Chapter 25

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I know, last chapter ruined this book but listen
I'll fix things and make them better, if I want to idk the future of this story. I write what first comes to me so stay with this story

|-|-|-|-|-|-|Two Weeks Later|-|-|-|-|-|-|

"Come on Emit. Let's go visit daddy." Marinette smiled as she waited at the front of the house for Nathanael to drive her. She hadn't touched wine or any other alcoholic drink since Adrien was admitted. She wanted to get better her way.

"Daddy!" Emit smiled and Marinette smiled back.

"Yeah, daddy." Her black eye was gone and thankfully, only the people there had known about the abuse and only that Adrien was in rehab.

Nathanael walked outside and smiled at her. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." She smiled back and they drove to the clinic. They pulled up and Nathanael smiled at her. "Do you think he'd want to see me?"

"He's your husband, of course he would." Nathanael smiled at her.

"C-can you come in with me?"

"If it makes you feel safe then yes." He smiled at her and he picked up Emit and they walked inside. He handed him to Marinette as the same nurse that they admitted Adrien to walked to the counter.

"Hello. Anyone you'd like to save?"

"We have someone we'd like to see. We were told to come today."

"Right you are. Every month we allow our clients to have family come for as long as they're here. But only once a month."

"O-oh." Marinette inhaled sharply.

"Who are you here for?"

"Adrien, Adrien Agreste." She nodded and looked up where he was.

"Common room 3a. It's down the hall and to the left. The name is labeled on the door." She smiled and they nodded and walked down the hallway. They took the turn and found Adrien sitting at a table, tapping his fingers on the table and resting his elbow on the armrest and holding his head up as he looked out the window. They walked up to him and Marinette lightly cleared her voice.

"Adrien?" He turned his head to them and he immediately stood up and hugged her and Emit.

He took her shoulders in his hands and looked her in the eyes. His were as soft and caring as they were when they were teens. "Why did you send me here?" He asked as they suddenly turned cold and angry.

"I-I w-w-w-wanted t-to h-help you." She grew scared of him again but still loved him.

"I don't need help and now the whole of Paris must know I'm here!" He raised his voice and gripped her shoulders, digging into her skin.

Nathanael saw the anger in his face and removed his hands from Marinettes shoulders. "Your Father covered it up saying you went on a photoshoot in Italy again. No one knows you're here and this is a private clinic. Only famous people like you go here." He growled at Adrien and he growled as Nathanael moved Marinette and Emit behind him.

"Why the hell are you here." Adrien glared at him with a dangerous anger in his eyes.

"To protect your wife from you. Can't you see that you're scaring her?" Adriens eyes softened again and he looked at Marinette who had fear in her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I guess I am a monster." He looked at his hands that had some of Marinettes skin under his fingernails.

"Adrien you're not a mon-" Marinette started but Nathanael cut her off.

"Yes you are a monster just like your father." Adrien boiled.

"Nathanael!" Marinette shouted while a smirk grew on his face.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you got out of here and Marinette is already with someone else." Adrien boiled more and glared at Nathanael with an even angrier passion. "She doesn't deserve an asshole like you. Someone like I don't know, Ryan, could do better."

Adrien grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall. Since they were alone no one could stop Adrien but a very timid Marinette. "You're dead Nathanael." Adrien growled at him while the smirk on his face turned into a satisfied one.

"I'll tell the nurse to sign you up for anger management." He took Adriens hands off of him and smiled. "Now, I'm not going to say anything else until we need to go." He crossed his arms and leaned against a table in the room. Adrien glared at him then turned back to Marinette.

"Marinette, I'm sorry but can we please, start over. Just you, me and Emit." He held both of her hands in hers while Emit walked around the room and Nathanael made sure neither got hurt. "Please." He gave her pleading eyes she could never say no too.

She parted her lips and Nathanael sighed. She bit her lip and looked at him with the same look. "I-I don't know Adrien. You really hurt me and all of those games." She bit her lip and looked down. "I just don't think I can do it again."

"Marinette, if I change when I get out, will you take me back?"

"T-that's a really big promise and what if you don't change? I just don't want to risk it again." She took away her hands and looked at Nathanael who was playing with Emit and smiled.

"Marinette, I will change. No 'if' about it. I will change for you and Emit." She rubbed her arm and looked at him. He took her hands again and looked her in the eyes with the kind eyes she fell in love with.

She bit her lip and looked down, then up at him. She sighed and smiled at him. "Okay. I'll give you a chance." He smiled and lightly pecked her lips.

"Thank you." He kissed her again and again the rested his forehead on hers. "Thank you Marinette and I will change."

"You better or else, I-I just don't think I can handle anymore games." She bit her lip and walked over to Emit and sat him on her hip. A man came in and opened the door.

"Ma'am, sir, visiting hours are over." He said and they nodded.

"Say goodbye to daddy, Emit." Emit smiled at her and looked at Adrien as she put him resting on her shoulder. She started walking out of the room and Emit waved at Adrien.

"Bye-bye daddy." Emit held Marinettes shoulder and he waved back, sadness plaguing his eyes, as Nathanael walked out after her, saying something to the man and he nodded.

"Mr.Agreste, you need to go to eat dinner." Adrien sighed but nodded and walked out of the room with him. He knew he wasn't going to see her for a month and couldn't wait that long to see her but the place he was in was on twenty four hour security. He couldn't just walk out or even sneak out, he'd be seen either way. He walked into his room where his dinner was and sat at his desk and ate. "Would you like anything, Mr.Agreste, before I leave?"

"N-no thank you, Felix. This will be all." Adrien knew it was the man from the hospital when Emit was born but didn't care anymore. Felix smiled at him and left his room and walked out of the building and to his car. He drove to his apartment and walked inside, finding his girlfriend having her transformation done.

"Bridgette, detransform. Someone will see you."

"Who will see me? No one and I'm Misfortune." She crossed her arms and wrapped her arms around his waist. "So why don't we have a good time while I'm like this."

"I'm not in the mood right now Bri." He laughed and kissed her nose.

"You're never in the mood anymore." She whined and he laughed and kissed her lips, a little rough.

"We can, if you give me Bridgette." He smirked and kissed her again as she took off her mask and they walked into the bedroom and fucked like there was no tomorrow.

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