Chapter 32

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Ashar's POV.

We reached Shahyan's home as our parents were there waiting for us all. All were happy to see us. Maham ran to her mother and Eiya Maa and hugged them while crying. I was just smiling looking at the happy faces of our parents and of my Maha.

After meeting and all,we all settled down in launch. Anabia was seated with Shahyan's mother. We all were silent on our places. Shahyan was about to say something when his father's mobile start ringing. Uncle Hasham took the call and I could see a happy expression on his face.

"They caught Aslam and Samina." He informed us and we all took a breath of relieve.

"Hasham its a good news that they get caught." Dad said and uncle nodded with a smile.

"Alhamdulillah." We all said as the danger was gone.

I looked at Maham who was already looking at me. She smiled but I saw her eyes wet. I looked away as I knew she wanted to cry and so do I but we couldn't talk in front of the elders.

"We should go home now." Dad stood up and me too.

"We'll take your leave now. We'll come tomorrow." Maham's father said and I looked at her who's eyes were calling me.

Uncle nodded and we both walked out with our families. Standing in the porch,I tried to talk to her but uncle didn't give me a chance and Rameez made Maha sit in the car. I turned to Dad who was glaring at me.

"What?" I asked looking at him who didn't replied.

"She's my wife and you both Hitlers are not letting us even talk. Come on Dad." I said and get in the while they also hopped in.

We drove to home but I was getting restless. I wanted to talk to Maham,to hug her but our families were not letting us to talk.

"Dad why didn't you let me talk to Maha?" I asked as we stepped in hall and he turned to look at me.

"You won't talk to her." Dad said and my eyes widened.

"Why? I mean I told you the truth. She's my wife then why?" I asked looking at them.

"Truth? After hiding it for 6 months,you told us. Now let us handle this. Let us think what to do now. Till than you won't meet her." Dad said and my eyes widened.

"What?why can't I meet her? I will meet her." I said and turned to go but stopped on Dad's call.

"Ashar Do as I say. You won't meet her until we decide something." Dad said and walked to his room but I was standing  there frustrated.

"What the hell is happening?" I turned angrily and saw mom standing.

"Everything will be fine. Now go to your room and take some rest." Mom said and walked to her room but I was stilled on my place.

They were asking me to take rest when they banned me to see my Maha. I keep roaming in the hall,thinking a way. I sat there on Sofa and keep thinking.  As the clock turned 12 of the night, I got up.

"That's it." Saying,I took my car keys and went out.

Going in my car,I drove it out of the house and now I was driving it toward Maham's home. My heart was beating restlessly. Since two weeks,I haven't seen her,didn't talk to her and our parents were now not allowing us to see each other. This was unfair. I was dying without her. I had to see her. Stopping the car outside of her house, whose lights were off telling me that they all were asleep. I went to the wall and jumped inside the lawn. I looked at my arm which got some scratches but I didn't care and walked silently toward the window which was of Maham's room. I couldn't forget this way to her room where her room light was still on. Slowly, taking the pipe passing the wall,I start climbing on it. As I reached near her room's window,I jumped in and looked up but froze where I was.

Maham's POV.

I was freeze on my spot. Blinking my eyes,I was trying to believe that it was him. It was really him.

"Ashar." A shock whisper came out of my mouth and without thinking anything, I ran to him.

How badly I wanted to see him. There on Shahyan's home,I wanted to talk to him but our parents pulled us to home and since that time,I was getting restless to talk to him,to see him. Two weeks were enough to tell me that I couldn't live a second without him and now when he was in front of me,I couldn't hold myself.

I hugged him tightly and let my tears flow down on my cheeks. He instantly held me back in his arms and we just keep feeling each other

"I missed you so much!" His voice came and I felt him kissing my head.

"I missed you too Ashar. I missed you. I  love you so much." I said while holding him firmly.

"I love you too Maha. Love you so much." Whispering, he snuggled in my neck and I smiled.

We keep feeling each other for few seconds and after a while, we pulled back to see each other. My eyes stuck to his face. I just keep looking at him without blinking who was looking so handsome in white shirt.

"I'm all yours." Whispering,he kissed my forehead.

