Episode 47

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Ignore mistakes!!!!

And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile,

"Turn him into stars and form a constellation in his image. His face will make the heavens so beautiful that the world will fall in love with the night and forget about the garish sun."

His brown orbs gaze deep into her hazel one. She felt her entire lungs gave up on breathing when he gazed intensely at her with this familiarly un-familiar feelings.

His heart skipped a beat when her words swim into his ears. She is repeating someone else's words yet his stupid heart claimed to take wrong incentives.

He took a deep breath looking away from her captivating eyes.

They are lying on the ground under twinkling layer of shining beads spread on the night canvas. Her head was tucked properly on his arm, not letting her hair get dirty in the ground dust.

Neil : "And now who is this?" His hands were itching to hold her close to him, engulf her entirely but he refrain himself.

Avni : "Romeo Juliet." A grin took place on her face replying him.

Neil : "eessh!! Shakespeare." He shook his head at her.

She had cited quite a few quotes randomly from the books she had read. Some were confusing, some cringe, while some took his breath away.

Never knew she had this side.

But again, he didn't knew romance novel could have this much effect on her and she can present long long quotes with accurate emotions .

Avni : "Hey, don't make fun of them." She slightly rebuke at him.

Neil : "To how many guys did you tell this cheesy quotes.?"

Avni : "Quite few. Why? Wanna know their names.?" She smirked raising her brows. His brown eyes hold a different glean in them when he's in a playful mood. 

Unknowingly her chin rested on his shoulder making them more closer than before. Their faces were few inches apart. A little push and her lips will came in direct contact with his chin.

Neil : "Keep it with you." He harrumph and try to control his erratic heart, hoping she didn't perceive that.

Avni : "Arey, listen na. There are quite few interesting incidents." She tapped his chest to get his attention unaware of his condition.

Avni : "Once, there was this boy in my class. We just started our college and he joined a few weeks later, so our professor told me to guide him with all the missing work and he became my bench mate. He was this shy guy, who will get flustered with littlest compliments and I'll find ways to compliment to see him all shy and did he look cute? Man, he was the most cutest guy I've ever seen yet the most handsome with perfectly shaped features on his face and then his physique, what to tell about it? It was so well built with the hottest abs to die--"

She was jerked up in an instant causing her rant to cease.

Neil : "We are getting late. We should get going." His face hardened with a distant look in his eyes as he avoid looking at her. Long gone his playful mood. His lips were mumbling something incoherently.

She sat on the grounds looking up at him who was busy dusting his jeans and her lips twitched not wanting it to spread in a smile, yet.

Avni : "Arey wait na, I was telling you about Krishu. He was absolutely adorable. And you know when he used to wear hoodies, particularly that white on-"

Her hand was held in a tight yet gentle grip, and with tug she was uplifted from the ground.

Avni : " Jahil, atleast inform before doing."

Neil : " I told you we are getting late."

Avni :" But I wasn't finished talking about Krishu." She counter back holding his hand making him halt in his step as he turned back to the car.

He gave no nonsense look and look away. She stepped closer biting her lips to stop smiling.

Avni : "What happen.? Why are you looking angry.? Did I say something wrong.?" She blink innocently making his eyes zeroed at her.

Neil : "You find this funny." He stated looking at her face.

Avni : "What funny.? Oh, the face you made when I was talking about Krishu.?" She raised her brows holding his t-shirt from the waist in a loose grip inside his jacket. An action she did so unconsciously.

Oh What fun! What fun!.

Neil : "I did not made any face." He instantly defend himself, very well aware of her warmth he felt with her standing this close to him.

Avni : "Oh, you did. Don't lie. I wish I could captured that." Her mischievous eyes glitter under the moonlight.

Neil : "I did not.? You make faces when you saw Lara or Bianca around me.?"

Her eyes widened at his words.

Oh he did not bring that.

Avni : "I did not do such things."

Neil : "Oh you surely did." He smirk down at her to which she glared back.

