Chapter 28

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The writers block 'twas cured!
So, in honor of it being cured you get update
Writers block is cured easy with me

Adrien growled at the two figures while one laughed and the other turned on the lights. He growled more when he saw someone trying to look like him and Ladybug, only the colors and outfits were off. "Who are you?" Adrien growled as he held Emit to his chest.

"I'm Misfortune and that's my partner Chat Blanc." She crossed her arms and Adrien growled more.

"What do you want." He spat out and Emit curled his head into his fathers chest for protection and Blanc scoffed.

"Such childish antics. You baby him to much." He leaned against the wall.

"He is a baby idiot." Misfortune growled at him then turned to Adrien. "We have something you'd might like to hear." She smirked at him.

"What would that be?" Adrien lifted a brow.

"Oh just your wife, having an affair with your best friend Nathanael." Adrien grew angry as she started the audio.

"Nathanael I-" A small moan on Marinettes part. "N-Nathanael."

"I-I know you love Adrien but can you just try to give us a shot?" The editing on the audio was professional since Bridgette knew how to do a lot of things, a lot more then Felix.

"Only if your gentle."

"Only." Another small muffled moan.

Adrien was boiling. He couldn't believe that Marinette would do that to him even when he said he would change for her and Emit and he did for crying out loud! He got control of his temper! He was the best patient they had had in years! "Play it again." He growled.


"Play it again!" He glared and yelled at her and she played it again then he heard it, the small cuts between their words as if it were edited and he smirked. "This is fake. Marinette would never cheat on me."

"Then check the camera Max has in the house everywhere. The hallway and stairwell cameras and Nathanaels room." Blanc checked his fake cat nails while Misfortune put a computer in front of Adrien. He watched as he saw Marinette run out into the hall, the camera then turning to static. She played the next one and growled when it was static as well and so was Nathanaels room. "Someone fucked with the tapes!" Blanc yelled and Adrien glared at him.

"There is a child in the room!" Adrien said back and playfully smirked at him while he grew angry.

Misfortune rolled her eyes. "Someone who was watching messed with them. I bet if you ask the guy who constantly monitors the cameras then they would tell you." She crossed her arms. "So call Max, I'm sure he knows." Adrien dialed his number and Max picked up.

"Hey Adrien, what's up?" His classed ended half an hour ago and he had another in an hour so was in a cafe with Nathanael. He and Nathanael could hear since they had earbuds in and were listen gin to music previous of the call.

"Hey uh do you have the recordings of Marinette cheating on me with Nathanael?" Nathanael broke a small sweat.

"What? I have that window open all the time and haven't seen anything like that. What cameras?"

"Hallway, stairwell and Nathanaels room." Adrien said and Max checked them.

"Yeah no. Nothing came up on them besides static. I think someone got into my stuff. I'm gonna try to stable it. I'll call you when I'm done."

"Okay, thanks." Adrien hung up and smiled. "See, he doesn't even know." Misfortune groaned but smirk.

"Then I guess we'll wait for that call back."

With Max and Nathanael~

Max did his best to un static the camera footage and Nathanael nervously tapped his foot as he shook from the nerves. "You okay Nath?" Max laughed but didn't look up from his computer.

"Y-yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be fine?" He nervously laughed and Max glared at him.

"If Marinette really did have an affair with you Adriens gonna go crazy." He whispered to him and Nathanael gulped and nodded.

"S-she didn't!" He smiled and continued to draw. He got the static to go away and watched the footage and glared at the Nathanael.

"Uh hun liar." He turned his computer to Nathanael his face turned to horror when he saw Marinette kissing him in the hallway, him on top of her in his room kissing and him kissing her in the stairwell. "Why then hell would you do that when she's married?"

"I didn't mean to she just does something to me and ugh!" Nathanael ran his hands through his hair and face planted into the table. Max laughed even though this was serious. "Adriens going to kill me isn't he?"

"90% chance you won't be seen again but hey, this footage could magically disappear."

"Please! I can't die yet!" Nathanael begged him and the people in the shop looked at them and he nervously laughed.

"Chill man. My computer deletes files I don't save automatically after a month and since its been a month they should be gone in three, two one." All three videos were deleted and Nathanael cheered, his face then turning to horror.

"Never speak of this. Adrien will kill me then pulverize me then pulverize my ashes and so on!"

"Blackmail good with you?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"My chores in the house for the next month."

"Laundry, okay." Nathanael calmed down. He knew how to do laundry, especially lady delicates since his mother taught him.

Max laughed and called Adrien. "Hey I couldn't do it in time. My computer delete files I don't sabe after a month and I forgot to save it before doing the work so I can't help you man, not anymore."

"Okay, thanks dude." Adrien hung up and dodged Blancs punch to him in the nick of time. "What's this about!" He put Emit down somewhere he wouldn't get hurt and fought Blanc.

"You fucking bastard!" Blanc yelled as he punched Adrien in the gut. "Marinette cheated on you! You're suppose to be heartbroken!"

"She didn't! Why the hell would I be!" Adrien punched him in the jaw.

"Because that's your soulmate!" He punched Adrien in the eye. Misfortune tried to break up the fight to no avail so instead protected Emit. Adrien punched off his mask and growled at him.

"Why the hell would you do this Felix." Adrien growled as he dodged another punch from him.

"You have everything and I have nothing! You got Marinette! You got everything you wanted!" He grunted as Adrien hit him in the chest.

"You don't even know me!" Adrien hit him in the jaw.

"Our mothers knew each other." He smirked and Adrien hit him so hard in the head that he passed out and soon, stopped breathing. Misfortune crawled out from under the bed holding Emit and crawled to Felix's body and glared at Adrien.

"Why did you do this? You monster!" She yelled at him and his face soon turned to one of horror.

"Oh god. I-I'm sorry I didn't know that I could hit that hard!" Adrien bent down to him and tried CPR but it didn't work.

"Felix no." Misfortune cried as she took her mask off. Bridgette glared at Adrien. "You'll pay for this Agreste."

"I know I will." He sighed. "Just, don't hurt Marinette or Emit for my wrong doings."

"Oh I don't want that, I want your miraculous."

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