Chapter 4

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Anabia's POV.
"Bhabhi what are you?" I was in kitchen when Zayan called me.

"I'm here." I yelled and smiled on his word BHABHI.

He came in kitchen and I turned to him.

"Where are you bhabhi?? Your husband is going crazy for you. Where is your phone?" He asked and a blush came on my face.

"In my room." I said.

"Go check he's been calling you for half an hour and then he sent me here to check if his wife is okay or not." He said and I blushed.

"I was actually in kitchen so..!" I said and he nodded.

"Okay okay but now go and check your Mobile." He said and went out of the kitchen.

I run toward my room. My heart was fluttering with his thought.
Its been 15 days that I got married to Shahyan. I find him very caring. He usually come daily to see me. He gifted me this mobile. He always call me in morning and night. Today he didn't call in morning.

I reached in my room and saw my mobile ringing. I picked the mobile and received the call.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." I said almost in panting.

"Wasalam.where were you? And why are you panting?" He asked.

"I..I kitchen. " I said still controlling my breath.

"First just sit and drink water." He said and I sat on bed.

"Now okay.?" He asked and I nodded as if he was watching me.

"Anabia?" He called me.

"Yes. I'm okay now." I said.

"So where were you?" He asked and I smiled.

"I was in kitchen preparing lunch. Actually aunty went on shopping with Hiba and sana so I thought to prepare lunch for them." I gave him a detail answer.

He didn't say anything. But there was all silence. He was silent.

"Hello? " I said.

"Why you stop talking?? I just want to listen you." His voice came which make me feel shy all of sudden.

I don't know why but his voice,his looks everything start effecting me.

I didn't say anything. I keep silence.

"Anabia say something." He said but I didn't say anything.

"If you didn't say anything then I'm coming right now there." He said and I was shocked.

"I'm coming." He said.

"No wait. I'm talking." I said hurriedly to stop him.

"Hmm where were you lost?? Thinking about me!" He said and I could recognized the naughtiness in his voice.

"No I was thinking about the lunch I left there in kitchen. " I said teasing him.

"Really! okay then I think I shouldn't disturb you. You go and do what you were doing." He said and before I could say anything he cut the call.

"Huh! Hello." I called him but call was ended.

I hold the mobile in my hand and hit my forehead with it.and closed my eyes.

What did I did??

Now what?? Anabia you are good for nothing.

I was scolding myself. I take out his number and dialed. But he cut the call. I again dialed.he again cut the call. I was again and again calling him and he was again and again cutting my call.

But I didn't stop and kept dialing his number. And finally he picked my call.

"What??" He almost yelled.

For a second I got scared.

"I'm sorry." I slowly said.

"For what??" He asked.

"For making you angry." I said looking at my hand.

"Hello are you listening.?" I said because he didn't say anything.

"I'm listening dear wife. " he said and I blushed on his words.

"So lunch is ready??" He asked.

"Almost and I think aunty is also home now." I said as I heard sana's voice.

"Mind me coming there for lunch?" He asked and I didn't know what to answer.

"Um..sure." I said controlling my heart.

"I'll be there in half an hour." He said and cut the call.

He's coming. This thought was enough to flutter my heart. I felt my hands shivering with his thought. A shy and nervous smile appear on my lips. My heart start beating fast. What was happening to me I was not aware. The only thing i knew was that I love being in these stupid feelings which makes me restless for him. Which give a lot of butterflies in my stomach.

He's coming. This thought make me got up from my bed and I went directly to the wardrobe. I take out a lemon colour frock pair which he bought for me. I went to take a quick shower. What was I doing?? I didn't think about it.

As I got ready I look at myself in mirror. I place my dupatta on my head. I smile looking at myself. I wore my bangles.

What are you doing Anabia?? Why all this? And for whomDon't forget that one day you have to leave him if his dad didn't accept you?? And how can you forget that his dad wants him to marry his business partner's daughter. Stop yourself from falling in his love. Don't dream about him when you don't know the destination of these dreams.

I closed my eyes remembering all this. What I'm doing?? Oh Allah!!

"Bhabhi what are you doing here?" Sana entered the room and I turned to her hiding my inner tension from her.

"Nothing just.." I said and stop.

