Episode 42

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Ignore mistakes!!!!


There are no accidental meetings between souls.

Avni huffs and crossed her hands to her chest pouting sadly. She looks ahead wanting to kill the annoying person sitting beside her and went off to her peaceful sleep.

Neil chuckles glancing at her as he took a right turn changing the gear.

Avni : If you laugh again.. then.. I'll chop off your hairs. She threatens looking ahead not wanting to see his face.

Why would she wants to see the cruel ugly creature who wakes her up at 8 in the morning and kidnapped her in the daylight and now taking her God knows where.

Neil : Told you I'm not letting you out of my sight Junglee billi. He wink at her.

Avni : You... argh!!. She fist her hands before she actually pulled off his hairs. She wants to strangle him for waking her up and dragging her away without telling her anything. She is damn sleepy. She slept late yesterday as she having sleepover with the girls and she had hardly slept for 7 hours and now here she is, in his car going somewhere.

Neil smile at her, she looks cute in angry mood, well in annoying mood too and in irritating mood, heck she looks cute in her every mood. But for now he decide to let her cool down. So he grabbed a small bag from the backseat and put it on her lap.

Avni : What is it.? She looked at the bag and then him.

Neil : Atom bomb. Might get blast in 10 seconds. Be careful.

She wants to smack him and she did smack his arm. Why to wait to do such an honourable thing.

As she open her bag she felt her lips tugged up slightly but she manage to hide her smile. She took out the coffee flask and small box with sandwich in it.

Neil : Thought it would be better to take that along if I don't want to get hunt by a hungry Junglee billi. She is ten time more worse than the normal one. He flashed a smile at her.

Avni : Smart move. She said and took a bit of the sandwich ignoring his comment just because he brought the food along. And damn it was really good. But she isn't saying anything about it.

Neil : Your face say you loved it so Thank you your highness. He bowed down a little and stop his car once the traffic light turns red and look at her.

She got bust with her sandwiches and he took that time to admire her. She looks... adorable in the morning look.

Hairs tied messing in a ponytail with few tendrils playing on her forhead. The baggy sweatshirt which she might stole from Abeer was looking super cute on her. All and all she is looking extremely adorable right now.

Avni : Stop starring. It's rude. She states once she couldn't handle his gaze on her. He had turned towards her not at all hiding that He is looking at her.

Neil : It's not when what you're starring belongs to you.

And she choked on her food.

Why he have to say things like this abruptly. Doesn't he considered the situation of the other before saying things like this.

Neil : hey, slow Junglee billi. The food is not going anywhere. He rub her back before handing her a bottle of water.

She gulped down the water and took a deep breathe. She look at him to find him looking at her with amused grin.

He was about to comment something when the lights turn green making Avni sigh in relief.

Avni : Where are we going.? She asked opening the flask and taking a sip of tea filled in it.

He knows that she likes to drink tea.

Good for him.

Neil : Changing the topic are we.? He raised his brows giving her a teasing smile.

Avni : Fine. Don't tell. She look outisde as a smile grasp on her lips remembering his words.

Neil smiles as he caught her smiling through the side mirror.

It's a different - unique feeling to see your partner smiling and happy because of you. It just warm your heart and gave you all giddy feelings that tingle your heart.

He change the gear giving a quick glance to her who seems to enjoy the scenery outside.

Avni : Neil is that a church. She asked excitedly looking at the vintage tower.

Neil : yes., that's St. Paul's Cathedral. It beautiful from inside and peaceful too.

Avni : It's look so old and vintage. Will we visit there.? She turned to him.

Neil : why not. But there is something work going on so it's not opened I guess. But I don't know exactly, so will inqure about it.

Avni : perfect. She squeal a little in happiness grinning ear to ear.

Neil : Who.? Me. I was born perfect. He said smugly.

Avni : was it a joke.? Ha ha.. It was too funny. My stomach is paining.

Neil gave a deadpanned look to which Avni chuckled and muttered 'your look is funny. Really.' Neil rolled his eyes and continue to drive.

The drive was exciting for Avni as she saw many things in real which she saw on internet and magazines. And Neil become the guide providing her the necessary information and answering her questions all the way passing glances at her every now and then.

