part-2 chapter -55

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*Present time *

Alyhan stood there while gazing at amaal while she did the same .

" Hmmm ..hmm" alyhan cleared his throat to get back the attention " as I was saying" he trailed off, chewing his inner cheeks and poking his tongue around " I want divorce" amaal didn't react, not even inch of her muscle bulged as she just stared at him as if this was all a illusion and she was hallucinating.

"I..I ca..I can't believe the man I thought I was going marry .. scratch it .. married to is you" she chuckled like manic, she didn't knew either what was funny about the situation . she felt her life itself had become a joke " I get married to a man and then come to know that he is my old classmates" alyhan felt a pang as she just described him as a classmate,not even a friend .

"Why do I care "  he thought to himself .

"And that person say that he never wanted to marry me at first place " amaal laughed like a manic but then suddenly she halted ,her eyes saddening as she looked at him ,she was glupping the lump down her throat as it was so visible to his naked eyes " it's too much " she said it more like to herself and breathed , trying to control herself from going nut.

The silence had engulfed the room, neither alyhan nor amaal spoke for few minutes .

" Look " said alyhan after good minutes of silence as it was killing him " I can offer you good amount and that would satisfy you as you married me for my money " the last part alyhan whispered to himself but it didn't went unheard by her .

" What ..what did you say ?" She asked, her brows crunched in frown .

" We can settle this, I will pay you well , let deal it like matured "

" Deal it like matured ?" She asked out loud, her lips crinkling up to a unbelievable smile " have you lost your mind . if you didn't wanted to marry then Why did you accept at first place, you could have said a no " her eyes glared at him , she wasn't going to back down,not without a answer and she wasn't the old amaal who was navie and soft hearted, she had changed, changed a lot that she could stand up for herself .

Alyhan sighed, his eyes kneeling down,hands jabbing into his pant pocket" I couldn't " he glupped" I was forced , I couldn't say a no because i didn't wanted to lose my mom ,i didn't wanted to hurt her "

" What about me, what about hurting me what about destroying my life . You're a man you could get any women without any struggle or taunts from society ,but what about me, I'm a women , nobody would be ready to marry a divorced women , people will doubt on my character ,my virginity because they always think it's women fault in everything " amaal was shaking by now , the life she thought to start with her husband was already ended before it could even begin . She was heart broken of how bad her fate was , why did allah always did this to her , why allah always give her so much of problems , why couldn't she have a good life like everyone did , why did allah always tested her so much .

No girl would ever want to end her first night as the last night, no girl ever be ready to divorce her husband on the very first day of their marriage , no one ever want that .

Alyhan felt his lips sealed , he didn't knew what to say . He sighed while a small sob escaped her lips, she didn't wanted to cry infront of him and show herself weak but then it was too much for her too handle ,after what she had dreamed about a better life with her partner , she had thought finally she was going to get a better life , everything was going to be fine ,she would have someone who would love her till end and who would stand up for her, she had thought this was the new beginning of her life.she bited her upper lips to control the sobs from escaping her mouth .

"Look we can handle this " amaal eyes raised at him , her eyebrows pointed up above her eyes " even if we continue this marriage ,I won't think we will ever be able to live happily  " this time he looked straight at her eyes , he didn't wanted her to have fake hopes while this marriage wouldn't even last for a year " I'm already in love with someone and I'm sorry I didn't had any other option than accepting this marriage as you can see my mother condition was worst and i couldn't hurt her , I'm too suffering , I'm too pushed into this marriage where there is no love , I have someone out there who is still waiting in hope of me "

"You could have married her instead, nothing of this would have happened, everyone life would have been saved " a dry chuckle left alyhan mouth ,he tose his tongue around his chapped lips .

"If I could I would have ,and its all your mistake because you tricked my mom at first place "amaal jaw hang wide as she stared at him  at how this man can change in split of second , such a dual personality he had .

"I tricked your mom ?" She split unbelievable at him " what is the shit your talking , are you in your sense " now alyhan too was raised up by her tone she was using at him  , he couldn't just let her insult him and point out as if it was all his mistake but in reality he was suffering too and she was the one to start all this because she knowingly had impressed his mother .

"Then why would you impress my mom , sure you would have known that she is freaking rich and as a middle class slut you are--"

"Watch your mouth mr alyhan Ahmed kuraishi " the stren tone of her made alyhan to shut his mouth at once , he didn't knew how her tone affected him and made him to shut up and feel a chill down his spine .

