Chapter 30

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Anabia's POV.

I was looking at her who was roaming here and there with her mobile in her hand. She was looking angry. I thought to ask her but then stopped myself. But she was making worried with her continue pace.

"Will you sit down?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"We are stuck and you're asking me to sit down. Damn this mobile." She said and threw her mobile on the ground.

I looked at her and then the mobile which was thankfully not broken down. She held her head and keep moving here and there. I saw her taking her dupatta off in irritation and she held her head again.

"Calm down and tell me what happened?" I asked looking at her.

She looked at me and then came closer to me. She sat and then I saw her eyes going wet. A tear escaped from her eye making me worried.

"Hey what happened?" I asked holding her hands.

"I'm scared." Her words scared me.

She was the one strongest among us and now she was scared. What happened to her?

"Maham what happened?" I asked her and she cried more.

"Will you please tell me?"  I asked again and she nodded this time.

"Mobile battery is dead." She said still sobbing.

"Then why are you crying. I knew it." I said and she looked at me.

"You should tell me. I'm missing my Ashar. I wanted to hear his voice and this Damn mobile..!" She said looking at the mobile.

"So you're crying that you are missing Ashar not for being kidnapped?" I asked and she nodded.

"I don't give a damn to this kidnapping but see na because of it I didn't see my Ashar. And one hope was this mobile but its also refused to help me. I want to see him." She cried again like a kid and I held my head.

What i'm going to do with this girl?

"Maham come to your senses please." I said but she cried more.

"You want to see your Ashar?" I asked and she nodded.

"Then stop crying and start thinking." I scolded her and she pouted still with her flowing tears.

"Maha." I said and she smiled with tears.

"I'll do something after all I have to see my Ashar." She said and I sighed in relieve that she was back.

"Okay now tell me." She said while wiping her tears and took her mobile.

I saw her first caressing her mobile and then she kissed it with love and I was looking at her shocked that what she was doing. She looked at me

"What!? I love my things and I'm so attached to them." She said and I nodded with a smile.

"I can completely understand. That's why you threw it few minted ago." I said tried to his my smile.

"That was because I was angry. Now I'm okay." She answered.

"Okay so did you recognized this place?" She asked and I nodded.

"This is the House where I lived in childhood with my parents." I said and she keep looking at me but my mind was back there in my childhood when I used to live with my most precious relations, my parents.

"Then?" She asked.

"I don't remember everything. Just some blur memories. My favourite memory when my Dad built that swing with that tree for me. I still hear my laughter while taking the swing. And my mom's call for me and Dad." I was saying and feeling as i was living all those days again.

"Then what happened?" Her question made me think but I don't remember.

"I...I...don't know what happened. But I remember my father crying." I said as my own eyes start getting watery.

"So what's this place name?" She asked.

"Its not the same village,I escaped." My answers shocked her and I knew she must be waiting for my answer.

"We are in Khanpur." My answer made her shock.

" sure?" She asked and I nodded.

"I can never forget this place name because till the last breath Dad talk about this city." I said remembering my dad's words.

"Okay I think I can try with this." I heard her and looked at her who started to open the back side of her mobile.

"Now wait and watch." She said and winked at me.

I was just amazed looking at her excitement. One thing I found about her that she was a brave and a strong girl not like me. She never got weak or scared in any situation. I saw her spirit to escape from here and it really made me strong.

"Is this going to work?" I asked looking at her who took out the battery and start rubbing it between her hands.

"It will but only for few minutes so we have to do it hurry." She said and I nodded.

Maham's POV.

I switched my mobile on and finally It turned on. As it completely turned on,I check the battery which showed only 3% of it. We have very few second to use this. I didn't want this opportunity to lose. We have to be out of here.

"I should call Ashar." I said looking at Anabia and she nodded.

I took his number out from contact list and dialed his number. My Hearst was beating as hell. My eyes were closed down while I was calling Allah(SWT) for help.

"Damn network." I look at the mobile where zero signals were irritating me.

"Now how to get network?" I murmured and looked around.

I went closer to the only aperture and tried once again calling him. This time finally I heard the ring going and I held my heart. I looked at Anabia and nodded with happiness. She walked toward me and I was waiting for Ashar to receive the call.

"Hello Maha!" His voice, I heard and I could feel the impatience in his voice.

"Ashar." I called him and many tears escaped from my eyes.

I was just crying and I think he was too. I could feel him on other side and that was making me more cry.

"Hey stop crying. Tell me where are you?" He asked and I came out of my crying zone.

"We are kidnapped by Anabia's uncle and her stepmother. That step mother is so bad. She slapped Anabia." I start complaining.

" Anabia okay?" I heard Shahyan's voice.

"She's here. She's fine." I said and looked at her.

"Ashar come soon. This place is so bad. So dusty. Please." I cried again

"I'm coming. Just tell me where are you?" He asked again and this time Anabia took mobile from my hand.