"Come down. We all are going to have lunch." She said and I nodded.

"You go. I'll join you." I said and she nodded.

Sans left from there and I sat on bed thinking about my and Shahyan's relation. Where were we going?? What is happening in our lives??

I heard the horn and run toward the window to see.

"Shahyan." I whispered his name.

My heart again start beating fast. It was compelling me to go and check if it was him.why I was waiting for him like this impatientluly? I open the window and saw him coming out from the car. He was hugging Zayan and my eyes were fixed on him.
He looked up and our eyes met. I immediately hide myself and close the window. I slowly came out of my room with my flutter heart.

He was talking to zayan. I went directly in kitchen where Aunty and hiba were taking lunch out on table. I helped them.

"Anabia you go and call Zayan and Shahyan for lunch." Aunty said and I nodded.

I went to the hall where both best friends were talking to each other. Now I was thinking how to call them.

"Um..sha...Zayan Bhai." I was about to call Shahyan but stop myself and call Zayan.

Both turned to me. I saw him looking at me and my eyes immediately lower down. My heart start running fast.

"Lunch is served." I said and turn to go.

"Bhabhi." Zayan called and I turned to him.

"You stay with your husband." He said and run from there leaving me alone with Shahyan.

I start feeling nervous in front of him. I was feeling his eyes on me. I was not looking at him. My heart was fluttering.

"Everyone is waiting we should go now." I said and without listening him I turned and walked toward the dinning Hall.

I sat with hiba and he sat next to Zayan. I was still feeling his eyes on me. I didn't served him lunch but start eating my lunch.I wanted to look at him but I stopped myself. After the lunch I directly went to my room and start diverting my mind from him. But all was in vain. My all thinking was roaming around him. The only thing I was thinking was him.

Gosh stop Anabia.

I scold myself but my mind was not stopping and again and again thinking about him. My heart was compelling me to go and check if he was still here or not but I was stopping myself. I was in my own thoughts when the door of my room opened. I turned and saw him standing there. He close the door behind him and start walking toward me.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked taking steps closer to me.

"I...I'm..not.." I stutter and start taking steps back while he was moving toward me.

"Why are you not looking at me?" He said and take one step closer.

"I'm..just.." I stop. Words didn't came out of my mouth.

His presence was making me nervous. My heart was beating so fast. I was walking backward and he was taking steps toward me. I stopped with a twitch and find myself against the wall. My back was touching the wall. He was one step far I tried to move but he cover the distance between us and reached near me. He place his both hands on the either sides of wall and lean on my face.

I lower down my head. His breath was falling on my face making my face heated up.

"Now tell me why are you avoiding me?" He asked but I didn't look up.

"Anabia look at me." He said but I didn't look up.

I was scared if I look up I couldn't control my tears. His nearness was making me crazy. His fragrance was getting on my nerve. Before I lost in him I put my hand on his chest and pushed him a little.

"Please let me go." I tried to move him back.

But he didn't move. His hand reached my face and he lift my chin up. My eyes met his and he was looking at me deeply.

"Now tell me. Why are behaving like this?" He asked.

I removed his hand chin and moved. I walked two steps when he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him. I collide with chest and his hand drift down to my waist holding me tight. My eyes widened. I tried to move but he tightened his grip around me. My hands were on his chest.

"" I tried to move but he didn't free me.

"First tell me."  He asked.

"Please." I said weakly.

"What happened?" He asked and a tear slipped from my eye.

"I'm..I'm.scared."  I said and tears start falling on my cheeks.

"why are you scared?" He asked wiping tears from my face.

"your family, they won't accept me. They won't accept our marriage." I said while crying.

"So what?? " he asked and I look up in shock.

"So what! Your dad will not accept me and then I don't know the future of this marriage. I don't want to create troubles in your life." I said while crying.

"Listen to me Anabia. You don't need to run from me. You are my wife and no one can change this. Stop scaring. Whatever happened you will find me always with you." He said and I was listening him carefully.

His voice was sending peace in my heart.  His fragrance was making me lost in him.

"I will be here always. With you." He said giving me believe.

"Why?" I suddenly asked looking in his eyes.

"You don't want me to be with you?" He asked and I nodded.

