Chapter 27

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Ashar's POV.
I was roaming here and there waiting for her. It was 4 of evening and she didn't reach yet.

"Ashar you okay?" Mom asked when she saw me roaming here and there restless.

"Yes mom. I mean no." I said and turned to me.

She gave me a confused look. Even I was also confused. No I mean I was not confused but nervous. How to tell her. Now.

"Mom actually I...I want to tell you something." I took the courage to say.

"Yes I'm listening." Mom said and I took deep breaths.

"Ashar come on." I mumbled to myself.

"Is everything okay?" Mom asked and I opened my eyes to see her.

"Yes of course. All good " I said nervous or confused I don't know.

"Ashar spill." Mom said.

"Mom actually Maham and I..." I stopped.

"Yes you and Maham?" Mom stopped and waited for me to continue.

"That...we...that...God why this is so difficult." I said and turned to other side.

"Where are you Maham?" I thought while running my hand in my hair.

And then my eyes found her standing in the centre of door. I smiled and my courage increased as she was here now. She walked to me but I was lost in looking at her. In pink frock she was looking so beautiful.

"Assalam-o-alikum aunty." She said as she stopped in front of mom.

"Wasalaam. How are you.?" Mom asker while hugging her.

"I'm good Alhamdulillah." She replied and turned to see me.

"So did you...tell.?" She asked looking at me and I shook my head as no.

"What you both are trying to tell me?" Mom asked looking at both of us.

"No aunty I don't.. I mean Ashar want to say something. Ashar say na." She said while slapping my arm to bring me out of my lost condition.

"Huh! Yes we...I and mean to say and Maham..." But I stopped while slipping my tongue on my dry lips.

"Yes I know you and Maham. Would you please spill the next word?" Mom asked

"Ashar say it na." Maham said while holding my arm.

"Then why don't you tell mom?" I said to her but she shook her head as no

"Okay enough now. First decide what you both want to say and who will tell me." Mom said and walked out from there.

Maham turned to see me and I walked toward my room.

"Ashar." She called and I felt her following me.

But I didn't stopped. I just wanted sometime to think. How to tell. God why this is do difficult. I reached my room and she stepped in after me.

"Ashar." She called and I turned to her.

"What was that? Why didn't you tell mom?" She asked while coming closer to me.

"You think its easy. I tried you saw right." I defended myself.

"Yeah right! I saw. And I didn't know my Ashar can be scared this much." She said and walked toward chair.

But I held her arm and pulled her back. Standing her in front of me, I looked in her eyes.

"I'm not scared okay. Its just...just that.." I stopped again as I also didn't know what to say.

"Yeah right. You are not scared." She said and freed her arm from my grip.

"Why didn't you spill the truth in front of mom?" She said and I took a deep breath.

"I want to tell mom but you know its not easy." I defended myself again.

"Yes its not easy. Right but you are forgetting that you called me here so that you can tell mom that I'm your wife." She said angrily but I was looking somewhere else.

Mom was standing shocked. Her wide eyes were telling me that she heard Maham. And I was shocked too. I was scared now that how she was going to react.

"Now where are you lost? I don't understand you. Last night you were saying that you will tell mom about our marriage and now you are freaking out. Ashar I'm..." She was saying but I held her from shoulders and turned her toward door.

She faltered as she saw mom standing there. I held her hand and we both looked at each other. Mom was still shocked.

"What did she say?" Mom asked looking at me.

"Mom please listen." I said while going closer to her.

I closed the door and took mom with me inside. I saw Maham looking down. I knew now she was getting scared and I had to be with her to tell her that I'm there for her.

"Ashar what's going on? What Maham said?" Mom asked again.

"Its true mom. We..we are married." I said and mom turned to me shocked.

"Ashar.." Mom shockingly said.

"Mom I was trying to tell about this. Please don't misunderstood us." I said and then mom took a step toward me and I received a slap from mom.

"Mom." I looked at her shocked

"Aunty please don't say anything to him." Maham came between me and mom.

"You both..." Mom took a step closer and I hide Maham behind me to save her from slap.

"Mom please. Listen to us first. We didn't do all this intensionally." I tried to tell the truth.

"Yeah right. Hiding your marriage from me was not intensionally." Mom asked.

"Now what will happened? What your dad will do when he comes to know about your marriage." Mom start roaming here and there giving both of us more tension.

"Mom don't give us more tension." I said and she turned to us.

"Tension! You both don't know what tension is." Mom said while stopping in front of us.

"First tell me how much time passed of your marriage?" Mom asked.

"6...6 months." I replied making mom's eyes go wide.

"Ashar 6 months. You both were hiding all this from us." Mom controlled herself from yelling.

"Tell me how you both did all this." Mom asked and I turned to see Maham who was looking so scared.

"I will tell you but promise you'll with us to support us please." I asked and mom narrowed her eyes at me.

"Okay I'm telling you." I said and mom folded her arms on her chest.

Maham's POV.
I was looking at him who was narrating our marriage story to mom and she was listening it with shock expressions.

"Ashar is this a film's story?" Aunty asked and I controlled my laugh.

Both turned to see me.

"Sorry." I said and aunty again turned to see Ashar.

"Mom its not film's story but it's our story. We both got married like this." Ashar said and I went closer to him.

"He's right. I'm sorry for hurting you but we didn't do it intensionally." I said.

"Even our love was not intensionally." I said and Ashar turned to see me with a smile.

"Just his name with mine pulled me toward him. I never expected that I will fall in love with him." I said and I could feel tears brimming my eyes.

"We are sorry." I said and hugged her.

"Please help us. I love your son." I said while crying.

"Shh..stop crying first." Aunty said and I moved back while wiping my tears.