I smiled and held his forearm and as I did,he hissed in pain. I looked at him and then at his arm where he got some scratches.

"Again?" I said and she shrugged his shoulders.

"Come." I said and took him toward bed.

Making him sit on bed,I went to take first aid box. Taking seat with him,I start cleaning his scratches and did bandage on his wound.

"Is it hurting?" I asked and he gave a negative nod.

"Come." Holding my hand,he pulled me up on bed and he rested his back on the headboard of bed while placed my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me,pulling me completely to him.

"I missed you." I said and looked at him who was smiling.

"I missed you too. Everyday was like hell when I didn't find you around." He said and cupped my face with his left hand.

"Me too. That goons were so scary." I said but he just keep listening me.

"They were so ugly. Anabia was so scared and for her,I didn't show my fear but truly I was scared. I thought I'll never see you again." I said and he placed his finger on my lips to stop from saying anything else.

"Shhh...nothing happened okay. Just forget all those bad days,bad people." He said and I nodded.

"Just remember me." He said and winked while I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"By the way,you are looking so beautiful in my shirt." He said and I moved back to see him.

"Beautiful?" I questioned and he pulled me by waist to him and I held his shirt on his look.

"Should I say sexy?" He asked and my eyes lowered down shyly.

"No..I mean..nothing." I stuttered as didn't know what to answer.

"How you get my shirt?" He asked and I looked at myself where I was wearing his white shirt with black trouser.

"You remember the stormy night when we stuck in your car and you changed your shirt which was completely drenched. Its the same." I said and he got shocked first but then smiled.

"Really! And if I want it back then?" He said and I nod my head here and there negatively.

"No way. It's of my husband. I won't give it back to you." I said looking at him.

"And who am I?" He asked and I held his chin.

"My husband." I said and kissed his chin.

"So my sexy wife what you'll give your husband?" He asked looking deeply in my eyes.

"What you want!" I asked and he cupped my as face.

"Only your love." His answer made me smile and I cupped his face.

"Me,my heart,my soul and my love is only for you. Only for my Ashar." I said and kissed his nose.

"I love you." Whispering, I leaned to his touch around my face and closed my eyes.

"Maha." He whispered and I held his shirt tightly as I felt his breath on my lips.

"I want to kiss you." He asked in a whisper while his thumb touched my lower lip making me gasp but I didn't open my eyes.

"Ashar." I called him,lost in his touch.

And I groaned as his lips touched mine and with other hand around my waist,he pulled me completely on him and we start kissing each other passionately. Fisting his shirt, I moved on top of him while he lay back,holding me tightly.

"I love you." Murmured on my lips,he nibbled my lower lip making me moan.

As I moaned,he rolled us on bed and came on top of me,still kissing me passionately. My hands ran in his hair, playing with them while he continue to kiss and bite my lips. Out of breath,I pulled back but he didn't stop. My breath was going ragged on his every kiss,he was planting on my face. Intense and passionate kisses,he was showering on my face.

"As..har." Breathlessly, I tried to stop him who was going down on my throat.

As his lips touched my neck,I gasped as the sensations ran in my body. But he didn't stop and start kissing my neck passionately while I was just moaning and running my fingers in his scalp.

"Ashar." I moaned his name as he slid his hand under my shirt to touch my belly.

His cold hand touched my hot skin,making a shiver ran in my body. He continued to kiss my neck while I tilted my head to give him more access. His hand was caressing my bare waist,my curves and belly making me more restless. As his hand moved up from my belly toward my stomach, I held it before it went any further.

"Please Ashar." I said,stopping him.

"Maha." Whispering my name on my neck,he gave a bite and I moaned.

He moved up and slammed his lips on mine and start kissing me passionately and so did I. My hands moved to his hair playing with them again. He keep kissing me,sometimes softly and gently and then rough and passionately. I was moaning on every phase of his kiss. Licking my lips, he moved back but I keep breathing heavily with close eyes. He kissed my throat again.

"Ashar." Moaning his name, I opened my eyes to look at him who was already looking at me.

"I can't stay away from you now." Whispering, he pecked my lips and my eyes closed down again for a second.

"I can't Maha." He said as he rested his forehead on mine.

"Ashar please." I held his hand and tried to stop him from touching my bare waist which was making me more restless.

