chapter -44

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The thunder barked like a lion , followed by the lightning . the drops of rain started to pour down one by one and then in a second it dropped heavily, touching his hair first and then wetting his shirt , the material sticking his toned figure, showing the outlines of his body. Alyhan stood froze on his spot , he had not moved a inch from the park , he had stood still for hours , even after darkness surrounded him .he didn't bulged a bit of muscle . Alyhan slowly lifted up his head , the rain drop touched his lips and then he felt a fat drops falling on his eyes , alyan closed his eyes tight as a tear escaped at the edge of the eye , mixing along with the rain drops that rolled down his jaw .

He felt betrayed , he felt him self breaking again , he thought someone was there for him, someone who would care for him .he was desperate to be loved , he thought amaal would fullfill the place of love that he needed but then she betrayed him too like everyone did. The little drops turned into heavy one , making him completely drench . A chill ran down his spine , he was completely drenched from head to teo but still he didn't make any effort to move . His body was shivering by the cold , he was feeling freeze , his teeth chattering , legs feeling jelly .

" Why allah ,why you always do this to me , why can't you see me happy for once , you always took one or other things away from me " he fall down on his knee , he was stifling him self from broking into sob, he had holded so much of pain inside him that now it all felt heavy to carry . He wanted to pour it out and cry for once ,he wanted to forget every rules of being ashamed of crying as a boy. He wanted to cry for once , he wanted someone to hold him and hug him and say that they were with him .


Next day

The sun rays hitted his face , making him squint his eyes by the force of light that fall on him .

" Hahh" alyhan hissed as he tried to open his eyes . He squint his eyes to adjust to the light that enters the room " haahh " alyhan whined again while holding his head which hissed like a hell . He was feeling his head spinning , eyes heavy and body burning like a hell . Alyhan throwed the comfort off himself roughly and put his legs down on the floor while still holding his head . He messaged his temple to subsided the pain a bit .

After having a bit consciousness and a strength, alyan stood up and first thing he did was to check the time to see exactly 12 in the noon .

After standing under the rain for hours like rocks , alyhan had finally drived back home at the mid night and slumped down in one of room .

Alyhan took a slow slow steps while holding the wall as support, he was feeling his body weak as if he had no strength .

He opened a drawer and fumbled his hand into the box despirately, searching for the painkillers to subsided his headache.

After glupping the tablet down his throat , alyhan slumped on the couch heavily .

Suddenly he remembered something . He searched for his phone in his pocket and pulled out to see it broken screen and touching the display was a hard game after it was bathed in water . After battling around with his phone , he was finally able to hit a call .


Amaal prayed her zuhur prayer , her hands raising up into dua

" Ya allah save me from all the bad things , protect me and guide me, ya allah please help me in everything " after blowing into her hands , she rubbed her hands around her face and folded the prayer mat and kept it back .

Amaal was about to walk out of her room when her phone rang. She walked near the table and looked down at the phone to see no caller id showing up as the screen was blank , only the thing it did was to ring .

Thinking it might be a important call from someone ,she tried to swipe up the area where she knew the call would be pick up , after attempting for 3 times she was successfull to pick it up .

" Hel-"

"Get into my place right now " amaal was taken a back by the dominant voice, she very well knew who did it belong to .

" But I'm ---".

" Just get the f**k here before I do something really bad " she was buffled at why this guy was sounding so livid .

"What happened to him, as if I knew he was all good last time , why he is so angry at me " amaal thought .


"Alyan you can't call me like that , I was busy helping my mom " amaal said as she entered his house to see him sitting at his couch like a king, his head bent low . "What happened ?" She asked calmly . After being around with alyhan for long, amaal got comfortable around him that ,she wasn't scared of him anymore,rather felt friendly around him.

Alyhan slowly raised his head , the eyes glaring at her the instant he meet her brown orbs .

" Go cook for me " he ordered monotonously .

" I'm not your maid " she said playfully , she was still not aware that the guy was in no mood to joke , he was hella damn serious.

" You are a maid, you poor slut is a maid, I didn't made you my slave to go around and fuck ,I made you slave to make you suffer and to serve me " he barked at her face . Amaal felt her heart clench at listening those awful words , her voice felt blocked down her throat as she looked at him with hurtful eyes .

"Wha...what Are you saying alyhan " she smiled nervously at the end, trying to make the heated environment cool down ,she was shocked at seeing the guy -who once did hear all her shouting and even buyed her chocolate after that- was now barking and insulting her at her face .

" I'm saying what you are hearing " with a instant of light ,he was near her , his hand hold on her elbow tight that she whined in pain .

" Alyan .... It''s paining " she cried while he hold tight , he was not in his scene, he was spaced out ." Alyhan " she cried out loud when realisation hit him , he left the hold on her and turned to face other side .