How the hell the game turned around in a moment.?

Avni : "Aren't we getting late now.? We should get going." She stepped back from him and turn to the car. Opening the passenger seat door, she sat inside.

There are few people whom she does not want to have any association with and he mention those ones exactly. And now had an audacity to laugh.

This stupid idiot handsome man of hers.

He quickly settled inside, loving her red face. He keep looking at her even after settling inside, not bothering to start the car.

Neil : "It's a tit for tat Junglee Billi. you started it and I just continued"

Avni :"Again, now aren't we getting late.?" She was looking ahead not wanting to caste a look at him knowing very well that stupid smirk must be there on his face.

And it irk her the most when she find it damn attractive. Why she have almost zero to null resistance when it comes to him.? 

Neil didn't say anything more but start the car giving her a lazy smile and drove away from the place. But he made sure that his Junglee Billi is again in her happy mood so as to not ruin their first Christmas together.

And it was not difficult to change her mood. Few Chocolates, ice-cream and her favourite junk food is all it take to make her chirpy once again.

As soon as they reached the mansion, Avni was quick to get out the car and rushed past the gates to her room asking him chuckle. It was her demand to go to the house first before they went to celebrate their first festival together. Reason? He is unaware of.

He entered inside the living room dropping his coat at the side couch when she skipped down through the stairs with bags in her hands. Only two but one was very large and another one was small. What's inside is only known to her.

Neil : "Careful Junglee Billi, the floor is expensive not to get broke by your cruelty on it."

Her eyes narrowed at him and nose flared at his comment.

Avni : "Only and only if it wasn't your birthday today." She gulped down a snarky comeback just not to ruin her mood.

Neil : "Never been glad of it." He winked settling down on the couch resting his back on the hand rest, folding his on leg beneath while other on the ground.

She stood in front of him and gave him the bags which contains his birthday presents.

Avni : "Here are your gifts quickly open them we have to leave asap. Or don't. I don't want to take a chance this the first ever Christmas celebration. And Ari just texted me, they all have reached so please quickly put it in your room and open them later Okay.?" she spoke just like the Rajdhani express she is.

Neil : "Definitely not okay. It's my gifts and I'll decide when to open them. And it's now."

Avni : "Neil please. I don't want to be late." She pouted whining a little.

Neil : "It's hardly ten Junglee Billi. We'll reach there on time now shush I want see what you got for me."

Avni : "I.. I just randomly picked whatever I saw first. Didn't ponder upon it." She said nonchalantly as if she is not on the verge of getting a nervous attack. That is why she was saying not to open the gifts now. 

Yes, she bought gifts for him, fighting with her brother and best friend, scrolling through each and every website, seeing almost each and every product in the store, comparing each and everything she liked to match up his preference yet she is feeling worst nervousness than what she used to feel during her exams.

He slowly took out a gift from the very large bag. It was a big size box in a black colour. Hard to guess what's inside from the outside. His first guess was shoes but the box was a huge for it be shoes . As he unfold the black neatly done ribbon and open the box, he saw different sizes of box placed inside it. 

 Neil : " It's not a prank or something right Junglee Billi?" he raised his brows after looking at boxes hidden with paper.

Avni : "Who knows? You have tease me enough so .." She shrugged her shoulder hiding her inner turmoil behind the nonchalant facade.

Neil : "Aisa hai kya?"  He crooked his brows and picked the first box which was wrap loosely in a black paper. She had done a great work in packing. All in his only favourite colour. 

As he remove the paper, amusement flicker on his face looking at the box. He look towards her with the same amusing glance. She gesture him to open the box. But instead of opening the box, he remove the papers from all boxes. Damn! Junglee Billi had literally worked hard. 

Then he started opening box one by one. Firstly, he opened a small rectangular box. There was a metallic black keychain with a symbol carved on it. The same symbol that was place on top of  each box and the one that amused him. 

