Family Dinner.

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Zoya's POV.


My pretty zoyi.

Pasta please.

His voice was ringing in my ear and I again couldn't hold my tears back. Looking at the lawn from my room window, many moments go through on the curtain of my mind making me lost in the past which was filled with the memories of my Zain.

"Zoya." On the voice, I turned and saw Hoorain standing there.

I wiped my tears and walked to her who smiled first and then frowned as she noticed me crying. We both took seat on bed and i avoid to look at her.

"You were crying?" She asked making me turn to her.

"I won't lie. Yes but now I'm fine." I replied and kept looking at her.

"Can't you move on? Forget him and move on in your life." She said and I smiled with tears shinned in my eyes once again.

"As if its so easy. You think i didn't try. But no one can understand.  He lives in my heart, in my breaths. I can take him out of my mind but what about my heartbeats and breaths? I can't do it. If i try to do it it will make me die. I will die. There's no life without him." I said tears still shinning in my eyes.

"You're crazy. Its been 12 years and you both are standing on different poles, waiting for each other but destiny is standing between you two. This destiny separated you. So please stop hurting yourselves." Hoorain said while hugging me.

"This is love. Our love. And this is our pain of love. We've to bear it. We've to live with it." I replied and moved back to see her.

"Leave it all. Tell me why you came?" I asked and wiped my tears.

"To invite you personally.  Its my son's birthday party and i want you to come." She said and I looked away.

"I can't." I said and got up from there.

"Why?" She asked coming in front in me stopping me to take another step.

"Just... I'm busy. At hospital." I replied and i saw her narrowing her eyes at me me.

"Stop lying. Tell me the reason." She said and I lost it.

"I can't face his mother. I can't see the pain of losing her son in her eyes. She smiles but her eyes tells the story of her heart. And I'm the reason. The reason of her grief as because of me her son left from here. Not even this city but country. 12 years Hoorain, its a long time and she's waiting for her son like I'm waiting for a reason for us to be united. But i think its not possible." I said and cried. Cried and cried.

"Hey just calm down." Hugging me Hoorain tried to calm me.

"She don't know about you and zain. Just don't worry. And he'll come when fate will call him. Now promise me that you'll come. For Zain. Meet his mother."  She said and i wiped my tears with a nod.

"Okay I'll come but only for a little while." I said and she hugged me again squealing with happiness.

"Done. I'll be waiting." She said and went out while i again walked back to the window to lost myself once again in the memories of my Zain.

Zain's POV.

It was evening. A cold one. Winter in London was enjoyable.  Actually winter in every country was enjoyable as it was my favourite weather. But her presence made it more special.  With her every weather become my favourite and now looking at the sky filled with clouds reminds me of her and my lips smiled thinking about her.

My car stopped and i stepped out of the car with the gift in my hands. It was Imran's engagement. I knew they all must be waiting for me and i was there for them. Not wanted to break their hearts. With a sigh, I stepped in the huge bungalow and saw the hall filled with guests. Looking aroun, I tried to find Imran.

"Sir you came." I heard a voice near me and i turned to see the person.

It was Imran with William and other students. They were smiling as they saw me there. I could see their happiness. I smiled back at them.

"I just came.  Congrats Imran." Passing him the gift, I said.

"Thank you sir. The ceremony is about to start. I'll see you soon." He said and I gave a nod and happily took a seat there while Imran with her fiance went to the stage and their parents were standing next to them.

The picture in front of me blurred at that second and my mind brought me in front of me that was the deep long of my heart. Me and my Zoyi standing there, just as couple. We, standing there, going to promise each other. A promise of being with each other. Forever.  She smiled at me. Her eyes shinned with happiness and she took her lip under her teeth as usual with that nose ring again taking my heart. The claps broke the picture i was imagining and the  reality was there in front of me. I was standing here alone without her. And that hurt. Imran put the ring in the finger of his fiance and my lips smiled sadly. I felt my heart shattering again. Breaking into piece again as it went back to her, again thinking, longing for her and there was nothing I could do. I was helpless. As I knew there was someone else name ring shining in her finger and it hurt more.  After the engagements, the dinner was served but i was stuck in her memories. The memories which were now the reason of my living. I felt so much burden on me. My heart felt heavy and eyes started to get wet. Feeling suffocated, I went out of the hall to the poolside and my tears started to flow down and i was just lost in her, in her voice that tinging in my ear, her face shinning in my eyes and her love breathing in my heart.

Zoyi is made for you Zain.

I love your eyes.

Hey Zain.

Her voice was ringing in my ear, her laughters and i just fell down on my knees thiking that what had happened. Why this happened. Why Zoyi why Zoyi.

"Why did you do it Zoyi?" I cried with the words.