She was looking outside the window enjoyed the fresh air softly hitting her face. She was well aware of his gaze on her. The soft caressing on her hands warm her heart. She take a glance at their intertwined hands. His fingers were caressing her emgagement ring and knuckles softly.

This annoying irritating and softy idiot is something... dear.. very dear to her.

Stopping the car after a long drive of 2 hours, Neil held Avni's hand and took her inside the game arcade. It was not far, he was just driving randomly street to street for 2 hours finally sytopiing at the destination.

He hadn't planned anything, he is just going with the flow. He saw the arcade and thought it would be fun going there with her.

Avni's eyes roam around the place feeling the radiant vibe of around. The place had different games some she knows and some unknown to her.

Neil : So.... He trailed off asking her if she liked it or not though he can see the glint in her eyes and the wide grin spread on her lips gave enough approval.

Avni : wanna go one on one. She tilted her face and smirk at him.

Neil : You'll lose Junglee billi.

Avni : Let's throw the hat's in the ring. She look ahead at the exciting things waiting for them.

Neil : winner can ask anything.

Avni : Cool. She shrugged her shoulder . She doesn't if she will win or not. But she surely know she's going to enjoy everything. With her idiot.

Neil : Game on Jungle billi.

The both move ahead to the different  games placed there. They stood infront of pinball machine and look at eachother.

Neil : Three games. The best, wins.

Though she had seen the games many times before as Abeer played few times, but she herself had never played before. Neil went first and rock the game with an ace.

Neil : your turn.

Neil had scored good points with the ball only drained for once which gives the points to Avni.

As Avni's turn came up she randomly started hitting all of the bumpers, consistently hitting the same door over and over again, which turn out really good as she score much points.

Neil look at her in amused. She surely doesn't know how to play but she did pretty well and she was only few points behind him. It was purely an unexpected stroke.

Avni was quite happy with game even though she lost it she did really good and she is proud of herself.

Neil : So what's the score. 1-0, right.?

Avni : It's the first game only we have lots more. So don't boost your overly over confidence. She rolled her eyes and moved ahead to got to the next game but he stopped her.

He held her elbow and pulled her close to him. He bends down a little and kissed her jaw.

It was not planned he didn't thought about it but her cutness made him kiss her. She can be extremely cute without doing anything.

She placed her hands on her jaw where he kissed as she look at him. It's was so sudden.

Neil : I do deserve a little reward for winning the first game. Huh.!!

Avni : That was not the deal. She narrowed her eyes at him.

Neil : Who said we are going as per the deal.?

Avni : Excus--.. He cute her off.

Neil : Anyways get used to it. Now let's move to the next game. He lead her to the next game and ignore the punch he received on the back of his shoulder for cutting her off in middle.

The next game was driving. Video game drive.

Neil : This time you go first.

Avni : Why.? You go first. You won the last game so go ahead.

Neil : No. I go first earlier so this time you go first.

Avni : And why.? There is no rule like that at all.

Neil : There is.

Avni : There's not.

Neil : There is.

Avni : There's s not.

Neil : There is.

Avni : There's not.

Neil : THERE IS. He crossed his arm on his chest.

Avni : THERE'S NOT. She glared at him resting her hand on her waist.

Neil : THERE I--.. he stopped when he realised the surrounding. Avni too look around to the audience gathered there looking at them - few with adoration and few with weirdness.

It's early morning so not many people were present but still there are decent amount of audience.

She cleared her throat and turn in such a way that Neil was standing in between her and the audience. His tall form did a good work hiding her from the little crowd.

Avni : Let's do stone paper scissor. She whisper in a low tone.

Neil eyes narrowed at her. He thought she was embarrassed as she ducked down her head and moved in front of him to hide from everyone and cut their banter short and go first but how can he forgot she is Junglee billi. One and only unique piece in the world.

He shook his head and agreed to her. She grinned widely as if she had won the million pounds lottery.

Avni peek behind a little through his shoulder to see most of the crowd was gone. Only three four peoples were looking at them but not making it obvious. She sigh in relief and look at him raising her brows silently asking him if he is ready.

Neil : get over with it in 5 seconds. He said looking at her very well that She'll try to make a build up as if they are playing some world championships.

Avni pout sadly but his one look and she quickly started it.

