Chapter 15~Kaira is revealing the truth?

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Naira went to her room, and closed the door behind her

"Kartik, it's Gayu di! What should we do now? She came here to surprise us it seems!" Naira said panicking.

"What? Now what can we do?" Kartik asked

"Kartik, according to her, this is Kritika and Karan's house! And you have gone with them to get something." Naira said

"But how should I go from here now? She is sitting down na." Kartik said

"I will manage that! When I take Gayu di into the guest room, you slowly walk out, and then go and get Kritika and Karan! And tell them everything." Naira said

"Okay fine!" Kartik said and both of them came out

Naira went down to Gayu

"Gayu di, you must be tired na! Come I will take you to this guest room, you can get freshen up there. Till then I will get the lunch ready." Naira said smiling

"Accha fine, come!" Gayu got up and went inside

Till then Kartik slowly sneaked out of the house and went to Kritika and Karan

"Where is Naira? Why did you come alone?" Kritika asked as soon as she saw Kartik

"Because, there is a big problem! Gayu has come from Udaipur, and she is there in our house now!" Kartik said

"Oh, the one whom you are going to get married to?" Karan asked making Kartik glare at him

"I am not going to marry her! I have my Naira with me. And I came to take you both! So listen, you both need to pretend as though, Kaira mansion is your house! Okay?" Kartik said

"Okay fine! But will she be here till you both are here? Because if she stays for long, she will come to know the truth na!" Kritika said

"I will think of something for that! Come let's go now." Kartik said and they all left

Soon they all reached Kaira mansion

"Gayu di meet them! She is Kritika, my best friend, and he is Karan, her fiancée!" Naira introduced

"Oh, nice to meet you!" Gayu said with a smile

"Same here, glad to see you." Kritika replied with a smile

"So when is the marriage?" Gayu asked suspiciously, as she thought Kartik and Naira lied to them about the marriage

"It's on sunday!" Preeta replied

"Oh great!" She replied with a smile

"Where is Kartik?" Gayu asked looking around

"He is parking the car." Karan replied

"I am here!" Kartik entered, and Gayu smiled looking at him

"Hello!" Gayu said smiling and hugged him

Naira was getting jealous looking at them

Kartik looked at Naira and moved away!

"Hello, how are you?" Kartik asked

"I am good!"

"Come let's have lunch, then we can go for shopping!" Naira said

Unknowingly Gayu went and sat in Naira's place, and Kartik went to sit in his place that is next to Gayu, but Naira stopped him

"I will sit next to my sister, right Gayu di!" Naira said glaring at Kartik

"I wanted Kartik to sit here!" Gayu thought

"Yeah sure Naira, sit!" Gayu said with a fake smile

The others also took their seat

"Naira is getting jealous Kartik!" Karan whispered as he sat next to Kartik

"Yes, I know!" Kartik said, and both of them laughed

"Will you both eat now?" Kritika said looking at them

"So Gayu di, how come you are here? It was so unexpected, you could have informed us na!" Naira said

"I just thought to meet you, so came to surprise! If I would inform, then what surprise would it be?" Gayu said smiling

"It's okay! I am happy to see you here!" Kartik said, and Naira choked

"You are very happy mendak!" Naira whispered and glared at Kartik

"I mean, we....we are happy to see you here!" Kartik covered up

"That's better!" Naira said slowly

"You said something?" Gayu asked

"No no! How is everyone at home? Did bhai come back?" Naira asked

"No, he said, till we all go back to Udaipur, he will also come!" Gayu said shocking Naira and Kartik

"We all? That means she is going to stay with us here for the wedding!" Naira thought

"She will get to know the truth, if she stays her for so long! There is only one way now! And I will do that only, but before that I need to talk to Naira!" Kartik thought

After having lunch, Kartik went to the terrace and called Naira there

Till then, Kritika kept Gayu busy! Gayu was showing her Jewellry designs to Preeta.

"Kartik, we need to do something! If Gayu di stays here, she will find out the truth soon!" Naira said panicking

"Naira, there is only one way now! Telling the truth about our marriage!" Kartik said

"What? Kartik, no one will accept this marriage! Especially our parents, you also know that!" Naira said

"I know! We are not going to tell everyone! We will just tell one person! I really trust her, and she will surely help us out! And as time passes, we will tell our families also!" Kartik said

"Who is it?"

"Keerti! I know she won't tell anyone, and she will surely support us! We will tell her everything and she will help us!" Kartik said

"But how can we tell her? It's not a good option to tell on phone call, what if someone hears it or something else happens?" Naira asked

"I know jaan! Let's do one thing, I will call Keerti di to Rishikesh, she will make some reason and come! Then, somehow we will manage to keep Gayu busy with Kritika maybe!" Kartik replied

"Yeah, Kritika will help us! And then we will go and meet her! But of course Keerti di will get angry na Kartik! Like we kept all this hidden from so long na." Naira said

"I know Naira! But at present, it's better than telling the whole family! And I know Keerti very well. She will be angry at first, but later I am sure she will understand!" Kartik assured

"Okay fine! Come let's go down, before Gayu di comes upstairs!" Naira said and they both went down

Hey guys! How are you all?

How was the part? How will Keerti react to the truth about their wedding? Will she help them? Or will Gayu and the families get to know about it? What will happen next?

Thank you for reading ❤️

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