"Khanpur. We are in khanpur Shahyan.. Please come soon." She said while crying and my eyes lighten up.

"Shahyan." I called him as I took mobile from Anabia's hand.

But before I could talk, the door opened and I turned my hand behind on my back to hide the cell. The same arrogant Goon entered with his horrible expression.

"Who you are talking?" He asked taking a step closer and I gulped the fear down my throat.

"We..we were talking to each other. Is there any problem?" I asked building some confidence in me.

"What are you both doing in this corner?" He asked and I looked at him thinking something to say.

I looked at Anabia who was shocked,with pale face. She was going to faint in fear I can see that. That's why it was important to send this goon out of the room.

"We were tired so start walking. And stood here to find any way to escape. But you people kept us in very secured place. This,Haweli looks very old. What was the name I read at the top of the building...!" I act to think and utter all this only for Ashar and Shahyan to listen as I know  my mobile was going to dead soon. So it was important for them to know the place we were at.

"Zulfiqar shah." Anabia said and I smiled and was hoping that they heard us.

"You both are stuck here for your life. Forget escaping." He said with an evil smile and walked out while closing the door again.

I took a breath of relieve and checked the mobile as if its on or not but thankfully it was on. I put it again on my ear.

"Ashar you heard?" I called him.

"Yes we heard. Don't worry we are coming." Shahyan answered and I looked at Anabia who was crying.

"Come soon your Anabia is waiting." I said and felt my mobile warning as it battery was about to end.

"Shahyan Anabia has something to tell you." I said and placed mobile on her mobile.

She shook her head here and there but I nodded.

"Hurry up mobile is going to off." I said and she cried more.

"Shahyan... You.." She cried again and I held my head.

Stupid girl was busy in crying and I was scared that mobile might be shut down completely and before that I want her to tell Shahyan about this good news.

"Anabia tell me what happened?" I could hear Shahyan's voice.

"You''re going to be a father." She finally said.

Shahyan's POV.

"You''re going to be a father." Her words made me shock and I looked at the mobile Ashar was holding.

And the call was ended. I looked at every face in front of me and they were also shocked like I was but then realization hit me and I recalled her words in my mind and a huge smile touched my lips.

"Did...did she say that I'm...I'!" I paused, words struck in throat with happiness.

"To be a father Congratulations." Ashar said and hugged me.

I was smiling while my eyes were going wet. My Anabia gave me the biggest happiness. I felt like I won the world. I saw my mom smiling. But Dad was freeze on his spot.

"Dad." I called him and he looked at me.

"Did she said Khanpur?" Dad asked and I nodded.

"She's daughter of Zulfiqar." He was mumbling and I was just looking at him.

"Dad you okay?" I asked and he hugged me.

"You did which I promised. You fulfilled my promise son. Thank you." Dad was saying and I was not understanding.

"Dad what happened?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"First I have to bring my daughter back at home." He said making me happy and I felt so much happy that he finally accepted Anabia his daughter in law.

"I know where she is." Dad said and stepped out of the house while I saw him calling the commissioner.

Me and Ashar looked at each other and then ran after him. I was going to my Anabia and the people who gave her tears and oain were going to regret on laying a finger on her. I was not going to leave them. They have to pay for what they did.

Third person's POV.
Maham and Anabia were waiting impatiently for their husbands to come and on other side Asalam and Aani Na were celebrating the victor as they were going to call Shahyan for the money and they he will deliver the money to them.

Mr Hasham with Ashar and Shahyan moved toward Khanpur while Police force was informed of the area. Everything was done and now they were so near to them. Both boys were silent on their places but they knew how they were feeling. They wanted their car to fly so they can reach their girls in just a blink.

On the way to Khanpur,Shahyan's mobile starts ringing and he checked the number.

"Its kidnapper." He said looking at his father and commissioner.

"Pick it." Commissioner said while the driver stopped the car aside.

"Hello." Shahyan said as he received the call.

"I hope my money is ready." Asalam's creepy voice appeared.

"Everything is done. Tell me the place." Shahyan said making him smile on other side.

"At mid night on the Clifton beach." His voice appeared.

"When?" Shahyan asked as he knew they were on their way to Khanpur and it will take 2 days for them to each there.

"The day after tomorrow." Aslam said which confirmed that he was in Khanpur that's why he asked two days to deliver money to him.

"Done." Shahyan said and cut the call.

All looked at each other and nodded..they start their journey again to rescue the beautiful girls but Mr Hasham wanted something more. His mind was on something else and he was just lost in his memories.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all???

Didn't expect the update? But I gave you one.

Its not that long but still I tried to give you and hope you like this short chapter. Next  chapter will be long Insha Allah and I'll try to update on Sunday but its not a promise. I will try.

Coming to your views,what you want to say about this chapter??

Do vote and I'll be waiting for your comments.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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