Chapter 36

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Its a maybe on the fourth book so nothing in finalized
And this chapter has a lot of time skips

|-|-|-|-|-|-| Three Months Later|-|-|-|-|-|-|

The house was slowly growing in population. Starting with Alix and Kim moving out together then with Max moving in with Sabrina, both couples doing well. Rose and Juleka moving to downtown Paris and getting married. Mylene and Ivan got married after them and are still packing their things.

The next morning they waved Mylene and Ivan off since they got an apartment together and we're dating, soon to be engaged, but Mylene doesn't know.Rose and Juleka were married and so were Adrien and Marinette and Nino and Alya. Max and Sabrina are dating, Alix and Kim are dating and Mylene and Ivan are dating. Nathanael is single and doesn't care. He's twenty one and could care less about getting married and finding love when the person he did love was married.

|-|-|-|-|-|-|Two Months Later|-|-|-|-|-|-|

Alya put the last box in the trunk and Nino helped their adoptive son outside. They got him two weeks ago after finding out Alya couldn't have children. They were sad of course but they might as well make another child happy along with their happiness. He's three, like Emit, but four months older.

"There we got." Alya closed the trunk and smiled at her friends.

"We're going to miss you." Marinette hugged her while Nino hugged Adrien.

"You can always visit. We're just across from the high school." Nino chuckled as he hugged Marinette. Emit hugged Julian and he hugged back.

"Bye Julian."

"We're going to see each other again. Promise!" Julian smiled and Emit smiled back. The family left and the only people left in the house were Adrien, Marinette, Emit and Nathanael who was still single.

|-|-|-|-|-|-|One Month Later|-|-|-|-|-|-|

Adrien kissed his wife goodbye as he put Emit in his car seat. "You sure this is fine?" Marinette chuckled at his question for the eighth time.

"Yes. Go have fun with your mom. You'll be back in a week."

"See you then and, sorry I won't see you off Nath." Adrien looked at Nathanael who was at the door.

"It's fine and besides, my next place is bigger then this one."

"Maybe you can have a family in it." Marinette teased and Nathanael rolled his eyes. She kissed Adriens cheek and he left. The two walked inside and Nathanael closed the door and clenched his fists. "Hey Nath, do you think you could help me with something?" She turned to him and lifted her brow. "What's wrong?"

"I-it's just that, I'm really going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too." She hugged him and he hugged her back.

"N-no not like that." She looked up at him, seeing the blush on his cheeks.

"O-oh Nath, you know we were never like that." She pulled away from the hug and took a few steps back.

"I-I know but I just, miss that, ya know." He nervously chuckled.

"It was over a year ago, move on already."

"Why do you think I'm still single." He mumbled and she heard it and sighed.

"You need to move on and stop waiting for me. I'm not going to be with you." She bit her lip.

With The Rest~

Max smiled as he got into the cameras he said he was going to take down but never did and smiled bigger when he got them to work. The class sat in front of the screen and ate their food. "Okay, live or last week?"

"Live!" Everyone yelled and he put it on the live camera.

"You need to move on and stop waiting for me. I'm not going to be with you." Marinette bit her lip.

"I-I know. You have Adrien and I lost my chance but if I took it..."

"If you took it then I would still be with Adrien. We're destined." She turned her head to the side and Nathanael tilted her head back to face him.

"Just, just one more time? I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Nathanael I said no." Nathanael, don't make me. "You can't have me, so please, get over me, please."

"I can't." He held her waist and she didn't stop him. "You're hypnotic remember?" He looked her in the eyes, his turquoise meeting her baby blue eyes.

"Nathanael, I'm married and have a son. What would I teach him if I slept with his father best friend." She moved his hands away and walked up the stairs.

"I know you still love me." She stopped in her tracks.


"I know you still like me. You keep looking at me like I would look at you and you look away when I look. Marinette, don't fight your emotions."

"Wouldn't you think I would've divorced Adrien by now if I loved you. Find a girl who really loves you." She walked away and Rose inhaled sharply.

"Wow, that would hurt." Alix inhaled sharply.

"Why did we even leave?"

"We all have our own lives that don't have to revolve around there's." Nino drank his soda while Alya played with Julian. He looked a lot like them. He had Alyas auburn hair and Ninos hazel yellow eyes.

"Yet here we are again watching their lives like we did at the beach house." Max chuckled.

"I can't believe it's been four years since that happened."

"It feels like a dream." Mylene sighed.