Avni : Stone paper scissor, shoot.

The sad pout again formed on her lips when his huge fist crushed her delicate scissor in hundred pieces.

Avni : Let's accept the best out of three, okay.

Neil : Fine, I won this game. Let's move to another one. It's now 2-0.

Avni : Hey, that's not possible. She hold his elbow stopping him from going away.

Neil : Junglee billi either accept your defeat and go first or I'm winning this. He state it leaving no room for arguments.

Avni : You are evil. She hissed at him and sat on th chair cursing him in her mind.

The game started and she clearly did very bad in the first round. She look up at him and sigh sadly.

Neil chuckled and ruffle her hair. He went behind her and lean down on her chair.

Neil : Start again.

The next round went well with him guiding her and helping her all the way. And so does the third round.

Neil : You did great. He said and raised his hand for hi-fi. She stood up and hified him.

Avni : So what's next. She asked adjusting her sweatshirt.

Neil : Next.? I haven't played yet. It's my turn now.

Avni : Are you mocking at me.? She asked.

Neil : What..

Avni : Don't play innocent. You helped me with this stupid game and if you play you'll definitely gonna win so why to waste time. Let it be. She looked away huffing like a child.

Neil : So it's mean the score is 2-0. Huh.!! He put his hands inside his jacket pocket and tilt his head side way.

Avni : Oh look at the basket ball game. Wow. It's my favourite. Let's go. She clapped her hands happily avoiding his question and moved towards the basket ball counter.

Neil laugh and followed her. Her cuteness drives him crazy.

Avni : So here is the bid. Whoever wins gets 3 points. She said putting forward her offer.

Neil : you sure., that's a big number.

Avni : Why.? Afraid that you'll lose with one hand. Huh.?. She said smirking at at his right-hand.

He had a wrist brace on his right wrist as he had sprained it no actually Zach had sprained it. He got it on yesterday and he is cursing Zach everytime he saw the brace. But it did make him happy and proud remembering that Zach had to put patches on his shoulder and ribs.

Neil glance up at Avni and smirk.

Neil : I defeat you with this condition in last two matches dear. Don't forget.

Neil : And it reminds me that I do deserve a reward for winning the second game too.

Avni : No way. She took a step back and placed her hand on his chest to stop him.

Avni : You.. you haven't played. That was a... charity win.

Neil : Oh is it. Then let's go back. I won't mind playing and winning again.

Avni : offs.. offensive idiot. She muttered and crossed her hands on her chest.

Neil : Now can I get my reward.

Avni : you made up this stupid reward. Stupid Idiot. And I'm telling you before hand that this time you're going first. If not I don't mind having another long argument ove--..

She was cut off by him again. This time with the sudden kiss on her nose.

Her eyes become wide as she felt his breath fanning over her face. He didn't move back after kissing her nose.

Neil : I'll go first. He whispered near her lips which went gibberish to her due to his closeness. He again pecked her nose and move back.

Neil : Mind holding it.

Avni : Huh.?? She asked coming out of the daze. Her eyes flickered  between him and his jacket which was in his hand.

She cleared her throat and took his jacket. But before she could move her hand back he hold her wrist.

Neil : Next time don't become a statue. If you want, return the same favour. I won't mind. He whispered in her ears.

Avni : umm.. just.. play. She moved away and coughed a little, trying to hide her smile and red cheeks.

Since the counter on the right was not working they left with the one. Neil go ahead and played. It went well but his wrist pain a bit since he had to move it.

Avni, on the other hand got this amazing idea to distract him.

She did it pretty good by dropping his jacket near his feet earning a cool stern glare since it was his 'one of the favourites',

or by pushing him when he was about to throw the ball,

or by tickling his ear or neck,

or by pulling his hairs which was almost a suicide mission to her,

or by accidently stomping on his feet or as he hissed-- his expensive favourite shoes.

All and all it was fun for Avni.

Neil turn to her who was counting the score innocently as if it was not shown on the board.

Avni : Ohh., your total score is 42, so 43 makes me the winner. Cool.

She said zipping his jacket she wore when she wants to tie up her hair in a proper pony tail as they were playing all over her face. And since she had already seen how he reacts by putting his precious jacket anywhere so she found the thought of her wearing it safe and also she was feeling quite chilly since the window to her left was opened by someone.

