Episode 36

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Ignore mistakes!!!!

I like it when you smile,
But I love it when I'm the reason..

The living room was all silent even after having the two stupid minx as Rohan like to say.

The only sound can be heard was the keys of laptop pressing furiously. Avni glance up at him only to find him looking at his laptop screen with a frown.

Avni : Neil atleast listen to me., she again tried her luck.

Neil : I already said No. He glance up for a while and again went back to his laptop.

Avni : Neil it's important. She said trying to be serious.

Neil : I don't care, I'll talk to Dad. He said nonchantly without glancing at her.

Avni : Neil, it's a meeting, it's not like we are going for a lunch.

Neil : I said I don't freaking care if it's a meeting or a date, you are not going means not going. His voice was loud enough to ring in the hall.

She huffs and made face at him as she sank more in the couch.

Avni : Neil. She called him again after exact 5 minutes if silence

Neil : Is it that difficult for you to understand a simple 2 letter word huh.

Avni : But I'm not going alone, Meher will be--.

Neil : Neither you nor Meher going there.. and I don't know how Abeer is letting her go. He put away his laptop and grab his phone placed on the table infront of him probably to call Abeer.

Avni eyes widened and She made a run to snatched his phone.

Avni : You're not calling bro, it took Meher a whole lot of time to convince him.

Neil : I am. Give back my phone. He said giving her a hard look.

Avni : No I am not, Please Neil don't make it a big deal. She hide the phone behind her and show him a puppy face so that he would convince.

Neil : Big deal.? It is a freaking big deal. Luke Anderson is a bastard and a complete womanizer. I can't let you and Meher go there alone. He shouted running his hand in his hair again and again.

She stood there silently understanding his concern, Abeer was worst than him.

Avni : I know, but we are taking Rohan and Ashi for the backup. They will also present there but just few table away from us. She hold his forearm trying to make him understand.

Neil : I don't even know why Dad agree for a meeting. He flew away pushing you both in the hole. He again run his fingers in his hair.

Today, at the conference, few others companies were also present. And at the end of it, Luke Anderson wants to meet Khanna Industries for a formal meeting.

He put his wish infront of Richard Davis and Prakash Khanna. Richard, not knowing his true face support him and ask Prakash to have a meeting with him as he just stepped in the business world. But as Prakash had a flight back to India in few minutes he said that his daughters will attend it.

And here now Neil Khanna is adamant to not send them for a meeting with that jerk. Neil, actually is a compose one when it comes to business and he knows how the offer of others companies matters but Luke Anderson is a red light for him.

Avni : He has a flight, and it just a meeting Neil. We will be fine. Please understand.

Neil : But why to meet him when we don't want to work with that piece of shit.

Avni : Neil it'll look highly unprofessional if we refuse now.

Neil : As if that bastard know how to be in his professional limits.

Avni : Neil, Meher will be her in few minutes. She look her watch and it's almost the time of the meeting.

Neil : Avni, Why can't you understand that I can't let you go there. Not when I know how he behaved in the morning.

Avni rolled her eyes as they are back to square one. Since the moment he comes to know about the meeting she is been convincing him. He left his office and also postponed his meeting, which is in half and hour.

Abeer aparently also told him that the Luke jerk creep them out with his disgusting eyes as he doesn't know India too has beauty like Avni and Meher. He shamelessly flirt with them. And it was enough to rile Neil up.

She huffs and turn around not knowing how to convince him anymore.

Neil : I'll be done with the work in 2 hours than we'll leave for outing probably. He said and took his phone from her hand and message DD about the meeting.

Avni : Meher is picking me up in five minutes. She interjected not understanding why is he being so difficult. His jaw clenched as he gave her a hard look.

Neil : Fine, Do whatever you want to do. He kept his phone on the side table not so gently and move to the kitchen ignoring her puppy face.

Avni : argh..!! This cute face works on Neela ma also, don't know why it's not working on him. She slammed her face on the pillow.

7 minutes later she hear a horn blowing, her phone beeps as Meher ask her to come out. She glanced at the kitchen where the Idiot was, doing Babaji knows what.

