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*Next day *

Amaal pov
I leaned against the locker , clutching my books loosely around my chest  , waiting for arham to grab her books and move on to the next class .

My eyes peeped around the corridor , students were buzzing around, preparing for the first class of the day . My eyes felt heavy , I dozed a bit when  my head jerked forward  making my eyes squint in the process to get a clear vision .

" Done ?" I questioned , irritation being obvious in my tone , she was groping her hands inside her locker  for last  10 minutes .

" What taking you so long ?"I hissed my teeth pissed , I was really sleepy and was feeling weak in my body and wanted to get seated and doze off in the last seats .

" Wait a second " I slumped back leaning on the locker more  .the weather out was bit dark as it was 6 in the morning . I yawned lazily .

" Let's meet after the class then " the entusastic voice sounded familiar , I turned around to see Daniel walking beside Zoya , they stood few feets away , infront of chemistry class .she waved at him before entering the class , Daniel smiled to himself as he started to walk but then his steps halted as his smile faded when his blue orbs locked into mine .

My pink lips started to curl into a small smile but fall off when I saw him shooking his head sighing and striding away .

"You really hurted him badly " my head popped at arham to see her staring at his back figure .

"I know " I murmured under my breath , looking down at my painted nails , period were on and there was no problem in applying nail paints .

We entered the class to see it empty , not a single human had made a present beside us . We slumped on the end seat of the class , due to the obvious reason of taking a nap during the class , the seating seat at the end was bit far from the old lecturer vision . I could take a good hour of nap.

I gathered my hands around the desk and layed my head on it .

Soon after few minutes the class started to fill like a bee ,soon the class started and I struggled hard to keep my eyes awake and ears alert but eventually failed and dozed off .

The classes ended in the blur of vision and soon it was lunch break .

"My bones hurt " arham whined touching her shoulder bones ,complaining at taking all three clases continuously . we were standing at the side of  cafe door , waiting for amila ,arham zoological classmate to show up .

"Do you think he will talk to me again?" I stopped nibbling on my nails and gazed at arham , she sighed heavily .

" I really amazed with your talents of causing the blunders without a reason " she scooted near the window base to take a seat .

" Come on , I'm not in mood fo....." My words were hung in the air as I stared at the person who walked out of the cafe door while his one hand holded his phone near his ear where other tugged in his white denim jean .  he was leaning against a pillar , smiling heartldy while talking over the phone ,the sun rays were hitting on his face  giving perfect picture of him , His pink lips rosed to a smile , his blue eyes clinked to a side .he was too busy talking over a phone when a hand from behind startled him , he jumped at the touch and turned around to see Zoya , a immediate bewitching smile mended his lips where my heart clenched , I felt a sharp pain in my chest .

Why does seeing him with someone else hurt me ,why does I feel a fog In my heart .

" Hey" a hand smacked lightly against my stomach making my trace of thoughts to break . I turned confused at arham .

"Ha....what ?" I questioned , confusion visible in my eyes .

" You look lost ,is something wrong?" she asked gazing me with furrowed brows . She was too busy ranting over me that she hadn't observed Daniel present at far .

" I got a dream yesterday" I mumbled out of blue , paying no attention to what arham said previously .

" Okey " arham drawled

" It's about Daniel" her eyes widened as she snapped her face at me with sparkle in her eyes .

" Im interested" she dwell on her words , rubbing her hands excited . I regretted the moment my words fell out my mouth .

"This is going to be long " I sighed mentally

"Let's talk over while having a coffe " before I could protest ,she held my wrist and drag me inside the cafe .

" That's it " I took a sip from my caffeine and looked forward at her . After explaining the the dream of Daniel being the hero and Saving me from a monster and still being mad at me when I tried to talk to him . Arham been quite all the while I explained and listened carefully with nodding at some point .

" I think it's love  " she blunted keeping a straight face and nodding her head with her hand placed beneath her chin .I coughed all of sudden at her remark , making the coffe in mouth to spill all over my shirt and scarf .

" Are you out of your mind ?" I retorted , frowning at her .taking a napkin from the table ,I started to rub of the stains from my cream coloured top and ended making the stain worst .

