Chapter 20~Confusion

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"keerti!" Kartik said entering her room.

"Yes Kartik what happened?" She asked

"Keerti, can you come with me? If I go alone, everyone will ask several questions! Tell that you want to go for shopping, and come with me!" Kartik said

"What? Where do you want to go?"

"I will tell all that later! It's getting late, come fast please!" Kartik replied and Keerti nodded

"Kartik, Keerti where are you both going?" Suvarna asked as they both descended down

"Maa, I want to go for shopping, so Kartik will drop me there!" Keerti lied

"Okay fine! But come fast okay? We have to go to mandir today!" Suvarna replied, and they both nodded and left

Soon Kartik and Keerti reached the destination

"Kartik why did we come to Singhania Sadan?" Keerti asked looking around

"To meet Naira na? Kartik if someone sees us here, then we are surely gone!"

"Keerti, I have a gift for Naira, I will give it to her, then we will go back home!" Kartik said

"What? How will you give it to her?" Keerti asked

"I will go inside through the window, and keep it in her room and come back!" Kartik said shocking Keerti

"No! You are not going to do anything like this! Are you crazy? And by the way, how do you know which is Naira's room? There are two windows here!" Keerti asked

"I know! This is her room." Kartik said pointing at a window

"How are you so sure Kartik? We can't take a risk!" Keerti said looking around

"That day, when we came back from Rishikesh, Naira went in this room, so of course this is her room, I am sure!" Kartik said confidently

"Kartik but......"

"Shh! I know this is my Naira's room! You stand here, I will go and keep the gift and come!" Kartik said bringing a ladder

Soon he climbed the ladder and reached inside the room, as he entered he saw the photo frames of himself in her room

"Why has Naira kept my pictures like this openly? Someone will see them!" Kartik said seeing all around the room

As he heard some footsteps, he kept the gift on the bed and went down through the window again

"Did someone see you?" Keerti asked as he came down

"Nahi! Come let's go home now!" He said taking a seat in the car

"Kya kya karte rehte ho tum Kartik!" Keerti said as she sat inside

"I had to give this gift to her today!"

"Why? What so special?" She asked looking at him as he drove

"Today was the day when I first met Naira! So of course it's special for us!" Kartik said happily

"Wow! That's great! So what plans today?" Keerti asked

"I am taking her on a dinner date! And you are helping me in this!"

"What? No! I am not doing anything!" Keeri replied

"Please Keerti! For your brother, you can't do this? You just have to make everyone agree to let me go out today! Please Keerti!" Kartik said

"Such a dramebaaz you are na! Okay fine, chalo ab!" Keerti said making Kartik happy


"Choti maa, I spoke to Gayu about her marriage, and she has agreed for it!" Akshara said as she served tea for everyone

"That's really good Akshara! Kartik is a well mannered child, and he is perfect for our daughter, Gayu! This is such a good news!" Devyani said happily

"So, Akshara, you should call them and tell that it's a yes from our side!" Kaveri said

"Bhabi maa, actually I was thinking of keeping this marriage after few months! The children will get time to spend with each other, and they will understand each other in this time!" Akshara said

"But will Suhasini ji agree for this?" Devyani asked

"I don't know choti maa! I am planning to talk to suvarna ji now!" Akshara said

"Yes Akshara, talk to them!" Kaveri said and Akshara called Suvarna

"Suvarna, the phone is ringing, who is it?" Suhasini called

"Maa ji, it's from Gayu's family!" Suvarna said and answered the call

"Hello Akshara ji! How are you?" Suvarna spoke

"I am good, aap bataye!" She replied

"We all are fine!"

"Suvarna ji, we spoke to Gayu about her and Kartik's marriage, and it's a yes from her side!" Akshara said making the Goenka's happy

"Wow! That's a great news!" She said smiling

"What about Kartik?" Akshara asked

"He didn't say anything yet! But I guess it's a yes from his side too!" Suvarna replied

"Oh great! But actually we were planning to keep this marriage after few months, so that the kids get time to know and understand each other, if you all don't mind!" Akshara said

"Oh, we don't mind Akshara ji! We will do it that way then! And also by this time, Kartik will also understand Gayu, and might just say yes for this marriage!" Suvarna said

"Oh okay! Thank you so much for understanding, Suvarna ji!" Akshara said

"No problem, take care!" She replied and kept the call

"Bhabi maa, they agreed for it!" Akshara said happily

Gayu entered her room and saw the gift on her bed

"What is this? Who might have kept it here?" Gayu said as she looked at the box

As she looked at it, her eyes fell on the corner of the box

"With love, Kartik!" It read

Reading this, it made Gayu really happy

"Kartik sent this gift for me!" She said happily and opened it carefully

"That's just so sweet of him!" Gayu said smiling

Hey guys! How are you all?

How was the part? What do you think will Gayu do? Will Kartik go on a date with Gayu? Or will Keerti help them out? What will happen next?

Thank you for reading❤️

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