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"So he likes you ?, no he loves you?" zaira corrected her words as she emphasized it .amaal moved near the window ,her fingers playing with curtain as she stared at the bright moon ,out in the sky .

" I guess" she replied, her mind  preoccupying on the diary ,that she read .

She  debated over herself on whether to take a peek or to not , but then her hand moved faster then her brain as she flipped on the pages of the book .

" And what you feel ?" The sudden question ,snapped amaal from her trance of thoughts .

" I don't get it?" Amaal brows furrowed , her fingers clutching the edge of curtain .

" Do you feel anything special about him ?"zaira elobarated her question. Amaal kissed her lips as she thought back to her movement with him . everything about him made her heart flutter, he had become a part of her life . When she thought back on the words that he had described about his feelings made her to realise her feelings for him aswell .

" I don't know " she huffed , placing her arse on the stool .

" do you like him ?" Zaira quired.

"I guess ,yes" she replied bluntly .

" Do you feel a part of you missing and lonely when he is not around ?" Amaal hmmed as the response and zaira continued .

" Do he comes in your dream ?" Zaira questioned as some love therapist .

" Yes " with the flow of words , amaal slipped her mouth . She bitted her tongue for the forestraight answer  she just gave , smacking her head mentally.

" You are in love , idiot , it's so obvious " zaira shrieked from other end , making amaal to squeeze her eyes shut for a second ." Tell me his user again"

" Daniel_kuraishi" amaal replied bored and other end went silent for a minute with only key typing audible over the call .

" Freaking fish " zaira whined , her tone getting exciting with second ." He is a freaking meal . How can you not fall for this guy ?" Zaira cryed over the phone as she gazed at his ig profile on her laptop .a smugly smile rosed amaal lips  at zaira praise for Daniel .

Yes , he was guy of every girl dream .

" Amaal , date him. I assure you can never find someone like him, not in a million " zaira was in the verse of fainting out , she never got a catchy fish like Daniel .She always dreamt of someone like Daniel to be her boyfriend , Rich , gentleman , caring , smart and all out a good looking freaking Greek god . Zaira was on the sky as her cousin really caught a gold fish on the pond ." You said ,he stood for you when no one else did and Even against his own brother and that's when he had a right to be mad at  you ,don't it make him a gentleman." zaira words made much sense as she found her self smiling at his thought.

She was scared to death when she saw Daniel in state of agony , nothing crossed her mind or any restriction holded her back from helping him and holding him to make him stand on his feet.

Yes, she was in love with him, and it took his sacrifices over his brother for her to realise that he was the guy she needed in life .

" I know ,but how can I date him " amaal bites her corner lips, her face crunching in disappointment as her mind occupied on her past .

"Is it about him" after drawled after good mintues of silence . Amaal glupped down a unknown lump ,her lips feeling sealed as she nodded her head without being concious of her cousin couldn't see over the call ." Amaal" zaira called out calmly from the other end ." it's been 6 and half freaking year , there no single sign of him , if he wanted , he would have returned long ago,but there is no sign of him ,which mean that it was all his words out of livid , I don't think he would ever return again, he might be busy with his  own life .you were young when all that happened and lot of things changed this past years , even you , from fat ugly- pimple girl to slim -beauty matured women , there is no freaking way he would return or recognise you at first sight,so please stop thinking about him and move on . You need a change and I say Daniel is the change " every word of zaira stroked amaal , yes she was right , if he wanted to return then he would have long ago but still there was no sign, which mean the words he said we're all out of livid and he doesn't meant any of it .

" I guess im taking a change " a small smile crippled her lips as she stared at the diary .

Yes , she needed a change and she was going to take it .


"So you are saying you love him ?" Arham brows rosed up beneath her head as she stared at her pal back structure.

" Yep" amaal cheered as she moved around the veranda with her books clutching loosely around her chest .arham held amaal by her wrist, making her to stop on her track ,a stern expression crunched her faces as she stared at amaal before a giggle smile mended her lips .

" Really" her teeth gum displayed as she grinned and pulled her into a hug ." I'm so happy for you " the hug from arham ,shooked amaal as she bounced her in the hug .

