Episode 25

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Ignore mistakes!!!!

Yeee!!!... It's a Silver Jubilee.. Thank you soo much guyzz for your love and support.. it can't be possible without you.. so a big big thank you to all who have hit the star and gave their precious comments... and also thanks to the silent readers... THANK YOU SO MUCH..

Next day :

After yesterday night, throwing bomb on Avneil of their marriage.. Bebe told them that it was the final decision of the family memebers and they have time till before Mehbeer's wedding to say their answers... after that she order everyone to return back to their respective rooms...

Today, there was a pooja in the morning and after that they all had breakfast.. Neil went to his room just after his breakfast while Avni didn't came downstairs after the pooja...

Abeer : Neela ma.. where's Avni..??he said eating his meal...

Neela ma : In my room.. don't know what she's doing.. she is not even letting me in.. she huffs... if it's her new drama then I am going to ground her for weeks now...

Abeer : Chill Neela ma... I'll go and talk to her.. he said wiping off his mouth..

Meher : I also go and talk to Bhai...

Both Mehbeer went to Neil and Avni to talk to them...

Neil's room :

Neil was standing in his balcony lost in his own thoughts when suddenly a pillow hit the back of his head...

Neil : what the-.. he stopped when he saw the attacker...Meher...

Neil : what the hell is wrong with you.??

Meher : what the hell is wrong with youu..??

Neil : me..

Meher : yes you... why are you behaving like dead as a dodo...

Neil : well the happiest news you all gave yeaterday has the biggest contribution for my today's mood...

Meher : ohh really... you seriously don't want to get married... huh!!.she said standing in front of him who was now working in his laptop sitting on the bed...

Neil : with Junglee billi... Not possible..
He shrugged it off still continuing his work..

Meher : arrghh!!.. Bhaii stop working for once.. she said and closed his laptop..

Neil : Meher what you want.??

Meher : Answer.. why are you saying no..

Neil : as if you don't know.. he said rolling his eyes..

Meher : yeas i really don't know..please enlighten me... why are you saying No when you clearly have feelings for her...

Neil : Whatt... fee.. feelings.. are you out of your mind...

Meher : Wow.. now I'm out of my mind... and what about you.. you do even have one...

Neil : i don't know what you are talking soo please leave I have work to do.. he said getting up avoiding looking at her...

Meher : don't Bhai.. just Don't.. she said and push him on the couch and stands in front of him...

Neil : Meher-..

Meher : No... shut up.. and dont you dare to lie. I know you feel something for her..

Neil : Meher you seriously lost it... i don't feel anything.. he said putting his laptop in his lap..

Meher : you surely feel nothing for her right...

Neil : ye..yeah he said placing the laptop aside and look here and there..

Meher : then what was that.. stealing glances of her, helping her,teasing her,smiling like an idiot when she was around, making her happy when she was sad, becoming dull seeing her upset, and most importantly clicking her pictures secretly... what was that tell me huh!!... she said making him shocked... he think no one notice this things but damn his sister was keeping an eye on him...

Neil : wh-what a-are y-you talking.. I didn't do anything like that... you maybe have a misunderstanding...
He said avoiding her...

Meher : Acchaa.. okay then show me your camera... where is it.?? She said looking here and there making his eyes widened.. she went to his cupboard but he quickly came and stand on front of it...

Neil : No..

Meher : no.. Why.. she said crossing her arms...

Neil : There's nothing.. you go..

Meher : you know what I give up.. she said and plopped down on the bed...

Neil look at he confusingly but sighs in relief.. atleast she won't check his camera..

Meher : tell me one thing.. you want to marry her or not...

Neil : i have already told you that.. he said still standing in his place..

Meher : well then good it will be easy for Neela ma...

Neil : Easy.. what will be easy.??

Meher : too choose between both of you..

Neil : Both of you..?? He asked again confusingly..

Meher : its just that another proposal also came for Avni but she didn't reply them because Mom and Bebe had already talk about you.. but i think now it won't be a problem as you are not interested in marrying her.. perfect I tell her now.. the boy is also good.. have a very good job, well-settled in Australia.. it will be perfect for her.. she'll love Australia... haina.. she said and get up..

Neil get shocked of his life.. he stood still.. another proposal.. for Avni..Will she accept it.. will she leave to Australia.. many questions run in his mind.. he was thinking all this things but came out of trance listening Meher...

Meher : I'll go and tell Neela ma to accept the other proposal.. she said secretly smirking at him..
She slowly walk to the door and hold the knob and count 3....2....