She straightened her clothes and hair and made her way to the kitchen. She and Meher decide to stick on formal look even after that bastard told them to be in casual. She knows it's a not at all good to meet him but Richard uncle and her Dad themselves ask them to attend it. Or else she would love to spend her afternoon lazing in the bed inside her comforter or probably with Neil, the later one sounds intersting though.

As she reached the kitchen, she saw him leaning against the counter with a half empty - half full water bottle in his hand, his hairs were in dishevelled state probably cause of him running his fingers again and again in it.

Avni : Meher is here. She said but got no reply in return.

Avni : Neil, I'm going. She again said but he didn't turn around.

Avni : Fine, drown in that bottle, I'm leaving. She said getting irritated and turn around.

He look at her leaving and hurriedly put the bottle away. He stop her by holding her hand before she leave the kitche and turn her around to face him.

He closed his eyes as irritattion was clear on his face. She is stubborn he knows very well.

She tap her foot on the ground impatiently waiting for him to say something.

Neil : Promise to call me if something happen. He said with concern laces in his tone.

It didn't take her a second to smile at him as she nodded her head promising him. He sigh with a frown still intact on his forhead.

Neil : Take care of yourself. He came closer and whispers kissing her temple.

Avni : I will. She murmured holding his shirt in a fist from the side.

Second kiss from him today after the good morning kiss. He did listen what Meher said and is adamant on fulfilling it. She also received a hug. A good morning hug.

Neil : And Don't, I'm repeating don't think twice before beating the shit out of him if he do something. His tone become serious.

Avni : you think mujhe kehne ki zaroorat hai. She smirked as her eyes glisten.

Avni : It's been quite long since I teach someone a lesson. An evil look covered her soft one making him chuckle.

Neil : Okay, then I think you're prepared enough to make him reside in hospital.

Avni : Obviously, and also I told Meher to carry a baseball bat. She winked giggling at him. He laugh and release her from his hold.

Avni : Can I go now. He nodded putting his hands in his pockets.

Avni : Don't worry Idiot, he won't be dumb to do something in public. And you please attend your meeting, DD is flooding your phone. He simply nodded at her still not liking the fact that she is going there.

Avni : Best of luck Idiot andd... Good bye for now. she hurrieldy complete her words and kissed his cheek before making a run.

He smile as she left waving at him stumbling with the door.

Pagal".. He muttered smiling at her.

Neil descend down the stairs after freshening up and changing into the some casual clothes. He is getting worried as it's been more than 2 hours since she went. She is not calling him nor answering his calls, which is making him more worried.

He had just seated on the couch after turning on the T.V., when She barged in almost startling him. She put her belonging in front of him on the table and rushed to the kitchen.

He frown but closely followed behind her. Seems like something happened but why she didn't call him then!.

She gulped down the entire glass of water in one go and slammed it on the counter. It's miracle that it didn't got broke. She is clearly angry.

And if Neil know something about her anger is that it would be better not to push her or ask about it if you want to live. And as much as he wants to know what happened back there, he wants to ignore it for a while. But then he also wants to know what happened that she is this angry.

Neil : You want to eat something Junglee billi.? He asked carefully breaking her chain of cursing someone whom he doesn't have to guess.

Avni : Eat something.,? Her grip on the glass tighten and he prayed for the poor thing. Seething in anger she continue.

Avni : That dumb, slavish, mingy, low clown, bastard with bird nest on his head already ruin my appetite. I was so close to break his legs but Meher held me back.

Neil : I told you not to think twice before doing anything to him. You should not have bear any of his nonsense in the first place. He said freeing the glass from her hand. Though he didn't know what happened but seeing her anger confirmed that Luke surely had done something.

Avni : And this is exactly what making me more angry. Only if I could slap him hard and punch his face breaking his all ugly teeth he was showing all the time.

Avni : Only if Meher didn't stop me. She stomped out of the kitchen making her way upstairs.

He sigh and went out. He first call Meher to know what happened there but her phone was not reachable, he dialled Rohan's phone but he was not picking up making him frustrated.