She as lost her mind

" I'm not " she answered with a poker face , her eyes looking square into mine .I sighed angrily looking at  the stain that got  worst and crumpled the tissue before throwing it away .

" It's my mistake that I thought of sharing it with you " I deride with a tight lip smile .I holded the handle of the bag and scooted out my seat .

" Never you heard of saying' those we love will hunt us in our dream " my steps sealed on the ground as I stopped and turned around to face her, her  head leisurely turned up to look at me .

" No , I didn't heard " I deadpan .

She smirked , something was up to her mind ." You can lie on my face but what about you, how can you lie to your own self " her smile rosed to a smirk " baby you're in love and your just blind to see , the pain you feel when you see him with someone else , the lonelyness you feel without him , the dream you get about him at nights ,all are the indication that your in love " she leaned back with her one hand over the arm rester of the steel chair and other on her lap .

" I got the dream because I was thinking about him so much these day's , that's it , nothing more " my tone raised as I justified myself .

" And why you're thinking so much about him?"

" Because I...." My words trailed off and a victory smirk pasted her face . she tricked me .her smile reached up her eyes with genius -victorious smile .

" See you got no lame excuses to say " huffing at her crazy theory I just walked out with no words to back fight .

"I don't love  him , she is just crazy ." I mumbled under my breath

Alyan pov

I sat down on the grass ,my palm leaned back to bloster my body  , my legs spread straight . A blob of  sweat rolled down my temple and dropped down ,I was drenched with my own sweats . 

I took a long breath as my chest bounced up and down with rythme of my breath , My eyes turned side way to glance at Jordon who was collapsed on the grass floor. Few body were all spread around as we were all knackered after the long hours of soccer practice .

" A week.. to go for.. the final.. match " Jordon said inbetween his heavy breath , he raised up his body using his  elbow for the support on the grass  .

" It's against Oliver ?" Another figure rolled up , Jordon nodded in 'yes'  before collapsing  back on the grass like a corpse .

"Let's meet after the class then " I stood up with all my force ,using my hands to stand up , my eyes squinted as the rays of sun hit my eyes making me to cover my hand over my eyes as a shield . Jordon head popped up before nodding and falling back . I strode to the men change room and pulled out my black t- shirt from my locker , I clutched the hem of my sport shirt and pulled it over my head , I rubbed my body using a  white towel , there was no time to take a shower and change as it was only 5 minutes left for the next class to start and I couldn't miss it at any changes as I already had skipped four class continuesly . I pulled down my sports shorts and changed into a denim jean .

I fumbled my hands on my sports black leather bag , my head bent down to get a clear vision inside the bag , after pushing and shoving some items in the bag ,I finally found the one I was searching ,my body spray.

My thumb pressed on the top push button and the white air of scent engulfed my body , the vanilla smell were hitting my nostrils . after being satisfied with hiding the sweat smell into a vanilla one  , I pulled over my black t-shirt and walked out .

I rolled my tongue over my chapped lips , my fingers were lingering on my phone screen , searching for new notifications .

I plopped down on the end seat of the class , my legs spread straight as I sat in a leaning position . My finger and eyes were too busy staring and typing on my phone at same time .

"Hello there " a hoarse voice spoke beside me , I looked up from my phone to see Jordon occupying the seat beside me , he slumped down on his seat heavily and slammed the books down ,his hands rolled inside his pocket and pulled out two packet of bubblegum , he passed me one while he chewed on the other .

" Thank you " mumbling ,I tore the wrapper and put the bubblegum inside my mouth , the sweat taste of the gum exploded my mouth the moment I started to chew .

"Are you excited for the upcoming match on the weekend night ?" I chewed on my gum leisurely , passing it from on corner to the other around my mouth

" Yep" I answered with pop of 'p' in the letter .

"Im bit nervous " Jordon looked down at his hands .he was vice captain of the soccer team and as vice captain he had his own responsibility over the team ,he was nervous that whether he would outstand as best vice captain or will he fail to do so , he wanted to be the caption on the next quarter and wanted to give his best this time so that he would be choosed as the caption in next coming quarter match.

