💙 8 - Playground 💙

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Now it's time for Angin and Daun to go home. Both of them are waiting their family to pick up them.

They were chatting while waiting their parents.


Angin and Daun tilted their head to right and saw a teenager boy with spectacle waved at them with a smile plastered on his face.

"Big brother Cahaya!" Daun rushed to his brother then hug him. The teenager boy named Cahaya chuckles because of his little brother action. He immediately hugged back.

Daun broke the hug and gazed at Angin. "Big brother! This is Angin! He's my best friend!" He genuile smiled when he introduce Angin to his big brother.

Angin's eyes met with Cahaya's eyes. Angin grinned and waved. "Hi Daun's big brother! I'm Angin!"

Cahaya simply smiled back. "Hi there Angin.. I'm Cahaya.. You can call me big brother Cahaya if you want to.."

Angin blinked his eyes as he didn't believe what he heard just now. "W-what? Really? I can call you big brother Cahaya?"

Cahaya nodded. It's not a big deal actually for him since there are many kids call him like that. It is because Cahaya like to play with children especially when he and Daun went to the amusement park and playground.

Angin giggles excitedly. "Thanks big brother Cahaya!"

Cahaya patted Angin's head. He found this kid looks adorable just like his little brother Daun.

"Angin, where do you live?" asked Cahaya suddenly.

Angin furrowed his forehead. "I guess, at Taman Pulau Rintis.. Why?"

Cahaya and Daun looked at each other before they looked at Angin again.

"We also live at there Angin!" said Daun excitedly. "This mean, we can go out to play outside together!"

"Wahhhh really?! That's good! So, what time did you want to go play?" asked Angin as he can't wait to play together with Daun since he don't have opportunity to go out from house.

Daun faced to his big brother as he want Cahaya answer it. "I suggest on 5 pm? We're waiting for you at the playground.."

"Okay! I will ask my mom to let me play outside!" Angin said excitedly. His eyes full with sparkle as he wanted to do this for long time ago.

"Hehehe! Alright then, see you this evening Angin!" Daun held his big brother's hand and waved at Angin.

"Okay Daun!" Angin waved back to his best friend. He can't wait to play this evening.




That evening, Angin already finish his homework. He then go downstairs and saw his mother watching television.

"Mom! Can I go out to play at the playground?" asked Angin with hope that his mother give him permission to go out.

His mother turned her head to Angin while narrowed her eyebrows. "Are you finish your homework dear?"

"Yes mom!"

The mother quiet for a while. "You may play outside but only when you accompany by one of your brother okay?"

Angin's excitedly immediately gone. "W-wait? Why?" He confused for no reason.

"Sorry Angin.. It's for your safety.. I don't want you get into danger.. So, for your safety, you need to go out with your brother.. Either Tanah or Petir.." The mother explained. She really worried about Angin's safety since he still six-year-old kid.

Angin sighed. "Alright mom.. I understand.." He then went upstairs, thinking which brother that he need to ask.




At the playground, Cahaya and Daun already at there, waiting for Angin as they promised at the kindergarden earlier.

"Hmm, where is he?" Daun's gazed to all places as he looking for Angin. He really hope that Angin can come to play with him.

"Maybe he come a bit late.. Don't worry Daun.. I'm sure he will come.." Cahaya tried to persuade Daun that Angin will be come. He actually felt that this kid don't messing around when it comes about promises.

"Oh, there he is! Hey Angin!" Daun immediately walked towards to Angin who just arrived with someone who looks like the same age as Cahaya.

Daun wrapped his right arm to Angin's neck. "I'm really afraid if you don't come here.."

Angin giggles and also wrapped his left arm to Daun's neck. "Of course I came! I made a promise after all!"

Daun also giggles by it. He then looked at the teenager boy that standing behind Angin. "Angin, who is this?"

Angin looked his behind before answering. "He is my big brother.. His name is big brother Petir.."

Okay, how did Angin manage to bring Petir here which he suppose to bring Tanah? Tanah actually have some homework need to do so Angin couldn't force him.

So, he don't have a choice than asking Petir to accompany him. At first, he really scared to ask since he thought Petir is a murderer. But then, Petir accept it since he also have a meeting with his friend.

"Oh, you came Petir.. I thought you didn't have time?" Cahaya smirked as he teased his tsundere friend.

"Tch" Petir crossed his arm as he don't sincere to come here. "If it's not that I'm afraid my mom will lectures me when I decline Angin's request, I wouldn't come here at the first place.."

Cahaya blinked his eyes for moments. "Wait, Angin is your brother?"

"Well, technically not a biological brother.. But yes, my mother brought him home and officially became my brother.." Petir sighed.

Cahaya nodded understand. It makes sense since he only saw Tanah as Petir's big brother all this year.


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