life with this big problem." He said looking at me and I felt my eyes getting wet.

"Excuse me!! If I didn't do anything then why didn't you say no for the marriage. Why did you say I do to accept me as your wife. Don't blame me for everything." I yelled at him and he was just looking at me.

"Because you accepted me your husband. God what I'm gonna do now." He again hold his head in his hands and start moving here and there.

"Ashar stop moving. What to do now??" I asked looking at him.

"Shut up. Don't say a word." He said and I just keep looking at him who was roaming here and there on the road thinking.

I followed him. He was just walking without taking me with him. This dupatta I was wearing on my head was irritating me.

"Ashar stop." I called him but he kept walking.

"Ash..." My voice stuck in my throat when a hand grabbed my neck.

I saw Ashar turning and his eyes widened. I was trembling. I was feeling a knife on my neck.

Ashar's POV.

"Hey leave her." I yelled and took a step closer.

The goons were behind her and one of them was holding her neck and a knife was placed on her neck making me tremble in fear.

"Leave her." I yelled and took a step closer.

"Don't dare to come closer. You both give us a really tough time today." He said and tighten his grip on her neck.

"Ashar." She yelled in pain and I was getting restless.

The other goons were laughing and looking at Maham lustfully. I really wanted to hit those eyes through which they were looking at her. I look at her who was looking so scared. The red dupatta was making her beautiful.

"This girl is ours now. You can go if you want to live. Forget her." A man said taking step toward me and my blood boiled.

"You.!!" I punched his face as he reached near me which makes him fall on ground.

"Don't. Or I'll cut her throat." That man yelled and I saw him making a cut on her neck.

Few drops of blood start pouring from her neck and she yelled in pain.

"No..don't do this." I said and put my hands up.

"Good. Now if you want to see her alive just go from here. This girl is now our property." He said and dip his face in her head.

That was enough for me. I almost run toward her and grabbed that hand which was wrapped around her neck. He startled but it was too late for him now. I pulled Maham from his hold toward me and start punching him. I was punching him harder on his face making him Fall on the ground unconsciously. The two other goons reached me and I start fighting with of them was trying to take his gun out but I grabbed his hand and start beating him. I punched them both harder and they also fall on ground unconsciously. I turned and saw another man standing there with a knife in his hand. He attacked me and I felt a cut on my arm and blood boils out from my arm.

"Ashar." I heard her yelling but I didn't look at her.

I just hold the hand which was ready to attack me again. I hold him and start punching him and beating him. Soon he was also on ground.

"She's not your property you bast**ds.she's my wife. My wife. Only my wife." I was yelling and punching him harder on his face.

My rage was not ending. I wanted to kill them but then I felt a hand on my arm.

"Ashar." She called me and I turned to her.

I stand up and then look at the ground where all the goons were laying unconscious. I turned to her who fall on ground crying. Now I was worried.

"Maham hey look at me." I said as I sat in front of her.

She was crying badly and I went closer to her,she hugged me. My eyes widened. She was holding my collar and was crying badly. I wrap my arms around her and start consoling her.

"Shhh...don't cry. Nothing is gonna happen now." I said but she was crying.

I let her cry. Few minutes later she parted away and I look at her face. Her face was wet with tears. Her cheeks and nose were red because of crying. That red dupatta on her head was making her so beautiful with wet lashes. I avert my eyes from her face and took deep breaths to control my beating heart. My eyes went to her neck which was showing the cut and blood was tracing her neck.

"Oh shit. " I said and took my handkerchief put.

I start cleaning her neck and then tie my handkerchief around her neck to stop the blood. I was feeling her eyes on me. I look up and I feel that we were seated so close to each other. Her breath was fanning my face and fluttering my heart.

"Ah...hhmm.we should...go now." I stutter and she nodded.

I hold her hand and we got up. We start walking again on the road. She was holding my hand tightly while her other hand was on my arm. We just keep walking on the road on which we didn't find any vehicle.

"Ashar what are we going to do now??" She asked and I stop.

I turned to her and she was looking at me.

"I know we are stuck in the biggest problem but for now we have to hide this marriage." i said and she just keep listening to me.

"I know that you don't like me. And you know what I feel. So this marriage is just you know was a step to save ourselves. " I was saying and she was listening to me all silent.