An hour later and continuously trying to call both Meher and Rohan, he finally got to know what happen when Rohan decide to answer his call.

As much as he was relieved knowing Luke didn't try to hit on them and mostly keep his talk professional, he was angry enough to punch the guts out of him for his nonsense deal he offers.

He rub his face and look upstairs where she went an hour ago. No way he is going to let anyone ruin a single day of her staying here with him.

He calmed himself down and not to think about that bastard as he make his way to her room.

As usual her room was not locked, so he went in after knocking twice.

She was on her bed with her back facing the ceiling in the same cloth as earlier. And she was definitely not sleeping.

Neil : Junglee billi I know you are not sleeping so get up I have to show you something. He cheerful said making his way to her bed.

Avni : Neil, I'm seriously not in a mood of anything. I just want take a peaceful nape. She groaned and turned her face away pressing more into the pillow.

Neil : And yesterday only I told you that I don't want to see you in peace. I love ruining your peace so get up. He hold her hand and forced her to sit up.

Avni : Neil, go away. She freed her hand and snuggle into her comforter.

Neil : Avni., he sigh and sat beside her.

Neil : You have exactly 10 minutes to relieve your anger or to talk about what happen back there. After that I'm not letting you ruining your mood like this. So start. He sternly said sitting beside her.

After 3 minutes of silence when she realised he is not going back and seeing his stoic face she started.

Avni : Luke thinks that if we as in Meher and Me are going to be the future of Khanna Industries then It's not going to take months before the company to have a downfall followed by it's liquidation. And he wants to become the helping hand and providing support at a time of dissolution. She huffs clutching the pillow tight still sleeping.

Avni : Like hell we'll let him help. I don't understand how can he even become a businessman. She get up and sat on the bed with a pillow in her lap and rant about the bastard behaviour and cursing him all along for half an hour.

Neil listen everything which he came to know from Rohan already but didn't interrupt her and let her take out everything which was disturbing her.

After she was done cursing him till her heart was content, she lazily sunk into the quilt.

Neil : Junglee billi, you're not going back to sleep. He got up and forcefully made her stood ignoring her every plea.

Avni : what do you want Neil.

Neil : I want many things. But for now come with me I have something for you.

Avni : what.? She untangle the sheet from her leg.

Neil : First go and change into something comfortable. He push her to the bathroom and locked the door.

Neil : You've half an hour to get ready, I'm going downstairs to get some lunch, be ready by then. He shouted from outside making her groan as he left for downstairs chuckling on his way.

Exactly after 30 minutes, he was on her door knocking loudly just to irritate her even though the door was wide open.

Avni : You're the most irritating species I have ever came across. She annoyingly said standing in the middle of the room door in her black tights and oversized white and grey sweatshirt. Her hair were wet, resting on her right shoulder.

Neil : Badi fresh lag rahi ho.. He eyes her from head to toe smirking at her.

Avni : If you want to talk bakwas I'm going back. She glared at him. She is very greatful to him for listening her, it did helped her. But she is hell tired and wants to get lost in dreamland, only she knows how she put a stone on her heart and came out of her alluring bed.

Neil : As much as I want to see this red face, I think I should have some mercy on you. Let's go for now. She rolled her eyes at his comment but soon glared at him when he held her wrist and started dragging her to the end of the hallway.

Avni : How many times I have told you not to drag me like this and will you please slow down. She chided but he ignored her and opened the door of the other room on the floor.

It's an another bedroom decorated in blue and white in colour, but before she could check it further, he move to the right side of the room, where behind a partition was a couch and chairs were kept and behind it was a balcony with a beautiful view.

He directly took her to the balcony before she could admire the beauty of the room. As soon as his step stops, she was ready to burst out on him, but something caught her eyes and her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

There, in a left side of an open balcony, the corner was decorated similarly just like her room balcony back in Amritsar.

A comfy mattress, with few cushions, a small table on which two plates were kept and her nowadays favourite thing, a comfortable comforter was placed on the mattress.

