Chapter 2

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Shahyan's POV..
I was walking here and there . I looked at her who was seated there on bed lost in her own thoughts. She was looking so pale and week. I looked at the clock to check the time. It was 11 pm.

My room door knocked and I went to open it.

"Where were you?? " I yelled as I saw the person.

"I should yelled at you but no you are doing everything opposite." Zayan said and pushed me aside and stepped in.

He looked at Anabia and then me.

"You did the arrangements?" I asked and he nodded.

"We should go now." I said and walked toward Anabia.

"Hmm let's go." I said and she got up.

We walked out of the hotel and I was about to sit in car when Zayan hold my hand.

"Are you sure about what you are doing?" Zayan asked and I nodded.

"I want you to think again. Its a big decision." Zayan said and I smiled.

"I have never been sure about anything but this I'm strongly sure what I'm doing. I think a lot about it and then took this decision." I said and he nodded.

We drove to zayan's house. I stopped the car and came out of it. She was still there in the car. I went to her side and opened it.

"Come." I said and she looked at me.

She came out but before she could say anything Zayan's sisters came near us and hold Anabia's hand and pulled her toward them. She turned to see me and I assure her to go with them.

"So where is Qazi?" I asked looking at Zayan.

"Waseem has gone to call him. He'll be here soon." Zayan said and I nodded.

I and Zayan went in the room waiting for the Qazi. Our witness were here. Zayan and his brothers were witness. I was feeling strange. The most important decision I took without telling my parents but I had no other way.

Anabia's POV.
I was feeling strange. He brought me to maybe his friend's house. These girls and lady were so kind. As the girls pulled me with them inside the house,I was scared. I looked at him for help and he assure me that everything is okay. I was also amazed on myself that in just few hours I start trusting him and considering him as my saviour. I was trusting him only him. That was wired.

Of course I trust him that's why I asked him to marry me!

"Here wear this." That lady came to me and Gave me dress of white coloured with red combination.

I looked at her confused. She smiled understanding and sat next to me.

"Today is your special day. Get ready for it." She said and kissed my forehead.

I went to the changing room and change into the frock I was given. My Frock was white having a red lace all around it and paired with red dupatta and white churi pajama. I came out and both girls hugged me.

"Come. Wear these bangles." That lady gave me bangles which I wore quietly.

"Mom."  I heard a boy's voice.

And the lady next to me stands and went out of the room.

"Mom Qazi is here. We are coming to the bride for nikah ceremony." I heard that boy's voice.

My heart start running fast. The biggest decision of my life has bee taken. Now the time was come. I felt little drops of sweat on my forehead. That lady came to me and covered my head with my dupatta.

"Its time now beta. Don't be scared." She said looking at me and I nodded.

I heard footsteps and then maybe 4 to 5 men entered in the room.

"Should I start?" I heard someone.

"Bismillah Qazi sahab." Someone says.

"Do you Anabia Hayat daughter of M.Hayat accept Shahyan Hashaam malik son of Hashaam Malik as your husband?" Qazi loudly said and I felt myself shivering.

That lady hold me and squeezed my hands to give answer.

"I..I do." I said.

Qazi asked for more 2 times and I replied the same answer. After that they placed a paper in front of me and I sign on Nikah paper.

I accepted him as my husband. My heart was beating so fast. As I sign the papers they all congratulate each other and I felt tears find their way. My cheeks start getting wet. I felt a hand in my head giving blessing. One by one all men gave me blessings and went out. tears were rolling down. That lady hugged me and I cried with hiccups.

Where my life bring me!! I forced a man to marry me and when he did what I want?? I don't know why I was crying. ?

"Shhh..its okay beta. Its time to smile not crying." She said and wipe my tears.

Both girls came to me and hugged me.I smiled looking at them.

" Shahyan wants to meet Anabia." I saw  the boy who came in hotel to meet him was standing in the door of the room.

"Sure. She's his wife now." She said and I felt my heart felt something strange.

His wife!!

