Chapter 30~Truth is revealed?

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"Kartik, I am really scared! How would our families react, I am sure they will be angry, but today we need to tell them, or else this marriage will happen, which I don't want!" Naira said.

"Jaan, don't worry everything will be fine, it will take some time for them to believe it, and accept it, but eventually they will. Remember one thing, that I will always love you no matter what!" Kartik replied placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Akshara are all the preparations done?" Devyani asked.

"Haan choti maa, I just need to check if Gayu is ready! Come Karishma, let's go and see if the kids need any help!"

"Do you need any help Akshara ji?" Suvarna asked.

"No, Suvarna ji, everything is done! We will just get Gayu down."

"Where is Naira?" Naitik asked.

"Papa, she wasn't feeling well, so she is in her room, I will go and get her!" Keerti said.

"And Kartik?" Suvarna asked.

"Oh no! I think Kartik is with Naira, I should go and get them!" Keerti thought.

"I will call and check where he is!" Keerti replied to Suvarna.

"Okay beta, and come fast!"

"Gayu are you ready?" Akshara entered. Gayu got up and stood in front of her, making everyone around her shocked.

"Gayu, you look so beautiful!" Akshara said and everyone around her agreed.

"It's such a good feeling to see our daughter's as a bride, that is really a memorable one." Akshara said smiling.

"Don't worry maami, next is Naira's turn!" She said smiling. Little did she know she was already married...

"You are also just like my daughter, Gayu!" Akshara replied smiling.

"Now let's go down?" Karishma asked.

"You all go, I just want my phone from Naira's room, I will come!" Gayu said. Everyone nodded and went down.

"You come down with Naira and Keerti!" Akshara said as she went down.

"Okay maami!" She replied and went to Naira's room.

"Kartik, are we going to tell now!? How will the families react? I am really scared!" Naira said.

"Jaan, listen to me! I am always there with you, and whatever it does to make our families accept us, I will do it, don't worry!" He said smiling

"Jaan!??" Gayu thought as she stood near the door peeking inside.

"You are my wife, and I married you because I truly love you, and I had promised to be with you in every step, no matter what! I am with you, so don't worry. I can't see you sad, please smile na jaan!" Kartik continued and Naira smiled.

"Hayee!" He said and kissed her cheek, making her blush.

"Whattt!? Kartik and Naira? Husband wife? When did this happen?" Gayu thought. She started recollecting every moment, of Kartik and Naira. She then realised that this was the truth! They were married, without anyone's knowledge about it.

She walked downstairs as tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

"Maami, maama, dadi, badi naani, choti naani, karishma maami!" She screamed, and everyone gathered down in the hall

"Kartik! What happened to Gayu di? Why is she calling everyone? Come let's go down!" Naira said.

"You go first, then I will come, or else someone might see us!" Kartik replied.

"Okay, come fast!" She said and went down.

"What happened Gayu?" Everyone kept asking her continuously.

"Gayu di are you okay? What happened?" Naira asked as she came down.

"I should be asking that! Why did you do this Naira? Why? Do you think all this is a joke? Playing with my feeling is a joke to you?" Gayu asked, making everyone shocked at her words.

"Gayu! Stop it, this is not the way you should talk to her. Whatever it is, talk after the wedding, stop it now!" Rama said.

"No dadi, I want the answers to my questions! How can she do this? She is my sister, I trusted her, I loved her, and she did this with me! How could she? Not even once did you think how would I feel if I come to know about it? Why did you hide all this from us Naira? Why?" Gayu asked.

"Gayu stop! Naira, what is all this? What is Gayu talking about?" Akshara asked looking at Naira, whose eyes were full of tears.

"What will she answer maami? She is speechless. After doing all this, without anyone knowing about it, what will she say? She has nothing to say! Why Naira? And you Kartik? Don't you have anything to tell about this? You both have hurted me!" She shouted angrily.

"Gayu di, please listen..."

"No Naira! Dare you lie again. You have lied enough about all this, not anymore! All this was a game or what? Why did you both play with my feelings? Didn't you get a thought even once? About your families? And you Kartik? Didn't you ever think how would I feel? Naira, you are my sister, and yet you didn't care about me? Not even once??" She asked, everyone were still confused of what was happening!

"Gayu Naira, will someone tell us what's going on here? Why are you so angry at Naira, Gayu? And why are you including Kartik in between you two sisters? What's the matter?" Akshara asked!

"Ask your pyaari daughter maami! Afterall all this was done by her only!" Gayu said.

"Gayu! Enough now! Stop this, and tell us clearly!" Rama asked again.

"You want to know what Naira has done right? So listen...."

Hey guys! How are you?

How was the chapter? Finally the truth is going to come out, how do you think the family will react to this? Will they accept them? What will happen next?

And, I am sorry for portraying such a character for Gayu, but of course some drama needs to be there right?😉

Thank you guys for all the love and support that you are showing for this book! It has reached 10k+ reads, I have no words to thank all of you!

Thank you so much for reading❤️

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