Neil : yeah cool. I'll see how you make it up to 43.

Avni closed her eyes tightly and mentally smack herself for digging her own grave but she enjoyed it. So she braced herself up knowing he's not going to let it all go.

With a long paragraph of pep talk to herself she was ready for the game.

Initially, nothing happened. He did nothing which was more suspicious and she had to be cautious at every throw. She had made almost 11 balls out of the basket successfully missing few but she was doing good. But she knows he's not going to be silent all the game.

She was going to aim again and she looked at him with side look to see if he was going to do anything or not. And she found him looking at her with a soft smile on his lips. He was leaning against the chair kept there with his legs crossed and arms folded in his chest.

A smile appear on her face too. She bite her inside cheek to stop smiling and concentrate on her game as she lost few seconds already. She again aimed hoping he would just let her go and keep looking at her like this and maybe she can give him some reward not a bad idea though. But only if he let her play properly without any torture.

But it happen.

Guess, she was asking for it.

His tortured started.

Firstly he directly hit the main target and her weak spot. Tickling.

His hands move to the her waist and every time she aim he would tickle. For just 2 seocnds though but it makes her loose the time.

Then he came to the next thing which was his favourite. Annoying her.

He pulled her hair which came out of her pony tail. She had glare him hard but continue the game ignoring her flying hairs. He just shrugged his shoulder ignoring her glare.

Then he pulled the hood of his jacket down her face when she was aiming.

And he also return her few other things she did to him. He pushed her out of the counter, pinched her cheeks, he shook her by her shoulder and many more.

After the second round and with his continuous torture she managed to score 25 goals. Which was not at all good. Now she had only one chance and if she loose she'll be doomed.

Why did she offer the bid.


Now only a miracle can save her and helped her to win the game. Or maybe apology.?

Avni : look Neil, I interrupt your game and you did mine. We are equal now. So let me play this round peacefully please.

Neil : how are we equal?. It was your second round and you trouble me for all the three rounds so one round is still remaining. Then we'll be equal. Now play.

She gave him a puppy face trying to convince him. He narrowed his eyes at her.

Neil : be a sporty and play the game fairly.

Avni : I am playing fairly you're only disturbing me.

Neil : I am disturbing you huh.. And who started it.?

Avni : u.m.. Can.. can we forget it.? She said lowly.

Neil : why.? He asked hiding away his amusememt.

Avni : um... because I am cute. She had hear him saying that word under his breath few times since morning and she gave him a silly grin. The one even Abeer and Rohan say look cute as well as wired on her.

Neil : That you are. But it's not going to help you here. So try next.

Avni : I am your fiancée.

Neil : That is also true. But if you didn't try show mercy on me, on your one and only fiance so forget about it also. Next.

Avni : Go to hell. She throw the basket ball at him turn to the game again.

Neil : I told you I'm not letting you out of my sight, so you've to accompany me to hell too. He said from beside her and put the ball back.

Neil : Now start the last round.

Reluctantly, she started the last round praying for miracle to happen. The first few seconds were disaster as he continue to torture her. This time the addition was closing her eyes and taking the ball away from her hand making her loose her time.

Avni was a second away punching the blood out of him when his phone rangs. Avni thank her starts million time and couldn't stop the grateful smile appear on her face.

Neil check the caller ID and he instantly knew it was something important cause DD won't call him randomly on his office phone if it's not related to work. He is not like Zach, he is much more mature than him.

Neil look around, it become crowded with the time and it seems impossible for him to attend the call here.

Avni : What're you waiting, go and attend it. It's not like I'll cheat or something. I am playing fair. She said as she throw the ball to the net not wasting time. She need this 3 point badly.

Neil : And I believe you Junglee billi. I'm not trusting you on this.

Avni : I just thought it must be an important call... so.. She shrugged throwing the ball down the basket one after another.

Neil push the pause button making her huff like a child.

Neil : I'll be watching you from over there. He points towards the glass window at the end of the right side.

Neil : And I'll call someone to watch you over so you won't cheat. He continue and call one of the arcade member before she protests.

Avni rolled her eyes and make faces at him as he turn to leave calling DD. She again start her game.

