Chapter 8

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It's different this time, I just know it. It not only has to be, but it just is. She went back to Jeremy but she's coming around, she has to, money isn't everything, she has to know that.
     I mean she keeps coming back to me, it's like she's addicted to me, it's weird, and I wish I hadn't said that because it makes me seem full of myself, and I'm not, Kirstie is... that one was worse, but it was right there I couldn't not make the joke. Okay no more sleaziness starting now. It's gonna be hard since I'm on a high right now, not that I'm high, because I don't do that, I'm just really happy.
     She's started coming over even when Kevin's there, we have to be super quiet, and we are, he doesn't know anything as far as we know. She comes in after he's asleep and leaves before he's awake, it works. I still wish she could spend the night but I get why she can't, but I'm not thinking of the negatives. I do have to wonder though, what does she tell Jeremy when she's gone so often? I should ask her.

It's now been just over a week since I've seen or heard from Kirstie; maybe I've misread the situation because this is not normal from her.
     I can't call or text her as much as I'd like to just in case Jeremy got a hold of her phone and saw. I mean he doesn't even really like me and Kirstie being friends because I'm a straight, and a single male, same goes for Kevin. Scott and Mitch are okay to him, but that doesn't mean he likes them, or more importantly, that they like him.
      Jeez Louise I'm getting mean, I say way too many mean things about Jeremy, I hate being that kind of person, but he seems to bring that out in me. That and jealousy because he has all of what I only have half of.
     But this is really weird, Kirstie not texting or anything, she initiates everything and she's done nothing. Is she avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? Is she sick of me? Is she starting to feel bad? I don't know how I feel about that last one cause I don't know how I'd cope with no Kirstie, clearly I wasn't fine the first time or it we wouldn't have started this up again. But that's what it has to be, she feels bad, damn it. And Just when I was starting to be alright with it too.
       I get a text from Scott about a PTX meeting, I didn't even know we were having one today, something important must have happened. So I pick up my keys and leave the apartment, Kevin would have to meet me there because he's not here so he doesn't get a lift. I don't actually know where he is, getting groceries or something?

Kevin is there when I get there. Kirstie's not, wow I hope she's not taking avoiding me to a new level, and here I was hoping I'd get a chance to talk to her.
     "It's funny, Kirstie wanted the meeting and she's not here yet," Scott sighs, dropping onto his and Mitch's couch. Kevin takes a seat in the armchair and I drag over a chair from the dining table, Kirstie always sits on the sofa with Scott and Mitch. Sometimes me and Kevin alternate, it's pretty much just whoever gets to the arm chair first and he beat me damn it.
     We're waiting, making small talk and what not for almost 20 minutes before Kirstie finally shows up. She's kind of out of breath and red in the face, like she'd run here or something. But I highly doubt that, maybe she ran the stairs?
     She doesn't sit in her seat, so I'm highly disappointed. Instead she stands at the end of the couch and looks over the four of us.
     "I have some news guys," she finally speaks with a small smile on her face and she almost seems nervous. What does she have to tell us that would make her nervous?
     None of say anything, but Kevin gives her a nod to continue.
     "Jeremy asked me to marry him."
     Scott lets out a short sharp laugh and then Kirstie continues.
      "And I said yes."
      Well that fucking hurts.
     I get up from the seat and leave the apartment, slamming the door behind me. I don't even care what the other three think, I want Kirstie to know she's hurt me.
     I think this might be what a broken heart feels like. Fuck.

A/N: So as you all know this is only a prequel, there's a certain place where it has to end, so this here is the second to last chapter. I thought it'd be ten chapter's but I messed up somewhere along the line and so there's only nine. I hope you've enjoyed it, and I'll post the last chapter within the next couple of days :)


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