Neil : NOO...
He literally shouts before her counting ends...
She turn around hiding her smile..

Meher : I know Bhai you said No.. that's what I'm going to tell everyone...

Neil : i didn't say No..

Meher : Ohhh Really.. she said placing her hands on her cheeks..

Neil : ye.. I-...I.. I mean.. i... he stammers looking here and there..
Meher chuckles and say..

Meher : Just admit it Bahi.. is it that difficult.?? Neil look at her for a sec and then release a sigh..

Neil : Fine.. I Like Her... happy.. he said rubbing his face..

Meher : FINALLY... I'm soo happpy... she screamed running towards him and hug him...

Neil : okay..okay.. he said breaking the hug.. But don't tell anyone about it..

Meher : Whyy.. she said raising her eyebrows...

Neil : just don't tell anyone..

Meher : Okay.. i won't tell anyone.. except Abeer.. She said while smiling sheepishly..

Neil : ohh no no no.. If you tell him then whole jaipur will know about it within minutes...

Meher : relax... waise bhi he already have doubts about you and Avni..

Neil : me and Avni..??

Meher : yeah.. He knows something going on between you.. you two were always together.. either fighting or pranking...

Neil : that's why he's giving me teasing look everytime and singing weird songs... damn.. your soon to be hubby is literally too much...

Meher : okay I'm ignoring it for this time.. but now tell me the reason behind all this drama... if you already like her then why you are saying No..

Neil : as if my answer is the only thing that matters..

Meher : what do you mean..??

Neil : you really think avni will say yes for the marriage..

Meher : why not..?? Why will she refused..

Neil : you are not understanding Meher.. she thinks me as a person who always irritate her pulling her leg.. fighting with her.. why would she marry a person like me..

Meher : you are thinking too much Bhai.. we all know Avni is lil bit childish..but she won't take the big decision of her life thinking about these things.. I know her.. she'll take time but she'll not refused the proposal for these silly things..Neil released a heavy sigh and sat on the bed...

Meher : Bhai is there something else bothering you..

Neil : i don't know.. i.. i just don't want things to get awkward between us..the bonding me and she share is the purest thing i believe i ever had.. we are neither friends nor enemies.. i don't know what link we have between us but it's something like you know it just click with the right person.. you know I'm not like this with everyone.. like teasing and pranking and all... but with Avni it's just seems like a normal thing I'm doing.. and i love to irritate her,seeing her red face with her cute nose flaring.. i just love teasing her...

Meher have a soft smile palying on her face listening this.. it's first time her Bhai is talking about a girl like this.. she know her brother is not the person who just go and tease a random person.. he's too choosy in making friends... but with Avni fells like both of them know each other for long time.. And about Avni.. she knows Avni is not the girl who talk about a person everday even though it was cursing but she did after twinj's wedding.. she curse her brother every single day which was very unusual for Avni... she still don't know about Avni's answer but she is hopping for the best..

Neil : you know Meher if she say No then it'll became really awkward between us.. and i don't want to loose what we have.. it's really precious for me..

Meher : why are you thinking soo much negative... it can also be possible that she'll say yes.. think positive also na Bhai...

Neil : I don't think she'll say yes.. not in this life... he said sadly..

Meher : you know Bhai you like her to the extent the another 'L' word start..
He just kept looking at her saying nothing.. he was too confused to say anything.. many things were running in his mind..

Meher : don't worry.. just say your Answer and let Babaji decide.. he'll do whatever best for us.. okay.. she said and leave his room..

Neil : Babaji.. ab sab aap ke upar hai..
He murmured..
On the other side...

Neela ma's room :

Abeer opened the door with the spare key knowing very well his sister won't open th door.. he entered and see Avni lying in the bed hiding herself in the blanket..he went to her..

Abeer : Avni...

No reply..

Avni.. he again tried..

No reply

Avni i know you're not sleeping so just get up he said..

Avni : I don't want to talk to anyone bro.. just leave from here..

Abeer : noo. I'm not leaving.. wake up.. he said pushing the blanket away..

Avni : what you want bro.. leave me.. i don't wan to talk to anyone.. she said hiding her face in the pillow...
Abeer pull the pillow.. She groan and stood up and wemt to the balcony...
Abeer shook his head and went after her...

She was sitting on the mattress laying in the balcony with a pillow in her lap and.. Abeer went to her and sat beside her.. he didn't say anything just Silently sit with her giving her time to get relax...

Abeer : you want to speak.. he asked after sometime..

