part -2 chapter-50

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Amaal  sat spaced out , thinking about the yesterday clash . Day by day, her mother was more into searching a groom for her , her mother was so determined to get amaal married off soon and it was bothering amaal .

" What happened amaal? You look lost " mia , her colleagues asked . Mia was Chinese ,who was aswell a inter like her.

" Nothing serious , just mother nagging about me getting old and tensing on match making  for me " amaal sighed, moving her chair out from the desk .

" Arab parents " khadeeja , her other friend joined . " But I guess it's good "

" What good?  I don't want to get married soon, I have my ambition , I have my dream to achieve, I can't marry so soon " amaal let out frustrated . Her head was aching with lack of sleep from last night and the tension she had was making it worst .

" You can complete your studies after marriage , this generation as no problem with women achieving their dream and working " khadeeja said " look at me , I'm a living example " khadeeja was a married women , her husband was very sweet and kind and amaal always felt butterfly when she looked at the cute couple , khadeeja husband always used to  comes to pick her up and drop her off, they were really cute and sweet couple, the love they had for eachother was so visible to the person that looked at them . Her husband was really gentleman and khadeeja never missed a opportunity to praise him . To be frank amaal too wanted to marry and have this good relationship with her future husband but the thing was, she didn't wanted to marry now ,she had her own dreams and ambition and she wanted to stand on her own legs first  and didn't wanted to depend on anyone, even on her husband .

" Not everyone will turn out to be like jamal " amaal said denoting at khadeeja husband .

" Break is up, let's go rounds " mia interrupted . Both the girls joined up with mia and went on their rounds to check the patients .

"Let's meet in the evening " mia and amaal entered the general ward where khadeeja was to assist a doctor in a surgery . Once in a week , interns had their turns to work inside the ot room, helping the doctor and learning more about surgery .

" Assalamualaikum " amaal checked on the patient in general ward , greetings and smiling at everyone . After being done with the check up , amaal and mia went together to check upon the regular room and vip section patients .

" Assalamualaikum " amaal greeted with not so cheerful smile as she entered her favourite aunty hayat room .

" Walikum salam " aunty hayat replied while giving a questioning look at amaal slump face . mia tested aunty hayat while amaal stood behind, spaced out once again .

" Are you happy to go home now ?" Mia asked while aunty hayat nodded with smile .

" And sad to leave you all " mia pouted .

" Call us when you miss us aunty, I'm always there to pick up the call " aunty hayat noticed how amaal even didn't congrats her on her successful recovery .

" Amaal , doctor Abdul Aziz is calling for you " a intern  informed . Amaal gave a small nod and left the room .

" What happened to her?" Aunty hayat asked mia .

" Her mother is finding a groom for her and she is worried about that , thinking she has to drop off her work if she get married " mia replied while taking the BP test and checking her file . Mia ,amaal and aunty hayat were really close as amaal and mia liked to spend time with aunty hayat as she treated them like her own child and buyed them snacks .

" Is it ?" Mia nod . A smile mended aunty hayat lips as something flashed her mind .

" Assalamualaikum mom " a girl entered the room while carrying a package of tablets ." How is she now doctor? "

" Better and strong than before " mia replied while smiling at aunty hayat . " Let doctor Ibrahim tell the report and then your good to go" saying it, mia left the room .

The internship was yet to start as they were in the rounds of warm up where they were told to check upon every patients before their real training in gynecologist would start .

" What happened, why did doctor Aziz had called ?" Mia asked once she found amaal coming out from his cabinet .

" The regular " amaal sighed . Her body was exhausted and she really needed a good tight nap .


Days were turned into weeks and as usual ,amaal was returning to her home back from work .

" Assalamualaikum " amaal greeted in exhausted tone and was to walk up the stairs when her mother halted her .

" Shower up and wear something good and come down . Zaira ,do help your sister " zaira had come soon as she has half day leave . Amaal looked confused at her mother .

" But why?"

" Guest are coming "

" What the occasion may i know? " amaal was really tired and wanted to get a hot shower and good nap, she was not ready for any gathering as she was really tired.

" They are coming to see you "

" See me ? For what ?" Amaal questioned buffled .

" For their son" and that was all amaal to understand what she meant . People were coming to see her for marriage .

" Mom please, I said you be--"

" Stop your nagging amaal, get ready and come down, it's an order not a request " amaal knew that she couldn't win against her mother stubbornness . Feeling hopeless , she marched up her rooms and throwed her bag on the floor once she reached her room . She slumped down on the floor and tears rolled down her eyes .

