The Strange feelings.

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Third person's POV.
"What's happening?" Putting the bag back on the table, he sat on the edge of the same table and placed his hand over his chest, over my heart.

Something, some strange kind of feelings, he was feeling since his father Mr Ahmad announced to shift to Pakistan. He didn't know what was happening to him. Why his heart was reacting like that. Sometimes, it start beating fast and some time it tingled, making him confused.

"Zain is your packing done?" He was lost in his thoughts, trying to understand these weird feeling rising in him, when his mother entered his room asking.

"Ah almost mom. I'm just...thinking something." He said, getting up and start packing his things again which were left over.

"What my son is thinking?" Asked Mrs Ahmad coming closer to him.

"Nothing special. Mom are you feeling strange?" He asked his mother, tried to know if he was the only one feelibg all this or everyone was feeling the same. His mother looked at him confused.

"What strange?" Asked his mom looking at him.

" going to Pakistan. I mean aren't you feeling something strange." He said getting restless on his own feelings.

What these feelings are? Ya Allah!
He thought in heart while took a deep breath and waited to hear what his mother would say.

"Mom you didn't tell me? Aren't you feeling something strange? Something different in your heart?" He asked again and this time standing in front of his mother who was packing his luggage.

"Yes I'm feeling something and its happiness my son." She replied with a smile and placed his all bags aside.

"No I mean this strange feeling...I'm...having." He stuttered, tried to name the tingles ringing in his heart.

"What are you feeling Zain? Are you okay?" His mother asked concerned.

"Yes mom I'm perfectly fine. It's just these wired feelings, rising in heart with the thought of going to Pakistan. Maybe I'm getting over excited." He said with a light smile and his mother smiled on his words.

"Don't think about anything Zain. You'll love the country. I know you are getting excited to meet your Chachu and his family and it's a good thing." His mother said, patting his shoulder and he just gave a nod still trying to understand his feelings.

"Now just hurry up with your packing and then help your brothers in packing their stuff. I wonder what these boys will do and specially this Hassan." Saying, Mrs Ahmad stepped out of the room while zain smiled looking at the close door.

Loooking around at his pack luggage, his bags, books and other things, he just took a sigh and sat at the edge of the table.

"I'm really going to miss my room." Saying, he looked around again.

His eyes roamed on his room walls to the side eindow to his study table. Everything was pulling him back to it as he never went away from his room. He never stayed anywhere except his own room and now he was leaving my room for forever. All the things and smell, the atmosphere everything was pulling him back and somewhere, he wanted to just stay here. But the other feeling was more strong. That strange feelings which was pulling him to Pakistan. He didn't know what was there waiting for him but for now he just let that strange feeling tease him and he stepped out of the room to help his brothers in packing.

Third person's POV

Desperately waiting for the London guests, she was having strange kind of feelings which she couldn't understand. She didn't know why she was feeling strange since she got to know that her Chachu(uncle) with his family was coming. Tingles in her tummy and heart, goosebumps on her skin, she was feeling with every passing second.

"Girls just two days left so I want you both to check if there is something missing or not? I want everything okay. I don't want want our guests to be troubled." Mrs Salman instructed her both daughters.

"Yes mom as you said I've checked the upper portion where chachu's family will stay. Its clean and ready for them." Ruhi said and Zoya looked at her who was younger than her but was more sharp.

"Zoya did you arranged clothes for your Dadu (grandmother)?" Asked Mrs Salman looking at Zoya while cutting the vegetables.

"Actually I was going to Dadu's room for ironing her dress." Replied Zoya and Mrs Salman gave a nod to her.

"After that I want you to help me in kitchen." Mrs Salman ordered tgem both but only Zoya gave a nod and walked ahead toward her Dadu's room.

"Assalam-u-Alikum Dadu." As she opened the door of the room, she saw her seated on bed reciting the Holy book Quran pak.

"Walikumusalam. Come on in." Dadu said placing the Holy Quran aside on the side table of her bed and zoya walked to her.

Zoya took seat on bed next to her grandmother and held her hand in hers with a smile and looked at her.

"Are you happy Dadu? Finally your son is coming." Zoya asked looking at her face which was looking so pure and sacred.

"I'm. I'm very very happy. My eyes are getting impatient to see him in front of me. But this time is not passing." Her grandmother said and she could see the wetness of tears in her eyes but a happy smile on her lips.

"Don't worry. Just two days. These days will flew away like this." Snapping her fingers in front of her grandmother, zoya said and she smiled more with a nod.