Avni : Bro.. My marriage and that too with that idiot.. she finally opened up.. Bro app aisa kaise kar sakte ho.. you know how that idiot is.. he irritates me to the end.. he teases me he makes fun of me.. and what not.. how can you arrange my marriage with him.. he is a total monster.. and I have already told you I won't marry a guy who have a single quality of this Monster and here you are marrying me with that Monster... we can't stand with each other for a sec without fighting.. how we gonna spend our entire life...No..I can't marry him.. agar hamari shaadi ho gai then hum dono me se koi ek hi zinda rahega.. I'm telling you Bro it's a bad idead very bad.. she said everything without taking a break...
Abeer was just looking at her waiting for her to finish.. he know her sister is a Rajdhani Express.. so he let her blabber...

Abeer : are you done now..

Avni : No.. she said stubbornly..

Abeer : ok continue...

Avni : Yeah.. so i was saying that.. I..h..huh.. she huffs ans say... fine I'm done..

Abeer : good now come here.. he said pulling thw pillow from her lap and place it on his lap and patted it.... Avni look at him with a small smile and put her head on the pillow which was on his lap... its been a long time since they have spend their time together...
Whenever she misses her Pops she always laid down in his Bro's lap.. he always there for her whenever she needs him.. he too miss their Pops very much..he was his ideal but he just don't show it.. he always stood strong for her for Neela ma.. she's very blessed to have a brother like him..

Abeer : Avnii.. you know how much me and Neela ma loves you,right..
She just nodded her head..
He continue..

Abeer : you trust us.. she nodded again..

Abeer : you think that me and Neela make any wrong decision for you..

Avni : Never..

Abeer : I'm happy to hear that my princess... she smiles hearing the word princess... she loved it whenever he called her princess..

Abeer : Avni.. Neil is a nice guy..

Avni : but Br-

Abeer : Sshhh!! He shushed her.. and continue...
Don't interrupt.. and I'm not praising Neil or taking his side because he's my best friend..No..you are more important to me.. you are my princess, my baby.. i can't let anyone above you not even myself.. and honestly saying I really don't want you to get married.. Not with Neil or anyone... i just want to keep my princess to me only.. for forever... but it can't be possible.. you have to get married either now or in future and live your life with your partner... i don't know what will I do without you But if it's not possible to keep you with me then i want someone who can be your friend, companion, lover.. who treats you and love you just like a princess..his princess.. though no one can love my princess like me.. then too.. i want him to become your Prince Charming just like the one in the fairy tales you love in childhood..

Avni : i love them now also..
Abeer chuckles

Abeer : I want my princess to have her own fairy tale.. a very beautiful one..

Avni : but i just want a happy life.. if it's not a fairly tale one, i don't mind.. but i just want to be happy with my life partner.. Abeer look down at her with teary eyes and small smile..

Abeer : when my baby become soo big and mature...

Avni : since always..

Abeer : hm... okay and coming to Neil.. He is great guy Avni.. i know you think him as a Monster.. he always irritates you.. making fun of you.. but beta think apart from this also... apart from teasing you, did he ever do something to hurt you.. did he do something to upset you... Just think yourself.. take your time.. if you want more time then I'll talk to everyone.. but remember one thing whatever you decide.. I'm always with you. He patted her head lightly knowing very well she was in deep thinking...
she was constantly thinking about Neil when Abeer say..

Abeer : Avni I don't know if I'm right or not but I think may be you are special for Neil... he said making her eyes widened..

Avni : and how..??

Abeet : see I'm not confirming it.. But i have never seen Neil like this with anyone... he's fun loving and also a prankster but he never behave like this with a girl.. I was shocked when I see him teasing you and fighting with you like a kid... trust me Avni this side of Neil is something I've never witnessed..

Avni started thinking what Abeer say.. if she kept all teasing and annoying behaviour of him aside..there were things which he did for her...starting from saving her in the restaurant in Mumbai when they went for Twinj's wedding shopping.. then helping her with her Lehenga.. Making her and Neela ma smile on her Pops birthday.. he was not really that bad.. he do help her in many things.. and if he was a big tease then she is also not less... she too tease him and make fun of him.. And his recent behaviour is really confusing... now he always makes her blush.. reason- she also don't know that.. He's really confusing... she sighs heavily and ask Abeer...

Avni : Bhai.. will you and Neela ma be happy if I agree with this alliance.. Abeer keep looking at her for sometime beacuse not everyday she call him Bhai.. it's a rare case..

Abeer : if you are asking about our opinion.. then Neil is best for you princess... but don't accept it because we are happy with it.. okay..

Avni : hmm..