She did manage to score pretty well in the remaining time, she was happy as it's taking him a little long time on the phone call and she thank DD in her heart every second for that.

And she did manage to cheat as she made the worker- Paul, as he introduce himself, a good friend. He told her few tactics of the game and help her too. The teenage boy surely develop a little crush on her.

Neil return after attending the call which took some time. The investors remember important discussions at time like this and like his vacation time to interrupt him.

Avni look at the time and only 9 seconds were left. She kept aiming one ball after another without thinking.

Paul : Yes, you're doing great. Keep the focus and you'll go through the last seconds too. Come on.

Avni throw the ball and the beep sound came indicating the end of the round.

Paul : woah.. ho.!!!. He cheered for Avni and hified with her.

Neil : what's going on. He asked breaking their little celebration.

Avni : ohh you came. Great. What was my score earlier. 25. And what's the score now.

Paul : 24

Avni : So. 25 and 24... She counts and her eyes widened...

Avni : 49

She looks at Neil and a grin broke on her face.

Avni : yeeaaahh!!!!. She squeal a little too loudly in excitement.

Neil narrowed his eyes at her. He then turn to Paul and gave him a a stern look.

Neil : This won't count.

Avni : Ayyy.... WHAT.? Why.? She turned to face him with a disbelief look.

Neil : This is a clear cheating.

Avni : Cheat-.. you yourself put this boy to keep eyes on me.

Neil : And this Boy himself helped you to cheat in the game. He glare at Paul making him gulped.

Avni : He did not. He helped me. There is a difference. She was all ready to fight. She won the game and she can't let him take that away.

Neil : you're not suppose to take any help yet you did and hence it's a cheating. He also didn't back down. One round and 24 points. As if he'll beleive.

Avni : It is not a cheating. Helping is another thing.

Neil : Taking a help in a game is considered as cheating.

Paul look back and forth between them not knowing what to do.

Paul : I'll take your leave. He muttered slowly and step back only to get stop by Avni.

Avni : No you stay here. You're the witness here. Tell him that I did not cheat at all. It was my pure skill.

Neil laughed sarcastically at her.

Neil : Skill.. huh.. I saw your pure skill in last 2 games. It was surely really good.

Avni : Don't make me do something here which you regret later.

Neil : Such as.... tell me what will you do. I'm pretty sure I won't regret anything.

Avni : Argh..!!!!!. Annoying Idiot. Why can't you just accept that I won the game.

Neil : Because you did not fair play.

Avni : I did not fair play..? I'm playing very fair since the start. So don't talk about me playing fair and all. She glared at him.

Paul : Umm.. I thing I should get goin--

Avni : No. Her glare turned to hum making him cowering in fear.

"Is there any problem." A man said from behind.

Avni take a quick glance at the tag he is wearing.


Avni : Yes. There is a problem. She gave a stink eye to Neil and turn to face the manager.

Avni : This guy is bullying me. I don't even know him. Can you please do something about it. She points towards Neil making both him and Paul gape at her.

Neil : Wha--..

Manager : Mr. N.K. Can you tell us what's going on. He politely asked Neil.

It was now Avni's turn to gape.

Avni : Excuse an. Here I am telling you the situation I am in and you're ignoring it. Just because you know who the heck N.K. is doesn't mean you can treat others like a shit.

"Ok it'enough, stop exaggerating". Her inner voice chided at her but she ignored it like a plague.

Avni : where is your owner, call him I'll directly talk to him. She puffed like an angry cat attracting a little crowd. Again.

Manager : Ma'am, we can handle the matter. Tell us what happened and We'll do something. He politely said seeing the crowd focusing on them.

Neil : That won't be needed. Thank you  And sorry she is just a little crack. I guess she forgot to take her medicine. We'll just... go. He explained to the manager fuming Avni in anger.

Avni : WHAT DID YOU SA--... but before she could burst in her anger she was not so normally dragged by Neil.

The amount of punches and pinches and smack he had got for dragging her away almost everytime, he had lost the count now honestly.