Neil look at her smiling face as her eyes roamed around the balcony. Her smile was the prize of his hard work he put in the mean time to arrange all of this.

Neil : How's it.? He asked even though he didn't need the answer, but still to make her come out of her admiring zone he had to ask.

Avni : It's amazing, how did you do this.??  The sparkel in her hazel eyes is clearly visible as tiredness vanish from her face like it was not at all present.

Neil : let just say, I'm quite talented. He replied cockily making her rolled her eyes but the smile which was intact on her lips was enough to make his heart flutter.

He had never done something like this ever for anyone.

Movie night with friends, he had planned no doubt. But something specially for a girl, Nah!! Never, But here he did something which he had never done for any female before but for her, and for her one smile. He arranged everything as per her like within few minutes.

He himself was surprise by doing this but then again anything for his Junglee billi.

Neil : Chale Madam. He tugged her wrist seeing still standing and smiling. She bobbled her head and followed his lead as he made himself comfortable on the mattress. She settled beside him and immediately pull the comforter on her, she was shivering and with wet hair in an open balcony is also not helping.

Neil chuckles at her and placed the small wooden folding table in front of them.

Avni : what is this.? She aksed as she rubbed her hands against eachother.

Neil : Mac and cheese., He put the plates on the table and look at her for any reaction. He laugh loudly seeing her giving heart eyes to Mac and cheese making her pout.

Neil : Koi nahi, it's all yours. Eat. He pushed the plate to her which she quickly grabbed giving a sheepish smile.

Avni : Are we watching some Movie. As he placed his Laptop on the table after taking his plate, she asked with her mouth full.

Neil : Yup, Marathon.

Avni : Avengers.? Her eyes sparkle on the thought of the only action movie she love, which surprisingly his favourite too.

Neil : Nope., Tom and Jerry., and here we go. He gave her a heart melting smile and play the first video.

Avni look at him awestruck. Awestruck with his every action, every little things he did. It's like this is the hidden side which she is experiencing little by little, day by day. Or maybe this is actual him, but hide himself behind the mask of monster who she first meet. Back then also he was sweet with everyone but his actions, his annoyance, his tease attitude, all were reserved for her only.

She remembered Abeer telling her that the Neil with her is different, very different. He is not like this with anyone else. He tease her, pull her leg, make fun of her, but also he is sweet, loving, caring, supporting, and most importantly understanding which is something she lose hope to find in her future partner.

Abeer, no doubt had spoil her not with materialistic things but with love and care. She knows he is her go to person and she would not think twice before going to him. And this is the same thing she had shared with Abeer and Meher before.

She is moody, she is stubborn, she is short tempered also and she wants her partner to accept her with every flaws she has.

And by far Neil is doing a great job, not for once he points out her flaws. She is amazed how perfectly he handle her moods and not only that he will also see to it that if she is happy at the end of the day or not.

Now also, He can go for any of Action or thriller one he loves, but he choose Tom and Jerry, why, one it's her favourite and seconds to cheer up her mood. How can he understand her so well in a short span of time.

Agreed, they talk to each other atleast twice a day these last few months but that was on phone or text, but we can not know what's going on in one's head when we are not even there physically in front of each other.

But here is the person sitting beside her, who can know what's going on, or what's her mood by just looking at her face. How.? Don't know.

Avni's chain of thoughts broke by a snap of finger.

Neil : Where were you lost.? What you thinking Junglee billi.??

Avni : Nothing. She shook her head and turn to the screen.

Neil : You mean, you were admiring my handsome face from past few minutes and it's nothing.

Avni : Oh please, I wasn't admiring your face. I.. I just want to say the food is good.

Neil : Is my face looking like a food. You can taste it if you want. He whispers leaning close to her ear.

Avni : what. No.. I didn't say that. She push him back and smack his arm.

Neil : But the way you're eyeing me, I got scared for a few seconds. His face show a fake shocking look.

Avni : Oh shut up. She put the spoon full of the delicious food in her mouth and turn around to avoid his teasing.

He laugh at her blushing face which is making her more adorable.