" Don't worry everything will be fine , we will win the match and you will do great as a captain" I assured him , placing my hand on his shoulder ,he looked up at me to give a weak smile .I never saw Jordon this so freaked , he was always a cheerful blossom .

" Good evening class " the voice made all the students to quite down and look forward at the doors to see principal Alan making his presence along with some staff behind him .

" I hope you all are doing great " the old man smile reached upto his eyes as he looked straight at the students with hands folded behind his back .His grey suit ironed and pressed loosely against his skinny body , his black leather shoes giving more height to his little figure,his finger counts hair's combed to his left while showing his bald centre head .

Something felt odd as principle Alan never made his presence to the class unless there was a serious issue to talk among with the students . I sat straight and looked forward at him , chewing the gum gutfully .

" This feels so bad to say that even after so many talk and warning about taking drugs , still some students are addicted to it" he said monotonous , his eyes looked around the students before opening his mouth to talk again " we found some used drug packet at the backyard of the building " this time his tone was mixed up with seriousness " so I kindly request that who ever is behind this please come forward and accept your deed " he paused " or else we know our ways to find out , so it's better to come forward and accept on your own then letting us find it out ,the punishment will be cruel if we did find on our own " I leaned back on my seat , eyeing around the students to see if any hand or body popped up .

" Is it you Jordon?" I whispered jokingly with  serious tone .Jordon brows lifted up giving the expression of 'nice joke '. "As for me , You know that I don't do drugs , so is it you?" I asked again , he opened up his mouth to let the cold air out , the air conditioner in class was High ,making the temperature in class low .

" Lame joke " he humdrumed" I do drinks but not drugs ,it's too high for me to handle" we both turned our head front to the class as ms jasmine voice boomed this time .

" As the cctv on the backyard building is under process and we couldn't get the footage ,so  Students we request you to come forward and accept it on your own  , it's better to you accept then wasting our precious time " the monotone of the lady echoed the silent class , students didn't even stir a bit  and sat stiff in their position.

" If anyone saw someone else going to the backyard yesterday can please inform us " they tried to play with victim  card as no one stood up . After lingering for few minutes ,a long skinny hand raised up , all the head shoot up at the front row .

" Yes amaal " I stared at the back figure as she stood up reluctantly.

" I saw someone yesterday running hurriedly to the backyard " the bitch said in her tiny voice , all the eyes were now focused on her , she looked nervous by all the stares but tried to cover it up with strong face .

" Is he/she in this class?" She nodded her head . I chewed on my gum feeling more intrigued to see the upcoming drama .

" Can you name the person?" I leaned more on the chair that it stood on two legs instead of four , my mouth were paining by the continues chewing and the sweet taste was now replaced by the sour one .

" It alyan " my rocking moment halted as all the eyes turned to face me , my chewing process as well sealed and I sat back with the four legs of the chair .

" What? " I questioned bewildered , it took almost good mintues of time for me to understand what she just spilled out .

" Alyan " the scowling tone made me to snap my eyes at the principal , I stood up hastily from my seats to object .

" What the f***" I glowered looking at her back figure , making the holes at her back with my eyes .she slowly turned her stance to face me .

" Language Mr alyan Ahmed kurashi " the stren voice of the principal made me to kneel my eyes to the desk , I chewed in my cheeks to control my rage .

" Didn't expect this from you mr kurashi" I looked up at the owner of the voice to see ms jasmine giving a disgusted expression while adjusting her square glass over her nose bridge  .

" Bro , what the f*** is this?" Jordon whispered , eye's  focusing at me , his face was crunched in worry+confusion expression.

" She is freaking lieing" I outbrusted with all my rage , Her eyes looked determined at me , I clenched my fist to control myself from walking upto her and slapping across her not so good face .

"Amaal is a obedient students and we know she wouldn't lie regarding such matters, and as per your history on causing the trouble we assume to be sure that it may be you " I gritted my teeth , my eyes Turing red with livid .

" you have not failed to make us ashamed " another voice of the staff , who I assume to be a vice principal Kelvin chimed .

" We knew you...." Another voice started to comment on my character and passed onto the next . My vines pooped up  as surge of adrenaline rushed up my body , I shut my eyes while clenching my fist tight.