"Let me breath ,let me breath " amaal placed her hands on each shoulder of her friend as she created a inch distance between them by pushing her off tenderly.

" When are you going to confess?" Arham quired , her gum smile never leaving her lips as she squealed with excitement.

Amaal sighed before starting to pace off  , leaving her friend behind to linger " I don't know " she said meekly , her legs dragging lazily in the direction of her next class .

" What you mean ' you don't know'?" Arham took a speed steps as she strided near her friend and caught her wrist to turn her around to face" You love him , ryt ?" Arham brows frowned as she gazed at her friend ,who nodded in response . Arham brows deepend as she stared at her with knowing look ." Don't say me , you're shy to express your feelings " as hit jackpot , amaal nodded her head meekly

" Aish " arham smacked her head lightly , gaining a deth glare in return ." Do propose -" arham words were hang in the air as voice cut her off like a slice .

" Amaal, amaal " a enthusiastic voice boomed behind them as both turned around  simultaneously to look at the approaching figure .

"Zoya,?" Arham right brows raised up ,as she passed a suspicious look on her way by her sudden presence with a beaming face .Zoya had never approached them , not even once . She belonged to that  coterie of bitch .

Arham suspected some fishy as she approached and holded amaal hand gently with much fake smile which didn't reached her eyes .

" Amaal I needa favour " she said as she interlaced her hands around amaal forearm , passing a pleading look in her way .

"Yea ?" Amaal passed a bewildered look as she gazed warily at her . Amaal was perplexed at what zoya needed from her , she had her own ways to get the things around and amaal wondered what made her feet to drag near them for the favour and what kind of favour she actually needed .

" Let's talk over the coffe " before amaal could put a word out from her mouth , Zoya dragged her with her arms interlaced . Sighing at the scenario , arhma too followed behind them .

"How do I say it ..hmmm" Zoya dramatically fidgeted around her seat , her fat curler beating down her eyes .

" Get the words on the table . We don't have all day for you , we got a class to attend " arham spatted bitterly, her eyes looking at her cup of coffee before meeting her eyes .Zoya passed a sly glare before turning back to concentrate on amaal with a fake smile .

" Can you help me to set up with Daniel" arham coughed abruptly , making the liquid to drop down her chin and down her dress  .

" Hahh, hahhh" she took the tissue and cleaned the stain from her dress as Zoya passed a grimace look at her way . beneath her lashes ,arham could see that glares passed at her .

" Can you be careful with your words " arham raised up her head as she passed a sarcastic tight smile at Zoya .inreturn Zoya  brows crunched between her eyes before straight it with a sly challenging face .

" What wrong with what I said " Zoya folded her hands near her chest as she leaned back on her chair .

" Everything about it is ---" amaal squeezed arham wrist under the table , eyesing her not to say anything further . Arham huffed before slouching back on her seat with hands trowed up in the air in exasperation before crossing it over  her chest  .

" Yea as I was saying " Zoya took continue of her words as arham fall silent in her seat " Daniel talk lot about you , it seems like you two are good friend." amaal felt a pang of unknow emotion in her chest .

He still talked about me! .

"I guess you can convence him to date me ,can you please do that for me ." Amaal eyes startled by the the sudden touch , she looked at Zoya ,her hand placed above amaal fist , her pleading eyes borrowing into her as she stared . Amaal nodded her head , her mouth feeling dry as no words formed her mouth .she didn't knew what to feel or express , she was just numb .

" You are so amazing , thank you ,thank you so much " Zoya happily squeezed her fist which laid beneath her  . Amaal curled her lips to a smile which didn't reach her eyes , she could hear the hot puff of air exhaled near her , arham was getting vexed by the second passed "I think he likes me too , but there is little push to give and i think you can do that"with sequels of excitement , Zoya rosed to her feet and exited the cafe .

" So you are going to help her ?" The voice brust the second Zoya was out of sight , amaal turned her gaze to arham  who was fuming with angry .

