Chapter 3

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The nurse rolled the cradle over to Marinettes bedside and smiled at her. "Seems like someone has fans." The nurse laughed and picked Emit up and put him in Marinettes arms. "If you need anything just click the button above your bed." Adrien and Marinette nodded, not taking their eyes off of their child.

The nurse smiled and left the room while the class crowded around the bed looking at the small child.  "Marinette." Marinette looked up even though she didn't want to and looked at Rose. "Are you planning on breast feeding or bottle feeding?"

"Oh uhm I don't know yet. Which ones healthier?" Marinette asked.

"Breast feeding." Rose smiled at her. "We'll leave so you can do it." The class shuffle out of the room besides Adrien who was still gazing at his child.

"Uhm Adrien?"


"Can you leave."

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." Adrien chuckled and Marinette sighed. She pulled down her shirt and exposed her breast and Emit hooked his mouth onto her nipple and drank what he needed.  While he drank Adrien put a towel on her shoulder. When he finished he let go and Marinette burped him and he spat up on her shoulder. "Already a natural mother."

"Thanks. And good call on the towel." Marinette giggled and wiped Emits mouth with the towel.  The class came back in while Marinette was burping him again just to make sure and he did.

"That's really cute." Rose cooed.

Nino leaned against the wall with his music in, looking very unhappy. Adrien furrowed his brow and pursed his lips.  He walked up to Nino and the walked outside the room and down the hall.  "What's wrong?" Adrien asked out of no where while they were walking.

"What're you talking about?"

"You seem like you don't like that we had the baby."

"I honestly think it was a terrible idea but it's your future." Adrien sighed and turned to him.

"Why would this be a bad idea?"

"We're 18, Adrien. My brother is 19 and got a girl pregnant. I've had experience with this." Nino crossed his arms.

"Why is that such a bad thing?"

"Because it happened the same time it happened to you!" Nino raised his voice and Adrien took a step back. He had never heard Nino yell before I his life.

"That's why you changed." Adrien mumbled. "But just because your brother did that doesn't mean anything. He's just making your family bigger! You'll be an uncle!"

"See the thing is, I don't hate him for it. I love kids but our dad, he hates him for it so we can't talk to him." Nino sighed and Adrien pursed his lips.

"Well, like you say to me, don't listen to your father." Adrien smiled at him. "Talk to him. I'm sure that he'd need you in his life."

"But my father blocked his number from all of our phones. How'll I find him?"

Jonathan rounded the corner and saw Adriens back and smiled. "Hey Adrien." Adrien turned around and smiled at him.

"Hi Jonathan." He greeted. "This is my best friend Nino." Jonathan looked at him and his smile dropped then turned even bigger then before.

Nino made the same connection."Jonathan. Nice name, dingbat."


"Nice name little boy." Jonathan laughed and Adrien gasped. Nino hugged him and Jonathan hugged him back. "Nice to see you little bro."

"Same here." Nino laughed and let go of the hug. Adrien blinked before making the connection.

"So that's why you two look so similar." Adrien chuckled. "Why don't you two go grab a bite to eat and catch up."

"You're joining us." Nino laughed and they all walked to the cafeteria. They all sat at a table and ate as Nino and Jonathan caught up. Adrien only listened to their conversiuation and enjoying listening to them talking about everything the other missed. He wished he had a brother but got lucky, and got a wife and son instead. "Dude?" Nino laughed which caught Adrien off gaurd. "God you zoned out for like three minutes there."

"S-sorry." Adrien scratched the back of his head and both boys laughed. "What did you ask?"

"How's your wife and baby doing?" Jonathan asked.

"Marinettes okay and taking care of Emit. I think we're getting out of here tomorrow." Adrien smiled at him. "How's your wife and kid doing?"

"Selena is fine and we're taking Amber home tomorrow afternoon. She should be fine on her own without that incubator." Jonathan smiled at him.

"That's awesome dudes!" Nino punched their arms.

"So how's you and your girlfriend?" Jonathan teased and Nino tensed up.

"Oh Alya? She's okay. But this doof is so dumb he can't tell she's waiting for those four words." Adrien laughed.

"What four words?"

Adrien and Jonathan blinked before bursting out laughing. "You really are an idiot!" Nino didn't get what they were saying. "She's waiting for a ring bro." Jonathan laughed and Nino blinked before gasping.

"I-but wha!" Nino yelled while the boys laughed harder.

Adrien wiped away a tear of laughter. "I should get back to Marinette and Emit." He stood up and threw the rest of his uneaten food and trash away and went back to Marinettes room. He walked inside the room and smiled at his wife. "Hi Mari." He sat next to her bedside while Rose tried to teach her how to put on a diaper properly. Key word; try. He laughed while Marinette failed at putting one on. "Do you need help?"

"I can do it!" She tried again and failed. Adrien gave it a try and he did it correctly. "How?"

"I'm a natural I guess." Adrien smiled and cradled Emit in his arms.

"Yeah you are!" Rose smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Then you get diaper duty."

"What no! We're both the parent. We have to split it." Adrien laughed and Marinette groaned. "It's our baby, Marinette. We have to share the responsibilities."

"I know." Marinette sighed and looked at her son. "He looks a lot like you."

"I guess." Adrien shrugged and looked around the room and only saw Juleka, Alya, Nathanael and Rose. "Where's everyone else?"

"At home getting the baby room ready." Juleka answered. "Where's Nino?"

"Being reunited with his brother." Adrien smiled at her.

"Brother! Why didn't he tell me!" Alya stood up and marched out the door determined on finding him.

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