Chapter 13

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Ashar's POV.
I fall on my bed and closed my eyes. I was feeling so tired. All the day I spend restlessly on road driving here and there just to understand what is happening in my life and in me?? What I want from my life? But I didn't get any answer.

The conversation with Maham in mall really upsets me. I  was just trying to figure her out. I wanted to know what she wants. That's why when zayan called me,I immediately addressed him as Maha. I wanted to know that it affects her or not but she start fighting with me. I don't know why I wanted to know her feeling about me being with someone other girl but that Maham is really impossible.

She is still the same.

Irritating+stubborn+fighter= to headache.

My head was now really paining as hell. I turned to my right side and tried to sleep but her face was not leaving me alone. I got up irritatedly.

"What the hell!! This girl is getting on my nerve. Hell with her." I said and took the glass of water from side table of my bed.

I drank the water and lay down again. Suddenly my hand touched something and I open my eyes. I look at the thing I was holding in my hand. I sighed and bring that scarf in front of my eyes. This was the same scarf which Maham gave me on that stormy night to clean my hair. When she left,that scarf was kept in my car and I bring it here. I almost forget about it and now all of sudden it came out. The scarf was reminding each and every moment I spent with her. I smiled thinking about that stormy night we spend together. Then our wedding day,all the incidents which leads us to marriage. Suddenly I remember something and got up. I took my mobile out and open Gallery of my mobile. I open the album and saw her. She was in front of me shinning on mobile. Her pretty face,her lower eyes,her pink lips,and that nose ring which was lying on her lips everything was perfect. She was looking perfect in her bridal attire. I slid to the next pic and there we both were seated together on stage as husband and wife. We were looking perfect together. My lips smiled looking at our pic. My fingers start caressing her face which was shinning on my mobile. My heart was besting fast. She was my bride. We were looking so beautiful and perfect together.  I was smiling. Smiling to be with her. I was lost in watching her.

Ashar what we you doing???

Why are you smiling?? You know very well that she don't want this marriage and you also don't want this then why are you doing this??

My subconscious said and I came to my senses. I close the gallery immediately and scolded myself for being lost in her. I lay down and  closed my eyes tightly to drawn into sleep and slowly I felt myself consuming the sleep.


"Maham." I yelled and got up.

I look around to find her but she was not here.

My forehead was filled with sweet as I saw a bad dream. Again those goons and Maham in their hold. A knife on her neck and blood was pouring down from her neck. I was trembling with fear. I turn to see the time. It was 2 of the night. I took my mobile and without thinking anything I just dialed her number. Her mobile was ringing but she was not receiving my call.

"Come on."I mumble while running my left hand in my hair.

I was feeling so scared. I just wanted to listen her voice. I just wanted to know if she's okay or not?? I don't want to remember anything. I just wanted yo listen her voice . I dialed her number again,once twice and thrice but she didn't received my call.

" that's it." I said and took my car keys.

I rushed out of my room and went directly to the porch where my car was. I just sat in car and drove out of the house. I wanted to reach her as soon as I can. I just reached out her house in just 10 minutes.

Now I know I can't go in like this. I mean its 2 of the night and everyone is in their deep slumber. I stopped my car in front of her house and step out.

I once again dialed her number but she was not receiving my call.

"That's it Ashar.  Step in." I said to myself and nodded on my thought.

I walked toward her house and jumped through wall in the lawn. I almost fall on the ground and I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I look at my arm and saw few scratches caused by bushes of the plants of the lawn on my arm. Some start bleeding. I didn't pay attention on them and again dialed her number. I start moving ahead but I didn't know which was her room. I was looking at the windows. Her mobile was ringing but no answer.

"Hello." Her sleepy voice came and I felt a wave of peace and happiness run in my body.

My heart jumped and I felt myself closing my eyes and was feeling her voice which was going directly in my heart.

"Hello." She again said and I came to my senses.

"Maha." Suddenly I said.

Maham's POV.
"Maha." That voice and I came to my senses.

"Huh!!!" I got up from bed and sat.

"Ash...Ashar!!" I called to confirm.

"Maham." He called again and my heart start besting fast.

I could feel him taking deep breaths. My breaths start getting uneven. I turned to see the time and was shocked to see the clock showing 2:20 of the night.

"Ashar is that you?" I asked again.

"Open your window." His voice came.

"Huh!! Window why??" I asked looking around.