The cold around was not effecting me anymore. I was senseless that time. Felt like i was not alive. And it was true without her I wasn't even alive. She was the life. My breaths. Everything but she broke everything. My heart, my dreams and me too but still this heart was crazy for her.

"Zoyi." I whispered her name and just kept sitting on the ground thinking about her when a hand on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts.

"Sir what are you doing here?" Asked Imaan and I smiled while getting up.

"Missing her." I said and moved ahead with him but i felt his eyes on me.

"You okay Sir?" He asked but i didn't replied still feeling pain in my heart.

I was now sitting in the hall on a chair znd all of them were seated there in front of me, waiting for me to say. To tell them about my story.  The function was over and it was raining outside just like my inside.

"What happened next Sir? You and Zoya??" They asked the question and I smiled bitterly while taking a sip of tea.

"She broke everything.  And I couldn't stay there to show my broken self to everyone." I started.

"And you still love her?" It was imraan who asked and i looked at him.

"Love never has conditions my son. It happens without any conditions and will never leace that place in your heart." I replied.

"She was the first one who made my heart to tingle that way. I've had been living in London since I was born.  I saw a lot of girls but she was different which took everything from me. She made my heart to feel her pain and I felt my eyes wet at that time." I said getting lost in her memories.

"When Sir?"  Asked Emily and I smiled thinking about that day.

"At family dinner." I replied and went back to the pages of life where I had the most beautiful time with most beautiful girl of the world.

Third person's POV.
The very next day Mr Hameed sherazi invited his both brothers with their families on dinner. Everyone was so happy and excited. Hassan and Aaliyan went to their uncle's home after breakfast as they wanted to spend more time there with their uncle and his family. For that Aaliyan skipped his school too. Wasi and Rehan, sons of Hameed Sherazi were happy to see Aaliyan and hassan there in the morning. Soon Kashif and Waseem joined them and all had a lot of fun that day.

Soon Noor-ul-Ain and Aleezay with Ruhi and their grandmother went to Hameed Sherazi's House to get a joyful day with them all. Mrs Sherazi(the grandmother) was happy to see her grandchildren on one place and also their happy faces were giving her peace. Her eyes filled up with tears as she saw them together and Mr and Mr Hameed were just smiling on her love for them.

Only zain and zoya were left to be there at Mr Hameed's. Zain found that the house got empty and everyone went to uncle Hameed to plan something, he went there too. But as he reached there,his eyes start roaming around to find her. To find Zoya. The one who had made him crazy on just one meet.
Last night, he couldn't sleep just because of her. Her thought, her image was there on his mind and on every turn, he could feel her standing there in front of his eyes. This made him restless more and was unable to understand his own condition. To see her once again,he got up early in the morning but couldn't find her in the house. Thinking she might have gone to Mr Hameed, he decided to join them too but here again he couldn't see her who was making his heart restless.

"What's happening to me?" He asked himself but eyes again tried to find her.

"Looking for someone?" As he was looking around, Hassan asked, getting closer to him while zain glared at him.

"No. Who would I look for?" Replied Zain and took his cup of tea but again he looked here and there.

"Zoya." Said Hassan making Zain to turn to him while he passed a naughty smile to his brother and turned to Aaliyan.

"Aaliyan where is Zoya Api?" Asked Hassan going to to sit next to Aaliyan who was seated with Wasi,Rehan and Waseem, playing Luddu.

"Api went to college. Her first semester is going to be held soon so she couldn't miss the class." Replied Aaliyan and zain got the answer while Hassan looked at his brother who got sad all of sudden.

"When she'll come?" Asking Hassan,his eyes went to Zain while zain was avoiding to look at him who was giving words to his questions.

"Maybe at evening. She asked me to pick her from academy. She has a craze to become a doctor. That's why she never skip her classes." Said Aaliyan.

"By the way I don't like to be a doctor.  I'll be a business man." Said Waseem while playing luddu.

"I'll be the engineer InshahAllah." Replied Wasi.

"I had once a dream to become a doctor but then I saw their practicals, I dropped the idea." Said Rehaan and all laughed.

"Clever." Said Hassan with a laugh.

"Zoya Api loves to be a doctor and even she's pulling me too there. But I don't want to be. I will be a police man." Said Aaliyan.

"Hey that's my idea. I'll be going there.  Hospitals are good for you." Said Hassan but Aaliyan made a face.

"No. We both will join. I don't want to be a doctor. Let Api and her husband be a doctor." Said Aaliyan and all startled on what he said and everyone looked at him for an explanation while Zain's heart stopped to beat for a second.

"What? She wants to marry a Doctor." Aaliyan explained and all laughed.

"But we'll be joining police force right?" He asked Hassan and he gave a nod with a smile while his eyes moved to Zain who went out from there out in the lawn of this huge bungalow.

