💙 6 - Trouble 💙

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The engine car that sounded loud in front of the bungalow house made the father and the mother rushed to the front door.

"Thank you Aunty Yang and sis Ying! I'm really having a great time! Hehe!" Angin smiled widely, almost forgot that he was being left by his family.

"You're most welcome sweetheart.. Now go inside your house.. I bet your parents might be worried about you.." Aunty Yang stated.

"That's true Angin.." Ying smiled back at Angin.

"Hehe! Alright Aunty Yang! See you tomorrow! Bye sis Ying!" Angin waved at them. For a second thought, he wanted to live with them.

A few seconds then, the car move forward, leaving the bungalow house. Angin turned his body to back and head to the front door.

At the same time, the father and the mother opened the door.

"Mom! Dad!" Angin crashed them into a warm hugged.

"Angin!!" His father and mother hugged back.

The hugged broken and his mother cupped Angin's cheeks. "We're so sorry Angin... We didn't mean to forget you.."

"We're forgot to tell you that we're took Petir's school examination results.." The father's face full with guilty.

Angin smiled even though it's not a wide smile. "It's okay.. I understand.."

"Really Angin? Please forgive us.." said his father and mother unison.

Angin sighed before smiled back. "Yes mom and dad.. I'm fine.. Besides, Aunty Yang and sis Ying companied me hehe.."

The father and mother relieved with Angin's responed. They patted Angin's head then brought him again in a warm hug.

"Mom, did you see my-" Petir's words stopped when he saw Angin's been hugged by his parents. He clenched his fists unconsciously when he saw the situation in front of him.

The three of them broke the hugged. The mother then faced her son. "Yes Petir? What did you said?"

Petir snorted. "Never mind.." He then went upstairs to his room.


A loud sound from of his door room made all of the people in the house shocked especially Angin.

"D-did brother Petir angry with me?" mumbled Angin that only be heard by him.

The father and mother looked at each other before face Angin. "Angin, go clean yourself dear.. We have something to do.." said the mother with a smile plastered her face.

"Alright mom!"




Angin's POV

I'm so tired. I guess it's not bad to spend time with Aunty Yang and sis Ying since they are so kind to me hehehe.

Now I'm laying on my bed, resting my body. I blinked my own eyes as I stared the ceiling of my room. I sighed.

I really scared that brother Petir will angry with me about what happen earlier. I put my right hand at my face, covering my face.

I don't realise that I already cried. I sobbed quietly. Only me and my room that heard my sobbed. I miss my own mother and father. I don't know whether they still alive or not. And I don't know if I have any siblings out there.

Then, I remembered Api. I miss my best friend. He's the one that cheer me when I was crying. He's a kind person and always make me laugh. I hope we can meet again.


I startled by the knock. I immediately wipe my tears before rushed to the door. When I opened the door, I really shocked. In front of me, is brother Petir with his cold face while crossed his arm.

"W-what brother P-Petir doing h-here?" I pursed my lips, as I realise that I was stuttered when speaking. I hope my brother doesn't realise it since he doesn't even care about me.

My brother gazed at me with his sharp eyes makes me afraid to see his eyes.

"Wait, are you crying?"

I was flustrated by it. I shook my head. "No I'm not.. Tell me, why is brother Petir at here?"

"Okay then.." My brother came closer to me while bend his body slightly so that his height is the same height as mine.

"I want to warn you that don't ever steal my parents away.. I don't like you being close with my parents and also my big brother.." he said.

I stayed silent. I don't know how to react.

"Did you heard me, airhead?" His words made me awake from daydreaming.

I shook my head to refresh my vision. I look up to my brother then nodded. "Yes, I heard it..." I said with sad tone which I don't know if my brother notice it.

He hummed before left to his room. I sighed. I closed my door and walked towards to my bed. It's a bad day for me today. I already got trouble with my brother.

After few minutes thinking about it, I then fell asleep.


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