Avni : Idiot this is the last time I'm telling you, leave my hand and stop with this dragging. I will surely kill you one day for this wihout any regret. And would find a cute hot and handsome guy who would be gentleman enough to not do this stupid thing. And again for the last time I'm telling so accept it like a man that I won the game. Don't you dare to oppose or argue or fight or banter or do any chik chik about it. I've truly didn't cheat. Paul just helped me and told me few tricks and tactics but it was just few other than that I have down everything on my own So don't say that I cheat or something like that. I've won the game with my ability. Okay.

She finally took a deep breathe after saying everything in single breath.

He clamped her mouth with his hand when she opened her mouth again to say something and pinned her to the side wall.

Neil : Fine, you won. Now stop your speech.

An instant red hue came on her face as she look around in embarrassment with wide eyes.  They have already stop outside the arcade. He had stop dragging her, when.? She doesn't know. She was busy with her speech so she didn't notice when they stopped and now she wants to smack herself very badly.

Avni : I am hungry. She blurted out when his hand came down and she saw a cafe nearby to save herself from the embarrassment.

Neil hook his head as she made her way to the cafe pushing him away without hearing his response. He jogged a little to catch up with her and hold her hand in his when they are about to cross the road.

Neil : Don't forget that I've ignore that cute hot and handsome guy remark. He said to her with his eyes on the vehicles as they carefully crossed the road and reached the other side.

After ordering their drinks they settled on the table near the window. The view outside was aesthetically decorated giving the Christmas vibe and that was what caught Avni's attention. Here Christmas is celebrated like---..  Indian peoples celebrates big fat Indian wedding.

Neil tapped the table to caught her attention but she was busy admiring the view in front of her. Felling slightly offended by her ignorance or pretence of ignorance he got up from the seat in front of her and settle on the seat beside her.

Avni : Was it always this beautiful. It look so..  perfect.

Neil : yeah it's always pretty and like this during christamas time.

Avni nodded her head and again look outside.

Neil : Avoiding me,  aren't you.? Well it  won't take you anywhere Junglee billi. He says and turn her towards him by lifting her legs and putting them on his.

An audible gasp came out of her throat with his sudden move. His grip tightens over her legs as she tries to put her legs down.

Avni : What.. leave me. What you doing.?

Neil : you should have thought before avoiding me.

Avni : when did I avoid you.? I was just seeing the beautiful view that's it.

Neil : but I do feel avoided so.. He trailed off removing the strand of her hair out her face.

Avni : you are weird, most of the time. She stated and his eyes scan her face.

Neil : but not more than you.

Avni was about to make a remark when the waiter came. Her eyes widened when she realised their position by before she even protest to get in a decent position, Neil thanks the waiter and told him to put their order on the table.

The waiter put their order in front of them and went away not before giving them a known smile. Avni groan in embarrassment and her head came down to his shoulder in a way to hide from the eyes who might be looking at them sitting like this.

A chuckle vibrated out of Neil's chest and patted her head.

Neil : Don't worry, No one is paying us attention. And the waiter is used to things like this.

Her head pull up and she glance around to find everyone busy in their own world. A sigh to relief came out of her mouth that she was safe from the teasing and wired look people might gave. It'll be definitely horrific if they were in India right now.

She pinched his hand kept on her knees and quickly pulled her legs away when his hand retarted back because of the stink.

Neil glare at her to which she equally return before taking her drink and sipping it. Neither of them wants to eat anything so they order Latte for Neil and Caffè Mocha for Avni.

Neil : So where were we.? He aksed sipping his Latte.

Avni : Christmans decorations..? Its fab I tell you.

Neil : No. Don't try to be innocent. What wer you saying back there.?

Avni : Ohh... you're talking about that.? I was saying that I won and you loose the last round that's it. She shrugged her shoudler and turn her face to window controlling her smile.

His eyes narrowed at her. He hold her chin and make face him and he lean closer to her.

Neil : So tell me about that cute hot and handsome guy. He whispered wiping away a little bit cream spread on the corner of her lips.

Her eyes widened and she stuttered as his sudden closeness.

Avni : W...Who.?

Neil : Oh, I didn't knew you are suffering from short term memory loss. His hands caresses up to her cheek.

Avni : It.. It was nothing.

Neil : was it.? He ducked down and placed a kiss on her other cheek while his hand still caressing her soft skin.