Neil : "Thank you. But how did you manage to get it.?" It was a black precious metal and it is very difficult to get. He can easily identify it as he is obsessed with black metals and precious jewels and stones.

But the main thing is, How did she knows about it? He never mentioned about his liking towards things like this.

Neil : "Who is the intruder? Who gave you this information?"

A sly smile formed on her face and it slowly turned into smirk.

Avni : "I have flow of news from everywhere." She flicked her hair from her shoulder in style making him smile. 

He can guess from where she is getting the news  but he stayed silent and opened other boxes one after another. And to say he was surprised would be an understatement. Each of the box contain his favourite things or things he is obsessed with. Some he guessed, some made him surprised. And it's a lot. She has gone literally out of the way and bring things for him.

Neil : "Avni, you know you have to not do this gifts things and all. I'm more than happy with what you planned last night. And honestly you just being here is the best gift for me." He softly said still looking at the gifts.

Avni : "So I work hard for nothing. I should have listen to bro. He was right about gifting you nothing." she sigh sadly making a sad pout to make her act more convincing. He chuckled at her dramas and shook his head.

Neil : "Come here." He said putting the box aside and gather her in his arms.

Neil : "Thank you so much Junglee Billi . Though you didn't have to brought any of this, I love them. Each of them.". He kissed the side of her head and tightens his hold around her.

Avni : "You should. Do you have any idea how much time I've spent on deciding what to give and which one to give. I swear Babaji, it's tiring as hell to find a gift for you." She said contraindicting to her previous statement.

She looked up at him brushing her hair away which he helped tucking a strain behind her ear.

Neil : "Is it so.? You didn't have to forced your brain to think so much. I already got my birthday gift when a crazy girl landed here in London few days ago wearing shorts and shivering from the cold."

Avni  :  "Shut up idiot. Stop making fun of me." She smacked his arm and sit straight realizing she was actually leaning on him.

Avni : "And don't expect this gift things again in future. It's a one time thing. I can't do this every year. God it's tiring." She huffed and lean against the couch getting tired just thinking about the hard works she had done to get perfect gifts.

Neil  : "Well you basically gave me everything I love, but you could have give one thing at a time this might help you get things easier."

Avni : "That sound good to me but now the deed is already done so I am seriously not giving you anything from now on."

Neil: "Okay. You are anyway coming to me in few months that is enough for lifetime." He said putting his gifts back together.

Her cheek instantly hit up with his comment and to not make it obvious she pretend not to hear or atleast understand it.

Avni : "I...I think we should get going. I'm hungry and I am excited to see Santa Claus. And you know the weather report says today there's a high possibility of snowfall can you believe it. It is just so much more exciting. God, please make it happen please."

She stood up and continued her blabber. And he just shook his head at his antics. He knows very well her defence mechanism. She can change topics faster than a person can blink. 

Avni : "Now get up idiot we've to go." She whined holding his hand and try pulling him up.

Neil : "No. I still have gifts to unpack." And with a pull she was dropped down on a couch beside him in her previous place.

Neil picked up the small bag which was placed on the table in front. Avni's nervousness reached its peak seeing now opening the bag.

Neil : "Wait, Is it a letter.? You wrote me a letter.?" His smile became bigger and bigger at the thought of someone writing a letter for him. Junglee Billi to be specific.

He couldn't wait to read the letter. No one had wrote a letter for him. Yes in college he did get lots of those Red and Pink letter with cringe words but he was not interested in them neither wanted someone to do that at that time so every letter was read and thrown by his best friend when he was just ignoring them .

Avni bite her nails in nervousness seeing him now opening the letter and she couldn't hold it anymore and just as he was about to opened the bag she snatched it. Yes. Not a nice move but it was needed. Or she could have had a nervous attack within minute second.

Avni  : "Okay. Don't say anything. Just promise me."  she clutch the bag to herself looking at his confusing eyes.

Neil : "What promise? And let me read the letter please. Give it to me."