Neil : You know Junglee billi, you can look at me anytime you want and as much as you want. You've got the access for it. He show her his engagement ring proudly sitting on his ring finger making her cheeks more red.

Avni : What are you, Zac Efron.? Why would I look at your ugly face. She manage to say eating the remaining content of her plate.

Neil : Did you just call this handsome face.. UGLY..? He turn her around making her face him and he narrows her eyes.

Avni : Oh Did I.? She asked with a fake horrified expression, But then muttered
Maybe and shrugged her shoulder casually.

Neil : Do you even know how many girls die to see the glimpse of this handsome face. He points at his face holding her hand so that she wouldn't turn away.

Avni : And once they see this ugly face, they would wish to die then and there or to kill you by giving poison. She mocked at him and smirk at him.

Neil : soon Junglee billi soon, I'll prove it to you how handsome this face is. And the day is not far when you yourself say how handsome I am.

Avni : In. Your. Dreams.

Neil : Mere dreams ki to tum baat na hi karo to accha hai. His demeanour suddenly change as his voice turn husky.

Avni : why.?

Neil : Bas aise hi, you won't be able o handle it. He wink at her intertwine his fingers with her.

Avni : You and your bakwas. She shook her head and turn to her favourite cartoon show.

Avni : Now who is lost.?? She asked after minutes passes by and he continue to look at her.

Neil : I'm not going to deny like some people, Yes I am lost.. in you. He knows what can made her go into puddle from the feisty attitude and he exactly used that tool.

Avni : Shut up, and watch what you started.

Neil : But I want to watch what you started.

Avni : I didn't started anything.

Neil : You did. First you stare at me, now it's my turn.

Avni : Uff, just keep quite Idiot and let me watch the show.

Neil : I was admiring you quietly, you only started your rambles.

Avni : You mean I ramble., My talks are nonsense, how dare you. She hit him with the cushion placed beside.

Neil tried to defend himself with one hand, as he hold her other hand in a tight grip. With one hand she is hitting with so much force. He doesn't want to take the risk leaving her other hand.

Neil : Bas Junglee billi. Stop yaar.

Avni : How dare you to say I talk nonsense. She gave him a death glare removing her hair from her face when he throw the pillow far away from her reach.

Neil : I didn't say that. You yourself are assuming things.

Avni : you said I ramble.

Neil : I did say that but then I like your rambles. He softly said looking into her eyes.

He sigh and put his head back on the wall in a side way to keep the eye lock and caresses her cheek, she was about to say something but he continue..

Neil : I like when you keep talking non-stop. When you curse someone who pissed you off. When you praise someone who looks good which is mostly celebrities. When you talk about your stupid fight with Abeer. Or how you spend your day at Orphanage. When Neela ma scold you. Or when Abeer tease you. When Meher team up against you with others. When you blame Rohan for things he didn't do and then become a poor victim in front of Ashi just to get him scold. When you brag about the compliments and praise Bebe showered on you. Or when you've to listen each and everything Bua Dadi would tell. How Bua Dadi one call still terrified you. Or how your day at office went. Or the nervousness you would have when you've to give presentation. Or when your favourite male protagonist died in the movie you currently watching. How you didn't like the ending of the new book you're reading. Or how Neela ma put the banned on your daily dose of your chocolate.

I like everything you say, your rambles, your not so stupid talks, your complaints, you competitiveness, your pranks, your mischief. Everything. Everything.

He whispered the last words kissing the back of her hand.

She sat there bewildered with the little confession of him. She herself didn't remember what she talked about. And here he is ready with the long list. Sweet tingles were knocking in her heart. His intense eyes bore into her as his hand caressing her warm red cheek.

He came close to her till his nose touch her ear making her close her eyes. He placed a lingering kiss on her red tinted cheek.

He move back and smile as he felt her holding her tee in a tight fist. He sat close to her and started playing with her hair locks. She opened her eyes slowly, her heart flip flop in her ribcage.

Neil : You're red more than Santa's dress. He said chuckling.