" Go and cook for me ,don't make me repeat myself " rubbing her tears she ran into the kitchen .

Alyhan wanted to say to her face and make her confess on what he saw at the Tbuzz group , he wanted to shout at her face for all once and end his feelings for her , but then he couldn't , he couldn't even bring up the topic. All he wanted her was to be in front of his eyes .

"The love is such a mad game , it make a man insane " he thought


"I just know to cook some pasta " amaal placed the plate of pasta infront of him and stood at side .

Alyan took a spoon of fast and was to put it into his mouth when amaal interrupted .

"Wait , it's hot , you might burn your tongue" she moved her palm near his spoon and lightly pushed it away from his mouth . alyan eyes glared at her as if she was for real .

" Such bitch she is . She changes her colour faster than chameleon " he thought.

" As if you care " he smirked sadly .


Alyan looked down at his phone to see a unknown number poping up , his eyebrows furrowed at looking it .

He then picked up the call and placed near his ear " hello ?" He said .

" He...hello son " alyhan was too fast to know the person behind the call .his palm turned into a fist , he clenched it tight, his boiling blood raising to its peak .

He glupped the sorrowful lump down his throat before speaking" why did you call ?, What do you want?" He asked with no emotion .

" I don't need anything from you than a few minutes of you to talk with me " his mother pleased .

" I don't " he said straight out .

" Don't you even a minute for your mother ?"

Alyhan lips curled up into hurtful smirk " mother " he chuckled sadly " she is long dead , I don't have mother . Now please cut the call and never call me again " he was about to cut the call when his mother words stopped him on his track .

"You are my son , you belive it or not , you share my blood " his mother shouted from other end ."alyhan why are you holding a grudge against me , what did I ever do to deserve this ?" He could feel his mother broken voice from other end.

"You don't know ?" He chuckled humoursly " you f***ing were the reason behind all the drama and you ask me what did you do" amaal silently wacthed all this while standing at a side , her heart was clenching at the tone he was using for his mother " you bloody women , listen carefully , I don't fucking have a mother ,so stop trying to call me , okey "

"You can deny all you want but in the end ,you are my son " alyhan was already dealing with lot and this drama felt too much on the top . he clenched his phone tight in livid .

" Fuck off women " saying it he throwed his phone in rage ,that the poor phone hit the ground and more cracks appeared on the screen .

" You ... should not that to your mom, after all .she. Is ... your ...mother "amaal said nervously, scared of his out come as she approach near him . Alyan one look was enough for her to seal her mouth . He took a spoon full of pasta and chewed it but then abruptly paused before spilling it out of his mouth .

" What the hell is this , is this how you make pasta ?" he throwed the plate away from him , making it fall down and shatter into pieces. Amaaal stratled by the sound, her legs shaking with fear .

"Al..alyan " she stuttered , her voice shaking with fear . Alyan tried to move away when he felt a strong pain in his head , he freezed on his spot, blinking his eyes several times to get ride of the blurring vision .

He took one step with difficult when he heard amaal voice reaching his ear in slow motion , he felt everything around him move in slow pace, the last thing he saw before closing his eyes were amaal running towards him .

"Alyan" amaal shouted from top of her lungs as she tried to move near him and hold him when he stumbled back and hit his head on the ground , the edge of the table hit his head, Making the blood to flow down his back of head .

" Alyan " amaal called out again as she crouched down near him, her hands holding his head and making him lay on her lap ,her fingers gently hitting on his face to get him into the consciousness ." Alyhan "she cried as she saw blood stained in her fingers, " alyhan " she called out again while touching his face when she felt her hands burning" ya allah, this guy is having a really high fever " she touched his forehead to check his temperature to see he was burning like a hell." He is really hot " she whined while checking his temperature.

" I should do something " she looked here and there in panic , her mind was not working under the pressure " first let him make lay somewhere" she tried to lift him up by holding him by his arm " ya allah this guy his so heavy " she literally struggled for her life while lifting him up and finally make him lay on the couch " uff" she felt exhausted to death by lifting the heavy man . The blood was all stained around her dress .

"Let me call the doctor first " she searched around for his phone to see it laying across the table . She took the phone and saw the screen was broken , she tried to on it to see nothing ,the screen was blank . She then went near the telephone ,that was placed near the stand and dialed the California hospital number .

"Hello....hello , there is emergency.. there a emergency " she spoke as soon as someone received the call from other end .

" tell us the address mam " she told out the adress to them and requested them to reach soon " we would reach ASAP, mam " after hanging the call , she went to kitchen and got the first aid kit and a bowl of cold water with towel .

She first wipped the blood of his back head, she wasn't sure of where was the wounds ,as his black thick hair was covering it, she then thought of idea and coverd his head at the spot with the cloth and tied it around his head .she then wet the towel and placed it on his forehead . The heat on his body was so much that the water was absorbed soon .