Avni : "NO. You won't read the letter. I mean you won't read it now. Please Please Please promise me."

Neil : "But Why? Let me read it now"

Avni : " No, please you won't read it now please please. Consider it as my return gift." Her eyes blink as she pout cutely .

Neil : " Aisa kya likha hai huh! I want to read it right now."

Avni : "No, please, please, please,  please... Open it later when I am gone please."

Neil : "okay, okay fine. I'll read it later but you have to tell me why can't I read it then. No lie. Promise?"

Avni : "I promise I'll tell you later but you won't read it now"

Neil : "Okay then, Deal. Let's seal the deal." He casually said putting away the letter back. 

Avni : "Okay.... WHAT?!!" She chirped happily but later realised what he stated.

Neil nodded his head innocently and dipped his head down at her level fanning his breath on her lips. He, without uttering a word placed his lips on her cheek, for few seconds only and move away. Just enough to brush his nose against hers. And in next moment he squeezed her cheeks making her lips form a pout and placed a sound kissed on her cheek - once, twice and thrice before moving away from her personal space. 

Neil : "Ab meri birthday ke din tumhari saari baatein maani hai toh itna toh deserve karta hi hoon na mein. Haina?"  He smirked leaning against the handrest rubbinghis thumb over his brow looking more attractive. Avni, lost in him nodded her head absentmindedly but soon came to realisation and shook her head.

Neil : " What? Are you agreeing or denying?" 

Avni : " None. Now quickly open your remaining gifts. We have to leave too."

Neil : " Well I won't mind staying here with you for the rest of the night but then again as you say Madam." He loves seeing her red heat up face and that tight lips hiding her smile. Oh Man, does she look Beautiful? She's magnificent.

He looks around the gifts that are scattered on the table. From that keychain, that he later realised can be worn as a locket around the neck with the additional chain provided inside the box, to the latest edition of Rolex black metal wrist watch and to be honest it is one of his favourite brand. When he first opened the box he gave a look to Avni-as the watch itself is freaking expensive- to which she just turned away her face as if knew what he would say. He chuckled buckling the watch then only and show it to her. And instead of complimenting him, She raised her imaginary collars shrugging her shoulder, taking the unsaid credit.

His gaze went towards a rectangular box containing a Wallet, a Shaker, a full packed grooming kit containing almost everything he used, a cap with his initial on it, a rolled up belt, few clothes in black, Sunglasses and surprisingly a headphone which he was planning to buy. Well it can't be coincidence. It seems like Zachary Rodriguèz is at her service 24/7.

He sigh and look after the last box packed, He roughly had an idea what it could be and how can he be wrong guessing it. Shoes.  His other obsession after watches to stacked.

And again, how can she be normal and bought anything she liked. It was again a pair of shoes he almost ordered but got stopped by a certain someone giving all bullshit excuse. He should have guessed it then only when he felt something fishy about Zach.

Neil : "I guess, I need to have a long conversation with the intruder and your newest spy, no?"

Avni : "Ayye.., you won't say anything to him." She warned. 

Neil : "So you know whom exactly I'm talking about?" His brows raised making her bite her lips looking away.

Can she be anymore cute?

Shaking his head, he put the box from his lap away and snacked his arms around her waist, engulfing her completely in his arms. This time more tightly. This time for much longer. Her hands wrapped around his neck hiding her face in his neck and his head ducked down her shoulder pulling her more closer. 

Neil : "Thank you." A mere whisper on her shoulder and her lips stretched in a big smile. A brighter one too. And he felt it. He felt her smile making his lips follow the same too. 

Neil : "That's lot for the first time. His gaze move towards the gifts  sprawled on the table in front.

Avni : "I know. A lot compare to what I got." Her grin widened.

Neil : "Are you implying that..." He trailed off narrowing his eyes playfully over her shoulder not leaving her warmth at all

Avni : " Yeah.! Exactly that." She control the laugh erupting out of her. 