" Can you shut the f*** up and give me chance to speak " the gaps run around the class as students gwaked at me , I cursed under my breath the moment those words left out my mouth without my permission .I pulled in my lips , regretting on my choice of words .

Shit , I got screwed badly.

" Another action would be taken against you and this time there would be no excuse to not to bring your parents " the stren voice of the old principal warned, I clutched my fist and jabbed on the desk lightly.

" I need to talk with your father and I repeat your father ,not your gaurdian or your brother " he warned showing his index at me and started to stride out .

" You are jeopardized " Jordon mouth twisted to corner as he waited for my next move .

" F****" I murmured under my breath as I jabbed the desk with my knuckles crunched into fist.

" And yeah" the voice made me to snap my head back at the door " you're suspended for a week" saying it the principal left making my jaw  hit hard on the floor .

" You screwed up badly ,alyan  " Zack commented while tittering , few of his buddies joined him .my eyes lingered on the skinny figure who had sat stiff in her position , her eyes glanced over her shoulders ,I clenched and unclenched my fist to control my temper .

" The best thing that the nerd ever done . im proud of her "the last comment was enough to rise my boil over my head , I marched out of my seat in her direction .

" What is your f**** problem" I banged my right hand over her desk , making a thud sound to see her flinch by the abrupt act , I bent my self over her eye level and glared into those Hazel brown eyes.

" Wha..t?" Her lips trembled as she got up from her seat and stood out , leaving a good space of distance among us. I sighed placing my left hand over my forehead and did a quick massage over it.

"Don't act like a dump , you just spilled the shits few minutes ago " I said , pressing the bridge of my nose , my hands halted as my eyes looked up to give a glunch face.

" I said those because I saw you yes---" before she could say more , I thrust her using my both hand over her shoulders and made her back to hit the wall. Her eyes looked between my hands and then to my good looking face .

" Get the hands off me " she gritted her teeth, her eyes glaring back at me

See the guts of bitch !

" What if I don't ?" I bend my head down near her ear and whispered challengingly .she closed her eyes as my hot breath were hitting her face , sending chill Down her spine.her eyes flickered open once I moved my face away from her.

She looked challengingly into my eyes before moving her hands up and shoving my boths hands away from her shoulder, all the while her eyes staring at me without a blink  .

My eyes were too focused on her that I didn't realized a hand moving up to my chest and shoving me backward ,I stambled back on my steps by the sudden attack , Her faced crunched into disgust before moving away from me .

" Tell the rate ?" I yelled behind her , she halted on her steps as she gingerly turned around to face me, her brows frowned at my comment.

" Your mother do the prostitusion ryt , how much for one night" as the words slowly flyed into her ears ,her palm turned into a fist , a smirk pasted my face as I saw how her face turned into colour of red " say it , don't hesitate , how much you take for a night" with blink of a eye, a hand came flying across my face and  contacted with my cheeks , making my face to jerk on to my right ,a burning sensation started to engulf over my left cheek , I placed my palm over the area and slowly turned to face her to see her fuming with  rage , her red shot eyes giving the proof of her mard .

" You bitch " I raised my hand to slap her back when a hand caught mine in the mid air , my eyes trailed up at the person who stood inbetween me and the bitch while holding my hand in a tight grip .

" Danie-" before I could call out his name ,a hand brushed against my face with another tight slap , making my face to jerk on my right with stumbling back steps , this sensation of pain was even worst as it came by a male rough hand .

My left hand moved over to my cheeks , the stinging pain was flushing my cheeks red .I turned my right palm into a fist as the left hand holded my burning cheek.

" What the f*** , why are you siding with bitch , you should be supp- " again my words were cut off by a hard punch on my jaw , I stumbled on my foot backward and holded on the nearly desk for the grip .

" Aisssshhhh" I groanded as my thumb rubbed up my lips to feel a sharp cut , a driblet amount of blood were stained on my thumb  .

" I shouldn't be suprised that your siding with her as I should have known that she had f*** you" I splitted out the blood , my lips crinkled to a side to a smirky smile . Daniel moved front and holded a fist of my shirt collar.