I'm his wife now.

"Call him." She said and got up.

"Don't be scared beta. He's your husband now. He become most important person of your life. He helped you against everyone. He didn't leave you alone. That is called life partner." She said and I nodded.

She hugged me and turned to go. I immediately felt nervousness overcome me. Everyone in the room left and I was all alone in the room.

I heard footsteps and I got up from bed. Nervousness was visible from my every action.  My hands were shaking. My palms were getting sweaty and I was feeling my heart will come out at any moment.

Then I saw the knob of door turned and!!!

Shahyan's POV.
I was seated with Zayan and his father and brothers.Qazi came and he start the ceremony of Nikah.

"Do you Shahyan Hashaam malik son of M.Hashaam malik accept Anabia Hayat daughter of M.Hayat as your wife?" Qazi completed and I felt my heart racing.

What was I doing??
All of sudden I'm getting married?? To a unknown girl??

But its too late now to think.

I said to myself and nodded my head.

"I do." I said and Qazi asked it for more two time and I replied the same.

I sign the papers and my friend zayan hugged me.

"Congratulations." I heard him and his brothers.

They all congratulate me. I sat there in hall. I closed my eyes and start thinking about the sudden change in my life. Yesterday I was free and living my life without any tension and didn't even think about getting married but now in just one day I was someone's husband and she was my wife.

I made a big decision !!

I have a wife now!!!

I opened my eyes and took deep breath. She also sign the papers and we were officially husband and wife. In just few hours my whole life changed.

After sometime I asked Zayan that I want to meet her.of course she was my wife now. I have to talk to her. I have something to tell her.

Zayan came to me and took me to the room. He left as I put my hand on the knob. My heart start racing.

Okay calm down Shahyan!!

I took deep breath and entered in room. I closed the door behind me and looked up. She was standing in the middle of the room. She was wearing a white frock with red combination. She was looking at ground. She was playing with her finger. Her nervousness was visible from her face.

" are you?" I asked not knowing what to say.

Huh!! How are you??? How idiot I'm.

She just nodded her head in answer. I took deep breath. I took one step closer to her and she took one step back.

"Listen..I..wanted to say something." I said and walked here and there.

I took deep breaths and stand in front of her. Her eyes were shivering. A smile appeared on my face.

"Anabia." I called her and she looked up.

Her deep eyes like ocean Met mine and i for a second forget to blink.

Come to your senses Shahyan!!

I cleared my throat and looked at her who was now rolling her dupatta on her finger in nervousness. I didn't believe that this was the same girl who asked me to marry her in the middle of the road.

"Listen I want to talk to you.." I said and she nodded.

"In which situation we married you know. Right!" I started and she nodded.

"So there are many problems I have to solve. So for few day you have to stay here in my friend's house. He and his family are nice people. You don't need to be worried." I said and liked at her who was listening to me carefully.

"Is that okay?? You understand what I told you.?" I said and she nodded.

"So stay here for few days until i find some solution of this problem." I said and she nodded.

"You don't have any problem of staying here?" I asked she shook her head.

So easily she accepted to stay here!!

"I cannot take you home right now. I need some time. My dad...I will tell you later about this.I will come to see you daily. Any problem you can tell me okay." I said and she nodded.

"You don't need to stress yourself.I just wanted the protection of your name. And you gave me that. I'm grateful to you for such mercy. But I think you should not think about me. You should not feel ypurself boubd to this marriage.I don't want to become trouble for you." She said and my eyes widened.

"Are you out of your mind?? You think its funny. On one side I'm scared what if my dad comes to know then what will happened and on the other side you are saying all this rubbish.I took the risk of marrying you and now you are..." I yelled at her and she took two steps back in fear.

I closed my eyes and relaxed myself. I opened my eyes and looked at her. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"I will come tomorrow. Any problem tell me. You are my responsibility now. Take care." I said and without listening her I went out of the room.

