💙 3 - Kindergarden 💙

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After lunch, Angin and his new family were watching television together except for Petir who disappear to his room. He made an excuse that he had some homework to do.

Since Angin sat beside Tanah, he have this opportunity to ask some question. "Brother Tanah, can I ask some question?"

"Yes, why not?" Tanah now looked at Angin who was also looked at him.

"How old are you?"

Tanah chuckles a bit before answer it. "I'm 14.. I guess you're six right?"

Angin nodded. "How about brother Petir?" He knew his other brother's name from his mother.

"He's 11 this year.. But I think he's a fast learner and a mature person.." Tanah put his right hand on his chin while flashback his younger brother's attitude.

To be honest, Tanah respect his younger brother because Petir was always got first place in class when it comes to examination. And Petir also have some fans, from what he heard from his friend.

And Tanah was unexpected it since Petir still 11 but he sure have a look of mature person.

Angin just nodded. He had been thinking. Did his brother didn't like him? Did he hate him? And why?




"Angin, do you want to go to the kindergarden?" asked the father with a smile in his face.

"Is that a school?" Angin titled his head to the left with confused face.

"Sort of.. I suggest you should go there.. And there is a kindergarden which near by Petir's school.." said the mother.

"Mom, why should he go to the kindergarden?" asked Petir when he went downstairs and stood in front of his mother.

"Petir, everyone need to go school right? So, why not Angin go into kindergarden before he goes to primary school.." The mother furrowed his brows.

Petir rolled his eyes annoyed. He stared at Angin, giving him a cold stared. Angin blinked his eyes when his brother did that.

"You shouldn't accept it, you know.. And you will burden this family.." Petir uttered. He supress the word 'burden' so his 'little brother' would realize it.

"Petir, don't said like that.." Tanah reprimand Petir. He dislikes this kind of attitude from his brother.

"Tsk!" Petir didn't listen to Tanah and went to his room without a word. Tanah sighed. "I will talk to him mom.." He then followed his brother to the upstairs.

Angin stayed silent. The truth is he really offended what Petir had just said to him.

He gazed to his new mother and father. "Mom, dad.. I think brother Petir is right.. I don't want to be a burden in this family.."

His mother put her hand on Angin's shoulder. "No Angin.. You're not burdening us.. It's just that you're also our responsible now.. Because we already made you as our own family.."

Angin bitted his bottom lips. He don't know how to react. He's really grateful for having a family like them but at the same time, he doesn't want to get anyone hate him.





"Hmm, the door was unlocked.." mumbled Petir.

Tanah slowly opened the door and came in. He stared at his brother who was busy playing games with his tablet which their mom gave him as a birthday present.

He walked towards the bed and sat beside his younger brother. He sighed before speak up. "Petir, don't be harsh with Angin.. He's just a kid you know.."

Petir stopped playing his games and turned his head to his big brother. "But brother Tanah, I just felt that-"

"You felt that Angin at here just to steal our parents attention?"

Petir quiet. He really did felt like that. He looked at his brother. "You...think so?"

Tanah shooked his head. "No Petir.. He just want to have family, that's all.. Besides, he don't have any siblings to play and joke with.. You don't feel pity for him? We should thankful that we have our parents and we have each other back as siblings.. While him, just a lonely kid.."

Petir tried to understand his brother's words. He bitted his bottom lips. "Brother Tanah, I just couldn't accept it because all of this year I just have you, mom and dad.."

"I know how you feel Petir.. But you should try to accept him, you know.." Tanah curved a smile for Petir.

Petir sighed before smiled back. "I w-will.."

"That's my bro.." Tanah played his brother's hair until it's look messed.

"Brother Tanah! My hair!" Petir pouted while adjusting his hair.

Tanah chuckles a bit before pinched Petir's cheek. "Who's cute huh?"

"No! I'm not cute!"

While both of them having brotherly love, there was someone eavesdropping their conversation. It was Angin.

He just genuine smile when he heard they having a nice time together. He then sighed before went to his own room.


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