"Why?" He asked as he nibbled my earlobe.

"Please." I breathlessly said and looked at him.

"I can't stay far from you now. Not a second." He said pulling his hand out of my shirt and I hugged him tightly and so did he.

"Me too." I whispered as my lips touched his collarbone.

"I love you my life." Kissing my head,he said but I keep calming myself.

"Sleep now." He said while pulling the blanket on us and I hide myself in his arms more.

Anabia's POV.

I was seated in front of him who was looking at me. Uncle's eyes were on me and as he was trying to find someone, in me.

"When..Hayat died?" Uncle asked and I looked up at him.

"3 years ago." I replied as the tears brimmed in my eyes.

"How?" Uncle asked while looking at me.

"Because of Cancer." I answered as the last days of my Baba appeared again to my memory.

"Allah." I heard uncle and I looked at him.

A tear escaped from his eyes and he held his head in his hands.

"You knew my Baba?" I asked and uncle nodded.

"He was my buddy. My best friend." He said and stood up.

"Are...are you Sham uncle?" I asked while standing up.

My heart was about to stop as the truth was about to reveal. The man my Baba always called and remembered,even in his last breaths,he was talking about his friend.

"I'm your Sham uncle." Uncle turned to me and placed his hand on my head.

Many tears escaped from my eyes and I rested my head on his chest. I was feeling like,I found my father again.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there when he needed me." I heard uncle and I moved back to see him.

"But where'd you go?" I asked and uncle sighed.

"Me and your father were best friends. We grew up together. Ferozpur was our village. We were happy as we had our friendship. I wanted to become a successful business man and Hayat supported me fully. I went out of village and travelled to Karachi to become something. After two years, when I went back,I found your Dad crazily in love with your mother. So our parents fixed our marriage on same day and we got married. He was so happy and so was I because he was happy. Aslam was his younger brother who was always jealous with him. But we never pay attention on him. Life keep passing and then you and Shahyan came in our lives." Uncle stopped to take breath while I was just looking at him.

"He was so happy. I went to meet him with Shahyan and his mother. There I saw you,so tiny and beautiful. I keep holding you in my arms all the day and you giggled whenever you saw me. That day,I decided something and I asked Hayat that you'll be my daughter. My shahyan's bride one day. I gave him promise on that day and he agreed happily." Uncle stopped again and I looked at Shahyan who was smiling which made me smile too.

"After that I went to Karachi again with my family and start doing my work but I was in contact with Hayat. 3 years passed and every year, I went to meet him but he didn't come to meet. And then one day for some business work,I went out of the country which took me to stay there for a month and in the whole month everything changed. When I returned,I didn't found him there. I tried to call him but his phone was not connecting. Villagers told me that he left from the village but I was amazed that how all of sudden. I called Aslam and he came to meet me." Uncle again stopped and took a glass of water and drank it.

"He told me that Hayat and his family met with an accident and they all died. I was shocked on losing my friend. I cried and cried. I lost my friend. And after that I never returned. Never to that village,to that place where I always found my friend." Uncle said and looked at me.

"Ami and Baba were going to meet my mother's parents and there they met with an accident." I start telling him.

"There I lost my mother. In the age of 4, I lost my mother and it made my Baba lost. Nothing was left same. And then all of sudden, we shifted to Nawabshah leaving our own house behind. Baba married again only for me so that I could get mother's love but she was not a mother. She was with Chacha Aslam and behind my Baba's eyes,they were together,tried to snatch everything which my Baba had. Baba always talked about you. He lived all these years for me. He told me once that his life ended with my mother because he loved her a lot but now he was living only for me. Baba died all of sudden and he never told me about his cancer. The day he died,I saw his report's which he hides under his bed. I cried and cried but no one was there to console me." I start crying again as all the memories start playing on my mind.

"A year passed and my Chacha and stepmother sold me to a old man but I ran away from there to save myself and there I met with Shahyan." I completed and looked at uncle who walked to me and placed his hand on my head.

"This is your home. Your own home. You're my daughter and more dearer to me than Shahyan. I'm your Baba and now never feel yourself alone." Uncle said and I hugged him while he keep caressing my head.

