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Alyan pov
"Michael" I called out behind him . There were no one around us as everyone were busy at the fire camp while Michell had moved out to breath a fresh air alone .

" Yes?" He replied while turning to face me around.

I clenched my fist tight , my eyes burning with rage of fire .With a speed of lightning , I landed a hard punch on his face ,which almost broke his nose as he bleeded .

" What the f***?" He touched his nose and whined a bit. His eyes were about to drop out from his socket when he saw blood smeared on his hand.

"Lay a hand on her and I will make sure that you will never have a hand to use again " I gave a another tight punch on his face that he almost lost his balance and fell on the ground .

" What are you talking about?" He questioned through pissed eyes. His lips were parting into a whine" who the fu**ing hell is' her?'"I crouched on the ground and pulled him up to my face level by holding his collar .

" Can't you see that she wasn't comfortable around you , why were you forcing her ?" I ignored his questions and landed another punch on his face when he hold my fist in the air abruptly.

"Fu**off" he split the blood out his mouth  . His eyes burning with same instant Rage to rip my bones and skulls" who ever the hell I touch , what's your problem, and was she - the girl your talking about- is your girlfriend ?" The question left me off guard ,I left the hold on him , my mind drifting on his question.

He is right  , why the hell  I'm pissed ? , is she even my girlfriend ?

Why the hell I got angry at first place?

Who the hell is she to me?

" Sh..she is.."i bite my lips , having no correct words to say back ." She is my nothing " i said out after a minute .

" Then ?" He raised his eyebrows into dangerous look " wait, is she your crush ?"

" No" I was too fast to shout it back .

That nerd and me are no match, I have status where she... doesn't even enter into that word .

She is a poor shit .

There is no way I can like her .

" Then why the hell is it pissing you off? " he hit me on my shoulder and I stumble back.

" Michael, you're getting into my nerve" my gaze were too sharp to make a hole into his soul , for second he glupped in fear but then he didn't move a inch back .

" You were the fu****** shit who walked upto me and called for a fight in the first place . What happened ,are you sacred now ?" He smirked in challenging way . I gritted my teeth .

If he wish .

Within a second ,we both were rolling over eachother while punching the shit out of eachother .

" Alyan " Jordon ran upto me and pulled me up ." Do you want to kill him ?" I looked at the man who layed on the ground with half consciousness .

" That shitty stick" I said denoting at Michael" was asking for it "

" Jordan take him to the room , I will handle from here " Tylor said . Nodding , Jordon hauled me along with him .

" Why the hell you got into a fight with him  ?" Jordan questioned once we reached the room . I ignored him and kicked into the room , my jaw clenching tight .

" Can you leave me alone for freaking second please" I asked with sarcastic pleading tone .

" Fine" sighing , Jordon walked out to give me some space .

Is I'm really in love with her, do I like that nerd .

Author pov

"Why did you get into a fight with him?" Tylor questioned alyan , who  was laying on the bed while engulfed in his own thoughts .

" Alyan are you even listening?" Jordan questions pissed as they were asking him something from past few minutes and he was not even bit bothered to reply them .

" How would you know when you love someone?" Alyan suddenly voiced his thoughts , making other duo in the room to look at him in bewilderment .they were taken back by his sudden unrelated question .

"It's simple, whenever you see her , you would feel some kind of explosion in your heart and butterflies dance in stomach when she look in your eyes " Jordon answered still being in daze .

"I did felt those explosion on my heart when I saw her at the fire camp, those butterflies danced in my stomach when she smiled "  alyan thought

" And?" Alyan curiously questioned to know more .

" You would feel jealous if someother guy would try to hit on her " Tylor chimed in

" I really felt a burning in my heart when Michael tried to touch her " 

" And?"

" She would come in your dreams "

" This one I never had , so it's a no, so it mean I don't love that amaal "


"What and ? That's all I know"

"By the way , why are you asking all this , have some chick got your eye?" Tylor teased while giving a mischievous look .alyan waves his hand in the air , dismissing the topic.

"Nothing like that .  I was just curious about this love and as you all have girlfriend, I wanted to know how it feels"

" Hmm"even tho Tylor wasn't convinced Fully ,he didn't went on length to question him as he knew alyan had his own secrets that he didn't liked to share and Tylor didn't wanted to force him .


"Alyan " her sweet like honey voice made a smile to curle his lips . He looked at those brown orbs , lost in those honey color . Her smile were making his heart to beat in unrythme tone ." That's not how you play it " she pouted. His heart were beating hard on his chest, he couldn't control the emotions that was developing his heart .

" Amaal" alyan suddenly waked up from his sleep to find himself in his resort room . He looked at his left to see Jordon and Tylor sleeping peacefully while hugging eachother , they looked like a cute couple.

Alyan ran a hand through his silky hair , sweats beads forming on his temple even in air conditioner room .

" It's love when you see her in your dream"  alyan remember Jordon theory of love . He ran a hand through his face .

No , no i can't love that nerd .

There is no freaking way that I like her

She is a no match for me

No I can't love her

Alyan pulled the comfort off from him and walked near the window .

" How can I love her , she is no match for my status and out off I don't want to love anyone and get into this shit called relationship  " alyan took big breath of air . He couldn't believe that he was falling for the girl that he hated the most, the girl he thought to make her life as a hell ,the girl he thought to seek revenge from was now the girl he was falling for .

" No I don't love her , it's just a delusion " he said to himself .

" It becomes hard to stay away from the person that we love "

" Yes. I can stay away from her, I can prove that I don't like her , I can ,I can live without her " alyan said to himself like a manic . He was going insane by the mere thought of falling in love .

(Do comment your thoughts and vote 🥺)

The comments really motivate me to write and update soon❤️🥺

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