Avni : I.. I'm.. I'm not.  She said stammering a little. She pull her hand away from his tee and rub her cheeks looking down making her hair hide her face.

Neil : Su.. sure you're.. not. He mimicked her.

Avni : Shut up. She sanked more into her comforter as her lips defeated her  by stretching in a smile. A laugh bubble out from him seeing her hiding inside that comfy thing.

She pretend to ignore him and his teasing glance.

His thumb was unconsciously making random circle on the back of her hand and he quietly watch Tom chasing the Jerry on his laptop screen. His thumb stop doing the drawing on her hands when he felt her soft warm lips on his cheek catching him offguarded.

Avni : Thank you Idiot. She whispers slowly moving back a little from him. She look at his still posture and she pecked his cheeks one more time and remove her hands from his now loosen grip.

Neil face her only see her inside the comforter till her neck and she had put her fingers in her ear not to listen what he gonna say. Her face was red with blush which make his heart melt knowing the reason behind it was him.

He pull the comforter on himself too, so that both of them got covered in same. He lean closer making her move away.  She was almost at the edge of mattress when he pull her towards him snaking his arm around her waist.

Neil : You don't want to sit on the cold floor, do you?

Avni : I can't hear what you are saying. She sang trying to ignore him. He laugh loudly and place a sounding kiss on her warm cheek.

Avni snuggle more into the warmth, feeling something soft under her. The continuous beeping sound disturbed her peaceful slumber making her pout. When the sound didn't stop, she groaned and search for her phone. 

Lazily, she opened her eyes to check who destroy her beauty sleep. She gritted her teeth and slammed the phone on the pillow seeing Meher and Rohan arguing in their group chat box.

She put her phone on silent and closed her eyes allowing the sleep to consume her, when realisation hit her.

She was watching Tom & Jerry Marathon with Neil., then..

She sat up abruptly on her bed with wide eyes and smack her forehand.

Shit.! She slept while watching her favourite cartoon. Neil had put soo much effort and what she did, she slept. Why, she has to be so sleepy. For the first time she was cursing her sleep.

She look around to find herself on a different bed. Her eyes roamed around big and beautiful room contrasted in white and blue colour. It was magnificent and smell differently yet familiarly.

She put away the quilt when she felt something in her hand. She gaze at her left and to find a sticky note on it.

Urgent work came up,
might get late. In case if
you woke up, dinner is downstairs.

P.S. : you look cuter than Jerry when you sleep ;).


She smiles as her heart flutters. He is one of the unique person she ever meet. She put the note on the side table when a frame caught her eyes.

How much more he is going to surprise her.

She took the frame and caress the picture of him kneeling down in front of her and making her wear the engagement ring.

It was a beautiful capture, and him having it framed makes her giddy. She put the frame back in its place carefully, when her gaze went to the other side of nightstand to see another picture if them from that day.

This one was clicked when she was making him wear the ring. Both the moments were captured beautifully and he kept both of them. What are you idiot.?

She roamed her gaze to see if any more pictures were there or not. And she was up in a fraction if second when she saw the picture wall.

She was smiling like a lunatic seeing the wall covered with her pictures and few of them were of both.

She would be lying if she says she didn't feel a little tiny-miny weird thing when she saw the living room filled with the pictures of others and not a single for one of her.

But he is crazy.,  his room is almost filled with her pictures.

Why.? Don't know.

How.? Don't know.

It's still quiet unbelievable to see the pictures of her which she didn't remembered clicking.

Where the heck he got those from.

It's unbelievable. He is unbelievable.

She one by one admire every single pictures, each one was amazing but her favourite one was of both of them, which is from Mehbeer's wedding.

It was so much fun. That was an amazing and crazy month. She admire both of them together on a wall for a more time and turn to look at the room properly.

She take a tour of the massive bedroom. She thought the room she is using is  his. But who she is kidding, this master bedroom she would kill monsters to have it.

She walk around the sitting area, the pillows were soft and fluffy and couch was comfortable enough for her to spend her rest of nights on it. But then again the bed is more alluring than it.