Neil : Since you're not taking your reward, I'm giving it to you. After all you have won three points. He again kissed her same cheek. And again for the third time, but this time he bite her cheek slightly after placing a soft kiss.

A hiccup left from Avni's mouth. She gape at him who was looking outside as if he did nothing.

Did he Just....

Neil : what.? He aksed felling her gaze on him after few seconds.

She glared at his innocent face. He is such a great actor. Fake innocent Idiot.

Avni : Nothing. Drink your Lattè it'll get cold. It was best if she should just ignore it. If She even speak a word about his action before it gonna come back on her and then it'll be no end to the teasing. This Idiot handsome fiancée or boyfriend know get well to to get back in her.

Neil : You should also drink your Mocha rather than avoiding topics. Anyway we still had few games to go.

Avni : What games.? They're done. I already won. There are no games anymore.

Neil : Oh they are. And we both know it's a really very petty thing to argue over and you Junglee billi are not going away this easily after what you've done in last game. Wheter it is fair or not, we are going to play cause no way in hell I'm losing today. I'll be winning at the end for sure. And if you want to argue then I won't hesitate to repeat what I did a few moment ago again and again until you give up.

Avni : But we have an event to attend. She still argue ignoring his last comment. But now she is felling like a child making excuses for not going to school.

Neil : Yes but it's in evening and it's hardly 12 right now. So we have enough time. Let's go now. He stood up holding her hands and this time thankfully did not drag her. She willing walk along with him.

A sad pout grace her lips as she know it's going to be a long day.

And it seems, today is not the day of Avni. Or else she won't loose from someone so badly. It was just a bad day for her, but who can say this to him, who is hell bent to tease her.

Neil : 8-3. Winner can ask anything from the loser.? Right loser. He nudge her shoulder teasing her more.

Avni : I am not a loser. She gritted her teeth glaring at him. Her situation is not good right now. Losing against him bearing his teasing with an extremely hungry stomach, she is one step away from screaming. At him. Or just randomly.

Neil : Yeah, you're not a loser. I'm just a pro winner. He smirk.

Avni : I am leaving. She stomped her foot and walk ahead.

Neil : Hey, stop. He jogged towards her hand hold her hand.

Neil : yarr, you get annoyed very easily.

Avni : Then stop doing stupid things. She shot an angry glare at him and kept walking without trying to move her hand out of his hold as she knew it's a waste of energy and she already lacking back in it since she is famished.

Neil stopped her before she enter inside the car holding her hand tightly in his hold and came forward in front of her.

She looked away when his soft gaze landed on her. His beautiful brown eyes holding a soft look makes her feel guilty for behaving like this with him.

Bringing their intertwined up, he placed a soft kiss on the back of her palm.

Neil : Naraz ho, Gussa ho. He kissed the inside of her palm before pecking her finger tips one by one.

A shiver ran down her spine and an inaudible gasp left her mouth.

Neil : I won the game yet here instead of giving me some rewards I am getting showered by glares. Why.?

Avni looled away from his eyes. He is making her guilty.

Neil smile and kissed the side of her head. He knows her nature. If She kept hungry she'll be moody like a kid. He already expect her snapping at him. He delibaretly prolonged his teasings.

Neil : Let's feed you. He whipered and opened the car door for her.

Avni ducked down her head and settled inside the car silently. Neil chuckled closing the door and round the car to the driver seat.

Reversing the car, he drove off to the restaurant to fill his Junglee billi stomach with delicious food.

He glance around and found her looking outside the window, probably ignoring him.

He look ahead to see the road almost clear so he paced up his speed. He hold her hand which were placed on her lap with his right hand. He couldn't hold her hand properly due to the gauze but he still hold it with whatever grip he can.

Neil : Just a reminder to you. I won the game and I can ask anything from you. His voice made her look at him and her eyes got connect with his for a second before he looked away at the road.

Neil : Just a reminder. He passed a subtle wink and grin at her.

Avni rolled her eyes but a smile threatened on her face and she did not tried to hide it. Instead she caresses his fingers looking at his gauze hand. 

If he was grinning before, now his face split into two smiling like a crazy. Her little advanced made his soo happy and content that he never ever thoughts could be. She is the epitome of happiness and craziness in his life he never thought could ever exist.