"Just do it." He said and I step out of the bed and turn the lights on.

I went toward the window and in a second I open the window. A cool breeze touched my face. I look down in the lawn. My eyes were going here and there. There was all dark I couldn't see anything.

"Just look straight." He said and I look in front of me in lawn.

There he was standing in his white shirt. He took a step forward and I saw his face in the little moonlight.

"Ashar." His name hardly spill from my lips.

He was not saying anything but I was feeling his eyes on me. When he didn't say anything I waved my hand to bring him in conscious but I think he was lost.

"Ashar wait I'm coming." I said and cut the call.

I turned and took deep breaths because my heart was beating as hell. I smiled. I don't know why I was smiling. Why I was feeling happy. Before going out I went in front of the mirror and check myself out. I run my fingers in my hair to comb them and run out. There was all dark in my house. Everyone was asleep. I tip toe toward lawn. I slowly open the door and went out. I walked toward the side of the lawn where he was standing. My heart start beating fast when I saw him standing there. My pace slow down. He was looking at me and I was shivering a little from inside.

"Ashar." I said as I reached him.

"Hi." He said and I look at him.

What?? He's here to say Hi to me!!


"What are you doing here? And specially this time??" I asked going closer to him.

He was not saying anything but was just looking at me. His deep eyes were fixed on me. I felt myself melting. For a second my eyes lower down but then I look up and waved my hand in front of him.

"Ashar wake up." I almost whispered.

"Huh!!" He said.


"What are you doing here??" I asked again.

"I was just...just passing so I...I thought" He stutter.

"Thought what??" I asked.

"How's your wound now?" He suddenly asked.

"What??" I stopped myself from yelling.

His hand slowly came near to my neck and he slowly aside my hair from my neck and look at the wound which that goon's knife leave on my neck. I shivered when his fingers touched my neck on my wound. I fisted my hands. He was caressing slowly my wound with his thumb and a storm start inside me. A storm of sensations.

Gosh Maham stop him!!!

I nodded on my thought.

"Ash..Ashar. I'm...I'm...okay." I hardy said as his touch was burning me and melting me from inside.

I look up and he slowly take his hand off. My eyes travelled to his arm and my eyes widened. His arm was badly injured. Scratches and blood strains.

"Ashar what is this??" I asked and hold his arm.

"Nothing just.." He was saying when I interrupted him.

"Yeah nothing..stupid." I said and hold his hand.

I start walking toward house. I was dragging him with me and he was following me. I walked toward my room without making any noise. We both entered my room and I close the door.

"Sit here." I made him sit on bed and start examining his arm.

"Wait." I said and went to take first aid box.

As I came back I saw him seated still there almost lost in the thoughts. I slowly hold his arm and start cleaning his arm with wet cotton.

"Stupid what were you doing?? See what you have done??" I asked still cleaning his wounds.

"Ashar I'm talking to you." I said looking up and saw him looking at me deeply.

"Huh!! I was just..thinking " he said and I bandage his arm.

"By the way what are you doing here at this time?" I asked looking at his face.

"I told you na that I was passing so I..I thought to inform you about tomorrow's plan." He said and I look at him.


Is he mad for coming here only to tell me some stupid plan at 2:30 of the night??

"Ashar are you crazy??" I asked and he smiled.

"Maybe " he said while scratching his head.

"Actually zayan and Shahyan planned for a group shopping. As you know zayan is getting married soon,so zayan decided to have some group shopping together." He said and I doubted on him.

"Really??!!" I asked doubtfully.

Ashar's POV.
"Really??" She asked and I feel myself trouble.

Shit!! What are you doing Ashar??

I thought and think about my words. What did I sat?? Group shopping?? Really???

"Ashar I'm asking something." Her voice snapped me out from my thoughts.

"Yes. Actually it was Zayan's plan so I thought to inform you about this. You were also a part of our group." I said and took a relieve of breath.

"Hmmm shopping I love to come." She said happily and my eyes went to see the shopping bags which were laying besides her wardrobe.

God this girl and her shopping!!!

"By the way where are you coming from?? And why you jumped from the wall?? You can come from the main gate." She asked and I look everywhere to find an answer.

"I...I was with Maha." I said and turned to her.

"Maha.!" She asked and I nodded.

She turned to left side and was not looking at me.

"By the way what were you doing with Maha at this late of night??" She asked and turned.