"I'm here to take your clothes out. So you look beautiful that day when your son with his family come." Zoya said and went to her wardrobe.

"Doesn't matter. I'm his mother. He know me well. The outer look doesn't matter." Her grandmother said and she smiled on her words but took her clothes, her new shawl out for iron to hang in the wardrobe.

"But i think you should do some preparations on your look. After all my four younge grandsons are coming. No wonder you found your Prince in them." Her heart started to beat again fast on her grandmother's words, freezing her hands for a second.

Again those strange feelings knocked on her heart from which she was running off. She was not understanding what was happening to her. Why she was feeling so strange and different. Why she was waiting for someone whom she never saw and why she was expecting him to be one of them.

"That's so stupidity." Saying, she start ironing the clothes but her mind was still tangled with her feelings.

"Dadu I've hanged your cothes. I've some work. Talk to you later." Running out of the room she said and tried to cibtrol her over excited heart which was stupidly getting ctazy for she didn't know whom.

"I should stop thinking so much." Saying to myself, she went to help mother in kitchen.

After 2 days.

Two days flew away like a blink of an eye and finally it was the day when Mr Ahmad with his family was coming. Salman villa was filled with voices and orderes since morning. All ladies were busy in cooking, cleaning and of course getting ready. Mr Salman's other younger brother Mr Hameed with his family was also there. He had a daughter Hooria who was of 16 years old while a Son named Rehan who was 19 years old. Rehan was elder one and was studying in a law collage with Zoya's brother Aaliyan who was a year younger from zoya.

Ruhi and Hooria were of same age and they were busy in their talks while giving a little help to their mothers in preparations. Mr Salman with his brother Mr Hameed went to pick Mr Ahmad and his family from airport while the excitement of the people at home increased.

"Your London Prince is just few steps awsy Api." Ruhi slowly whispered in her war who was busy in makibg salad.

Startled on what Ruhi said, she looked at her with a glare but Ruhi laughed and ran from there with Hooria. Zoya placed her hand on her heart, feeling again those weird feelings rising again in her heart.

"I'll kill you Ruhi for making me feel all this." She muttered while taking deep breaths to calm herself but she knew it was not going to happen.

All thet ime she tried to calm her heart but it was getting more restless. Getting frustated with her feelings she started to roam around.

"They are here." And finally she heard her brother Aaliyan's voice.

Third person's POV.
"Zain where are you lost?" Kashif his ekder brother asked looking at him who was looking out at the clouds.

"Nothing bhai. I'm just.." He stopped abd looked at his brother who smiled and placed his and on his shoulder.

"I know you're missing your room." Said Kashif while he smiled but he couldn't tell him about the tingles his heart was feeling.

High in the sky, he was still tangled with those werids feelings, his heart was feeling. It was excitement or something else it was beyond his understandings. He just wanted to know the reason of his this restlessness. The reason of these tingles, of these fast beats of his heart.

"Is bhai missing his room? Really!?" All of sudden Hassan appeared in front of them.

"Don't tell me you're missing your room and books. God!." Holding his head, said Hassan while Kashif and Zain chuckled looking at his cute acts.

"But I'm missing my girlfriends." He said and noth of them looked at him with wide eyes.

"Girlfriends?" Both said in chorus

"Yes. I had 3, no 4, nah 5 girlfriends." Hassan said counting on his fingers.

"And you're still alive?" Said Zain while Waseem who just joined them with Kashif burst into laughter.

"Please don't tell Baba okay. He'll kill me. Its our secret." Said Hassan in a whisper to his brother who shook their heads negative with a smile on their faces.

"Brothers keep my secret and I will help you in your love matters." Saod Hassan.

"No need." All of them said in union.

All burst into a laughter as they saw Hassan almost crying. Waseem hugged him and at the same time the air Hostess came asking them to take their seat as it was about to land. Once again his heart tingled on the thought of landing in Pakistan.

"Whatever the reason of these tingles is, please reveal fast." He said to himself while closing his eyes.

As they landed on airport, he felt good and his lips smiled feeling the fragrance of his homeland. After all the immigrations, they walked out where Mr Salman and Hameed were waiting for them.

"Assalam-u-Alikum." All greeted each other and welcomed.

Soon they departed toward home and he just kept trying to calm his heart which was getting restless for whom he didn't know.

A/N:: Assalam-u-Alikum readers.
How are you all?

Another update.
Short chapter? I know but the coming chapters eull be long. I'm rewriting the story so i hope you're liking this one.

I need a bunch of votes and comments. Give a lot of love to my this book because this is my favourite and i know when the book will end you will love it too.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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