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Amaal pov

I huffed as I placed the bundle of worksheet on the lecture table and turned out to walk when I bumped into a solid chest .

"Opps.. sorry .." as raised my head up to look at the male to see Daniel giving a cherry smile .

" Hello beautiful " his hand hold on my finger while his thumb slightly rubbed on my knuckles.

" Daniel " I whispered while my eyes hurriedly peeked around the two students  passing by while minding their own business ." There are students around us , what are you doing ?" I freed my hand from his hold and took a step back to make a good distance .

" Can't even i hold my girlfriend hand ?" the dramatic infant pout on his pink lips made my heart to flutter .

" You can ,but Not here " saying it I walked past him where he followed behind me .

" Why didn't you pick up my call yesterday ?" he asked as we walked down the stairs to the library .

" I ..I "

Because I was too busy doing your shitty brother work .

" I was busy , I had to babysit my mother freind baby " I squeezed my eyes shut and nibbled my lips as I lied .

I was bad at lying.

" Ohh " his next big foot step made his steps to match with mine as he walked beside me  .

" How about going to a date on this weekend " I passed the librarian a polite smile as I entered and walked near the gaint book shelf to borrow a novel .

" Hmmm I guess I would be free this weekend  " I replied as I  pulled out a  chair to sit .

" So it's an yes  " the happiness beamed through his eyes as  he took a seat opposite to me . There was a complete silence for minutes before he called out .

" Amaal "

" Hmm " I hmmed as my eyes studied busyly on the novel. The tingling on my hand making me to snap my head at him .

" Am I good boyfriend ?" the soreness spread through his eyes as his thumb creased my knuckles .

" Why do you ask ?" My eyebrows creased in confusion .

" Because .. because " he leaned back on his chair , his breath making his chest to bounce lightly as he bent on his chair ." I don't know , I feel I'm useless for being your boyfriend , I didn't make you feel like how other guys would make their girlfriends , I can't be around you and hold you and hug you or I can't even show to the world that you are my girl" his hands brushed through his dark locks ,his pink lips crinkling to a side into a sad pout .

" Daniel , that's because I restricted you From saying it to anyone , I made you to promise it to be a secret , you got nothing to do in it , please don't feel offended " my hand rested above his as I caressed his back hand.

" Why do you want it to be secret ?"he asked calmly after a second .

"You know the obsession of the girls here over you , if they know that i am the girl that your dating then it might be the end to me  " I rolled my eyes on remembering the sight of group of bitch ragging a poor soul like us .

" Why are so sacred , you got me to protect you " his tone flickered with annoyance and with slight hint of protective boyfriend .

" Daniel,no more talk on this , please , only for a year then after graduation we don't need it to hide it from anyone ,then we could be like every normal couple by holding hands , showing the love infront of everyone  " Daniel didn't looked pleased with the thought .

" I might be going back to London after the year end , it's my last visit here" I stared at him to read his face , my dry lips leaving a sigh after a second or two .

" So you might end up the things with me then " I blunt .

" What , no " he voice raised a octave , his chair slamming back into the four stand now ."that's no what I mean , I would never think about leaving you , i really love you amaal "

" Then please let it stay as a secret till we make it halal "

" You mean nikkah (marriage) ?" His left brow raised slightly  , teasing me.

"Yea " my cheeks crept upto a red blush .

" So my girl had already planned a lot "I buried my face into the book that k was reading as his teasing eyes made me blush even more .


" You got just five seconds to show up " the monster commanding voice boomed from other end ,making me to  hold the phone away from my hear and grip it tight in frustration .

" I will be there in a second " I pushed through the crowed of students marching out in hurry to reach their home early .

" Hey " the sudden touch on my waist made me to stand freeze on my spot ." Why so hurry? " the chocolate colonge of his making me to guess the male before even I could turned around to see .

" Mama need me " Daniel hand rested on the back of my waist , my body slightly wiggling by the foreign touch .

I never allowed any male to touch me expect for him that time . This touch really make me weird and I can't even say it .he might get offended if I restrict him on everything .

" Every girl do it amaal , it's not a big deal to let your boyfriend touch you until it goes far to bed , it's just a touch , be calm " I said to myself .

" Daniel can I talk with you over the phone , I'm really busy " I passed him a guilty smile .

" Yea sure " lossing from his grip ,I made a run to the backside of the school gate to see the monster already set on his car , waiting for me.

" Sorry , got late " I shutted the door and turned around to look at him to see him pushing the sunglasses down to his bridge nose .

"4 mintues 5seconds " his monotonous voice spoke " You got a punishment "Turing his wheel roughly ,the car took over the path and drived with speed of lightning , making my body to jerk back .


What kind of punishment it may be

Is it his one of those shitty work to complete his assignments .

"Yo..uu....are kidding me ?" My eyes turned to look at the poker faced man standing beside me while his hands tugged inside his Jean ." You didn't mean it " the fear inside me were reflected through my eyes as I stood infront of his huge mansion .

" When I say something then I really mean it " shrugging his shoulder ,he walked up the stairs to one of the room ." And don't even think of leaving the house before you clean each one of the room and toilet " my hands turned into a fist beside me , my already exhausted body feeling fatigue by thinking how much I had to work through .

" Don't you have a maid ?"before I could hold my tongue ,the words already slipped out making me bite my tongue for being too blunt .

" I do ,but I fired them all because I have you now " saying it ,he disappeared into one of the room .

My body collapsed down the floor , my legs already giving up by the period cramp .

" Heartless Jerk , aashole , monster , you may roast in hell" cursing under my breath ,I started with my work with a broom in my hand .


" Can I go home now ?" I took a breath in and out after walking up the long stairs , my heart beats feeling on the 10x as I stood infront of him while my body bent ,my hands touching my knees to control the breathing .

" You have to clean this room " my head snapped at him with confusing look to see him typing out something on his laptop while his eyes studied the screen .

" But ...but the room is already cleaned " his eyes looked up from the screen to around the room and then landing on me .

" Is it?" He questioned mockingly before standing up and walking near his wardrobe .

He pushed the French door to reveal some of his clothes neatly hanged in a hangler , his hands roughly pulled off the clothes as he shoved them to the ground .

" What are you doing?" I  gwaked at his manic act .

" Making the place untidy so that you can clean it once again" his lips pressed it a tight smile .

" But...bu.." I shut my mouth fustrated as no words could knock a sense to the idiot .

The shuttering of the expensive German vase echoed the room as he knocked it off from the table , his hands yanking the bedsheet and making the room to look completely disaster .

" Now you may begin " the fake professional tone he coated with a sugary smile at my way made me feel like to smack his head and to kick him on his balls.

Sighing and pressing my lips thin , I controlled my rage and walked around to collect the clothes that he had thrown around , my hands then neatly folded  it .

" A...alyan " I called out when something flickered my mind . His eyes snapped up from the screen to me .

" Hmm?"

" You live alone?" As the words spilled my mouth ,the atmosphere turned completely by his draggen glare and killing silence ." I ...just ask .." shrugging my shoulder while my body shaked with fear , I continued to fold the dress and hang some in hangler .

" I don't live here actually" my head turned at him who had held a stone face " this is  my penthouse that I come when I fe..." He bitted his lips before he could complete his words , making my brows to furrow at his sudden pause ." It's non of your business to know " saying it ,he worked back in his laptop .

His mood swings more then a girl on her period .

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