chapter -42

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"Kick the ball" alyhan screaming echoed the serene beach with mix of his high pitch laughter ."amaal come on , you can do it " he encouraged the girl who had stopped to breath with her hands touching the knees and panting like a animal .

" I ..I ..can' it , I'm out "amaal showed her hand up, signalling she was out of the game .

" We can't lose to this small kids " alyan walked out of the marked territory ,near to amaal . She was still panting hard to breathe ." How can you be out of breath by just two rounds ?" He sat next to her . Clapping his hands to get rid of the sand on his hands .

Alyan Had taken amaal out on a beach , saying he really need to get a fresh breath of air after she had taken the tutoring classes for him for a hour . Amaal was reculant to come but then when alyan insisted like a stubborn kid ,she didn't had any choice left . After coming to the beach and walking in the sands while inhaling the fresh breath , alyan saw some kids playing soccer and insisted amaal to join in with him .

" Where is our prize ?" the kids surrounded near alyan , moving their palm front while demanding their prize .

Alyan smiled at the kids before stroking one of the kid hair and then pulling his wallet out to give the money . He took out the fat cash he had and handed it to the kids .

"It's more than what was the prize sum " the caption of the team said , alyan smiled gently at him .

"It's extra for the treat from my side " the happiness beamed in thier eyes , kids looking at eachother with excitement ."go and enjoy " amaal eyes stared at alyan , her eyes rejecting to believe his good side "

"This man is really tough to understand" amaal thought .

"Thank you so much " saying it they ran away , marching towards the other side to distribute the money among themselves .

"I had warned you that I'm not good at the soccer but you still insisted and see , because of it you had to lose so much of money "

"But I felt like I won by seeing those precious smile on their face , did you see how happy they were? "Alyan Said while turning his face to the left to face her . He brought his knee up near his chest ,eyes gazing back at the orange painted sky were sun was about to dip , the picture of sun dipping exact matching to the reflection on the water was magnificent to view as it dispensed it's colour around , making the climate gloomy .

"You could have won without me ,after all you are a pro " amaal said after a minute of silence, her finger drawing a random circle on the sand " but it felt like you purposely lost the game " she said out her thought calmly .

"Sometimes winning is not all about making the opponent lose , there also a way to win by losing " amaal eyes gazed at him confusingly . She was bewildered by his statement , not even understanding a single words .

A chuckle left out his throat when he saw her gazing at him with big eyes while furrowing ."what does it mean ?"

"It mean that I won by making those kids happy "he simply stated and stood upto go as it was getting dark . He extanded his hand for her to take for support to stand where she didn't acknowledge it and stood up on her own .

"I can't really get you " she snickered and walked up to the stand where the suv was parked .

" One day , one day you will understand me like no one else, amaal .one day " alyan said like a romantic Remo to himself and walked behind her .


Alyan stepped on the gare , making amaal to jolt up in her seat .

" We reached?" she asked as she lifted up her eyelid .Her bubbly cheeks puffing out . One thing alyan noticed was , amaal had gained some weight , she was back to healthy after looking like a skeleton for a while . His lips rosed up to a beautiful smile at looking her innocent face . He felt like to give a peck on her forehead and mark her as his .

"Beautiful" he murmured under his breath while looking at the puffy kid in his passenger seat . She was looking like a small kid in that baggy hoodie .

" No . I need to buy something here " alyan got out of the car and walked into a shop where amaal eyes followed him . Her eyes widen for a second ,and she felt her heart almost skip out from her throat by looking at the board of the shop .

It was her mother bakery !

She saw how her mother welcomed alyan inside with a smile , the window was see through , so her mother could spot her soon if she turn around . Amaal immediately scooped her head down and stayed low , her heart beating in unrythme sync . She was scared that if her mother would see her with a guy then it would be a end for her .

After buying the things he needed , alyan walked back near his car and opened the door to see amaal hiding under her seat " Hey?" Alyan looked puzzled at her . He put the bucket of chocolate into the back seat and turned to her to see her slowly raising her head up but immediately put it down when she saw her mother looking out the window straight at them "what happened?"

" Can we go from here " she said in a panic . Alyan brows furrowed at her wired action.

" What happened ?" He repeated the same question . He got into the seat amd closed the door .

"Don't question , just keep moving " she yelled and stayed low down in her seat . Alyan didn't scold not even looked at her angryly for yelling at him instead he just did as she said and stepped on the gear .


"Assalamualaikum ummi " amaal greeted her mom with a peck on the kiss as she entered from the entrance .

"Walikum salam" she greeted back and kept the groceries on the table .amaal was busy nibbling the apple when her mom question got her attention.

" Where you out today ?" Amaal halted on her track of eating . Glupping the lump before turning around .

" Nop , I was busy at the academy. Why? " she slowly nibbled on the apple while her mother continued to take the groceries out from the cloth bags .

" No .I felt I saw you today in a suv . A boy had visited our shop and there was girl with him in the car and she was wearing the same hijab like you wore this morning " amaal felt her soul out in her mouth, her body shaking with panic .

" I'm a suv " amaal chuckled nervously " how come that be possible mom, you know I don't have many friends apart from arham and arham only owns a jaguar and many have the same hijab as I do " amaal mom nodded in agreement .