"For now we just have to live our lives as we were living before. I know you are so happy that you are getting engaged with Shahyan. So all this marriage and all shouldn't be come out. We'll deal this later but for now we have to go to our homes and live as we use to." I was saying and I saw her lowering her head.

I felt a punch on my heart when she nodded. Mean she agreed on what I said. So easily!!!

I control the rage which start boiling in me.

"So shall we headed toward our home.??" I asked and she look up.

"Our home??" She asked and my eyes widened on my own words.

I said our home!!!!

"Mean our..our homes." I said and she nodded.

I was looking at her to at least say something about what I said. But she was all quite.

So she don't think about this marriage !!

And why would she! When she's dreaming to be engaged with Shahyan.

Why do I care??

"Come we should go now. Its getting late." I said and she again nodded.

I think she forgot how to speak..she was again and again nodding her head on my every question.

Come on Maham speak up!!

We both start walking and then I saw a bus coming. I stopped the bus and we both get in.

Maham's POV.
He was seated next to me. And thankfully we were out from that area in which I could hear only silence. I turned to see him whose eyes were closed. His every word was ringing in my ear.

He think this marriage was a joke!!. I did all this just to have fun. Or to save ourselves!!

He was my husband now and was saying that I should be happy for my engagement.

But why I'm thinking about him when he don't think about me??

If he thinks that this marriage has to over then let it be. I don't care about this marriage when he don't. .

I don't care about him and about this marriage..I'm happy in my life and will live as I was living it.

I was talking to myself and closed my eyes. I felt the wetness of my eyes through my eyelids. I stop the tears from coming out.

"Come." I heard him and open my eyes.

We both came out of the bus and he took a cab and we again start moving toward our houses. Cab stopped and I look at my left side.

"Go. Your parents would be waiting." Ashar said and I nodded.

"Maham." I was about to go out when he called me.

I turned to him and he was looking at me.

"Your...your dupatta." He said and I look at him confused.

"I mean you are looking like a bride." He said looking at my hands and my face.

"I'm a bride." The words slipped from my tongue and he lower his head and I avert my eyes from him.

"I think you should take your dupatta off." He said and slowly he removed my dupatta.

I look at him who was giving me that dupatta. I hold it and step out of the cab. I saw him coming out.

"And these bangles??" He asked looking at my arms.

"You want me to take them out??" I asked looking at him who avert his eyes from me.

"Then what about this??" I asked and placed my right hand in front of him.

His eyes widened as he saw his name written on my hand. He look at me and then at my hand.

"Don't worry. I won't let anyone know that these things belongs to you. I won't let this hidden marriage come out." I said and start taking steps toward my house.

My tears were rolling down on my cheeks and I was not getting it that why I'm crying.

I stepped in and saw that no one was there in hall. It was 11 of the night.

"Shabnam." I called for maid and she came in front of me.

"Where is mon and dad??" I asked looking at her.

She was looking at me. I was feeling strange. As she was about to reach on the point when I asked her.

"Shabnam I asked you something." I waited for her answer.

"Sir and Madam are gone to attend a business dinner." She said and I nodded.

I took step toward my room when she called.

"Ma'am." I turned on her voice

" look different. I mean these bangles and mehndi." She stopped and I look at myself.

My heart beats differently as I saw my hands which were showing the colour of Ashar. These Bangles,Mehndi and that red dupatta which was hanging on my arm; everything was reminding me of him.

"I'm the same. Don't think about me and Is Eiya maa asleep??" I asked looking at her.

"Yes ma'am.she slept early today.but this handkerchief on your neck" She replied and asked.

I touched the handkerchief which Ashar tied on my neck.

"Its nothing." I said and she nodded.

I walked toward my room. As I stepped in my room,I close the door and sat on the ground. I hold my head in my hands.

What you have done Maham???

I slowly got up and went in front of the mirror. My face was glowing. My hands were filled with the colour and those bangles were showing myself as a newly bride. I took that dupatta and spread it on my head and look at myself.

I know you don't like me and you know how I feels so this marriage you know was a step to save ourselves.

His voice ring in my ear reminding me each and every word he said. Tears start forming in my eyes. I was looking at myself. My face start getting wet with tears but I didn't wipe them.

He think this was a joke!!!

If he don't care about this marriage then I also don't care.