My head was paining. And her words really make me go mad. I did all this,take risk of marrying her and she was now telling me that she didn't want me to think about her. I should move on in my life. Idiot girl. I dare to marry her when I knew from which family I belong.

I came out of the room and walked towards the hall.where Zayan and his family were waiting for me.

"Aunty uncle thanks a lot what you have done for me." I said looking at both of them

"It was our duty. Bless you son." Uncle said and hugged me.

"Uncle actually I want you to keep Anabia here for few days." I said looking at him.

"But beta she's your wife now. You should take her to your home now." Zayan's mother said.

"I know aunty and I'm not escaping from my responsibility but you know how dad is. Please give me some time. For sometime let her stay here." I said and they nodded.

"Okay we don't have a problem." Uncle said and I smiled.

"But remember that she's your wife. You can't just keep her here and forget. " aunty said and I nodded.

"I know I will visit everyday. Don't worry aunty I know she's my wife and my responsibility. And please don't tell dad or anyone else about all this." I said and they all smiled and nodded.

Zayan came out with me. I was walking toward my car. Today was really a long day which bring surprises.

"Okay Zayan thanks a lot." I said and he punch my shoulder lightly.

"Anything for you. Don't forget to come to meet my bhabhi tomorrow." Zayan said and winked at me.

I smiled and nodded.

"So when you will tell your dad about this?" He asked.

"I don't know. You know how he is. Strick and dominated." I said and he nodded.

"Don't worry we'll find a way." He said to lighten my tension. And I nodded.

"And Zayan tell zainab to be with her all time. She's a crazy girl." I said to Zayan.

"Okay. Don't worry we'll take good care of our bhabhi." He said

I nodded and bid my bye to him.and sat in car. I drove out my car from his house to mine leaving my better half behind.

Crazy girl!!!

I was driving and thinking about my marriage and my dad. He was a real Pathan having his rules. He was a successful business man. He never wanted to listen no from.anyone and specially from me. I always challenged him and there was always a race between us. He wanted to tame me and I enjoyed accepting dare from him. My mom was always worried about our relationship. We were challengers to each other then son and father.

I always do opposite of what he says. But here I really didn't know what I had done and how will dad react. He wanted me to marry his partner's daughter. But I was really not interested in her. She was so liberal and modern.

But I never thought that I will marry like this?? Without having my parents with me on the biggest day of my life.

But I can't let her go. She was in danger and in need of help and I did what I felt is right.

Now my all thinking was fixed on the reaction of my dad. I took deep breaths and parked my car in parking of my home. I came out of the car and went inside.

"Shahyan." I was walking slowly toward my room when I heard my mom's voice.

"Mom you still awake?" I asked turning to her.

She smiled and came closer.

"How was your meeting?" She asked.

"It was good." I retorted.

"Did you have your dinner?" She asked and I kissed my mom's forehead.

"Yes mom. Now don't take tension about me and go to sleep. I'm also tired." I said and she nodded.

Mom left to her room and I came in my room. I closed the door and fell on the bed.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This day really change everything in my life. What just happened??

What is happening in my life?? Where is fate leading me??

Did I make a correct decision??

Too many questions,were roaming in my mind. I tried to clear my mind from all the thoughts. I turned to other side to fall asleep when my mobile rang. I received it without check the caller.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi bro you reached??" Zayan said.

"Hmmm." I hummed

"What are you doing?? "  he asked and I really wanted to punch him.

"Dancing.idiot what am I supposed to be doing? I'm trying to sleep." I said.

"Oh I though you were be dreaming about your wife. After all its your wedding night." He said and I opened my eyes.

"Zayan shut up and don't disturb me now." I said and cut the call.

Idiot doesn't know what he's saying???

Wedding night!!!

I mutter under my lips and smiled on that my childish friend's word.
I closed my eyes and try to sleep after all a new day with a lot of challenges was waiting for me.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum dear readers.

I thank my all readers who start reading this story.

So how you are finding the story???

I hope you are enjoying as much as um enjoying while writing it. Please do vote for my story and tell me your opinion about story.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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