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Sometimes you have to
Make a decision that will break your heart but will give
Peace to your soul - unknown


lyan pov

I throwed off my bagpack on the ground once I reached my room , I could feel my veins standing up , ready to pop any minute by the irate .

"Hhhhhhhhhh". I roared , my day basically went more then I could accept .

" are being guarded , are you  still a kid alyan " Jordon hilarious laugh boomed , making me to clench my fist .

" Oh man you are still a baby " tyler joined , if they were not my good buddies then they both would have been 6feet under the ground by now .

" The great alyan need a man to gaurd " I halted, slowing Turing my head to look at the owner of the voice to find mark, he was literally enjoying the new show that was put on .

" Not now mark , I'm not in a mood " I tried to turn and walk out when a hand from behind launched on my shoulder .

" Is little baby boo is on  period , are you bleeding ?" he mimicked a kiddish tone , I enhaled  a heavy breath before removing his hands from my back , without even turning to look at him  .

" I knew man , you don't have a  manhood , you can't be hard " the laugh erupted among the group , making my adrenaline to surge up my vines , I gritted my teeth before turning to him and giving a hard punch on his not - so - good - face , the troop of SOB around him went wild .

" Send your sister f****basterd , I will show how hard I am " I roared , the colour on his face turned to the purest of red , I could see blood .

" You motherf**** son of ...." He launched upon me , his foot kicked hard on my stomach making me to take a two step backwards with bent spine.

"Ouch" I yelp before grappling back upon him  .we both rolled down the ground , I being top of him and punching the shit out of him . A hand grasped my back and before I could react , Jordon took hold of the person and punched him hard on the manpoint . The hall which was serene a minute before was now filled with crack and cuts  , each one rolling upon other to show the man  power  .

" Stop it " the actions were all freezed when the cold voice echoed down the hall , my hands stopped and I looked up to see principal Alan making his way out of the crowd that was gathered to see the thrilling show . mark body was still beneath me , he was try hard to breathe . realising the  scenario, I pulled up my self from him , not before giving another tight puch on his jaw , the blood oozed a bit from his lips , a satisfied smirk played upon my face before Jayson showed up and pulled me along with me not before making me to apologise to mark infront of everyone .

Not in my whole life  I apologized too anyone, not a word of sorry spilled out from my mouth  , but this time  , the old fellow  Jayson made me to kneel my head down and that as well infront of my worst  enemy.

"Ahhhhh" I growled , I would have cared less to hear him but then thinking about the consciousness of him dialling the call to my -not - so - good - father made me to do so .

" Ufff " I blowed the air out , controlling myself from creating the disaster.

"I been running through the jungle
I been running with the wolves ,to get to you "  I bent my head , realxing at the  tune until I realised it was my caller tune , and someone was calling me .I pulled out the phone from my hoodie , a small smile rosed my corner lips .

" Bad time baby " I left a small chuckling smirk before swiping the green button .

" Ohh f*** basterd ,you alive ? " the other end shrieked , making me to geez .

" language  my bitch " I corrected .

" Ohh mr perfect can you please correct your word before I rip you off " came a sarcastic tone , I tittered , she was same selen I knew from  my middle school , the same mischievous selen Berk .

" So what's up with the call ?" I stroll out the balcony , the warm evening breeze hitting my face , making a chill run down my spine .

" Someone forgot about their bella " i tittered remembering the old sobriquet we gave to eachother ,a way back on the twilight , we were big twilight fan that we ended up giving  eachother a protagonist name , she was big bella fan where I like the strong wolf and named my self jacob the werewolf .

" I was kinda busy with my new schedule "my voice drained as I said , my body and soul were all tired by the endless drama of my life .

" Wait , you sound gloomy , what's the matter ?" Her thick Turkish accent sounded solicitous , she was too well knew about me that she could guess my mood by my tone , so close we were to eachother .may how many times we fight over little things but in end we cared a lot for eachother , our family used to tease us by saying we both looked cute together and it would be good if we end up as a couple later , but then we both had different taste and only saw eachother other as great friend and nothing more , she well knew about all my girlfriends I had back in my school , I still remember her helping me to  setup with her friend .

" Nothing . Just the old life drama , you know.." I sighed lightly , there was a pause before her rose velvet like voice spoke up again .

" Did you end up again in a fight ?" She slowly emphasized her words .

" You know too well about me ,but this time it's more then that " then I elaborated her from Daniel introducing Jayson to the fight with mark .
" I'm so done selen , I'm so done , I just want to get ride of all the purest drama of my life , atleast for tomorrow .I want to enjoy my carnival without any restrictions "I blowed a tight air out from my lungs , I was stifling myself from breaking down .

" Alyan you know you can pour your heart out , you don't have to hold back your emotions " she said in her smooth like voice. She had seen me cry at nights and was there to hold me , she knew each everything about me except the one bitter life of experience that I couldn't share with anyone , not even her .

" Selen I'm trying hard to not to break but then I can't , I really can't " a tear escaped my eyes , words felt tight to pronounce out my throat .

"What did I do to get this life , why I don't have a happy life , why no one care about me selen , why no one thinks about my feelings " there was a pause from other end , I could here her sob . Our bond of friendship was so strong that if I cry she would cry along with me , and if she get hurt then I could feel the pain , she was special one in my life , a one that I couldn't lose at any cost .

" Don't say you don't have any one, I'm here for you and I will always be there no matter what , even if I have to go against each person on the planet , I will be still by your side " a smile with tears escaped my lips , she well knew how to cheer me up on my bad time.

" Now get back to the business of planning what to do with this Jayson guy " a knowing smirk tricked my lips , I knew well about selen and the excitement she get to prank others and pull the shit out of them .

" Sooo , what's the plan " I could feel her giggling like a infant .

My eye widened and lips crinkled to a amazing smile after hearing her so cool plan to play on Jayson

" You . Are . A .life . Saver . Selen " i emphasized , feeling like to hug her and to blow the kisses on her cheeks if she was here .

" I know , I got this amazing , brilliant brain " her voice boomed with much pride ,if the circumstances was different then I would have pulled her legs but then now I was really blown by her great idea .

" Love you my bella " I chanted feeling excited

" I know every guy say the same when they see me " I rolled my eyes at her comeback , she was a bit egoist at a point .

" Hey , you know Daniel got hooked up last night " I bitted my bottom lips , controlling myself from bursting out loud . The other end went silent for minute before she said

" So what's it with me? " I knew she was trying to keep her tone calm and composed while her heart was shattering to pieces . She had this little crush on Daniel since she layed her eyes on him , she always used to act different when Daniel was around , like acting a bit matured then her usual self and the bunny smile she used to throw around when Daniel ruffled her hairs , I was well knew of her feelings for him and it was great point for me as I could tease her all around .

" I just said , you know the guy got bit more matured " i pressed my lips to suppress another guffaw .

" Okey alyan I'm out , I think someone is calling me . Bye " before I could vocal a word the line went dead .

I knew she was very much pissed , as she only call me by my name when she is pissed at me .

" Ahhhh" I rubbed my hands excitedly , remembering the evil plan to play upon Jayson .

" I'm sorry Jayson , but then you buyed it " my smirk rose up my eyes .

"Wait for tomorrow "

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