" ...lo..u..." Alyhan was murmuring something ,which she couldn't figure out . She crouched down beside him and hold his palm." Don't..don't ..leave me " was all he could say . Amaal hold his palm tight with secure .

" Don't worry alyhan ,I'm here , please stay awake " after half an hour , the ambulance was front of his house. Two nurse took alyan in a wheel chair into the ambulance, amaal was to follow them when she saw his phone ring up , she picked it up to see blank but the ringtone was still on, guessing it was the right swipe , she picked the call .

" Hello " said a feminine voice.

" He..hello " amaal replied .

" Sorry . Isn't this alyhan phone? Where is alyhan? " the voice was rich and full of attitude .

" Alyhan is taken to hospital " amaal said in hurry as she claimed the ambulance .her hand holding his palm .

" Is it? What happened ? Which hospital, tell me the location "


" May I know who is speaking ?" Amaal nibbled her lips, thinking around what to say when the voice bommed again." Hello ...can you hear me ?"

" Yea , yea . I'm the maid of the house " saying it she cut the call before the lady could ask anything more .

Her eyes diverted at the male that was laying in unconsciousness before her eyes.Her heart felt clenched at seeing him lay helpless, she felt a pang in her heart.

" You might act like a cruel man alyhan,but I know ,deep down there is something good In you too "


"Doctor ,what happened, how is he ?" Amaal asked once the doctor came out of ICU .

" lot of blood loss and even He got a high fever , we immediately need a blood . The temperature of his body his getting out of control, the guy is really weak . Didn't he had anything since yesterday ?" Amaal felt her lips sealed as she didn't knew what to say .

" Didn't he had anything ?" She thought .

" I don't .. know " she answered honestly while doctor looked at her puzzled for a second before sighing .

" How are you related to him? Girlfriend ?"

" No no , I'm not his girlfriend , I'm ..I'm his " she nibbled her lips , she was getting nervous by all the questions " I'm his neighbour" the doctor just nod in acknowledgement while giving a judging Gaze .

" Doctor , there is no blood in blood bank " a nurse came running towards them . gaining the attention of amaal and the doctor.

" Shit, call any other blood bank, we need the blood immediately "

" No sir, there is no o+ve blood in any banks, "

"Hm..hmm ,I'm a O+ve , so can I donate my blood " both the doctor and nurses looked at amaal .

" We should check your hemoglobin first "

" It's 13 , I have good hemoglobin level , I checked it few months back "

" Then what are you waiting for, draw the blood " the doctor order the nurse and she took amaal with her to a room .

" Don't mind me saying this but ,your boyfriend is really lucky " the nurse said while dabbing a cotton to her skin ." And he is handsome too" the nurse gave a cheeky smile .she looked friendly but annoying too as she was stepping into amaal personal space .

" Sorry, but he isn't my boyfriend, he is just my neighbour " amaal felt annoyed at how people just asumed them to be girlfriend and boyfriend while looking at their age .

" A male and female can also be friends and even can be sister and brother , why do everyone have to say him as my boyfriend "

" Oh , my bad . But why are you alone with him. Don't he have anyone else from home " the nurse was really a pissing thing as she kept on questioning her ." Take this Ball " she handed a soft ball to amaal to get relaxed while she drawed the blood.

" He ..he lives alone ,his parents lives in other state " the nurse just nod .

" Okey I will be back in second " saying it she went out .

After drawing enough of blood, amaal came out the room . She walked into the ICU ,where alyhan was admitted to see him laying while a oxygen mask was supported to his nose .

" Mam , are you the family of this guy? " she turned around to see a nurse . Amaal nod her head ." We do need some medicine and first we need you to pay half the payment "

" But this isn't some surgery ,we can pay at the end ryt? " amaal asked buffled . The nurse nod in no and gave amaal the sheet of paper and went away ." What " amaal was confused and frustrated at same time at how to arrange the money when a idea poped her mind . She went near the recipient area and asked if she could make a call from the telephone where they allowed her .

She dailed Daniel number as she had byhearted it . After few rings Daniel picked up where she covered her mouth with the scarf so that he couldn't identify her voice .

" Hello ?" Daniel spoke.

" Hello I'm speaking from LA Central hospital, your brother alyhan is admitted here "

"What ?how...I mean when , what happened ? " Daniel sound panicked.

" I can't explain it over the phone sir , please come soon " amaal said avoiding all unwanted question.

" yea , I will be there . But may I know who you are ?"

" I'm a nurse here , the person who admitted him here gave your number " saying it she cut the call .

" Thank you " amaal thanked the nurse who gave a wired look at her and went away .

" Ya allah ,I ask you nothing more than making alyhan alright again, please save him ya allah" amaal prayed silently in her heart .

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