Roaming here and there,he was just thinking about her. Who has overwhelmed on his thinking,on his thoughts since he saw her. Since last night when her eyes met his. Since he listened her voice,since he saw her nose ring and her pink lips smiling. Since she appeared to his eyes. He was just going crazy. He wanted to feel her around. He wanted to see her for once. For now. Just for now. His eyes were going crazy with the thirst to see her.

"Bhai." On Hassan's voice,he looked at him who was coming closer to him.

"You okay?" He asked looking at Zain's face.

"Why? What happened to me?" Asked Zain looking at him.

"No. I mean I want to know something." Said Hassan and tried to suppress his smile.

"What?" Zain asked with a frown.

"Are you missing her?" Hassan asked while taking a step back.

"Who? Are you insane?" Avoiding to look at him, Zain turn to other side.

"Zoya Api you came." On Hassan's words, he turned immediately and looked for her but the empty lawn was there and Hassan was smiling.

"You're missing her right? Aww my cute brother." Saying, Hassan pulled his cheeks.

"Shut up." Pushing him back, zain said and looked at him angrily.

"Okay okay. I'm going. But you didn't tell me what you want to become? I know an artist. Right?" Asked Hassan innocently but ran away with a chuckle as he saw zain frowning.

"What's happening to me? I'm going crazy." Running his fingers in his hair, he mumbled to himself and took deep breaths to calm his crazy heart.

It was finally evening.  Zain got restless all the day. All cousins went out in afternoon to raom around with Mr Hameed. Girls also went on shopping with Mrs Hameed. To spend a great day with each other but zain was still restless. He was just waiting for the evening when he was going to see her. Mr and Mrs Salman Sherazi and Mr and Mrs Ahmad sherazi joined them too. The dinner was getting prepared.  Mrs Sherazi was sitting between his sons and daughter in-laws while her grandchildren were busy in themselves. Some were watching TV,some were playing games some were talking.

But zain was just looking at his mobile,checking the time. Aaliyan had gone to pick his sister from academy.  It was 7 of the evening and everyone was busy in their gossips and games but he was just looking at the entrance of the hall.

"Bhai tea." On Ruhi's voice, he looked at her hand where she was holding a cup of tea.

Smilingly, he took the cup from her hand and again his eyes went to the door and heart started to beat fastly. As he blinked for once, she appeared on the door entering the hall. In blue colour cotton frock with a same trouser which had multi coloured embroidery on its frock and trouser, a multi coloured chiffon dupatta contrasted to her dress was placed on her head beautifully.  His eyes lost control on them and the cup of tea from his hand slipped making the tea to fall on his orher hand but he was so lost in looking at her that he couldn't feel the pain of the hot tea fallen on his hand. Its beat was getting fast as he was looking at her. But then he noticed her who was walking with much difficulty,holding Aaliyan's hand and her eyes had the shine of tears too.

"Zoya  you okay bacha?" Mr  Salman came running to her as he saw her like this.

"It hurts papa." She said as she saw her father in front of her and two tears slipped on her cheeks.

Zain turned to other side and closed his eyes tightly. A sharp pain he felt in his heart rising as he saw her tears. Her tears and pain made him feel the pain in his heart. He got hot all of sudden. His heart started to run more fast than its speed. Taking a deep breath, he turned to see her once again who was almost crying now while looking at her feet.

Mr Salman took her to sit on a sofa and everyone gathered around her. Mr Salman sat on ground to examine her foot while she was just sobbing. Taking deep breaths,zain went closer to her and looked at her who was shedding tears.

"You okay?" He asked looking at her who was looking at her foot.

"I.." And here she again lost.

Lost her words,her senses, her pain everything as her eyes met with his. Since last night, she was not in her senses. Since she saw him. Since they met. Since she looked at him. Since she felt her heart beating fast for him. Since she listened to his voice. She was lost since last night. In his thoughts. In his talks. In his voice and in his eyes. All the day she passed in the collage was with absent minded because he was there on her mind. How he looked at her,how he talked. How he eat. The magic of his voice that she closed her eyes serval time to listen to his voice again and again that was ringing in her ears. The colour of his eyes,the smile everything she was recalling all the day and was waiting impatiently to see him. As Aaliyan came  to pick her from academy, her heart was beating fast to see him just in front of her and as they reached home,she jumped down from the bike hurriedly just to go inside to see him made her foot twisted and she was about to fall but Aaliyan held her and bring her inside.

"Pain relief spray." Hooria said while passing the spray to Mr Salman and zoya averted her eyes from him who was standing just in front of her,looking at her without blinking.

"Rehan call the doctor." Zain said looking at Rehan who gave a nod and went to call doctor.

