chapter- 26

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Amaal pov
I felt my heart clench by staring at the phone screen.

Hey , why didn't you showed up yesterday- my world .

A tear dropped my eyes as I shut my phone . My life miserable took a unexpected turn .

'I'm going to make your Life a pure hell ' his those venom words echoed in my mind . I clenched the sheet of my bed into a fist .

Life took a unexpected turn and I knew he would not miss a single chance to make my life a hell .


I looked at my phone screen pop up with notification .

Be at the back side of uni building , sharp at 9 - unknown

My brows furrowed while staring at the unknow contact number . before my mind could stress more on the matter when a message poped up again , answering my unspoken  question .

Don't think much , it me Alyan - unknow .

I greeted my teeth . Not alyan but a pure devil .

I left the text on seen and moved out my bed when the phone rang .my eyes stared at the devil number poping on the screen , I took a deep breath in gathering all the strength to deal with Devil

"What " I snapped once I accept the call .I had already so much on my head and now he was kicking ass in to break the little bit peace I had .

" Woh , cat got a tongue "  he mocked from other end .if i didn't got a tongue then Why did you call ,moron .

I huffed , bringing a fake smile on my face " what is it alyan?"   this time I asked with more like honey sweet voice .

"That's like my slave  even tho I couldn't see his face , I was damn sure he was having that grotesque smirk on his rich face ." I called you to remind you again that you are my slave which mean you have to do all those things I say and don't you even dare to disobey me or else ..."  Those half unspoken words reached my ears before he could put it out his mouth .

" Yea , I know " my voice came up my throat meekly .

" Never make me to remind you this again , ..and one more thing "  I hmmed  to let him know I'm listening to his nonsense ."never leave me on seen or else the consequences will be worst then you can imagine " the husky tone of his was so powerful that I almost glupped my saliva in fear .

He had some kind of aura .

"Fi..." Before I could complete my words , he cut the call.

" Ahhh" i pulled my hair in frustration , feeling like to smack the moron ." Alyan freaking ass kuraish " I screamed with top of my lungs when my mom's voice from kitchen shouted back .

" What happened amaal , why are you screaming " she rushed to my room hurriedly , her face crunched to worry .

" Nothing , just a study stress " I moved past her to walk to the kitchen .


I rubbed my hands together to create a warm , it was too cold in the early morning , nearly making my fingers numb .

" Waited for long ?" The sudden questions startled me , making me to jump on my foot .

" Aa.. alyan " I shuttered , trying to move my lips up to a smile " what's it , why  you wanted to meet me this early , what's the matter  ?" I questioned impatiently , shoving my fingers into my cardigan . A wave of chilly air hit my body, making my hands to jam more into my cardigan .

" Don't you know the tone of slave ?" My brows furrowed in confusion for a second until I realised the meaning behind his words .

A slave needed to have a sweet and obeying tone .

" I'm ..sorry " I bent my head low .

" This is some assignments you need to complete by tomorrow " he pulled out the bundle of pages and handed infront of me . I gawked looking at the bundle .it was huge with half of my weight .

This might take a whole month with no sleep to complete.

" Are you serious ?" I asked calmly , trying to sound more polite " there is exams after two days , I have to prepare for that "I resoned , shocking my head .

He stared at me with serene eyes , he sighed and looked at me with lips twisted to side .

" I got proof you know "He said tranquilly while pulling out his phone and showing it up in the air for my eyes to stare .

My lips sealed as my heart thump in high rythme . Without saying anything more , I took the bundles more. Like snatched it hurriedly from his hands .

" Hand it to me by tomorrow evening " I nodded my head , turning around to go when his next words halted my steps .

" This is just a trailer baby , the real movie is yet to start " I kissed my lips , holding the bundle of paper near my chest firmly .

He mean the real hell is yet to begin .



"Hey , whatsapp" I raised my head up to see arham .

" Nothing more , just a headache " I said with my crocky voice , straightening my spine . She took a seat opposite to me , her eyes telling that she didn't buyed my words .

" Why is your eyes so red , it's look like you just cried " she questioned again .

" No, it's just I took a nap , I didn't cry " i said while packing my bag as the bell rang , indicating the end of the classes.

" If you say so " she said reluctantly while  dangling her bag pack on her shoulder .

" Did you prepare for the exam? " I tried to change the subject as we walked out of the class with hundreds  of other students rushing out the campus to go home .

" Not yet " she sighed irritatingly , following my steps beside me ." Can I come over at your place to study to night ?"

" Yea sure .." the words didn't left my mouth when my phone rang with a notification in my pocket , I pulled my phone out to see the crumpy ass text .

Crumpy ass - I will pick you up after the class .

I gritted my teeth , clenching the phone tight .

" Who is it ?" Arham peeked beside me , her brows rosing into a question.

" It's miss grace " I said, hurriedly shutting my phone " she need me now , there is no one at the cafe . Sorry I can't teach you " my eyes kneeted with guilty , feeling a slight pain in my heart for lying to her .

" It's fine, but promise me you'll make it up for the  next time with cup of  cappuccino" she pouted like a stubborn kid , making my lips to crinkle with a smile at her kiddy way .

" Promise " I interlaced my Pinky with her , Turing hurriedly to run out the campus .

"If it wasn't for that proof he is holding up , I wouldn't even cared " few more holy words left my mouth before a horn beside me made me jump on my feet .

" Get in " his male commanding voice ordered .

If it wasn't for ---

"You can curse me later , now get in , I don't have whole day for you" I looked here and there before climbing his black suv and shutting the door with all my force .

" It coast more then your life " he mocked , my eyes turned to look at him to see him looking straight at the road .

" What is it ?" My eyes looked at him and then back at the paper that he throwed at my way .

" Contract " he slumped on the couch with a apple drink in his hand .

" What contract " I blunt .

" You know to read English ryt ?"the question was actually sarcasm to me .

We were at his one of the farmhouse , the house was lavish and elegant ,from cough to celling , everything looked rich ,even the pen I holded .

" It's a contract which state that you agree to be my slave and do everything I say " he elobarated while nonchalantly swinging his class of drink and taking a sip.

" But I don't agree " I stated like a dumb .

" But you can't disagree " he mimicked my tone, making me feel like to smack his dummy brain . My fingers holded tight around the pen , making it pale by the the pressure of hold ." You don't have any right to reject . You remember that ..." Before he could begin again with  his monologue , I cut him off.

" Yea yea , I got it " with a scribble of nip , I sighed my contract to death .

" Oh wait " he raised his head , gazing at me from where he sat " you didn't read some rules and regulations? D " my heart thumped loud, feeling a danger behind his Manly smirk .

" Who dumb sign a contract without reading it man " he got up and walked near me , his face giving fake scared look's." Atleast you should have taken a glimp " he shook his head , making me glup my saliva anxiously with his act .

" What is it , what wrong ?" I questioned , my eyes staring at him with fear .

" You got to sell me yourself " my breath hitched in my throat .

He mean ,my body?


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