"Don't jinx it! This might just be a giant Akuma attack and were actually passed out in the classroom!" They all laughed at Kim's paranoia. "Think about it, would they really have a kid at 18?"

"Well yeah."

"I'm rephrase, would they really have sex when they're 18 and dating?"

"Nope." Alya said. "Marinette was waiting till marriage and looked how that turned out."

"So was Adrien." Nino added.

Wow. We suck basically ruined their lives by pairing them together." Juleka inhaled sharply.

"I now wish we could do that day over!" Alix fell back against the couch and the rest nodded and lied down.

The next day Nathanael left and Marinette was left alone for a week. When Adrien got back Emit wasn't with him. "Where Emit?"

"I though we could use some alone time so Sabine and Tom are watching him." Adrien smiled and kissed her passionately. The class watched, even though they didn't want to but Alix and Kim were still little perverts. No children were there thankfully.

Marinette moaned into the kiss and then moaned a little louder when he started to kiss her neck. "Adrien w-we can't."

"Why? We haven't done it in nearly a month and I really miss you." He kissed her neck again and carried her to their room, the halls empty. He lied her down on the bed and she giggled as he slid his shirt off and kissed her more. Might as well tell him this way. He took off her shirt, seeing the slight bump. "Marinette are you?"

"Emits going to be a brother." Adrien smiled and picked her up and swung her around. she giggled as the class cheered for them.

|-|-|-|-|-|-|Eight Months Later|-|-|-|-|-|-|

Marinette giggled as Emit put his ear against her output stomach. "I can't hear him." Emit looked at him mother and tilted his head.

"That's okay sweetie and it might not be a boy. You might have a little sister." She smiled and Emit crossed his arms as Tikki and Plagg flew into the room.

There was a crash and Plagg disappeared and Tikki giggled and entertained the toddler. There was the sound of glass breaking and Marinette saw Chat being through a window in their living room. "Chat!" She cried out and looked at her Kwami.

"Marinette you promised him." Chat broke through more windows then brought the fight somewhere else so the Akuma didn't hurt Emit or Marinette.

"I-I-I know but I can't just let him get killed!"

"What's happening Mommy?" Emit asked as panic spread across her face. She grabbed his arm and put him in their bed.

"Emit, no matter what you hear, don't come out of this bed or room, okay?" Her eyes boiled in tears and Emit nodded with a smile and held Annie.

"Okay Mommy." She kissed his forehead and ran out of the room and transformed against Tikkis arguing. She fought with Chat and he, again, didn't see her get knocked into a wall.

"M'lady!" He screamed and ran over to her and glared at the Akuma. He Cataclysmed the akumatized item, along with the Akuma and ran to a hospital. He detransformed and ran inside and put her on a stretcher when the nurses told him. He stayed by her side while a doctor checked her vitals.

"The patient is pregnant?" He asked as he checked the heartbeat of the baby.

"Y-yes." Adrien said. "Is she okay?"

Marinette groaned awake then let out a laboring pain. "No. She has to have this baby now."

"Now?!" Her and Adrien yelled.

"Yes now." He pulled the stethoscope out of his ears and the nurses rolled Marinette into another room. Adrien wasn't allowed in and a few hours, a lot of phone calls and Alya showing up with Emit later Marinette had the baby. Adrien stood up as the doctor came out of the room. "Only the father." Adrien walked in saw Marinette panting and crying.

"What did you do to her?" Adrien held her hand and she cried into his shoulder.

"The baby, didn't make it."


"The impact of the hit killed the baby instantly and that's why we had to deliver." He explained and Marinette broke into more tears.

"I-it was a girl Adrien." He looked at him wife. "We were going to have a daughter." He broke into a small amount of tears.

"Now you are still able to have children just this one, didn't make it. Be more careful next time and I must ask, how did you get this injured?" he asked.

"The Akuma hit her against a wall during his attack." Adrien explained and the doctor nodded. It was the only explanation that would work unless Adrien pushed her down six flights of stairs.

"Alright then. Would you still like to name her?" Marinette shook her head along with Adrien. "We'll deal with the body." Adrien held Marinette while they both cried about their dead daughter. The news soon passed to the rest and they all felt terrible, Emit not understanding.

He walked into the room with a nurse after a few hours. "Mommy, where's my brother?"

"Sweetie you had a sister and she, she went somewhere better." Marinette explained as he crawled onto her bed. He put his head against her chest and she played with his hair.

"Where did she go?"

"Somewhere where she can be happy all the time."

"She can be happy with us."

"N-no she can't baby." She kissed his forehead.

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