"You are not in your sense alyan " he whispered tightening the hold on my collar and jerking me forward , my nose were a inch away from touching his , we stood in silence while glaring into eachother eyes , Daniel and I never encountered such situation , he never raised his hands upon me or stood against my any dession , he always stood up for me ,he always supported me , I thought him as more then a brother , I counted him into my that list of people who I loved , i thought he would never go against me no matter what , I thought he would stand for me against the world but now all this were proven wrong.

Daniel hold on my shirt loosen as  He shoved me back , letting go of my collar.

" She is F**** bitch , she don't mind to f** anyone .I guess she must have f*** you too and that's why your supporting the slut" I glared back into his eyes and in next second Daniel was all over me , punching my face to my chest .

I brought my hands over my face as X shield . A hard punch was landed on my chest , making the air from the lungs to squeeze out .

I coughed letting out a groan of pain, for a minute his hands stopped in the air , his face crunched into a worry and before he could change his mind or action , I rolled over him , making him lay beneath me and my hands sealed on his neck . He coughed as my grips tightened , a tears rolled down his eyes and that's when I realised I was raising my hand over the person I thought as my gaurdian ,my hero , my role model , the person I always look up in my bad and good times .

My hands loosed as I saw him struggling under my weight , I pulled my lips in , trying to stiff any emotions from playing on my face .

" Shit " I cursed under my breath as I got up, my eyes looked down at him to see still struggling to breath properly while eyes where shut and tears were streaming as a drop . the slut ran and  crouched down beside him and checked upon him while helping him to sit up and soothed his chest ,her lips were moving ups and down as she was saying something near his ear .

Feeling guilty at my action , I walked out while shoving and pushing people qout from my way.

My finger ran up my smooth hair as a tear rolled down my cheek .

Not even in my dream I thought myself to raise my hands against him , we always supported and stood for eachother . I still remember those days where Daniel backuped for my blunders and got scolded behalf of me , he always tried to protect me .

I sat down at the chair placed outside the cafeteria . I placed my elbow over my laps and bent my head down , my face covering in my palms.

I placed my fist over my eyes as a tears rolled down my eyes , hiccups escaped my mouth as I sat at the corner in the dark room and cried .

" Alyan " Daniel voice echoed the room , I heard his foot steps nearing me and halting on my front .

" Alyan " he crouched down , his hands placed on my each fist .

" Da...DDD" I sobbed , Daniel pulled me into a hug and caressed my head , I sobbed against his chest as few drops of tears  stained his shirt, leaving a watermark drops .

" What happened" he asked , hands caressing my head which was placed against his chest .

" Da...d will pu.nish me  " I hiccuped and clutched his shirt fistfull.

" Why will he do dad?" He asked cupping my face in his hand and making me to look into his blue eyes  .

" Be.. cause I broke....a ..base" I shuttered , tears sliding my each cheeks , Daniel thumb stroke my cheeks and rubbed the tear off .

" He will not punish you" his eyes looked at me with much gentle and care .

" Last time " I hiccuped and glupped the lump down my throat " he made me to stand on the hot coals " I pulled my knee near my chest and touched down my foot to show him the scars of burning Coals left under my feet, Daniel hissed looking at it , his eyes crunched in painfull expression .

" When was it ?and why did he punish you? " he asked looking into my eyes , I hiccuped and rubbed my noses over my shoulder .

" It was when you were all left for vacation for Paris living me with aunty Mahira because I had my tests going on " Daniel brows knetted as he looked at me with confusion .

" But uncle alif had came along with us so when did this happen exactly ?"

" Aunty Mahira took charge of it saying father said it to do when she called him and said I had entered his office and broke his laptop " 

" bu.bu..t Daniel it was by mistake that laptop slided down my hand and hit the floor" my fingers grapsed his  thumb as I looked at him with trembling body ." Aunty Mahira even said not to say it with anyone or father will make it worse " my hands interlaced around his waist and i crouched my head on his stomach. His hands smoothed my back hair gently ." Im sacred Daniel" I hugged his waist tight while wailing like a infant .

" Don't cry han " his hands stroked my hairs " I will take the blame" he said excitedly , my head crocked up to look into the glittering eyes , his eyes were moistened and lips held a smile .