"I was actually with her on beach." I lied and try to find any dislike on her face.

"Hmmm...but you shouldn't be with her like this late." She said and I hide my smile.

"Why??" I asked and she turned to me.

"Its not good. Its not good being with a girl st this late." She said.

"Why that's not good.?? She's my girlfriend. I'm also here alone with you at this late of night. You are also a girl." I said looking at her.

"With me its okay." She said and my eyes widened.

"Why with you is okay??" I asked and turned to her fully.

She took the first aid box and walked toward the drawer. She kept the box inside and went in washroom to wash her hands.

"I asked you something." I said as she came out.

"What??" She asked and I walked toward her.

"Nothing." I said and just keep looking at her.

I don't know why I was liking it to see her. She lower her eyes and start playing with her fingers.

" were with...Maha??" She asked slowly.

"She was feeling so lonly so I thought to spend some time with her,so I took her on beach and we just share the best time of our life." I lied again and asked for forgiveness in my heart from Allah as i was lying all the time.

"You shouldn't be with her Ashar at late night.its not good." She again said and walked toward bed.

"Why?? I'm also here with you but you didn't say to leave." I said.

"With me its okay because I'm your wi..." She stopped and my eyes widened.

Come on Maham say it.!!

My heart yelled. I really wanted yo hear it from her saying herself my wife. But she stopped. I waited but she didn't say anything.

"That you are my what??" I asked.

"Nothing. You go now. And if my dad catch you then it will be very bad." She said and got up.

"Hmmm Ashar." She called as I reached the door.

"How was she....looking??" She asked looking at her hands.

"Beautiful. Just like a fairy. My Maha." I said looking at her glowing face.

She was looking so innocent and beautiful in her white t-shirt and white trouser. Her hair were open on her shoulders. Her lower lip was again and again caught in her teeths. Her eyes were shivering.

"Okay. Good night." She said and look up.

"Don't forgot to come." I said and she nodded.

I start walking out and she was following me. We both came out of her house without making any noise and walked toward the lawn.

"You can go from gate." She said looking at me and I smiled.

"I came like a thief so I should go like him." I said and she smile.

And I lost my heart. Her smile really make me lost my senses. I don't know what was happening but whatever it was,I just want to keep feeling it. These feelings which I start feeling for this irritated girl was giving me happinesses. She was giving me happiness or I can say that she was becoming my happiness.

"Ashar go now." She said and I nodded.

"Take care bye." I said and she nodded.

I slowly jumped on the wall and turned to see her for the last time and jumped on the road. Smile was not leaving my face.

I was feeling really stupid. I mean I was amazed on my coming here in her house at this time. But she also didn't mind and took me to her room. I smiled thinking about her. I sat in my car and drove to home thinking about her.

Anabia's POV.
I was crying. All the day I spend with tears. Since the time he dropped me at Zayan bhai's house,I was so sad. He was angry. I called him but he was not receiving my call. I don't know why he's not understanding what I wanted to say.

I turned to see the time and it was 3 of the morning but my sleep was far from me. I took my mobile and start typing a msg.

Me: Shahyan please talk to me. Don't be angry with me. Please try to understand me. You know I don't have anyone without you please don't punish me like this. I will die if you didn't talk to me. Please talk to me Shahyan.

I typed msg and send him. I cried all the night and didn't know when sleep consumed me.


"Bhabhi you okay na??" I look up where zayan bhai was looking at me and asking.

I simply nodded and start eating. I felt everyone looking at me.

"Bhabhi why your eyes are swollen?? Are you okay??" Hiba asked and I faked a smile.

"I'm..I'm fine hiba." I said and start having my breakfast.

"Bhabhi did Shahyan said something to you??" Zayan bhai asked and I felt my eyes getting wet.

"No bhai. Why would he say something to me?? I'm okay. Just a little headache." I said but I think he was not satisfied.

Before zayan bhai could ask any other question aunty spoke.

"Zayan hurry up. You are getting Late for office." Aunty said and i took a breath of relieve.

Soon zayan bhai gone with uncle and his brothers. Sana and hiba also drove to their college. Me and aunty were left behind alone. I clean the table and was about to go to my room but aunty hold my hand and made me sit with her in hall.

"Tell me what happened??" Aunty asked and I couldn't control my tears.

I hide my face in my hands and start crying.

."Anabia what happened?? Tell me." Aunty said and I hugged her while crying.