" I guess " she replied hurtedly before rosing to her feet . Arham holded her wrist , making her to stop on her track to move out from the chair .

" Are you f*** serious " arham lips curled to a snicker , her eyes looking  square into amaal hazel orbs " why the hell you gonna help her when you know that he love you " arham voiced raised a octave , a puff of red air blowing out from her ear .

" I think they both match up to standard , I guess she suits him " amaal shrugged, a empty look passing on her way before she started to plod .

" You are not going to do something like that , got it ?" Arham stood up from her seat as she warned her friend strictly"you're going to propose him , and that final "  arham bang  her palm on the table with indicating of seal of conversation.

" I don't think so I'm ever going to confess to him , not after this " amaal replied over her shoulder as she walked .before arham could respond , amaal had moved her foots out the doors .

" This girl " arham hissed before following her .


Alyan pov

I leaned against my lexus nx , my hands jabbed inside my pant pockets as I stared a head , waiting for the two figures to approach .

Eyes around stared at me , some because of my beauty and other by the  fact I was present at the uni even after the suspension . I fished my phone out from my Jean , my fingers scrolling on the particular contact .


I hit the call and it took just two ring for him to pick up .

" Hello" he whispered from the other end , making me to chuckle at his tone .

" Why are you whispering " I leaned on my white lexus , my hand bolstering on the side mirror .

" We are still in the principal office " he said with normal tone " you're dad is in there " I heard the shuffle of feets , indicating Daniel was moving out .

" Did you talk about what i said ?" My brows raised slightly in anticipation , my teeth chewing the bottom lip.

" It's felt deadfull " Daniel left a dramatic sigh. My mouth tittered at the response ." You're dad was so determined to take you back that it took me all my energy and tears to plead him . I swear I never ever felt so terrified and exhausted at the same time " the blowing of air out from his mouth could be heard from the phone.

" Did he agreed ?" I quired impatiently.

" He did " a sigh of relief left my mouth . I had asked- more like ordered Daniel to convence dad to make me stay back in return for his apologize acceptance ." But there are some rules that he said to make sure you to follow " my eyes rolled at the new set of restrictions . rules and restricting were itch in my palm , there were like allergies to my blood .

Really , this old man was something .

"What are they? " I drawled. My legs kicking the imaginary stones as I moved away from my car .

" You can't get into the Soccer or any sports team again , no late night after 10, no party , no out going with friends, getting home straight from uni- " my jaw clenched , making the nerve to pop .

What was I ? , A kindergarten kid .

" And , who is going to look after all this ?" My brows rosed dramatically , every nerve of my body restricting me from throwing up my hands .

" Ofcourse, me" Daniel sarcastic stren voice boomed ." You have to follow it alyan . I promised uncle alif that there would be no complaint against you from now onwards "I could feel the weight of his words that he had taken up for me , he was going to be responsible for the upcoming blunders I cause.

" I try " I shrugged off . The crunching sounds of leaf giving a satisfaction as I walked on them , the warm breeze hitting my face as I walked near the tree to stand under the shadow , the climate out here was too hot , the sun dancing above the head draining the energy .

" There is no try , you have to foll-"

" Daniel , can we talk this at home , I got a important business to do " feeling my nerves to ache  and brain to pop with this set of restriction ,I told myself to hold back and the first thing to do at the moment was to cut the call .

" But aly--" his words were cut in the air as I slided the phone down and hit the red button .I gave a quick message on my eyelids before starting to look up .

My eyes looked up at the black tall gate and the building behind that . The gates which had me to permit in where now closed on my face , and the reason was , I drugged .

My hands jabbed on the window of the car , my eyes raging with intense fire of revenge . My hands itched to hold her throat and squeeze it till her air supply was out, but the thing I had planned for her holded me back . I couldn't just kill her , she neede to suffer daily, she needed to feel the pain , she needed to feel so much that she wished for death . She was going to regret her action.

" Watch your back amaal , you're count down is soon going to start once I step into this gates " a devilish smirk rosed my lips . I had many things in store for her and my palms we're itching to get hands on it .

She deserve it , freaking whore .


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Gypsy ✨

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