" Anyway leave that a side . You know what ,the boy I said who visited our shop was really really kind , I mean he did pay us extra 100 dollars as a tips " her mother exclaimed in enthusiasm while the apple fall down amaal hand .

" Did he ?" She snapped immediately , not realising her voice was too loud .she had always thought alyan to be stingy guy and one who never gives tips or to be kind enough to pay anyone extra .

" Yea " her mother answered and turned around " why are you so shocked ?"

" I who would pay 100 dollar as a tips and why so , im just curious "

" Yea , I too was , like that boy purchased so much of sweets for his girlfriend and then when I said I don't have the change , he said to keep the rest . The girl is really lucky th-".

"Auhh...auhhhh....auhhh" amaal coughed all of sudden, gaining her mother's attention .the word girlfriend had made the apple bite to swallow down the throat and stuck, she was in the edge to split her Saliva off .

" What happened habibi ?" her mother gently patted on her head and gave a glass of water while amaal felt it hard to digest the word ' girlfriend'

" Did he tell me as he girlfriend, did that jack ass really did that ?" Amaal cursed in her mind .

" How did you know that she was his girlfriend , did that guy said you that ?"

" No . I just assumed ."

" They can also be friends "

"I don't think so because that guy was hesitant at what to buy and later asked me that what girls like when they are on periods . They careness in his eyes was evident that he cared for that girl and more than as a friend "

" So that why he brought me so much of Chocolate and ice cream and said it was the treat because I tutored him " amaal felt butterfly in her stomach , a different sensation developing in her heart .

"But how did he know I was on my periods " she thought . Amaal got off the stool and ran into her rooms and opened the bag that alyan had given her too see lot of chocolates and sweet .there was so many chocolate , she had never seen so much at once and all coasted high price .

"Did he really buy this for me, did he really buyed it for me because I was on my periods " she slumped on her bed, her heart racing in 10x speed .

"But why ?"


Alyan pov

Mood swings

Cramps pain

Leg aching

Sometimes vomating too

Alyan went on reading the feed on the browser that he had searched for . He wanted to know more about periods so that he can understand about this things and to know what to do when amaal would be on her period . He wanted to be best boyfriend when he was going to date her , he wanted to know every small things regarding her so that he can be there for her .

"Get emotional for no reason " alyan clicked on more feeds" uff " he uffed out after reading few articles regarding the mensuration . " So that was the reason she was about to cry all of sudden,back at the mall"

Flash back

" Amaal what about this one? " alyan had asked her while displaying a shirt over him . Amaal was getting pissed for no reason , she was getting irritated by standing in the shop , her mind was exploding with a pain and her cramps were making it worst , she was feeling suffocating in the air conditioner store .

" Can we please go home now " she almost shouted at him . The salesgirl looked her with a taken a back look .

" What happened ? Is any problem ?" Alyan asked her calmly while amaal eyes started to glitter , she was on the edge to cry .

" What happened amaal ?" Alyan walked near her and asked with much concern in his eyes .

" I just want to go home " she cried .

" Okey let's go , now don't cry . You go and sit in the car while I will pay the bills and will come" amaal didn't waited for the second word and left immediately .

" I think she's on her period ,sir " alyan looked at the women who said it " I can feel her , girls get mood swings and they act bit out of ordinary while they are on their period "

Alyan nibbled his inner lips while looking at the figure that disappeared behind the walls . A sudden realisation hit him . He had forced her to play with him even when she had insisted not to play many times .a pang of guilt over come him .

" May be because of that she was tired soon . Shit , I didn't tried to understand her , I again made her to suffer " alyan thought ." She even was complaing about her legs aching like hell after only running for a while "

"Is that why she was getting angry for little things ?" alyan asked the salesgirl shyly , he wanted to understand the problem and wanted to provide a solution for amaal . He had not much knowledge about periods , he just knew that it was something that girls would have in the end of a month, he knew nothing about the pains and mood swings .

" girls get more emotional and pissed over little things when they are on the periods ,don't worry sir, it's normal "

" What can I do to make her mood alright?" The salesgirl smiled at how shyly he was asking her and how much he was interested to make his girlfriend mood alright .

" Get her some chocolate and some icecream, girls love that when they are on the period "

" Okey " alyan took out the card and payed the bill for the things he had buyed .

" Your girlfriend is Lucky sir " the girl said out of blue , making alyan blush . He didn't wanted to correct the girl that amaal wasn't his girlfriend but then he felt good to hear and thought it was good that way and gave a small smile and left .

Flash back end

"Cuddling can reduce the cramp pains " alyan lifted his arched brow , feeling flabbergasted at the new information ." But amaal would never let me do that , she would throw her sleepers at me if I go a inch near her . She don't like males touching her " alyan pouted and clicked moved the cursor on more information "

"I want to be there by her side in everything , I want to share every pain of her as mine, I would never let her suffer alone , I would always be there for her , I would make sure to let her not to suffer anymore , she is my girl , my women , I would never let anything happen to her , even the period pain, I want to be the best man who can treat his girl right, I want to be the best boyfriend, I want her to share her every problem with me without any hesitation and for that ,I want to gain her trust " alyan thought .

"Amaal you're my girl and I would never let you suffer alone , is will always be there for you"

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