Chapter 14

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Adrien looked everywhere for a way out for them but couldn't find one. He sighed and turned off the engine and looked the doors. He moved to the back of the car and held Marinette in his arms while she held Emit. "We're not leaving this car are we?"

"No." Adrien sighed and looked at his wife and son. "We could just come clean."

"But won't your dad hate you?"

"Not as much as he does now. Marinette, I'm not ashamed of either of you." Adrien kissed her cheek and she blushed. Paparazzi crowded the car and Adrien held her closer. "But we will find a way out." He kissed her forehead and she sighed and cradled Emit in her arms.

Rose walked out of the house with Nathanael behind her, about to go to the park after Marinette texted her but saw that paparazzi were crowding Adriens car. She ran back inside and grabbed Ivan and Kim. "They're here and Adrien and Marinette are in their car and-" Rose kept rambling but they had heard enough. Everyone ran outside and pushed through the paparazzi and to Adriens car.

"Back off!" Nino and Alya shouted as they got to the car. Adrien unlocked one of the doors and Alya peaked through. "How do you deal with this?" Alya laughed as Marinette handed her Emit and she ran inside. Adrien and Marinette got out of the car and ran inside the house with the rest of the class. Marinette shrunk against the wall next to the door of their room  and Adrien held her as she cried into her knees.

"How do you deal with them? They're monsters." Marinette hiccuped. Emit crawled over to her and hugged her leg. She smiled and picked him up and held him to her chest.

"Mama cry?" Emit questioned and Marinette smiled and laughed. She wiped away her tears and smiled at him.

"Yeah. Mama cry." Marinette smiled at him and he smiled at her. She handed Emit to Adrien and he took him to another room. She sat on the ground, her eyes red and puffy going through one decision in her head. Should she tell them or no? Alya crouched next to her and she looked at her best friend.

"What're you thinking about M?" Alya sat next to her and looked at her.

"I-I just remembered something. That's all."

"You can't lie to me anymore. What's wrong?"

Marinette pursed her lips and shakily let out a sigh. "One of my kidnappers called me and said they would kill Adrien and Emit if I didn't tell them Chat Noirs identity." She started to cry again at the thought of loosing her family. Alya hugged her and rubbed her back.

"Marinette, that's a big deal. You have to tell someone like the police. They can handle it."

"No they can't. I have to tell him or else I'll loose my family." Marinette cried harder and into Alyas shoulder.

"Marinette." Alya sighed and rubbed her back more. "If you tell them then they'll probably still kill them." Marinette broke into more tears as Nino sat across from them along with Adrien.

"I can't loose them." Marinette hiccuped and Alya hugged her tighter.

"Girl, I know you can't but you can't tell them anything. I know life is had right now but you can't tell them anything about his identity." Adriens eyes widened and Alya glared at him. She took Marinette shoulders and had her face her. "What was their name? Maybe that'll help us."

"They used a code name."

"Still tell us."

"Chat Blanc but he sounded nothing like Ryan." Marinette bit her lip as more tears trickled down her cheeks. Adrien hugged her and she nuzzled her head into his chest and cried while she curled up on his lap. He rubbed her back and she eventually fell asleep on his lap.

"She cried herself to sleep." Adrien sighed and put Marinette in the bed and they walked out of the room. Adrien sat on the couch in the living room and hung his head, resting his arms on his knees. He hated seeing her like this. Nino and Alya sat across from him while he cursed at himself for having this happen to her. "My fault."

"Adrien it's not your fault."

"Yes it is, Alya." He lifted his head and looked at her. "This is all my fault. She wouldn't have gotten that call or be kidnapped if I didn't stay with her."

"Dude, that was nearly a year ago. You have to stop blaming yourself." Nino looked at him and Adrien sighed. It was nearly a year ago but he couldn't stop thinking about.

"I've tried but she's been through so much and it's all my fault." Marinette woke up and walked down the stairs of the house to the living room. "It's all my fault."

"No it's not." Marinette hugged him and he melted into her touch. "Stop saying that. It's not anyone's fault." She held him close and he hugged her back. Alya and Nino left the room and Adrien hugged her tight and cried into her shoudler. "It is my fault. This wounds have happened if I stayed with you."

"Adrien, nothing could have stopped this but please, stop blaming yourself. It hurts me to see you like this." Marinette hugged him tighter, pushing together all of his broken pieces. He calmed down and kiss her passionately, her featuring in it for a short while.

"Please don't leave me again." Adrien broke the kiss and whispered to her.

"I would never." Marinette smiled and he kissed her again. They stood up and walked out the bedroom and got in bed and fell asleep. Alya and Nino laughed at how fast they could calm each other down. They closed their door the rest of the way and walked to Emits room where Max and Rose were teaching him new words.

"This kid is lucky to have such great parents." Nino chuckled.

"What would make it better for him is if he had a sibling." Alya laughed then her face turned to horror. Everyone in the house turned silent and couldn't hear a thing. "H-how's he doing?"

"Great! He's learning so much! I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know everyone word in the world by the time we're done!" Rose smiled and continued teaching him.

|-|-|-|-|-|-|Three Months Later|-|-|-|-|-|-|(I know it's a lot of time but all that happens if Akuma attacks I don't want to describe, Emit learning words, S I N, and fluff)

"Happy birthday Emit!" Marinette and Adrien smiled at their baby. The doorbell rang and Alya opened it and let Sabine and Tom in.

"Happy birthday Emit!" Sabine smiled at her grandson while Tom smiled at Adrien. "How are you?"

"Gamma!" Emit smiled and Sabine gasped.

"He's very advanced for his age. He shouldn't know more then no, yes, mama, and dada but he knows so much more." Marinette smiled. "How have you been Maman?"

"Missing my baby." She kissed Marinettes cheek. "How are you?"

"Great. Everything's perfect and Gabriel finally said yes to looking at my designs." Marinette smiled while Adrien talked with Tom.

"Will Gabriel be coming?"

Marinette bit her lip. "Oh uhm no I don't know. Him and Adrien aren't on good terms and he doesn't seem to like me." Marinette sighed and Sabine hugged her.

"That's impossible." Marinette smiled and Sabine smiled back and looked at Adriens hair. "Oh god! Adrien your hair!" It was long, very long."

"What's wrong with it?"

"It's...long." Sabine inhaled sharply.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Papa went through a long hair phase and it bothered her." Marinette whispered to him and he nodded.

"I just, don't like it. Maybe a little shorter."

"Depends on how short." Adrien crossed his arms while Marinette gave Emit to Tom and then grabbed a pair of scissors. He stood in front of a mirror and Marinette held the scissors to the middle of his neck.

"Here good?" Sabine nodded and Adrien sighed and nodded too. Marinette smiled and pushed Adrien to the bathroom and cut his hair. He smiled when she was done and kissed her forehead.

"I love it. And you and Emit. We should get back to him." Marinette nodded and they walked back to Emit.

I'm lying in my bed eating Halloween candy and haven't left it since I woke up

I don't need help, I need answers for the FUCKING SPOILERS

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