"You can't deny that " alyhan talk back again as he didn't wanted to show that her tone had affected him ." You must have come to know that my mom is rich and played your trick "

"Money might win you but not me " she spat , her side lips rolling into a smirk " i would never be interested in your shit of money , and if i knew that you were her son then I would have jumped off the clip than marrying you " she was straight out insulting him on his face . Alyhan clenched his fist , she was getting on his nerve now .this wasn't how he thought the conversation to take place .

"Look , I'm not here to debt with you nor do I have any free time like you do ,I'm really a busy person and let me just get straight into the point ,I . Want . Divorce " he pulled something out from his back and throwed it at her way "it's good if we end this soon , I can pay you as much as you want  "she just stood rooted at her spot , gazing down at the paper he throwed at the floor near her " if isn't enough then I'm ready to give 30% of share from my property " she gritted her teeth , hand clenched into a fist beside her . He was treating her like some shit  by asking her price , she felt cheap by how he thought that he could buy her with money .

" I don't need a little penny from you nor your shitty share that your father earned " she said after good minutes of silence , emphasizing on the last two words to make him feel low about himself, indicating that all the money he have is earned by his father but not him .

Her eyes trailing up to meet his light brown pair of eyes that were staring straight at her  " I will sign this divorce paper " she was the women with self respect and she didn't wanted to try to hold the marriage when he himself had already planned everything . She didn't wanted to show that she was on knee to hold this marriage together while he was too determined to break it , she didn't wanted to show herself as those hopeless women who would beg to stay with her husband even when he say he will not love her .she was beautiful and she was proud of it as she knew she would get any man she want if she set her mind to get ,she wasn't so low to beg him to stay .

"Why I'm even fighting with him , why I'm even telling all this when he is least bothered about me and my dignity , I too have a self respect and i don't want to hold him back and show that I'm those pity women who is behind him for his money  , I too have a self respect "  she picked the paper up and took the pen from the drawer beside her .

She didn't knew whether she would regret her action later or be proud that she stood up for herself.

She bent down to sign when she halted abruptly" But " she said , stopping her self from scribbling the sign  , pen hanging lossely around her finger " I have some demand " alyhan poked his tongue inside his cheeks, lips rosing into a rich smirk , telling her he knew she would surely have some demand" my studies should continue " she still had to complete her MD and she wanted to achieve her dream atleast,she didn't wanted to become those helpless women after divorce rather she wanted to stand independently and more strongly .

" Fine " his shoulder slumped up before falling down ,head slouched to his left .

" This contract should last still a year so that I can arrange with my studies " alyhan tongue poked around his cheeks , giving hot vibe while he thought.

" The process to divorce will atleast take 6 months, so no problem I can bear you for four months more "

" We should act like a good couple infront of my family " she didn't wanted her mother to be hurt after coming to know that her daughter become a widow before she could start her life .she knew if her mother would come to know this then she would never be able to forgive herself thinking she destroyed her daughter life with her own hands ,she would spend rest of her life in guilt which amaal didn't wanted rather amaal took the long duration of time so that she could say that he and her couldn't get together as both had different priorities and could blame herself for this unsuccessful marriage than making her mom think it was her mistake.

" To the world we are perfect couple but behind door we are strangers " amaal gave a nod before bending down and scratching her sign off on the paper. She felt different kind of power , different kind of women in herself. She felt more stronger than any days .

"Take it " amaal moved her hand front, offering him to take the papers .

Knock knock

"Alyhan what is taking you both so long?, she is all your now and you have a whole night then ,now please come out , everyone are waiting for you both" came a teasing voice from outside. By the tone amaal guessed it belonged to aleen ,his sister.

" Let this stay between us , no third person should know about it " alyhan said as he moved forward to take the paper.

" Deal "

Alyhan was walking back to open the door when he  halted on his steps , turning around to face her

" And yea, don't expect any kind of romance or other things from this marriages, it's just a contract and make sure you don't fallen in love with me because you will be left heartbroken"alyhan Said with so much of proud in himself, thinking  anyone would fall for his beauty . So much self obsessed he was.

" As if I'm dying" she rolled her eyes before walking past him to get the door as people out there were giving a light knock on the door and she didn't wanted to hold up anymore second with him.

"Btw " amaal hand halted on the knob as she remembered something . she turned around to face him,her lips rosing up to a devilish smirk " you were the least option that I ever considered to marry . And don't be in the hallucination that people are dying to marry you because you are the least option in my list and I'm really sad on my fate of how it chooses you and happy at the same time that  we are not lasting more than a year " saying it she walked out with swag while alyhan was left stupefied . She had rosted him in swag .

She wasn't the same amaal he knew,she had changed . More powerful and more beautiful


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