I was just looking at him. I didn't even tried to move. I didn't realized that we were standing so close to each other. His breath was fanning my face. He smiled and wiped my tears.

We were lost in each other,standing so close to each other.I heard a knock on door and I came to my senses.I look at my hands which were placed on his chest while his hand was around my waist holding me close. I could feel the heat that was rising on my cheeks. I  tried to move but he was not letting me.

"Someone is knocking the door." I said looking down.

"I know." He said but didn't leave me.

"Then leave me. " I said.

"Promise me that you won't think again all these rubbish things." He said and I nodded.

He leave me and went to open the door. I put my hand on my heart to control its beat which was increasing. I was still feeling his fragrance around me. The warmth of his embrace was still on my body.

"Bhai Zayan Bhai is ready to go." Sana inform him and he nodded.

Saba leave from there and he turned to see me. He waved bye and I smiled. He was gone but I was still in his feeling. What he was  doing to me??

I went to see him and he look up at me. I waved him bye and he drove out. I close the window and went down to see aunty.

Shahyan's POV.
Since the time I came in Zayan's house,I noticed she was avoiding me. I didn't get what was going on in her mind. She was very difficult girl to understand.

I was watching her all the time but she didn't for once look up.she was avoiding every moments of being alone with me. As we all had our lunch she went to her room.and that was disturbing me.

What was she doing??

What happened again ??

I walked toward her room. I wanted to see her to talk to her. As I opened the door,she turned and I could see the nervousness on her face. I was asking her about her behavior but she was not telling me and then I pulled her in my arms. I actually myself was surprised on my act. How all of sudden I did this! But I really like having her close to me.

Her fragrance was different getting on my nerve. Her bangles and her hair were making me crazy. This was the first time I was feeling all this. These strange feeling were making my heart beat fast.

She was scared. She told me but I gave her believe that I will never leave her.

I was in my cabin but my all thoughts were roaming around her.  Her eyes were not leaving me alone. A sudden smile make its way on my lips because her image with widened eyes flashed on my mind.

I was lost in thinking about her when someone knocked on my cabin.

"Hey Shahyan." It was her. I turned my chair and saw her standing there smilingly which spoil my all mood.

"Where have you been?? You know how much I missed you." Here she again started and I kept my eyes save from looking at her and open my file.

"Come on Shahyan. I'm here and you are working. Come let's go on long drive." She grabbed my file and I look up.

It was Rimsha my dad's business partner's daughter. I saw her standing next to my chair. She was wearing a tight jeans and a white shirt on it. She hold my hand but I immediately freed myself.

"Rimsha not now. I'm quite busy." I said while taking my files back from her hand.

"But Shahyan its been a long time that we didn't go out together." She said and I really wanted to push her out from my cabin.

"Okay but promise me tonight we'll go out on a drive." She said and I turned to her fully.

"Tonight why?" I asked.

"Because today we are invited on dinner at your home." She said and I shook my head in disbelieve.

"Dad invite you?" I asked and she nodded.

I was about to say something when my mobile rang. I saw it was from Zayan's home. I received the call.

"Hello Bhai I'm Hiba." She said.

"Yes what happened? Is everything okay?" I asked because she never called me before.

"Bhai your wife is not listening to us. She is not ready to come to your house." She said and now I was listening her fully attentive.

"Huh! Where? What did you say??" I asked her again to confirm if I heard her right.

"Your dad invites us all on dinner tonight. But bhabhi is saying that she will not come with us. Do something Bhai." She said and I smiled.

Finally my Allah show us a way. I was happy that for the first time Anabia will go to her house. Our house. But why is she refusing to go there??

"I'm coming." I said to Hiba and look at the trouble seated in front of me.

"Rimsha actually I have to go somewhere. See you tonight." I said quickly and picked my mobile and went out of my cabin without listening her.

I drove to Zayan's house. My all thinking were fixed on Anabia. I have to make her agree. She has to come home tonight.

I reached where she was. I went inside and saw aunty and Hiba and sana were seated there in Hall.

"So! What happened?" I asked as I reached near them.

"Anabia is not agreeing." Aunty said disappointedly.

"Let me do this." I said and moved to the room where I was expecting her.