Everyone was gathered around zoya and looking after her but zain left  from there. He couldn't see her in pain. It was hurting him and he wanted to understand himself that why this was happening to him. How he was connecting with her by heart that her pain was hurting him.

"Bhai." Zain turned on the voice and saw Hassan standing there.

"Doctor is here. He's checking. You please don't be tense." Said Hassan.

"Why would I be worried?" Said Zain and looked everywhere,avoiding to look at Hassan.

"You can't hide what's visible in your eyes." Said Hassan while taking a step closer to him.

"I'm not hiding anything." Said Zain and turn to other side.

"Then are you trying to run away? This is making you tense right." Coming in front of him,said Hassan while pointing toward his heart and looked deeply in his eyes.

"We'll talk about this later. Come inside." Before zain could say something, said Hassan and went inside.

Taking a deep breath, Zain moved inside but promising himself not to look at her who was making him forget everything everytime when he look at her. Zoya was sitting in launch with her foot plastered. Everyone went to have dinner while her dinner was served her there in the launch. Sitting alone, she was promising herself not to think about him and not to look at him. She was going to keep this promise,she thought but it was going to be broken on the very next moment when zain came with dessert and sat on his knees in front of her making her startled. Her legs were on the sofa and she was placing her plate of meal on a cushion which was placed on her thighs. Startling, she looked at him who was seated in front of her on his knees while his eyes on her.

"What...are you doing here?" Getting netv3ouse and feeling awkward too,asked Zoya looking away from his eyes.

"You okay?" He asked while getting up as he could see his  presence made her nervous.

"I'm fine." She looked up at him who gave a nod while placing the dessert on the nearby table and slided his hands in his jeans pockets.

"I...just...going. See you again." Said Zain and made a mistake to look at her again who was looking down, controlling her eyes not to look at him.

She just gave a nod and he turned to go from there. Both took deep breaths,at the same time to keep their heart beat normal and tried to not think of each other but it was not helping. Being there with everyone,they were just lost in each other's thoughts. Their hearts were pulling them to each other and they were feeling helpless.

As the dinner was finished everyone came in the living area and start having gossips. Teas and green teas were served among them. Girls were having ice creams and boys were planning a trip to enjoy. But between them they were busy in taking the glimpse of other. The love had bound their hearts together and now they were just following where it was taking them.

"I want you all to stay here tonight." Said Mr Hameed to Mr Ahmed who looked at his family.

"Come on. Stay with us tonight. It will be fun." Said Wasi holding Hassan and he looked at Zain who got tensed all of sudden while his eyes moved toward her.

"Okay. We'll stay." Said Mrs Ahmed as Mrs Sherazi was going to stay there for the night. She was too sleepy to travel back. Aleezay and Hooria took her to the room while Mr Salman helped Zoya to get up and they all moved out toward their car.

"Zoya you stay na. You're not fine." Said Mrs Hameed but she refused.

"I miss my bed aunty." She said and all laughed while her eyes went to him who was standing at a distance but his eyes had many words she could read.

Both looked at each other for few seconds and then she got in the car and so did her parents and Ruhi. But Aaliyan ran inside as he forgot to place a good night kiss on his grandmother's forehead.  All smiled on his love for his grandmother. As he was about to enter the room,Aleezay came out making both of them to bump with each other.

"Watch it Black cat." Rubbing her forehead,he said but she pushed his hand away and rubbed her nose which got hit with his chest.

"I'm not a black cat. Better watch what you say." She said and he hide his smile.

"Red chilli would be okay?" He asked and ran inside the room.

"You did cheating you know that?" He asked his grandmother who smiled and held his hands in hers.

"I'll be going now.  You're going to miss our late night snacks." He said and kissed her forehead.

"I know but now I'm much tired to go back. Let me stay here tonight. Tomorrow I'll be back." Said his grandmother.

"Okay. Now sleep. I'll be leaving." Kissing her hand, he got up and walked out but stopped as he saw Aleezay standing outside the room.

"You too come home tomorrow." He said looking at her who's eyes narrowed.

"Why?" She asked.

"My Sakeena is coming na. I want you to see how beautiful she looks in black." He said and winking ran out while Aleezay looked at him fuming and went out.

Everyone see off Mr Salman and his family. As they went, everyone went inside and srart having their talks but Zain kept standing there, lost in her thoughts.

"Bhai she's gone. Now come inside." Shaking him said Hassan and taking a deep breath,he went inside but his heart was having sweet tingles with her thoughts and he had nothing in his hands to stop these tingles so he was just thinking about her and enjoying these love tingles rising in his heart.

A/N::Assalam-o-alikum readers..

How are you all??

Missed the story??

Me too but lack of time. I couldn't give update on time. Hope you like this chapter.

Do vote and comment.

I'll try to update His and since I've got you tomorrow.

Need your support and love.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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