On the left side of room, there were two huge doors, which no doubt would be a walking closet and a bathroom. She turn the knob of the first door, and went in only to get her eyes out of socket.

What was he thinking back then when he planned to make a huge bathroom.

She stood there for few more minutes roaming her eyes all around the magnificent bathroom.

She came out after washing her face and check the time. It was near to 8 and she feel her stomach making noises. So she thought to go downstairs because food is must.

More than 2 hours later, when Neil still didn't show up from the work, she went back to her room and plopped down.

She thought to give him a call but then hold herself back. He must be busy. She wants to thank him for all he had done. For her. Guess, tomorrow she could perpare something for him as a thank you gift.

Nice idea. But first sleep.

She swear she was slept for only 5 minutes, when her bed started to shaking and a voice kept telling her to wake up.

Neil : Get up Junglee billi, how much more will you sleep.

Avni : Neil, will talk tomorrow. Let me sleep.

Neil : It's already morning. Get up.

Avni : No it's just 5 minutes since I slept. Go away now.

Neil : Junglee billi, get up before I throw cold water on your face. He put away her quilt and made her sit.

Avni : is it really a morning already.? She rub her eyes as they are not opening.

Neil : yes, open your eyes and look around.

After yawning for four time continuously she finally opened hear eyes.

Avni : Good morning. Her voice was everything but normal as she gain yawned.

Neil : Good morning. He chuckles seeing her dishevelled state.

Neil : Get up, we've to go somewhere.

Avni : Now.?? What time it is.? She pick her phone from the nightstand.

Neil sneakily took the step backs as he knows what coming next.

Avni face held a confusion look after seeing the time and look out of the window. It was all black outside.

Avni : Neeeiiilll.... why the hell would you do that. She throw a pillow at him.

Neil : Because you won't wake otherwise.

Avni : But why did you wake me up. Couldn't you wait for more hours. It freaking 2:15 A.M.

Neil : well now 2:16.

Avni : Get lost Neil, I'm in no mood of fight. I just want to sleep.

Neil : How much more will you sleep Junglee billi.

Avni : Till I'm tired off sleeping.

Neil : which is not going to happen any soon or at all.

Avni : yup., Now good night. She plopped back on the bed and covered herself from head to toe.

Neil : Not so easily. He removed the cover from her and held her hand to drag her.

He stepped down the stairs wincing because of the continuous smack on his back from his Junglee billi. Damn, what she think of him. Her punching bag.?

Neil : Here wear your jacket and shoes quickly.

Avni : I'm not. She pull out her hand from his grip and stood there stubbornly with a pout on her face.

Neil : Okay them I'm taking you out like this.

Avni : No.. She shriek loudly when he went behind her.

Neil : Then wear it, come on.

She snatch the coat from his hand and wear it begrudgingly along with her shoes.

Neil : Now let's go. He hold her hand and walk outside where his favourite bike was parked.

Avni : Where are we going at this time of night.?

Neil : Morning Junglee billi, it's 2:24 A.M right now. He flicked her nose.

Neil : And we are going on a long drive on my favourite bike.

Avni : I'm not going anywhere on that thing. She makes ridiculous face looking at his prized possession standing in front of them.

Neil : Don't call my buddy a thing and don't make this ugly face.

Avni : you are ugly. Your stupid bike is ugly.

Neil : WHAT.EVER. Let's go.

Avni : I said I'm not going on that.

Neil : When did I say you are going on it, I said we are going.

Avni : you are so stubborn.

Neil : learning from the best. He winked at her and sat on his bike.

She sat behind him and muttered.

Avni : I'm so going to sleep the whole ride.

Neil : I know Junglee billi what you are planning so first let's shoo away you sleep.

He rotate his right wrist towards to increases the amount of gas feeding the engine and giving life to his bike  making her scream loudly.

She hurriedly put her hand on her mouth to stop the scream as she herself got afraid to shout like a mad women in a silence of the night.

She punch his back hard as he laugh speeding his bike.




Until next time....

See you all soon in a next year.

Till then.,
Take care..
Keep smiling.

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