As I entered in room I froze. She was on prayer mat. She was offering Salah  and I was stuck. Stuck in watching her. She was looking so beautiful and sacred in her prayer condition. I just kept looking at her. But then I remembere that its not good to keep someone in gaze when he is offering prayer.

I sat on a couch and start reading a magazine to stop my eyes from looking at her. But my heart was not in my control. My eyes were again and again falling on her to see her innocent face.

She was making dua. As she complete her Salah  she got up and the first thing she did was to look at me. I straighten myself and walked toward her. Her face was covered with white dupatta. She was looking like an angel.

"You again?" She asked looking at me.

"Hmmm I think you don't like to see me." I said looking directly in her eyes.

She lowered her eyes and took prayer mat from ground.

"I didn't mean that" she said and put the mat on its place.

I was watching her. She was again getting nervous on my presence. Her eyes were shivering.

"Anabia come I have to talk to you." I said and sat on couch.

She slowly walked toward me and sat at the edge of couch. I smiled looking at her. She was scared that I will again pulled her closer to me.

"Why are you not coming home tonight?" I directly asked and she look up.

"I don't want to." She slowly said and again lower her head.

She was playing with her fingers. Her tense look was telling me everything.

"Why??" I asked

"I'm scared." She said.

She again scared!!!

"Why are you scared?? " I asked.

"I'm just scared. Your family..." She was saying but I interrupted her.

"Our family." I said and kept looking at her face which was glowing. "They are our family."I added, she just kept looking down.

"Look I want you come home tonight. At any cost I want to see you in my house tonight." I said and got up to go.

"But listen.." She said but I didn't stop. I kept walking toward the door.

"Listen I'm...stop please." I heard her again but I didn't stop.

I put my hand on the knob to open ,I know she will come.

"Shahyan please listen." She said and I turned to her fully.

She said Shahyan!!

Really!! She called my name.

"What did you say?" I asked as I fully turned to her.

"I said listen to me please." She said but I shake my head. "No after that." I asked and took steps toward her.

She start playing with her fingers and start taking steps back unconsciously. Her eyes were not meting mine.

"Say it again." I asked taking steps toward her.

"I...I didn't say anything." She said and stop.

She look up and then at her back. She was in front of wardrobe. Her back was touching it. I cover the distance between us and stand in front of her. She was not looking at me.

"What did you say??" I asked again but she shook her head.

"Please." She whispered and a tear slipped from her eye.

"So scared to take my name!" I said and wipe her tear.

"Please I don't want to come." She said and cried.

She again start crying!!!

How much tears she has?!!

"First stop crying." I wipe her tears.

I lift her face up and she look at me.

"I want you there in my house. You tell me how will it feel when everyone would be there but not my wife! I'll feel so alone." I said and her face flashed red.

She lower her eyes. She was in thinking.

"Anabia don't be scared. I'll be there for you. You should be happy that you are going to your house for the first time." I said and she look up.

"But.." She tried yo say but I put my finger on her lips.

"No buts you are coming and that's my order." I said and slowly removed my finger from her lips.

She nodded and I smiled happily. Finally she was coming.

"I'll be waiting." I said and start walking to go out.

"Wait..if your dad ask who am I then?" She said and I turned to her.

"Tell him that you are my wife." I said and her eyes,getting wide.

"Please stop joking. Its a serious problem." She said and I walled toward her again.

She wasn't letting me go!!!

And I was liking it.

"What problem??" I asked coming closer to her. She took my step back but I hold her hand and stop her.

"Stop running from me. Just come.I'll handle everything." I said and she nodded without looking at me.

"Now can I go??" I asked and she again nodded.

"Wear pink colour tonight." I said and leave from there leaving her all shocked.

Because when I said wear pink colour her eyes widen. I smiled and go out to tell aunty that she was coming.

I was so happy. She was coming finally in her own house. I was so happy. I start waiting for the night to come so I can see her in my house. This marriage was totally her will but when I took this decision, I didn't know what happened that I felt myself pulled by her. The thought of her was giving me happiness which was strange for me but for now I just start waiting for the night.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers. so fast. Only 3 chapters and 1k readers. That feel so good. Thank you so much all readers. But do vote. I really need your votes.

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I will update next chapter soon.

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