" I will say I broke it " his smile spread wide as he blinked his eyes to cheer me .I let go of my hands around his waist and sat straight , looking at the floor with a pout.

" What if he hits you?" My eyes trailed on him .

" I will take it " he showed his white set of teeth . I nibbled on my corner lips in  glum ,I didn't wanted him to get hitted , not when I'm the reason.

" Don't tense so much han ,uncle alif will not hit me , he never did , even I broken so many of things around and he never even scolded me or hit me " he placed his hand on my shoulder ." Trust me "

" But why are you helping me ?"my upper lips pulled in while the down curled out .

" Because you are my little brother and I will protect you all ways , with my dear life" my eyes glittered , the word felt like everything to me , there was something tickling my heart as I felt the tear of joy running down my eyes.  He was one of the people around me who loved me and cared me .

But now all turned out be fake . I stroked off the tear that rolled my cheek with my thumb.

" Alyan " the  smooth rich velvet like voice echoed from the hallway , I looked in the direction of the voice to see samiya marching near me .

" Alyan " she plopped down beside me , her hands interlaced around my left arm , her face were crunched into worry as she stared at me without word .

" What are you doing here?" I glupped the lump down my throat and turned to face her ,I stifled my self from playing any kind of expression over my face .

" Are you hurt " she ignored my question and placed her hand over my right cheek and made me to turn to face her gingerly , my eyes locked into her honey brown eyes and then moved around her face , her eyes were stifling a emotion from coming out .

" I didn't except this from Daniel , he stood for the bitch when he could have stood up for you " her eyes and lips twisted to a hated expression ." He is such a bastard " she split out with much hate .my heart clenched hearing her say awful thing about my brother , I  still couldn't hate him ,not even after what he did , he held a great position in my heart that even if I try I couldn't hate him .

"Enough , don't talk shit about my brother" I yelled, abruptly standing up from my seat , her eyes  perplexed by my sudden outbrust , she looked at me dumbfounded , she wasn't expecting this.

"Even after so much , you are not ready to listen a word against your brother ,wow just great" she stood up , clapping her hands mockingly and halted beside me .

" If you're here to sprinkle the salt to the wound , then you may please leave" I pointed my index in the direction of she just walked by ,her face dropped as she stared at me for good 5 second .

" Alyhan " her hands clasped around my upper arm as she scooted near me , her eyes squint giving a innocent face " Im sorry ,but I didn't mean to hurt you , I just came to check upon you" I tweaked my arm from her grip , she was startled by the abrupt act as her head jerked up showing a moist eyes .

" Im fine and you may leave now " I emphasized giving more strech to my each words, I waited for her to move but nothing happened .

" Which part of 'I'm fine and you may leave now 'you didn't get" I turned to face her and stood two inch away from her . She pulled her lips in and a tears were forming on her each eyes .

" Im sorry" mumbling it , she ran away rubbing her face with  back of her  hand .

I flumped down on the metalic seat , rubbing my face roughly with my hands , I sighed grabbing a fist of my hair in my hand .I was going insane with all the shits .

" Wohh~ , what just happened?" I looked up to see Jordon ambling towards me with his head turned around , gazing at samiya who was speed -walking with her heels clicking against the floor with each steps she took . His face turned around to look at me with bewilderment.

" Samiya happened"  I bent my head in my hands and stared down at the marble tiles . Jordan slump down in utter silence for a minute .

" What happened back there was no good " he said out in low murmur .

" That bitch not only blamed me for something I didn't did but also broke our bond of brotherhood " I brusted in wrath " She stepped on death plate " I gritted my teeth as my breathing got high .

" Let's go to the infirmary and get you a first aid" Jordon said looking over at my cut on the lips and slided a  hand  around my arm and pulled me up .

"No , I need to get the shit right first , the old man must be banging his head on the wall , I have more important business to deal" I pushed him lightly to get out from his grip .

" You mean your dad?" I nodded my head and started to walk out .

I knew the message was already sent and the old man must be landing on the first flight tomorrow morning.

The worst was at to come and I was preparing myself for it .

Comment your thought about the story , wheter it's boring or intresting .

Please do comment ✍️

Gypsy ✨

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