Abeer : okay now.. you take your time and decide yourself..
She got up and leaned against the railing behind her..

Abeer : and My sister if you forgot then let me remind you,my wedding is in the evening and we have a ritual to perform in afternoon.. so it would be a privilege if you make a presence in the rituals.. he sqid dramatically making her laugh...

Abeer : and I'm sending your breakfast.. I'm still not digesting the fact that you have missed your breakfast... I should note down this date..but wait I anyway gonna remember it.. my wedding..He said dreamily...

Avni : godd.. Bro don't be soo desperate..

Abeer : what.. it's my wedding.. don't ruined my dream..

Avni : yeah...Yeah... Now goo.. she said pushing him away..

Abeer : I'm going.. he said and get up but stop near the balcony door and say...

Abeer : waise Avni.. tell your decision soon.. I can't wait to tease my Jiju..
He said clapping his hand..

Avni : Broo.. just go away.. she become red hearing the word Jiju..
Abeer left from there..

After sometime :

Ashi Sunheri went to Neela ma's room to get Avni ready as she was still there.. And Shanaya went to help Meher..

Ashi : Avni.. what is this yarr.. you are not ready yet..

Avni : Just give me few minutes I'll get ready.. and ran to get ready..
And indeed she get ready quickly..
The trio then went downstairs..but they see Neela ma and Abeer at the end of the lobby so they went to where Abeer and Neela ma were standing and talking..

Avni : what happen Neela ma..

Neela ma : Avni.. thank god you decide to come out of the room.. now you make your brother understand.. he wants to come too..

Avni : Bro.. you are not allowed there..

Abeer : arrey it's my wedding why can't I attend my own wedding function..

Avni :because it's a ritual where Groom are not at all allowed so be there in your room till then.. and more over she is going to be your wife in the end of the day... just have a lil patience my bro..

Abeer : wow.. tum sab log enjoy karo or main room me baithun.. wahh..

Avni : Broo..

Neela ma : Abeer you are not coming there and that's it.. go to your room and you three come we are getting late.. She said and walked away..

Abeer : Avni yarr help karna meri.. plz..

Avni : Broo but..

Abeer : plz.. plz.. plz.. he said making a puppy face..

Avni : okay.. but you are still not allowwed in the ritual.. I'll do something.. but after the ritual.. now I'm going.. and went away from there along with Ashi and Sunheri....

It was the time for kangan ceremony.. all were sitted in the backyard waiting for the Groom Fam...
Then suddenly they hear a loud noise of dhol.. the Groom fam make a grand entry dancing on the beats of dhol.. making a pure punjabi wedding atmosphere..

Avni Ashi Sunheri Shanaya along with Neela ma all were dancing.. with the crazy beats of dhol and seeing their partner dancing Abeer, Rohan amd DD also joined them.. soon Bebe, Shweta and Prakash also joined them along with few relatives.. only Neil was the one who was not dancing... Meher was also dancing sitting in her chair...
Neil was just admiring the one person who was looking totally a Punjabi Pataka..

Wearing a Punjabi dress and dancing freely she is looking like a fairy came down from the heaven.. he can't take away his eyes from her for a sec.. he put his hands in his pocket a release a breathe looking at her...

Vidhyut drag Neil and he too joined the crazy crowd...

After dancing for some more time all get settled so that the ritual can perform...

After wearing Meher the Kangan and tieing the cloth around her Kangan all went to the living room...
Only family members and some close relatives were present there...

Avni's phone was continuously beeping.. Abeer was messaging her saying he was missing his bride.. he was dieing to see her.. he was getting bored sitting in the room... and soo on.. Avni get irritated and tell directly to Bebe..

Avni : Bebe.. please do something of Bro.. he wants to come here and see his bride.. either you all allowed him to come here or get them married now before the Muhrat..
She said irritatedly..

Abeer who was peeping from the upstairs shout at her..

Abeer : Avni,it's cheating.. how can you just say this infront of all.. don't you know anything about secrecy.. you are not supposed to say this.. you said you will help me and know you put all the blame on me... you girgit..
He said ohh sorry shout from the upstairs putting his hand on his waist..

Avni : You yourself told me that you are dieing to meet your bride.. and I just help you.. that's it.. she said shrugging off her shoulder..

All were muffling their laugh seeing the impatient Groom..

Bebe : Abeer, tujhse kuch waqt ka bhi intezaar nahi hua na.. abhi subah Breakfast par hi toh mila tha Meher se..