" Can I come in ?" Zaira peeped through the door . Amaal rubbed her tears hastily and hmmed in response ." Aunty shouldn't force you but " she paused , her lips parted into a sigh as she sat at the edge of the bed ." She really wants good for you I guess , no more wou--"

"Do you think by forcing me she doing something great for me " amaal eyes betrayed her as tears slipped down without her permission and her lips shiver as she spoke .

Zaira had no words to say as she sat there silently .

"Can I come in ?" Both the girls turned their head at the door to see zaira father standing out , waiting for their permission to come in . Amaal glupped the lump down , rubbed her tears amd got up from the floor in one go .

"Yea ,you can " amaal tried to stretch her lips into small smile but failed as she couldn't bring it up .

"Zaira can you leave us a moment please " her father request her politely where she nod and walked out without a word .

"How was work? " her uncle asked to start a casual conversation .

" Good"

" How many months are left for you to get your dream job "

"4 "

Amaal uncle sighed and sat at the edge of bed. Amaal was not in a mood for conversation as she was killing the talk with just one word .

"I know you're sad and angry for what your mother did but she did it all for your own good " amaal snickered ,her lips stretching to a sad smirk.

"By forcing me " Her uncle took  a deep breath before speaking again .

" Do you know when allah put us in difficulty , we don't understand anything at the moment but we put trust in him thinking allah knows better and he will do good . She is your mother amaal , she would never want anything bad , she will always think about a bright future for you, what is happening right now will make you feel injustice but later on you will understand and you will be happy , atleast trust your raab and you know you would only Marry when Allah's time comes, allah is the planner of everything, even if we force you, nothing would happen if allah doesn't want it, everything happen with permission of allah, even a leaves move with his permission  and this is really big thing , it's about a meeting of two souls created by Allah, you would get whom your paired with and it would be by allah time and according to his plan , think about it dear "

" Uncle, are you trying to manipulate me into saying a yes for this marriage?" She asked straight out.

" No ,no my child , I would never  .You know we can't force you to anything that you don't like, what I'm trying to say is , just come down and see the groom, if you don't like then there would be no further decision on it, your word is what we take final . Now for atleast for the sake of your mother get down, she would be embarrassed infront of the guest if you don't show up " amaal went silent for a minute, thinking for a while and finally nodding her head in agreement .

" I will, but if I don't like then there would be no further discussion on it  " her uncle smiled brightly .

" Yes my dear. Now wear something good " saying he walked out were zaira, who was standing outside the room walked in once she saw her father walking out .

" Even if he is freaking Greek god, I will never say a yes because I want to achieve my dream "  amaal set up her mind .

After getting dressed and wearing something presentable and desi kind , amaal was forced to wear a make up by zaira .

" Just the bit, you know I don't like this stuff " amaal pointed at those make up kit with disgusted face . Zaira gave a stretched smile and did a bit of make up on her face .

" Masha allah, you look so good, the boy wouldn't be able to keep his gaze off from you " zaira sounded excited were amaal face didn't show bit of it as it was slumped down with sourness .

" Shut up zai, pray that they would reject me because I really don't want to get married " amaal sighed , fidgeting with her fingers . Somewhere inside her heart, amaal was sad that even if she said a no to this proposal ,her mother would bring a new one next very soon as she was so determined to get amaal married off .

" She thinks me as a burden.  Is I'm really a big problem to her, doesn't she loves me,  wouldn't a mother want her child to achieve her dreams "  a single tears rolled down her cheek and she hastily rubbed it off before zaira could notice .

Suddenly they heard a horn and zaira rushed near the window and peeked

" They are here " she screamed. For some reason amaal felt her heart beats raising in her chest, anxiety leveling up her body . She was nervous and she didn't knew why .

After few minutes they heard a call from downstairs, telling zaira to bring amaal down .

" Come lets go" amaal took a deep breath and walked out with her head staying low in shyness .

" Ya allah, why do I feel so nervous even tho I known I didn't need to impress them , why my heart is rapidly beating in my chest, why do butterfly are dancing in my stomach "

" Assalamualaikum amaal . You look beautiful masha allah" amaal snapped her head up at the voice to see aunty hayat, her patient .

" Aunty hayat" her eyes widened , her mouth opening in shock .

" You know eachother ?" It was her mother to question .


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