I don't give a damn to this marriage.

Why would he think about me and this marriage when he has feelings for someone else. He must be thinking about his Maha.

I was talking to myself while looking at myself in the mirror. I saw the ring which he made me wear was shining in my hand. I hold that finger and tried to take that ring out.

I don't want his ring.

He bought this ring for her damn girlfriend. I don't need it.

I was pulling that ring out from my finger but it was stuck or maybe I don't want it to come out. I sighed and wipe my tears. I start taking my bangles off from my arms. I placed my dupatta in the wardrobe and bangles in a drawer. I took my sleeping suit and change into it.

After changing I came in front of the the mirror.

"If you don't care Ashar then I also don't care." I said looking at the ring I was wearing.

I hate you Ashar and I hate everything about you.

I closed my eyes and didn't let my tears come out. I lay down on my bed and tried to sleep.

Ashar's POV.
I entered in room and close the door behind me. I almost Fall on bed and closed my eyes. As I closed my eyes,a face flashed on my mind. My eyes snapped open.
My heart beat increased. I hold my head as I sat up on my bed. I took that paper out from my shirt's pocket. I open it and my eyes were fixed on our names. Our signs and the stamp. This paper was showing what I had done today..

What you have done Ashar??

I hold my head in my hands while my eyes were fixed on the paper which was our marriage certificate.

I was The Ashar Abrar Malik accept a girl as my wife to whom I fight,to whom I don't like to talk. I married the girl who is going to engage with someone else in just two days.

But she's my wife now!!

My subconscious said.

Yeah wife!!! What a joke. A wife who doesn't love you. Who don't want this relation. Who is happy with her engagement. Who like your friend.

My subconscious was showing me the reality and I was feeling all the restlessness inside me.

But we are married now.she accept me as her husband.

I again said tried to find a positive answer.

That was just a need of situation. And when you told her that this marriage is temporary. She didn't say anything but agreed on what you say. And don't forget you also dont love her then why are you so thinking about this marriage??? Or you think about her??

My subconscious was asking me and I was stuck. I have no answer. Yeah right she don't love me. I don't love her then why I'm feeling restless. Why this thought is killing me that she don't want this marriage. She think as this marriage have no meaning. I know I said also all this to her but why I was expecting her to say that she wants this marriage. And why I was scared when I thought I will lost her when that goons attack her. When they were looking at her with lustful eyes why I wanted to kill them.

Why I yelled saying that she's my wife. Only my wife???

Oh God.!!

I lay down on bed and my eyes were on the roof. Why I'm feeling all this???

Hell with this marriage and her!!!

If she don't want to keep this marriage and don't care about this relation then I also don't care. I don't care about anything.

I got up and took that marriage certificate.

"When there is no marriage then why would i keep it?? There is no need of this paper." I talked to myself.

I nodded and fold the paper and was about to tore it but then stop.

Now Ashar tore it.


I again about to tear it in any pieces but her face in that bridal look appear on my eyes..

What the hell!!!

I put that paper aside. I was taking deep breaths to control the strange feelings which were increasing inside me. I look at the paper and walked toward my wardrobe taking it with me. I slowly open a file and put my marriage certificate in that file and close it. I open my drawer and place the file inside the wardrobe's drawer. I lock the drawer and walked again toward my bed.I slowly laid on bed and closed my eyes.

I don't care about you Maham.

I don't care about this marriage if you don't!!!

I was thinking and then I felt a knot on my throat. I gulp that down. Because I can't let weakness overwhelmed me. The tiny tears which were forming in my eyes, I didn't let them come out and closed my eyes tightly.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum dear readers.

How are you all??

Missed me ;) ????

I missed you all readers
I know I'm very late.. But as I told you I was out of city.

How was your Eid???

So coming to the chapter,how was it?? I think both Maham and Ashar should talk openly what you guys think??? But I know they won't do because their ego won't let them. The real charm us in the fight don't you think ;)

Both are happy to become each other's life partners but won't accept it. But love will make them accept this. Love already knocked on their heart but they are not understanding.

Sorry for Shahyan's POV. Next chapter will must have Shahyan's POV.

Do vote and comment and please tell me the best part of the chapter???

You favourite POV?.

Your favourite scene??

Do vote and comment. Share my story with your friends.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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