In the span of few months this crazy girl manage to make him feel all the mushy, tingling, shivering and every cliche feeling. And only she had mange to do all this things to him. No one had ever entrude him like she does. She is a full package of beauty, brains, childishness, maturity, funny, bossy, and what not. She is just... She. Avni Malhotra. His Junglee billi.

After having lunch in a cute small restaurant a little away from the main area, they went to the same cliff where they went on the first day of her being here. The cafe on the cliff sells the best chocolate mouse. So on Avni's demand they went there to enjoy the dessert.

Both were sharing the experiences and memories of their college life enjoying their dessert when Avni's phone pinged with lots of messages from girl asking her about when will she came as they have an event to attend and have to get ready together as they decided yesterday.

Neil : You're not going. He instantly said not liking the idea of her going there again and getting busy with her girls gang and forgot him.

Avni : But I've to get ready. 

Neil : And you can get ready at my place too. Remember your luggage is there. It'll be more easy for you to get ready.

Avni : But I'll need girls to help me.

Neil : what help you need. Or you just want to gossip about some more things.

Avni : We don't gossip. And I need their help to get ready. I can't do may hair alone or makeup or I can't choose the shade for my eyeshadow. And don't make me go on liner. You don't know how much it takes us to get everything perfectly matched. You just a have to come your hair spray the perfume and boom, you're ready. She huffs slamming the table attracting few crowd.

Since it was noon, there were not much people around and the place was quiet silent so her banging the table, though not so hard, gained the attention.

Passing an apologetic smile, Avni turned to him who was shooking his head at her action.

Neil : you speak so much in one breath. You have a good stamina holding your breath. And it's good for me. He muttered the last word to himself.

Avni : What did you say. She narrowed her eyes at him. She ignore his former words and focused more on the later ones which she could not able hear.

Neil : I said that you're not going back to your gossip gang. You'll get ready at the mansion and you don't have to to do make-up or hair or whatever you said earlier. You can come into your pyjamas. I'm sure Zach won't throw you out of the event in fact he would love to twin with you.

Avni : Neil, this is not a joke. I seriously have to go there. We decide to get ready together. She whinned at the end.

Neil : I am not joking. And I already told you I'm not leaving you. So now get up we've to go back too. It'll take time. He stood up collecting his keys and wallet and phone.

Avni : I won't go anywhere with you. She stubbornly said glaring at him.

Neil : Oh so sad. You don't know anyone here. And I am not leaving you alone so you are coming with me. And you better stand up before I drag you out of this cafe.

Avni : I hate you. She throw the tissue at him but kept seated on th chair stubbornly.

Neil : Junglee billi. Get up. He called her.

No response.

Neil : I'll drag you out if you don't get up then don't complain later.

Again. No response.

Neil : Avni. He said removing her hand from her ear which She covered a moment ago.

Avni : Drop me at the penthouse.

Neil : No. Get up we are leaving for the mansion.

Avni : Why are you so stubborn.? She asked annoyingly.

Neil : Look who's talking.? He rolled his eyes.

Neil : I am not dropping you the penthouse and we are leaving now. He said each word clearly emphasising each one of them and hold her wrist to pull her up.

Avni : You are annoying. She scrunched her nose iritatedly.

Neil : for you I am. Anything else.? He said walking out of the cafe nodding the old lady who was the owner of the cafe. She knows him very well, in fact his whole gang as they're the regular customer during the college days.

Avni huffs helplessly as again her plan got flop. She had plan to discussed about his birthday with others and thought that they will get a lot time to discussed it before the event. By he had to ruined it. Now she doesn't know what to do.

Tomorrow is his birthday eve and she has no idea what to do. She wants to smack him for ruining her plans but alas he had been nothing but extremely good to her the whole day eliminating the teasing he had done on winning. She can't do anything now and she also does not know what to do anymore.

Bro was right, I should just not plan anything. It'll be the best surprise he'll get after ruining my plans.

All the way she tried to think something for his birthday but couldn't get anything. He is simple as well as one complicate person. And it is so hard to plan anything for him when actually it's his birthday and she is pro at planning for birthdays.

Arrghh!!!.. Danm you Idiot for making me crazy.



Until next time....

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