"Never cry now because your Baba never liked tears. He always smiled. So smile beta because now everything will be fine Insha Allah." Uncle said and I nodded.

"Dad." We turned on the voice and saw Shahyan.

He came and hugged his father. Uncle smiled and so did I.

"I wonder how you liked this moron." Uncle said as Shahyan moved back and I looked down,hiding my smile.

"Dad I'm not moron." Shahyan protested.

"Really! I doubt that." Uncle said and we all laughed while Shahyan walked out with a huff face.

"Go and have some rest." Uncle said and I nodded.

Taking deep breath,my every heart beat was saying Alhamdulillah to thank the One who blessed me with all these happiness.

Third person's POV.

"I'm going to talk to Niazi for Rukhsati of Maham with my Ashar." Mr Abrar said while taking a piece of bread.

"Really!" Mrs Abrar said happily and Mr. Abrar nodded with a smile.

"Those two stupids done this marriage without telling us but now it's duty to bring them together. I can see how much crazy they are." Mr. Abrar said and Mrs Abrar nodded with a smile.

"I'm going to call Ashar. He was so restless last night as you didn't let him talk to his Maha." Mrs Abrar said which made to laugh Mr Abrar.

"Yes please call him. I will tell him by myself." Mr Abrar said and Mrs Abrar walked out toward Ashar's room to call him.

As she stepped in the room,she found it empty. She looked around to find him but he was nowhere.

Where'd he go??

Thought Mrs Abrar and walked back to her husband who was having his breakfast.

"Ashar is not in his room." Informed by his wife,Mr Abrar got up worried.

"Where'd he go?" Asked Mr Abrar and took his mobile to call him but his mobile was switched off.

"Where did he go?" His mother got worried as he never went out without telling.

Suddenly Mr Abrar's mobile start ringing and as he received his call,his eyes widened and looked at his wife.

"What happened?" Asked Mrs Abrar worriedly.

"Crazy boy." Said Mr Abrar while stepping out of the house and Mrs Abrar followed him.


"You served breakfast. I'll just come." Said Mrs Niazi to the maid and walked to the stairs

Her feet moved toward Maham's room. As she opened the door of room,her eyes widened as she saw Maham and Ashar sleeping together. Mrs Niazi stood on her place shocked. She turned immediately and closed the door. She didn't knew that these kids would do like this. She ran downstairs and saw Mr Niazi going to the breakfast table.

"What happened begum?" Asked Mr Niazi looking at his wife.

"That...Ashar and Maham are in Maham's room." She said panting.

"What? What is Ashar doing here?" Asker Mr Niazi and took steps toward the stairs.

Mrs Niazi followed him while Rameez who saw his parents running on the stairs went behind them.

"Stop." Mrs Niazi stopped Mr Niazi and held his arm.

"Its not good to enter like this." Mrs Niazi said and he nodded.

They knocked harder on the door to make them wake up. They keep knocking which made Maham and Ashar to come out of the sleep. As their eyes opened,they looked at each other.

"I love you Ashar." Saying that she again snuggled in his arms.

"Love you life." Whispering, he kissed her head and wrapped his arms around her.

Again a hard knock on the door startled them and both came to their senses. They heard again a knock and got up immediately and looked at each other.

"Maham, Ashar come out." They heard Mr Niazi's voice and they got shock.

Their eyes went to the clock. They got more shock as they saw 8 of the morning,the clock was showing.

"Ya Allah now what?" Maham said scared and held his arm.

"Just calm down." He said and both stepped down from bed.

"Maham." They heard again a yell for them and this time,the door opened and Mr and Mrs Niazi entered with Rameez.

Both of them looked at them and then looked down. Three of them looked at crazy Ashar and Maham. 

"What's going on here?" Asked Mr Niazi and folded his arms on his chest.

"Rameez call your Abrar uncle." Mr Niazi said and both looked up and then at each other.

"Oh no." Both thought and looked at each other and again looked down.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all??

The second last chapter is here. I hope you enjoyed. I know I told you that I'll give you all chapters together but I just couldn't find time to write. I'll update on Wednesday or Thursday Inshah Allah.

Tell me about this chapter. Hope you enjoyed.

I'll be back soon with last chapter of the book.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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