Abeer : h.. ha.. wo.. Be.be.. wo

Avni : wo wo kya kar rahe ho.. clearly batao kya baat karni thi Meher se.. she said teasingly..
Abeer gave her a death glare which she ignored..

Ashi : Bol bhi do kuch.. aise ghoorne se hume thodi na kuch samajh aane wala hai... Avni chuckled at this..

Abeer : Wo .. kuch nahi. Tum log karo enjoy meri shaadi ke functions.. he said while gritting his teeth..
All laugh at him..
When Vidhyut come to his rescue

Vidhyut : Bebe come on na.. Ab hum hamare Groom ko itna upset toh nahi dekh sakte... he can join now.. haina.

Bebe : haa.. Bhai aaja tu bhi.. teri hi shaadi hai.. All laugh at him while he make faces and come downstairs and make his way directly towards Meher ignoring all glances he was earning on his way.. he went to Meher who was sitting with her hands covered with clothe and bend down to her and kissed her cheek... receiving hooting and whistling...

He whispers something in her ears making her smile widely.. she too say something in his ear to which he turned to Neil and gave him a glare.. Neil look at him confusingly...
Abeer then make his way towards the boys... Abeer came to Neil ..

Abeer : So now you will hide things from me huh!!..

Neil : what.. what are you talking.. he said wriggling his eyebrows.. Others too look at him confusingly..

Abeer : dekh li Bhai teri dosti.. i didn't expect this from you.. he said shaking his head..

Neil : will you please tell me what i did..

Abeer : great.. now pretend like you don't know anything..

Neil : i seriously don't know..

Abeer : Meher told me.. so don't pretend like you did nothing...
Neil eyes widened and look at Meher who was smiling sheepishly.. he gave her a death glare..

Abeer : don't look at my wife like that.. now answer me.. He huffs and say...

Neil : you want to hear it from me..
Abeer nodded his head.. other were just looking at them not knowing what is happening..

Neil : Fine.. ILikeHer. He blurted out..

Abeer : what did you say... i didn't understand a word..

Neil : I.Like.Her. I like your sister.. now happy.. All gasped at him including Abeer..
And look at Neil with a shocking expression..

Abeer : what.. You just say you like my sister... as in Avni..

Neil : do you have any other sister.. and don't pretend like tumhe abhi pata chala.. i know Meher had already told you.. that little witch..

Abeer : she didn't told me anything..

Neil : what.!!

Abeer : yeah.. humne subah se baat bhi nhi ki hai..

Neil : then why the fuck you told me that Meher told you and did the drama..

Abeer : because Meher told me that just go to him and tell him I told you everything.. or baaki ka mirch masala toh mene aise hi add kar diya..

Neil : Fuck.. he said rubbing his face..
He opened his eyes and see Rohan Vidhyut and DD were looking at him with their jaw dropping to the ground..

Neil : now don't overreact guyz...

Rohan : you.. like Avni.. i mean your Junglee billi.. and you say us not to over react like seriously..

Neil : stop calling her Junglee billi..

Vidhyut : oh ho ho.. soemone is being possessive..

Abeer : isn't it cute...

DD : it's damn cute...he said smiling widely but look here and there when Neil gave him a hard look..

Neil : I'm not being possesive.. if she heard it she'll think that I'm teasing her and she will fight with me again..and you all listen to me.. You'll not tell anyone about this..

WHY"-all asked together...

Neil : cause i said it.. he siad arrogantly..

Abeer : ohh chuck it.. I'm going to tell Kunj about it.. he will surely come here by the next flight.. as it's not everyday Neil Khanna like soemone.. Well specifically his Junglee billi... he teased him...

Abeer : and I'm soo happy... My doubts were correct...

Neil : Yeah you're a love guru right..

Abeer : I'm in love so you can say that I'm expert in it..

Rohan : bas bas mere love guru... but I'm gonna tell Ashi.. as you know i can't hide anything from my wife.. he said making an innocent face..

Vidhyut : me too.. if Shanaya came to know this from someone else then she'll be upset...

DD : and Heri will kill me...

Neil : Good.. very good.. why don't you guyzz shout from the top of the building that I Like Avni..

Abeer : heyy it's a great idea.. whats say..

Rohan : yeah we can do that..

Neil : I will kill you guyz with my bare hands... jise kehna use kehdo but ye baat Avni ko nahi pata chalni chahiye...

Vidhyut : Arrey par kyun..

Neil : I'll tell her myself.. but not now and can we please stop this discussion.. he said irritatedly but they all ignore his words and tease him to the death,taking their revenge..

Soo how many of you expect Neil's confession.. hmmm..??



Until next time....

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