10/19/16: silvers first kiss

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This is our first chapter of this journal.

So yea today was cool.

Silver SilverFangedWolf kissing a tree,which we named dan
We named it dan bc we can go around saying"OMG SILVER KISSED DAN!"

TO day was also very punny
Like this in science.

Would it be very ironic if you died in a living room?

Oh this is Ember writing this chapter rn
Also I was watching dan and Phil with SilverFangedWolf and I took 2 screen shots.

So yea

Also two books are coming in today.The Fault In Our Stars and Harry Potter book 1

We will try to update this journal every day.

So yea I might have some other stuff on here later.
P.s the video is from  our YouTube channel

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