Neil : "Ungrateful Materialistic Junglee Billi." He murmured loud enough for her to hear earning a heartwarming giggle from her which multiplies when his fingers caresses her  sides and the tickling starts.

Her laugh echoed around the hall as she starts to wiggle free from his hold but he didn't let her. He only stop when he felt her she can't breathe anymore. Her harsh deep breathe fall on his shoulder as she limped down in his arms, tired, still not moving away from his hold. When she caught back her breathe, she moved away from him, glaring him for the atrocities. 

He smile innocently making his hidden dimples on the show. She felt her heart melting at the sight and all the scolding she has in her mind flew away. She snacked her arms around his neck hugging him, smacking his head and muttering idiot in his ear. This handsome stupid idiot man of hers.

He somehow managed to make her birthday special even after sitting far far away from her.

She had not planned to get soo much things for him nor it was her intention. She was thinking very hard to gift him something and reject thousands of cringe ideas their friends and siblings suggested.

At first it was going to be her flying to London and surprise him for his birthday. Which eventually happened. But later she realized something.

It was always him doing its and bits and everything in their relation. Be it calling her early in the morning compromising with his daily routine or helping her with the meetings and presentations when he himself had heap of files to go through. Randomly calling her on holidays and arranging virtual movie date on pretext of getting bored to be discrete, sending her gifts almost every second day for wishing him good luck for the meetings to making sure that her favourite chocolates are always stacked. Calling her everyday to just fight with her or to just listen to her absolute nonsense and remembering it afterwards is what made her heart flutter even today. 

He was absolutely, completely and undoubtedly the man she admired and wished to be with always. And when she has the man she desired once, it would be a waste to not pamper him and make him feel out of the world. And when he has been doing all the  little things staying miles away from him, she could at least do a little bit so as to make him feel equally important if not more. 

It was not about buying numerous or expensive gifts. Neither it hold any importance to either of them. But the fact that it can make him happy to get things he liked from her is what she was looking for. He could easily purchase all the thing she gifted but it became more meaningful when she is the one who spent her time to actually go through everything and choose his desired gifts. It just make things more meaningful. Similarly, she could easily get the chocolates and flower for herself, but him sending it to her sitting across the oceans makes it more special and just beautiful.

And she can see her hard work pull off. She can feel it. In his arms, smiling and laughing with him is what she considered her return gift. The confusion, the tension, the nervousness, the fights, the anxiety and all the other things she had gone through to make things special for him just pulled off in a right way. And she can't be thankful enough to each and everything that helped her. 

She felt his lips brushed against her temple and a light whisper of thank you against her skin and her arms tightened around his neck accepting his gesture. She release her hold and move back tucking her hair strained behind ear.

Avni : "Okay okay, I know, I am amazing and you shouldn't waste a single moment not expressing your gratitude towards it, but we should leave, its already late. And now I'm hungry too." She pout at the end.

He laughed but comply to her and stood up collecting all the things.

Neil : "You just had your share of junk and it was kinda a lot."  

She gave a Deadpan look and saw him controlling his smile. This idiot just wants to rile her up. Just few moments ago he was all mushy mushy and now back to being his mean self.

Avni :"Can we go please?." She asked ignoring his jibe.

Neil : "Yeah, just let me put it all in my room." He hold the bags ready to go to his room and put all the thing safely.

Avni : "Let it be na no-one's going to steal it. Keep them in your room later for now let just go." As she saw the time she was getting impatient to be there at the Christmas celebration.

She dragged him out without hearing further to the door and quickly wore her jacket. Handing him his to wear, she rushed out and stood against the car like like impatient child.

He followed her to the car and opened the door for her earning a gleeful smile from her as she sat inside and he closed the door after kissing her cheeks. He just couldn't resist her. He had to do it.

He made a quick run to the his side and settle on the driving seat looking at her before giving life to the engine. Holding her cold hand in his warm one they were soon out on the road filled with lights, laugh and love.




Until next time....

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