"Promise me next time you both will nothing hide from me." Aunty asked and I nodded.

"Promise." I said and hugged her again smilingly.

"Thank you. You are best." I kissed her cheek and moved back.

"Welcome. And what are you looking at?" Aunty said to Ashar.

He came forward while placing his hand on his left cheek. We both looked at him.

"I'm not understanding that why I always received a slap from my wife and mom." He said while caressing his cheek.

My and aunty looked at each other and laughed.

"Ladies." He called and me and aunty both hugged him together.

"Love you." We said in Union and he hugged us with love.

"Allah thank you." He said and me and aunty smiled looking at each other.


I turned to see him who's eyes were fixed on the sky. We were standing in front of beach but didn't go there. Cool air was touching us. Our hands were glued together. I saw his lips smiling.

"Stars are beautiful aren't they?" I asked while turning my eyes toward shinning sky.

"Not more than my Maha." He said and I turned to him.

"Really?" I asked going closer to him.

"Of course." He said and wrapped his arm around me.

We both looked up as the sky and just keep listening Water's voice.

"You think mom is going to tell tour father about our marriage?" I asked.

"Not now I think. But she will soon." He said and I nodded.

"Ashar we should go home now." I said but he didn't moved.

"Dad would be waiting." I said and he turned.

"I'm also waiting for my wife." Placing a kiss on my forehead he said and I smiled.

"I will come soon." I answered.

"Let me drop you." He said and we both got in our car.

A month later.

Anabia's POV.
"Shahyan what,are you doing?" I said and tried to free myself.

But he didn't listen to me and keep snuggling in me. I was about to sleep when he all of sudden jumped in my room from balcony and now was in bed with me.

"Shahyan." I tried to push him who was kissing my face.

His kisses were increasing the temperature of my body. His hold,his warmth was making my heart flutter but I still tried to stop him.

" doing?" I said again and my eyes closed down as his lips moved to my neck kissing me all around

"I'm loving my wife." He whispered in my ear and kissed it.

His session of kisses started and I lost. Sensations his touch was giving me,filled my body and I didn't stop him again. He was claiming me with his love, with his kisses and I was just giving in.

"I love you." He said going down to my bosom and I bite my lips to stop myself from moaning.

My fingers start running in his hair and he was busy in giving me those butterflies in my stomach.


"You are so bad." I said while resting my head on his chest.

"And why I'm bad?" He asked while wrapping his arm around me.

"For entering my room like this and then..." I stopped myself.

"And then? Please complete it dear wife." He said and chuckled.

"Shut up." I said while hiding my face in his chest.

"God I'm so happy. Mom is also happy as she got you as her daughter in-law but one thing is giving me tension." He said and I looked up at his face.

"And what is that?" I asked him.

"That how will Dad react on the news of our marriage!." He said and this was true.

I was also scared of telling him the truth. I didn't know how he will react. Will he accept me or not.

"If he didn't accept me then?" I asked looking at my Shahyan.

"He have to. You are mine and we have to live together all life." He said and Kissed my forehead.

"I love you." He said and I lay back placing my head on Hus chest while listening his heart beat.

"We'll be together forever.!?" I asked.

"Inshahallah forever." He said and I closed my eyes with his feel around me.


"Girl hurry up." I heard Maham "s voice calling me.

"Coming." I yelled while raking my clutch from wardrobe.

I took my shawl and ran out. Me and Maham were going on shopping. And it was purely her idea. I mean why she was so interested in shopping?

"Girl you are so late." Maham said while getting up.

"Is this shopping necessary?" I asked going closer to her.

"Of course." She said and turned to see mom(Shahyan's mother).

"Aunty we are going on shopping." Maham informed mom.

"Good. I was wondering to take Anabia shopping and you came. Thank you beta." Mom said and I smiled.

"Go and shop everything you like." She said and I nodded with a smile.

We walked out toward porch and sat in car. Maham start driving and I was just looking around the passing views.

"Do did your friend kissed her husband back?" I asked turning to her.

"Huh! I..I don't know." She answered and I hide my smile.

"You sure?" I asked and saw her cheeks going pink.

"Of course I'm sure. I didn't get time to talk to her." She answered and I nodded.

Third person's POV.
"Don't worry. Today I'm going to get her." Aslam said evilly while following the car of Maham.

"You better." Samina replied while keeping an eye on moving car in front of them.

Aslam took his mobile out and dialed a number.

"Yes I'm sending you the address reach there with your men." He said and cut the call.

"Its just matter of seconds." He laughed and stopped the car in front of mall.

The saw Anabia and Maham going in the mall. They waited for them to come. Aslam was looking around to check the situation. A blue van stopped besides the car of Maham. A fat man with hard looks cane out and three other men came out following him. They looked around and then looked at aslam who nodded to them to tell them that they were on right place.

After an hour,Maham and Anabia came out happily. As they stopped near their car,two men appeared,their faces covered in masks.

"Hello ladies." They said making both of them startle and scared at the same time.

"Who..." Before Maham could ask,one of man covered Anabia's face and the other held Maham tightly and pushed them in the van which was ready to escape.

"What? Who are you? Help!." Maham yelled as they closer the door of van and got in.

"Help. Help." Maham start yelling while Anabia was looking at them shocked.

"Shut her up." One of the goon said and the other man took chloroform out.

He put it on a handkerchief and pressed it harder on both face making them unconscious.

"Its done." One of goon said while putting mobile on his ear.

"Take her to the place I told you." Askam said and laughed wickedly.

"You are going to be rich samina." He said looking at samina and both laughed.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all??

A short chapter I know but next will be long.

The girls kidnapped?

How boys are going to find their wives?

Your comments please.

Do vote and share.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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