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Our queen was beautiful.

Her breathtaking appearance was as golden as the sun, her hair fading like the sunset. Her dress was as white as snow, and her eyes were as deep and pure as the ocean. With her smile was wisdom, and in her dimples was understanding. In her body was grace, in her steps was elegance. In her words were guidance, in her voice was ambrosia. Every move she made was what lead us to peace, when the war struck out across our land. She was our goddess, our own personal goddess.

Her name was Rose.

The war struck out much before she became our queen.

Our land was shrouded by three kingdoms. The Ilaea kingdom was the biggest, and was ruled by an honest and kind king. The Averine Kingdom, was a shady and dark kingdom of theives. And then us, in the middle...the Casuradei Kingdom. A free country with a gentle soul who was growing too old to lead. We treated each other well, and we all knew one another. But then... the mighty queen of Averine was angry. She wanted more than what she had. She wanted more land, more money, more slaves. And she would stop at nothing to get it. So she sent for a mage. A dark and twisted woman, named Maeve. Maeve would take on multiple forms. One way to find her is to look for the peacock as black as midnight. Another was to find the python that danced in the moonlight. These were ways to find her. could climb to her home in the broken cliffs. It was a dangerous task, for Maeve always had her magical tricks. It took everything they had, but they persuaded the dark mage by greed to conjure up a never ending army. If a human slayed them, they would reappear soon after without a scratch. They were creatures about the size of bears. Long slinky bodies like a snake, a tail like a ghost and it walked like it had four legs. But it didn't. It only had two, and dripping white fangs that glinted in the light.

Shadow serpents.

After the demons where resurrected, all hell broke loose. They were set free in the Ilaea and Casuradei land, destroying all they saw in a blink of an eye. And when mass amounts of people where murdered over and over and over again...Rose appeared. From the shadows, the beautiful queen walked the steps of the palace...and offered her weapons. They were shown as charms, on simple jewelery. They laughed at her. Everyone laughed, believing this beautiful girl was no more than looks. But determined, Rose was a warrior. The charms, when worn, take on a peice of your soul in order for their energy to tryely be drawn out. It's terribly draining to use just one...but Rose put on five. With her charms. They transformed into weapons, the peices of jewelry becoming beautiful swords, blades, chains, axes, anything. Anything that fit her soul it became. And with this power, Rose saved the Casuradei kingdom. And became queen. She was a kind and sweet queen, beloved by all. She led her subjects into battle to save the Ilaea kingdom, and the war ended with her victory. She led everyone to a peaceful life once again, and sealed Maeve into a crystal sphere dangling on a small silver chain. A necklace.

And each charm was hidden, to protect them from falling into the wrong hands.

Now, as Rose laid dying many years later, her voice recited a prophecy, stating she would be reborn, and thus will find her charms once more to save the new world.

Kian, the last man to hear Rose's last words, held her hand as she laid dying, and asked for some of her power. He had been her loyal servant and followed her, protected her, and loved her since the begining. In return, Rose gave him one of her charms...the gift of immortality and shapeshifting. He was given three forms - a dog, a bird, and a cat. And with this as Rose's last gift, Kian swore to her as she took her last breath that he would search for this reincarnation...and he would protect her with his whole being.

They prepared for the new war, and with this, Kian took on his journey to find the new demon hunters.

And thats where our story begins.

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