Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry! I forgot to update :P

The three of us comb over the hot sand, not in any order at all, just looking. May it be looking very carefully, boy were we searching. Why couldn't we find it? It was big enough to be seen from the moon and it's not like Avi had taken his eyes off the spot I had thrown it. But we couldn't find it.
We were soon all on our hands and knees, completely ignoring the burning against our skin, I don't think it got to Kevin though like it did me and Avi.
      I looked up at Avi when he sprung up, hoping he'd found it, but he just brushed of his knees and hands, wincing. I guess my tolerance was even higher than his, that or I was just panicking way too much to care about singeing my flesh.
     "It's hot isn't it," Avi sighs, pulling at the collar of his shirt, which just so happened to be a blue, grey and black plaid shirt, he had black shorts on too. So in a way we matched and I couldn't help but smile at that. Something in me knew Avi wasn't that bothered about finding the ring, he was just kicking at the sand now. He'd acted all concerned a few minutes ago when I threw it, but that may have been just it, an act.
      "It's a freaking Jupiter ring! Why can't we find it?" Avi stresses pointing all around.
      "Jupiter... as opposed to what?" Kevin frowns, sitting back on his feet.
      Avi looks at him blankly, "Pluto, I don't know," he shrugs and starts kicking at the sand again.
      Kevin doesn't let up, "But a ring the size of Pluto would have been big enough."
      "It's a metaphor Kevin."
      "I'm surprised you know what a metaphor is."
      "Well am I right? Is it a metaphor?" he looks between Kevin and I. I nod and Kevin answers.
      "Pretty much, you have the basics there, a metaphor is saying something is something else. So you were saying her ring is Jupiter, or well the size of it. So I'd say you're on the right track."
The three of us just sort or stare at each other for a moment before we all just laugh, I'd missed Kevin's little over-explanations like that, especially after a mini-Avi-blonde-moment: it proves he was in fact that when he was little like the pictures show.
      "Seriously though guys, what if we accidentally buried the ring in our search?" Kevin asks as he stops laughing and looks over the ground around us again. "I mean Avi's just been kicking sand for most of the time so it doesn't seem likely we're going to find it. I'm really sorry Kirstie."
      I look up at Kevin, he didn't know the whole story, so I couldn't be mad at him. But it was really hard not to be. I shrug and am about to answer when Mitch comes running towards us.
     "We wondered where you got to!" he calls through his hands as he pauses for a couple of seconds then continues running, "We... OW!" he stops and grabs his foot, falling into the sand. The three of us run over to him.
      "Are you alright?" I ask falling to my knees next to him.
      "Yeah, just something sharp, I should have kept my shoes on," he chuckles a little as he feels around in the sand and picks up the offender. "Oh I stood on a ring!"
      "Oh praise the lord," Kevin looks up with his hands clasped together.
      I try not to glare at the ring like Avi is. I whack his arm to remind him that they don't know about any of this, actually Avi doesn't even know the whole story right at this moment... only Scott does and he's all the way back with the stuff.
     Mitch looks between us and studying the ring, "Hold on," he goes wide eyed, "Kirst... is this yours?"
Kevin, Avi and I all nod.
     "We were looking for it," Kevin tells him. "After Kirstie..."
      I step over and shove him, "Shut up, no one needs to know I did that. Just give me," I turn back to        Mitch and hold my hand out for the ring. When he gives it to me I put it back on like I had just lost it, not thrown it down the beach.
      "Oh right, well it hurt," Mitch chuckles, moving to stand up, wincing as he put his foot down again. "Well the sand is hot and this hurts."
      Kevin and Avi move to his sides to help him and I trail along behind on our way back to Scott.

I sat in the sand across from Avi, we had alarge mountain between us that Avi was working on. His tongue was sticking outa little and I am smiling as I watch him.
      "Winterfell?" I raise an eyebrow.
      He looks up at me with the biggestgrin, "How'd you know?"
      "Because you're Avi!" I laugh,starting to scoop up some sand on my side of the pile. "And since I know whatit looks like I'm gonna help."
      He nods and we start trying to makethe base squarer, it was really difficult. Right when we'd get close it'dcrumble. Eventually Avi got up on his knees and flopped down into the pile,practically landing in my lap. With a smile he flips himself over and kicks atthe sand to get himself closer to me.        After the struggle, he lays his head downin my lap and looks up at me again.
     "Did you know just how beautiful you lookfrom this angle?"
I snort with laughter and lightlywhack his shoulder, "So beautiful, you can probably see up my nose."
     "Well now that you mention it. I wasjust talking about the line of your face," he reaches up to trace his fingeracross my jaw and down my neck.
     My eyes widen a little as Icautiously look around for the other three, I should have known better, Aviwouldn't have done anything like this in front of them. Mitch was still asleepin the sand and Scott and Kevin had disappeared off to the rock pools about aminute or so ago, everyone was set so I smile down at Avi again and startplaying with his hair. It was getting to the length where he'd occasionally tieit up, but not today.
     "You'd make a pretty bearded lady," I joke,stroking at his beard as he smiled back at me.
     "I'm not so sure about that oneKirst."
     "No, me neither. I was just tryingto find something to say."
     "You know you can talk to me aboutanything so I don't know why you can't find anything."
     "That's exactly why, because I can talk to you about everything. Itmakes it that much harder because you know all I have to say... oh and Scottknows about us."
      He sits up so quickly, almosthead-butting me in the chin, "What?"
     "I had to tell someone."
     "But Scott can't keep secrets. He'lltell Mitch and then I'll have to tell Kevin because I'll feel bad that hedoesn't know."
     "Then is it so bad? I mean they'reour best friends."
     "Kevin has an incredibly guiltyconscious Kirst. He'd end up telling Jeremy."
     "We don't want to go on like thisthough Avi."
     "What do you mean?" he frowns, "Wedo have to go on like this."
I shake my head, "No, we..." I stop,he hadn't realised that I picked him, I didn't think I'd need to tell him. Hewas smart enough to figure this out wasn't he?
     "It's just best if no one knows. Ireally wish you hadn't told Scott."
     "Well I did. He's my best friend."
      "So is Mitch, and it should havebeen him, we know he can keep things to himself."
      "He may be able to keep a secret buthe wouldn't have told me to pick you like Scott did," I stand up in a huff, Icouldn't believe Avi. Why wouldn't he want people to know about us? I wouldhappily shout it off a rooftop or something cliché like that.
      Avi stands up too, "What are youtalking about."
      "It doesn't matter because clearlyyou want us to stay a secret. So guess what? We will keep it a secret, sosecret that it never happened and it ends here." I point down at the groundholding back tears. "I am engaged to Jeremy, I love Jeremy and you just need tobutt out now and leave me alone."
     He watches me for a moment thennods slowly, looking down at the ground, "If that's what you want." He sniffs,pulling at his nose before shoving his hands in his pockets. He looks up at mefor only a moment with tears in his eyes before walking off down the beach.
      As a last thought I yank thenecklace off from around my neck and throw it at him, the dragon pendant hitshim square in the back. But I don't know what he did about it because I ran offup the beach and back to my car.

A/N: And now I'm sorry for another reason, between this and my other story Kavi just doesn't go smoothly :/

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