"He's...he's not talking to me aunty." I said while crying.

"Who?? Shahyan!!" She asked and I nodded.

"He's not talking to me." I said again and start frying.

Aunty was caressing my back and I was crying with hiccups.

"Listen to me Anabia. Tell me what happened between you two??" Aunty asked and pulled back.

I Lower my eyes and start thinking. What should I tell aunty?? How to tell her that why he's offended with me??

"Tell me Anabia. " aunty asked again.

"He's offended aunty." I said looking at my hands.

"I know but why?? Tell me the reason." She asked and I start biting my lips.

I dare not to look up at her.

"I...I..stopped him." I slowly said.

"Stopper him?? Mean??" She asked again.

"I...I...stopped...him from coming closer to me." I said and look up at aunty who was shocked and then sighed.

"So that's why he's offended and not talking to you?" Aunty asked and I nodded.

"Well and why you stopped him.??" She asked.

"Aunty our marriage you know is still hidden from His parents so how can we.." I stopped and she nodded.

"You both are right but here you both need to understand. He's your husband dear and he has some expectations from you. You should think about him too. And of course you have to clear your point of you in front of him so that he can understand you." Aunty said and I nodded.

"I will talk to zayan to bring Shahyan here. So you both can sort out your problems." She said and I nodded.

Aunty left and I start thinking what should I say to Shahyan.

Shahyan's POV.

"So ready for the engagement??" My dad asked looking at me.

My all mood spoiled. I look up at him who was doing his breakfast but he just spoiled my breakfast.

"I wanted to talk to you about this but you didn't give me time " I said and dad turned to me.

"I'm not going to do this engagement. " I calmly said and start having my breakfast.

"Rubbish. Do you know what are you saying??" My dad yelled and I turned to him.

"Of course I know. I'm not going to do this engagement. You didn't ask me before announcing this engagement. "  I said and saw that my dad's expression changed into anger.

"What I did is best for you. And of course it will best for our business." Dad said and now its my turn to show my anger.

I mean what he think of me??

"Excuse me!! I'm not a deal dad. And I'm not going to do this engagement. I don't like Maham " I yelled and got up.

"If you didn't do it then I'm going to throw you out of my house and business." Dad shouted and I turned.

"Good. Then I'll be free from your orders. I'll marry the girl I love. " I said looking in his eyes.

"What?? You love someone else??" Dad asked and I startled.

What I said??

"No..I..I mean I won't marry Maham because I will marry to the girl to whom I fall in love with." I said and took a breath of relieve.

I cannot take Anabia's name now. I know I have to wait for right time. But for now I have to bring myself out from this engagement problem.

"What rubbish!! You will fall for Maham after marriage. And my decision is final. Tomorrow you are going to engaged with Maham and that's final." Dad ended the conversation.

How can he do this?? I mean taking the biggest decision of my life without even telling me.he's just ordering me.

"Okay if you want me to marry with Maham I'll do it but I'm Will marry the girl I will choose for myself. I said and took steps out leaving my dad fuming and I enjoyed fighting with him.

I smiled and sat in car. I drove to my office. As I stepped in my cabin,I took my mobile out and check a lot of msgs from Anabia and her missed calls. I smiled and was about to call her but my ego stopped me.

I'm not going to talk to her.

I said to myself and put my Mobile aside. I know she was right. What happened between us yesterday was not good. I know I was wrong but still my ego was not letting me go to her and talk to her. I didn't know what happened to me yesterday that I just couldn't control myself and did what I never think off. And when she stopped me from going any further, that makes me angry. But all the night I spend was restless. Her tears were disturbing me all the night. And now here I just was thinking about her. The best moments I spend with her but my anger spoiled everything. But she also should think of me. She didn't care about my emotions and feelings.

Okay I'm getting selfish again but I can't stay far from her.  Gosh she was driving me crazy.  I saw her call coming again but I didn't received. I just wanted to know that what will she do to persuade me. I smile and cut her call.

A/N:Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

How's the weather??

Here its raining now!!! And I'm enjoying it by writing this chapter on my bed. :D

So how was the chapter??

Waiting for the new turn?? Next chapter will bring some new turn to the story.

So how was Ashar and maham's POV??

What will you say about Shahyan and Anabia???

Do comment my readers!!!

And also I'm planning to wrote myall stories on inkitt. So do follow me there.

Love you all.

Stay bless.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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